Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Killer Hunter ❯ Ambush! ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Killer Hunter
By Alexeihowe
This story is a fan made fiction based off of the anime Naruto. I do not own the anime or its material. I own only my character and the changes that she shall bring.
This story will start six or so years before the beginning of the series. Around the time of the Uchiha massacre.
!Warnings! Violence, language, mature themes in general. So young adult to adult. Ye be warned.
Author's Note: This story does use ideas and traditions from feudal Japan. The considered age of adulthood (when your body could reproduce, aka 12 and up area), arranged marriages, and interfamily relationships. I do not support these ideas myself but they were real things and in some areas they still are. If you find any of these things offensive then ye be warned (again).
I believe that is it. So without further ado. Read, enjoy, and criticize at will.
Later that day. The group of four stood outside the gates of the village. While Naruto danced around excitably as Tazuna made fun of him so Kakashi had to hold him back while his teammates stood by sighing and shaking their heads.
'This is going to be long trip.' Kira sighed as she rested against the trunk of a tree high above. 'I still can't believe that old man would really have me running around like this. What does he think will happen?' she thought while stifling a yawn under her mask. 'Damn I wish I could get some more sleep. That dream won't go away any more.' she groaned as she closed her eyes and tried to wipe the memories from her mind.
As she looked back to the group to finally see they looked ready to move, something else moved. 'What the?! What was that?!' she thought urgently as she scanned the shadows of the trees across the road. 'Nothing? I know I saw something. Maybe a group of ANBU? Naw. I would have known then. Something is wrong." she thought seriously. Right until she noticed the group had already moved out ahead of her.
'Ah shit!' and she flew after in the shadows.
The beginning of the journey proved uneventful as Team 7 passed its time asking their sensei questions about whatever he knew about anything, while occasionally asking Tazuna something about his land. Kira moved through the trees overlooking them like a shadow as she kept a sharp eye on Tazuna and sharper senses on the area around her.
'That man definitely expects to be attacked by something more then bandits.' Kira decided as she watched the far to nervous man.
That is until she saw the puddle.
'There hasn't been rain in this area. Definitely some kind of trap.' she deduced as she pulled a few hari from her sleeves and watched the puddle with suspicion.
When the group walked past the puddle with not so much a backward glance save for Kakashi who seemed to look down at it only to avoid it, Kira sighed as she shook her head.
'This is the great Kakashi, can't even see a plain ambush in front of his face.' she began to complain before the ambush was launched.
A pair of men in camo, cloaks, and gasmasks with the mist symbol on their headbands seemed to rise out of the water. In a flash the larger of the two launched his partner forward as a razor chain rattled out of their clawed gauntlets. The chain flew forward and rapped around Kakashi as he let out a surprised gasp.
"Do it!" the leader of the attackers shouted and then Kakashi was no more then shreds as the two pulled away.
"Ka...Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto shouted as he stepped forward.
Right before the two mist nin appeared to either side of him with a chuckle.
"You're next." one stated as they prepared to dispatch a fear frozen Naruto next.
From her perch, Kira watched this opening with interest as she noted Kakashi's replacement to the cover on the other side of the road so he could watch the fight as well.
'What are you planning Hatake?' Kira wondered to herself as she turned back to the battle below.
As the pair of attacking nin prepared their next attack Sasuke literally jumped in to action as he used a shuriken and kunai to pin the attackers' chain to a nearby tree. The chain stopped up and the two nin came to a stop a few mere inches from Naruto as Sasuke land between them, standing on their armored gauntlets. He then dropped to his hands as he kicked backwards in to each of their faces with a crack. And in a snap they released their chain from their gauntlets and jumped apart.
'Their moving!' Kira moved closer in a flash to try her best to help if needed as she noted Kakashi also moving.
One enemy nin jumped around Sasuke and moved straight for Tazuna and Sakura as the girl placed herself in front of the old man, with kunai in hand. The other curved away and came in fast at a still stunned Naruto.
'Damn it! I won't make it to both in time!' Kakashi cursed as he noted positions as Sasuke moved in front of Sakura and Tazuna. He moved to aid the petrified Naruto when he saw it. 'Wait a minute! What's that?!'
Kira also noted the movements in a split second and noticed that Kakashi could never stop both of these enemies at once. So, she stepped in just a bit. With the flick of a wrist she sent a pair of hari out at each mist nin. The pair of hari sped toward their targets and sank into the nerves at the back of the knees of each nin.
"Ack! What the!?" was all they got to say as each stumbled and began to fall before Kakashi appeared and grabbed them in crushing headlocks.
"Ka...Kakashi-sensei is alive? But wait..." Naruto began as he turned to look back at the pile of wood Kakashi had switched with. "Kakashi-sensei used the replacement jutsu."
"Good work Sasuke, very smooth. You too Sakura." Kakashi congratulated as he walked back to the main part of his team with Naruto coming up behind him.
Naruto huffed and sulked as he noted the praise and lack of thus to him. Kira moved to the trees closer to the group as they moved off the road and tied up the mist nin to the truck of one well sized tree.
As she landed silently in a tree, she figured would be far enough from the group while she should still be able to hear what was said, she looked up. Only to look right into Kakashi's single exposed eye as he looked directly at her.
'Damn! Did he see me!' she cursed as she disappeared farther into the trees.
But Kakashi did nothing about seeing her if he did, as he turned back to their captives.
"How did you know about our ambush?" one of the nin asked.
"A puddle on a clear day, when it hasn't rained in weeks." Kakashi pointed out.
"If that's so then why did you leave it to the gennin to do the fighting?" Tazuna asked.
"I could have taken them out quickly. But then I wouldn't know what their target was, or who." Kakashi stated as he looked up at the old man.
"What are you getting at?" Tazuna asked nervously as he began to sweat under Kakashi's gaze.
"This, were they after us, ninja attacking ninja, or the master bridge builder? In your requested you asked for standard protection, from highwaymen and robbers. You didn't say there were ninja after you, hunting you down. If this was the case we would have staffed differently and charged for a B ranked mission. You had your reasons, but lying to us is not acceptable. We are now beyond the scope of this mission." Kakashi drilled into the old man.
Author's note: Hello!:) Nice to have you still reading and sorry if it seems to be taking so long to get to the Land of Waves and all but I don't want to forget a single detail someone might hit me with later (gets beaned by grammatical error). NOT LITERALLY! Anyway, I hope you're still enjoying the story none the less, especially in the next chap were Kira has to directly face Team 7 and Kakashi precisely. Enjoy:)