Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Kindred ❯ Before the Storm ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I've finally decided to update this story. So after the long wait here's chapter two. I'm working out a few kinks in the first chapter, so if you read this on you might find some differences, not enough to affect the storyline however, just a few corrections.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. If I was getting paid I would update on a regular basis.
Chapter Two: Before the Storm
Timeframe: 10 months before Naruto's birth
It had been a month since Natsuko moved to Konoha and as she walked home from work, she could honestly say that the village was beginning to feel like home. She tried not to think about her old home, her family, and the circumstances that led to her running away from the only home she had ever known.
It did not pay to linger on the past. That would only give more power to the nightmares that hunted her.
Shaking her head to in hopes to rid herself of those negative thoughts, she smiled as she thought about her plans for the future. It had been three weeks since she started working at the bar called Shouchuu and though serving drunken, horny ninjas was not something she would have envisioned herself doing in her old life, the tips helped pay the bills.
She didn't have much furniture in her little apartment yet, only a futon, a kitchen table, and a chair, with the tips she was bringing in and the little money she brought with her (though not much of that was left) at least she owned her little apartment and didn't have to worry about rent.
Natsuko looked up at the sky as she walked down the street. It really is a beautiful night. She thought to herself, finding fascination in how bright the stars appeared in the midnight sky,
She smiled softly as she though of the money she had saved. She really hated working at that bar but she planned to not be there for long. In a few months, if she continued bring in the tips she was currently getting, she'd be able to afford that little shop across the street from her apartment building. She planned to open her very own restaurant.
She stopped suddenly in the middle of the street, only a block away from her home, the prospect of owning her own restaurant exciting her more and more.
“I'll have the best damn restaurant you've even seen Konoha! Believe it!” She shouted at those stars twinkling up above her, as if they had challenged her claim.
She laughed lightly throwing a peace sign, as if the stars could see.
“Do you always talk to yourself when you're alone, Natsu-chan?” an infuriating male voice asked behind her.
Natsuko immediately felt her good mood coming to an end. A scowl appeared on her face as she turned to face her tormentor.
“I told you not to call me that, Araarashii-teme”. She stated through clinched teeth.
“Saa Kanro, we're not back to clan names again are we? Anyway, I know you like my petname for you”. Keji whispered in her ear.
She pushed away quickly not understanding how Keji had appeared in front of her so suddenly when he was at least five feet away from her when he'd first spoken. I didn't even see the teme move, and I was facing him! She thought looking up at the man, who was now close enough to kiss her if he so chose.
He smirked down at her.
“Did you miss me, Kanro?”
“Don't call me that either, teme, and to answer your question my life has been heaven without you annoying me every chance you get!” She pushed him away from her and stormed off in the direction of her apartment. She could practically feel his eyes gluing themselves to her backside has she walked away.
“Damn lecher”. She mumbled. How the guy made it to be a juunin was anyone's guess.
“I heard that, Kanro.” He said, again besides her. His eyes twinkled down amusedly at her, as she avoided looking directly at him. From past experience she knew she never had a chance when she looked into those twin suns, she could easily get lost in their depths.
“Why are you following me, teme?” She asked her eyes gazing steadily ahead, trying to show the dimwit that she didn't want his company.
The baka's too thickheaded to take a hint, it seems.
“I guess you didn't notice the two men following you a few blocks back. I don't think they had the best of intentions, if you know what I mean”. Keji stated seriously, his usually cockiness absent from his voice.
Natsuko looked up at him. “What do you mean?”
“I guess you were too lost in your thoughts. Those two were pretty drunk and you seemed like pretty easy prey.” He hurried to pacify her as he saw fear pass through those blue eyes, something he noticed that he really did not like seeing in her gaze.
Those eyes are too beautiful for fear to cloud them. Keji thought to himself.
Since when did he become such a romantic? He wondered.
“Don't worry, Kanro, I promise they'll never think of bothering you again”. He said, a hard glint entering those golden eyes. He had made sure to knock plenty of sense into the drunken idiots, whenever they woke up and pulled themselves out of the garbage bin he shoved them in, they'd remember not to mess with his woman.
“Thank you”. She whispered, turning eyes back toward her destination. She normally would not have let her guard down like that. She knew better, was trained better. How had she become so comfortable that she had forgotten her training? How did she almost let too drunken men jump her? She should have felt someone following her a mile away.
