Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Killer Hunter ❯ 6 Years Later ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Killer Hunter
By Alexeihowe
This story is a fan made fiction based off of the show Naruto. I do not own the show or its material. I own only this fiction idea.
This story takes place the six or so years before the beginning of the series. Around the time of the Uchiha massacre.
!Warnings! Violence, language, mature themes in general. So young adult to adult. Ye be warned.
Author's Note: This story does use ideas and traditions from feudal Japan. The considered age of adulthood (when your body could reproduce, aka 12 and up area), arranged marriages, and interfamily relationships. I do not support this ideas but they were real things and in some areas they still are. If you find any of these things offensive then ye be warned (again).
I believe that is it. So without further ado. Read, enjoy, and criticize at will.
6 Years Later
And those same slits now looked out from the darkest shadow. Through leaf and wood. Hidden eyes of the hunter watched as its prey sped quickly through the forest.
"Shit! Shit!" the rouge cursed as he ripped past brush and foliage.
'Hm. Run all you like. You won't escape.' Kira chuckled as she palmed one of her hishi.
A smile wisped across her face from under the mask as she remembered the first time he had handled her now preferred weapons.
Kira had now been in the hunter-nin program for over a month and was already showing great promise. Dedicated, strong, smart, agile, fast, and willing to kill. And today her sensei Ja-ka had promised her a special lesson. She couldn't help the small amount of childhood curiosity that continued to bubble up from out of her.
"Haha! If you keep moving with a bounce like that then it won't be to hard for an enemy to see you for a woman." Ja-ka laughed aloud as he looked over at his student. And only laughed harder when she stopped, turned beat red, and mumbled something that sound like baka.
"I'm just to curious to know this special training you keep talking about is all." Kira huffed as they continued on, minus the bounce from before.
"And you'll find out soon enough."
Soon enough turned out to be a few minutes later when they reached one of the more private training grounds that the hunter-nin used.
“I've noticed you're pretty good with shuriken.” Ja-ka commented as he moved over to a set of wooden target dummies.
“Well yeah, it's good to have range to take out a target.”
“True. But your standard shuriken, such as one of these…” he began taking one shuriken from his pouch. “Are largely ineffective.” he flicked the star shaped weapon down range where it thudded into one of the targets.
“But wait? You just hit the target though?”
“Most people won't take a hit like that dummy.” Ja-ka chuckled. “Most shuriken are good distractions, nothing more.”
“You said most shuriken?”
“Very good. You're good to pick things up.” he pulled out first a thin metal spike and then a flat metal disk.
“This…” holding up the spike. “Is a hari shuriken. And this…” holds up metal disk. “Is a hishi shuriken. Hari are able to sink deep into the flesh and are hard to track, making them effective at taking out a wide array of targets.” he explained as he flicked a few down range and into the wooden dummies.
“And the hishi shuriken?” Kira asked as she continued to eye the other weapon.
“Hehe. Figured you'd want to know about this one more.” he chuckled again as he held the disk out for her inspection.
Kira looked back up into the blank yet laughing masked face, before carefully reaching out to take the disk. She ran her fingers along the edge. She hissed in pain and pulled her fingers away quickly and inspected the thin line of blood along the tips of her fingers.
“Careful.” Ja-ka chuckled as he pulled the disk away. “Hishi are sharpened disks, small enough to fit in the palm. In particular these are so finely sharpened that they cut through a target like tissue paper, if you want them to. Their also made from a metal that can carry a chakra charge. Allowing even greater speed and control, as well as some other abilities.” he flicked a few of these deadly weapons and two stuck into one of the dummies while the other sliced through an arm. “So what do you think?” he asked holding the new things out to her.
“I think I'm in love.” she sighed wistfully, which he busted up laughing at.
Back in the shadows of the forest the rogue broke through underbrush and branches. Completely unaware of the thin razor wire around ankle level. As he burst through the brush the wires snapped, rapping around his ankles, sinking into his skin as he collapsed.
"What the fuck?! Shit!" the rouge cursed as he tried to pull the wires cutting into his ankles away.
He cut through the ones around one ankle before staggering to his feet and tried to limp away. He only made it a few feet before pain lanced up the back of his legs as two hishi shuriken dug into the back of each knee. He collapsed forward with a thud and immediately tried to pull himself forward with just his hands. That's when his hands came in contact with a sandal clad foot.
He looked up the length of the black cloaked figure. At the top a face adorned by the white porcelain mask. Red swirled up from the eye slits and one lone spiral designed tear of red fell below the left eye. Demon eyes that dropped but one tear as the figure looked down at him.
"God damn it..." the rouge whimpered.
"Good night." Kira smirked behind her mask as she kicked him once with her heel in his head to knock him out.
She then set to removing her hishi and wire, binding the wounds, and then tying him up for transport. She hefted the man onto her shoulder with a grunt before sprinting off into the treetops.
Several minutes later outside of the Konoha hunter-nin division of the Hokage tower.
Kira walked out of the building with a sour look on her face. But even if this was hidden by her mask her other movements showed she was in a foul mood. She practically stomped down the road raising small dust clouds, like some little child that hadn't gotten her way. Which made it even more amusing for one smiling mask man.
"Have trouble with a mission little Kira." Ja-ka laughed as he seemed to appear from out of the wall. This did little to improve her mood as she glared death at him from behind her mask.
"Waste of fucking time." she snapped as she crossed her arms over her chest. "I mean, we haven't had any good assignments in ages. It's getting so I could scream with boredom. Like that last one was a simple prisoner roundup. Nothing over A rank."
"What can you say, we do not have a bad defection rate now a days. What small percent that has defected have mostly already been taken care of." Ja-ka replied with a shrug.
"Mostly but not all. There are still others out there that we have yet to take care of." Kira retorted.
"Locations and statuses unknown." Ja-ka shook his head as he knew who she really meant. "But anyway we follow orders and that's all we can do. And speaking of orders I think Hokage-sama had something special he wanted to assign you to." he smiled at the way she suddenly seemed to receive a jolt of electricity up her spin.
"Why didn't you tell me that sooner!" she shouted as she disappeared in a cloud of dust.
"Hehehe. Still a little girl." he chuckled as he strolled of down the now empty road.
Author's note: Sorry for slow posting but I'm a scatter brain with to much in one head. This is the first chapter in the actual anime series timeline and the first look at Kira when she's more of a hunter-nin. Tell more what you think, what I should work on, my info (which was either found on or Thanks and keep reading and hopefully reviewing.