Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kindred ❯ Beautiful Stranger ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I'm not an expert on Naruto or anything so there will be some inconsistency with this fic and the true storyline. The characters will undoubtedly be OOC.
Warnings: This is a yaoi fic. You know what that means Sasuke/Naruto pairing. It's also not for the kiddies.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto (straight and to the point) but any OC's are mine
Chapter 1: Beautiful Stranger
A year before Naruto's birth:
Dark hair billowed in her face as she walked toward the gates of Konoha. This was her first time visiting this village that she hoped to make her home, her fresh new beginning. She had journeyed so far away from her old home. She knew the evil she'd run away from would never find her here.
“State your business, Woman”. Said a fierce looking guard standing beside the gate.
There were four of them in all. Two standing outside of the gates perimeter while the other two sat high in the guard box.
She pushed her hair back and the guard almost gasped as the most dazzling pair of blue eyes he'd ever seen looked up at him. Slowly he took in the woman's appearance. She did not look like a threat but one could never be certain. Baggy white pants covered long legs while an orange-cropped top showed a peak of her toned stomach. Black shoes, possibly boots covered her feet.
Though she was undeniably beautiful, her clothing was too large for her. She would have looked like a young boy had her hair been covered. He suspected she had possibly been posing as one during her journey. It certainly wasn't safe for a woman to travel alone. He suspected the katana strapped to her side had gotten a lot of use.
“I am here visiting, hoping to find a new home”. She stated truthfully. The man smiled slightly, the expression softened his face and made her feel more at ease.
“Well, come on through. You should see the Hokage though if you plan on staying. I'll also need you to leave your weapons at the gate. Only shinobi and permitted citizens are allowed to carry weapons in our village.
The woman's eyes widened at that statement and she touched her sword uncertainly. She really didn't want to hand it over. It had kept her safe the past year. She looked up at the guard only to see the stern expression return to his eyes.
“I understand if you are hesitant, but if you don't hand over the sword I can't let you pass”.
I guess I have no other choice. I'm out of food and according to the last village I was in, this is one of the strongest, safest villages in the area. She thought as she unhooked her katana. Slowly she handed it over.
“Don't worry our village is pretty safe. The strongest crime we've had in years was an attempted dog robbery”. He chuckled quietly to himself remembering the incident.
“Thank you, for trying to put me at ease sir.”
“You're welcome. By the way, what's your name? Since you're going to be living here, I'd like to know what to call my neighbor.”
“My name's Natsuko…um.. Urawashii, Natsuko”. She stated almost giving her true clan name. She knew she couldn't, no matter how far away she was from her village, she couldn't take the chance that someone had heard of her bloodline.
“Welcome, to Konoha, Natsuko. I'm Yuki, Uchiha Yuki. Mr. Tall and Quiet here is Itachi, my cousin.”
Natsuko glanced at the man no boy beside Yuki. He was tall for his age, which is why she almost mistook him for an adult. He was certainly quiet, having not said a word to her since she arrived. He looked to only be 11 summers in age and was almost androgynous in appearance, very beautiful with midnight black hair, even darker than her own black locks, and black eyes but pale skin. Her own skin was naturally tan, even darker since she started her journey.
“Nice to meet you both”. She said bowing. The elder guard returned her bow, the boy more reluctantly. He looked impassively up at her, his dark eyes seemed to bore into her.
The gates opened and she walked on though, supprised at the shear size of the village before her. She had come from a rather small village so Konoha was huge to her.
“Go see the Hokage first and let him fill you in on the laws of the village and how to apply for citizenship”. Yuki hollered after her.
“I will”. Natsuko said glancing over her shoulder at him. She waved fondly “Thanks again, Yuki.”
“She's a beauty, huh twerp”. Yuki said punching his cousin on the shoulder. The boy just looked at him with those eerie black eyes of his.
“Don't call me twerp”. He said in his monotone voice.
There's definitely something wrong with this kid. Yuki thought as he once again looked ahead out at the expanse of desert in front of him, slinking back into his duty.
Natsuko found herself outside of the Hokage's tower after asking for many directions from the villagers. It seemed that everyone in Konoha wasn't as friendly as Yuki. She had even gotten some outright hostile looks from the females of the village. Seemed as though they didn't like the thought of extra competition.
One guard stood outside the door, his black bangs almost hiding his headband.
“I'm here to see the Hokage. My name is Urawashii Natsuko”. She stated.
The guard nodded at her in comprehension.