So lost in her thoughts, she almost walked passed her apartment building. If Keji hadn't grabbed her arm she would have.
“I'll walk you up, ok”. He stated.
She only nodded in response not even registering that he shouldn't have known where her apartment was.
“Hey, don't beat yourself up over it ok”. Keji stated when they reached her apartment.
“I should have realized someone was following me. I even let you sneak up on me”.
She said looking down. She could practically hear her father; see the frown on his face as he looked at her with contempt.
`You're weak, just like your mother. You'll never be a samurai. You aren't fit to carry a katana, onna'.
“You were preoccupied. You'll pay more attention from now on. Anyway, I am one of the greatest shinobi in this village, only second to the Hokage, himself. How could you ever hope to sense a ninja as great as me, Kanro, when I do not want to be detected?”
His eyes sparkled with amusement belying the arrogance in his statement and she could not help to smile up at him appreciating the attempt to make her feel better.
“Still, I owe you my gratitude, Keji-kun”. She stated.
“If you want to owe me that is fine. I guess I will take my payment then.”
She gazed up at him with surprise, drawn away from the task of opening her door. A gasp left her lips as she was suddenly pushed against that door and her lips were captured in a most heated kiss.
Keji felt as if he could drown in her taste as he kissed her like a starving man. At her gasp he didn't hesitated dipping his tongue into her moist chamber. The whimper she gave at the contact almost became his undoing, as well as the almost shy attempt her tongue made as she began to return the kiss.
It was obvious that she hadn't been kissed the way he was kissing her and he couldn't help but feel a masculine pride in the fact that he was her first. The dazed look in her eyes as he pulled away from those tempting lips didn't help in lowering his already boosted ego.
“What are you doing, teme?” She whispered breathlessly, not even trying to pull away from him.
“What does it look like, Kanro?”
“How about I do it again, so that there are no questions in what I'm doing, ne?” Keji stated and quickly attacked those kiss bruised lips again. His tongue probed at her closed lips and she timidly opened them to receive him. He couldn't help but moan as he again reveled in her taste and couldn't help but wonder if the rest of her tasted as sweet. He felt her put her arms around his neck, her fingers burying themselves in his wheat blond hair. She mewled as he grinded his hips into hers.
“Do you see what you do to me?” He muttered between kisses. “Do you see now why I can't concentrate, must have you”.
Natsuko barely heard him, barely registered that he was talking at all, so lost she was in the feel of him. Keji completely surrounded her; he was all she could smell, all she could taste. Never had she felt so completely overwhelmed.
Kon-meito, soul mate, as the only word that sprung to her mind as he kissed her. She had never felt anything like this before and knew instinctively that he had not either. Her mother told her that she would know her kon-meito as soon as he touched her; it was part of her clans' gift, part of their curse.
She pulled away from him reluctantly, her arms still around his neck.
“If you aren't serious, if this is just a game for you, you have to walk away now. This is the only warning I will ever give you.” She said looking deeply in his eyes. She had to make him understand that there was no going back. Even though they were kon-meito, she would not push a destiny he might not want on him. They would never be truly happy with other people, but if he was not ready…
“I've wanted you ever since I first saw you, Kanro. That is the truth. I more than want you now.” He muttered. “I don't understand what I feel for you. I can't call this love but I also can't say it's just lust. What I can say is that I am serious.”
Keji looked at her intensely. He didn't know what he felt for the woman. He felt almost possessive of her, like she belonged to him. It was as if she was made for him. At first he thought he only needed to bed her and he would not want her anymore, but from the first taste of her he was hooked. She was like a drug for him.
“I'll never be through with you”. He said pulling her into another deep kiss.
“Never.” He whispered against her lips, his vow, his promise.
Natsuko rested her head against his chest. She could feel his heartbeat thumping madly against her cheek.
She pushed him back slightly so that she could open her door.
“Come in, this is not a conversation for the hallway”. She stated smiling slightly.
He immediately reached for her, kicking her door closed behind him. He led her to the first soft surface he came in contact with, which of course happened to be the futon sitting in her front room. She landed without complaint. He was glad for he didn't think he had the willpower to make it to her bedroom, not now that she had practically given him permission to ravage her.
