Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Killer Hunter ❯ The Mission ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Killer Hunter
By Alexeihowe
This story is a fan made fiction based off of the anime Naruto. I do not own the anime or its material. I own only my character and the changes that she shall bring.
This story will start six or so years before the beginning of the series. Around the time of the Uchiha massacre.
!Warnings! Violence, language, mature themes in general. So young adult to adult. Ye be warned.
Author's Note: This story does use ideas and traditions from feudal Japan. The considered age of adulthood (when your body could reproduce, aka 12 and up area), arranged marriages, and interfamily relationships. I do not support these ideas myself but they were real things and in some areas they still are. If you find any of these things offensive then ye be warned (again).
I believe that is it. So without further ado. Read, enjoy, and criticize at will.
The Mission
The Third Hokage sat back in his large office chair as he reviewed the last of the reports on the upcoming gennin teams. He was surprised that Kakashi had actually accepted a team, but he was also sore that he did not bother stating why. All he said in his report was he felt like it, nothing else.
'That man can be such a pain sometimes.' he sighed as he tapped his pipe out and reviewed the other upcoming teams. The two other teams were 8 and 9. 'This should be a rather interesting group.'
Everything was quiet as he continued to read until he finally set down the reports with a sigh. "You can come out now Kira."
Kira materialized out of the shadows in the corner of the room to the Kage's left. She stepped forward and dropped to one knee before him.
"You called for me Hokage-sama." she more stated then asked. "What is it you would have me do?" she did ask right after.
"I have a mission of utmost importance to the village that I would like you to handle. Do you think you are up for it?" he laced his fingers together as he set his elbows on the desk, trying to hide the small smile spreading across his aged features.
"Of course Hokage-sama." Kira answered immediately.
"Very well." he tossed her a small scroll. She caught the scroll with ease and in one swift move sliced open the seal and skimmed the contents. The Hokage's smile only spread as he could just imagine her eyes widening behind her ever present mask.
And he was not far off either. Kira scanned the document once, couldn't believe it, scanned it again slower. No change in the contents of the innocent looking paper. So she read it again.
"You know you are holding up other matters by standing there." the old man pointed out with a smirk. Kira snapped out of her stupor and looked the older man in the face a second. And then she exploded.
"How can this be a mission! I mean really! A mission for a hunter-nin no less! Do you think I'll put up with this!"
"But you already agreed, and you already broke the seal." the Kage pointed out bluntly.
"But how was I to know!" Kira shouted back in indignation at being tricked so.
"That doesn't matter right now. You took the mission, you will carry it out. Now shoo, you're holding me up from my work." the Kage pointed out, and then waved the woman away with a hand as he turned back to his papers.
Kira huffed, crossed her arms over her chest, and then disappeared in a puff of smoke. She reappeared in the forests surrounding Konoha. And more precisely the area near its training grounds. She leapt into the nearby trees and headed towards one such training area with a growl.
"I hardly consider babysitting a worthy mission." she scoffed as she leapt through the trees.
She landed silently on the highest branch of a tree at the edge of the training area's clearing and masked her presence as she peered out over the small group gathering on the nearby bridge.
Below on the bridge were two gennin lounging about, waiting for something. The pink haired, red and white shirt skirt, and black short wearing, Haruno Sakura. And the blonde haired, orange and blue jumpsuit wearing, Uzumaki Naruto.
'Are these two part of Team 7? I could understand watching the troublesome vessel. But why send me?' Kira mused as she listened into the pair complaining about their chronically late sensei. 'I mean isn't that the reason why Kakashi, the great copy cat nin, was chosen to be their sensei?'
"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura suddenly shouted, getting Kira's attention.
'Did she just say what I think she just said?'
Kira leaned out around her cover to see none other then the dark haired, dark clothed, Uchiha Sasuke, walking toward the other two.
'So he's also part of this team.' she thought with scowl. 'Is that why the old man gave me this mission?'
"Hey! What took you so long teme?!" Naruto asked with wide grin.
"Stop being so loud dobe." Sasuke replied flatly as he stepped around the now growling blonde.
"Oh Sasuke-kun! Over here!" Sakura exclaimed as she waved Sasuke over.
Sasuke walked past her and over to the post farthest from everyone else.
'Kami. He's become his brother when dealing with people.' Kira shuddered at the thought. 'Not like I'm much different.' a small part of her mused.
She watched silently as they waited on the great, and often very late, Kakashi of the sharingan eye. And so two hours pass. Kira was just about ready to fall asleep like the children below her when the great copy cat jonnin appeared.
"Yo." was his greeting as he lazily walked up to the waiting gennin team.
"You're late!!!" Naruto and Sakura shouted at once.
"Well I had to save a cat from a tree that was..." he trailed off as he noticed he had no ones attention, Sasuke was glooming away, Sakura was swooning over him, and Naruto was trying pretty damn hard to get her attention.
Something like this.
"Humph." Sasuke scowled at the lot of them.
"Oh Sasuke-kun!" Sakura cried out to him.
"Sakura-chan! Will you go out with me!" Naruto shouted at her.
"Eww! Gross! No!" CRASH!!! Sakura would shout back with a fist in the face.
"Dobe." Sasuke would scoff.
"Teme!" Naruto would shout back as he jumped back to his feet.
'This is going to be a very, very long pain.' Kira and Kakashi both thought with a sweat drop.
Author's Note: Hey there this is the first chap that introduces Kira to her new charges. Thoughts, concerns, please tell me anything. I also plan to try and get up a chap a week on this story and my other Snake Bite but there's life and my scatter brain so excuse some lateness. Please continue to read, review, and enjoy:)