“Yes, the gate has already informed us of your arrival, he is expecting you”. He stepped to the side allowing her to enter. She smiled politely at him as she passed.
She was directed through the building, until she arrived outside of the Hokage's office. His assistant told her to have a seat, which she did. She could hear voices coming from the inside the Hokage's office and prepared herself for the wait.
Thirty minutes later, a young man walked out of the office with a rather lazy smile plastered across his face. He looked her way, and stopped walking altogether, just looking at her as she looked at him. He was very handsome she thought as she took in his appearance. Messy, spiky blond hair framed his lean face; dark eyelashes surrounded golden eyes. Full lips curved into an arrogant smirk at her appraisal she assumed, though he had no reason to be cocky when he was just as obviously checking her out.
“Like what you see, baby”. He said arching a perfect eyebrow. She blushed becomingly before realizing what he said. Her face quickly darkened into a scowl.
“I could ask you the same thing, bastard”. She hissed.
The man walked over to her standing right in front of her, causing her to look up at him, she wanted to stand up, feeling vulnerable with him glancing down at her as he was, and though she would have only come up to his shoulders standing up, she wouldn't have felt as intimidated. She didn't dare move though not wanting him to see her discomfort at his proximity. She could feel the assistant's eyes on her, apparently watching their exchange was more interesting than letting the Hokage know that his next appointment was outside his office.
“Saa, sweetness, don't be like that. I don't mean to be brash, I just want your name”. He chuckled lightly as she darkened at the pet name he called her.
He liked her. He could tell, even though he had just met her.
“Urawashii”. She stated darkly
“Ah, I only get a clan name. Well Araarashii Keji at your service, miss”. He stated bowing formally.
He took her hand gently before she could stop him and kissed her palm lightly. She couldn't stop the shiver it caused her. It was as if electricity struck her entire core. She looked up into those golden eyes of his and could see that he noticed it as well, if that knowing smirk that graced his lips was any indication.
“Natsuko”. She said quietly.
“Urawashii, the Hokage will see you now”. The assistant said obviously getting bored with their little soap opera.
Reluctantly it seemed, Keji let her hand go.
“I'll be seeing you, Natsu.” He said shorting her name as if he had the right. He walked off before she could reply only to feel her glaring daggers at his back.
Kakashi, his teammate, stepped out of the shadows as Keji passed by. The man's visible eye twinkled merrily. Seemed as though he heard his exchange with the beautiful Natsuko.
“It's not like you to tease the ladies so, Keji”. The man stated slapping the blond on the back.
“I know. It's just something about her.”
“She is pretty”.
“Yes, but that isn't it. There are a lot of beautiful women in Konoha”. The blond said falling in step beside his friend. Finally they exited the building out into the bright daylight.
“Maybe it's the mystery. She isn't from here so you know nothing about her. Every other woman here you've known since childhood or at least for a long time. There hasn't been a new citizen in Konoha in years.”
“Maybe that's it”. Keji said even though he knew that wasn't the case. Kakashi was his best friend since practically birth and knew everything about him, understood him better than anyone, but he couldn't explain the feeling he had for the woman he had just met, by chance, outside of the Hokage's office. Couldn't explain the want that coursed through his entire being when he touched the girl's hand or looked into those blazing blue eyes.
He wanted her that he knew.
He just didn't know why. He certainly didn't believe in love at first sight. That only happened in those crappy novels Kakashi was constantly reading. It had to be something else, something baser.
“I'll just bed the woman and get her out of my system”. He muttered aloud. He couldn't let the woman plague his mind, especially with the upcoming mission weighing heavily on his mind.
“I can't afford this distraction”.
“It's also not like you to causally sleep with a woman.” Kakashi said. Though Keji could not see the man's whole face, he knew his friend was smirking at him, amused by his uncharacteristic actions.
He didn't even bother to reply. Let Kakashi think what he will. He would bed the woman simple as that, get her out of his system, complete his mission, and go back to training to become the next Hokage.
Nothing got in the way of his goals, especially not his overactive hormones and a pretty face.
So what do you think, should I continue this? Let me know people. If you like it review, otherwise I'll just assume no one likes it and not continue it.
New Characters:
Urawashii Natsuko = Lovely Summer Child
Uchiha Yuki
Araarashii Kaji (Yondaime) = Wild Fire: This is not my character but I did make up another name for him. In my fic he is not the Hokage, the 3rd is still in charge. The reason I did this is because I think Yondaime is more of a title than a name. The meanings to all the names and any Japanese used are at the end of the chapter.