He took in the tempting sight before him. Her white button down shirt was already undone, slipping off of suntanned shoulders and revealing her lacy black bra. That impossibly short skirt that made up her uniform bunched up around her waist, showing off long tan legs and black lacy panties. Full lips were bruised red and swollen from his rough kisses. The bluest eyes he'd ever seen looked shyly yet seductively up at him. He couldn't wait to sink deep into her depths; he just knew it was going to be mind blowing.
“I should tell you about me, before we continue”. She said, a blush staining her cheeks when she thought about just where this night was leading them. Keji watched in fascination as that blush extended down to tops of her breasts and he wish that her bra was out of the way so he could see if it extended even farther than that.
He quickly laid on top of her and ground his arousal into her, they both moaned from the friction.
“We'll talk later”. He growled and attacked her neck feverously.
“B-but, I...” He kissed her again and smirked at the dazed look on her face.
“Quiet, Kanro, right now the only thing I want to hear from you is my name as I pleasure you”.
Then he proceeded to do things that made Natsuko loose all awareness. Soon clothes were removed, skin touched skin bringing both even more pleasure.
Shyly, she ran her hands down his back, feeling his muscles strain under soft skin. She lost herself in his touches, in his kisses. When he kissed her center, where she needed him most, she mewled with pleasure.
I could cum just from listening to the sounds she's making. Keji thought as he continued to taste her. He slid back up her body and kissed her, allowing her to taste herself in the process.
“I can't wait any longer”. He panted out.
“I don't have anything with me, but I'm clean. Being a shinobi, we are tested regularly.” He muttered positioning himself, the heat of her sex threatened to break his control, but he had to make sure she understood what he said.
Her eyes widened with comprehension.
“Please don't make me stop. I will if you want me too, but please…” She kissed him as he pleaded with her, his eyes almost desperate. Her legs wrapped around his hips and she whimpered when she felt him breach her.
He went in slowly, marveling at her heat, her tightness. She squeezed him almost painfully. He was so close that he had to fight the urge to spill himself like an undersexed school boy.
“Kami, you're tight”. He knew she was a virgin, he could hear her whimpers turn from pleasure to pain filled. He knew the only thing he could do to help her was to go slow, even though all he wanted to do was slam himself home, and whisper reassurances into her ear.
After an eternity, it seemed, he was seated fully inside her. Her muscles quivered around him and he remained completely still. He knew if he moved right now their fun would be over much too quickly.
She moaned softly, the pain leaving and the urge to move consumed her.
“Onegai”. She pleaded breathlessly. Please move, please…
Her eyes were squeezed shut, the sensation, the fullness so overpowering, so torturously good.
“Baby, give me a minute. Let me get control. You feel good, baby, too good.” He muttered huskily. “Wait, Kanro, I'm gonna make you feel so good, just wait”.
Finally he felt confident enough to move. He rocked against her gently and they both moaned from the sensation.
“I'm not glass, Keji. Please, harder, faster.” She begged.
Who was he to deny such an enticing request? Immediately he pulled himself almost completely out before slamming back into her.
“How is that, baby?” He asked panting with his exertion.
Natsuko didn't even bother to answer him. He set a fast, hard pace. All she could do was hold on, try to keep up. She heard screaming and realized it was her making those noises. She was screaming his name, as the pleasure built to an almost impossible height.
Vaguely she wondered what her neighbors were going to think and then all thought went out of the window as the pleasure proved to be too much.
She passed out, maybe for a minute, as Keji rode her almost harshly trying to reach his peak. Finally he joined her, his orgasm bringing her over the edge again.
He pulled out of her after catching his breath, knowing that she would not be able to support his weight. He gathered her slumbering form in his arms, not even bothering to go clean up.
It can wait. He though. It would have to. The little minx wore him out. He grabbed the thick blanket that had fallen to the floor during their love making, and covered them both.
He knew now that he would never let her go. One night would never be enough. Surprisingly, that fact didn't bother him at all.
I could get used to this. He thought to himself, huge grin covering his face, as he looked down at the sleeping beauty in his arms.
Teme: Bastard
Kanro: Sweetness
Kon-meito: Soul mate
This will be explained more in the next chapter.
The next chapter will probably be the last Natsuko/Keji chapter since I want to get into Naruto's story. If you guys want more of this pairing I might come up with some side stories featuring them but the main pairing in this fic will be Sasuke/Naruto, so this will eventually become a yaoi fic.
Anyway, see you next chapter.