Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konna Ni Chikaku De... ❯ Only Death Can Keep Me From You Pt.4 ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Okay so I have finally decided that there will be five parts to this. Meaning there is only one part left after this. On TONFA dragonfire04 enjoys this one-shot (that turned into a miniseries) so I have decided to give it a proper ending.
Warnings: Seriously? Do I even have to bother? Uchiha-cest.
Pairings: Sasu/Naru, Itachi/Naru, and Itachi/Sasu/Naru.
Only Death Can Keep me From You Pt 4
Naruto fiddled nervously in the back seat with his new ID and passport. How Itachi managed to get them so fast he does not know but he is not going to argue with him. Naruto asked Itachi why they were going to the airport furthest from their house and city Itachi just respond with “Because it's the furthest from our house and city”. Naruto now realized that made perfect sense. That have been traveling for two weeks now simply because Itachi and Sasuke couldn't manage to keep it in their pants and having to take detours and stops because of the police tracking them. Nevertheless, at this rate they should be at the airport at some point late today or early tomorrow.
Naruto let out a low sigh as he looked at the entwined hands that rested on the armrest. Now that he agreed to go with them, there was no going back but the felt so out of place. Itachi and Sasuke shared something that couldn't even be put into words. He felt like he was an accessory that could only be worn in the bedroom, and only if Sasuke asked. It didn't help Itachi never did much more than kiss him or give him a hand job; not that he was complaining he just wanted more. Of course it didn't help he was absolutely terrified that Itachi wouldn't be as gentle as Sasuke was or that he'd be split in half with his giant penis.
Naruto let out another sigh before leaning against the window and falling asleep. He jumped up when he heard the sound of a car door slamming shut. He looked around to see they were at a rest stop. He stepped out of the car and looked around for Itachi and Sasuke (who he saw go into the bathroom), and a vending machine. Once he found one he dug in his pockets for change. He got a bag of Skittles and chips and a bottle of pop.
“Do you have to use the bathroom?” Naruto jumped and whirled around to find Itachi standing behind him. He shook his head no. “Then get back in the car you're wasting time.” Naruto nodded and followed Itachi back to the car. He paid no attention to the fact that Sasuke was in the driver seat. He didn't do it often but Itachi did let him drive the car. He did however get nervous when Itachi slid into the backseat with him. Naruto sat nervously as Sasuke pulled out and back onto the highway.
After a few moments of silence and pent up nervousness Naruto snapped. “Whatever I did I'm sorry.”
Itachi arched an eyebrow. “Is there something I should know?”
Naruto shook his head. “No, is there something I should know?” Naruto asked back nervously.
Itachi chuckled. “Do I make you nervous?” Naruto nodded. Itachi ran a hand down Naruto's chest and rested on his flaccid penis where he rubbed softly. “Do you find me attractive?” Naruto swallowed thickly before nodding jerkily. “Do I make you hard?” Naruto once again nodded. “Do you trust me?” Naruto licked his suddenly dry lips before looking Itachi in the eyes and nodding. “If I do all these things to you and you trust me, why do I find it extremely difficult to have my way with you?” Naruto opened his mouth to respond but nothing came out. “Well?”
“Maybe if you stopped fondling him he could answer.” Sasuke said smartly from the front seat.
“Stay up front and drive the car.” He turned his attention back to Naruto.
Naruto let out a shaky breath he didn't even realize he was holding. He looked at Itachi then at his lips then the hand still rubbing his now hardening penis then back to Itachi's lips. Naruto didn't know what to do; if it were Sasuke, he'd totally be game. However, the fact that it was Itachi made him freeze. Yes, Itachi has given him hand jobs, yes, Itachi has kissed him but it was always as a distraction from Sasukes entry into him.
Itachi could see the obvious loss and confusion in Naruto's eyes. He leaned forward slightly and was pleased that Naruto didn't move or flinch. He heard Naruto's breath hitch slightly as he moved to close the distance between them and sealed Naruto's lips with his own. It seemed to be what Naruto needed because as soon as Itachi's lips touched his own he returned the kiss hungrily.
Naruto moaned as Itachi's tongue snaked its way into his mouth. He laced his fingers into Itachi's shortened hair and pulled him closer. Naruto nipped at Itachi's bottom lip before letting out a surprised gasp. He thrust his hips into the hand that somehow managed to unbutton, unzip, and enter his pants. Naruto could feel Itachi smirk against his lips as he whimpered as Itachi tightened his hand and tugged. Naruto's head lolled back against the seat and Itachi attacked his neck.
Naruto was turning into putty in Itachi's hands. Itachi relished in the sounds he could rip from Naruto. He kissed up Naruto's neck along his jaw and to his ear. He nibbled gently and blew into his ear before whispering into it.
“Naruto.” Naruto let out a moan and arched into the hand. Itachi slowed his hand and Naruto let out a moan of protest. “Naruto.” Itachi licked the shell of Naruto's ear making him shiver. “Tell me what you want.”
Naruto's body shivered as the puffs of air cooled the saliva on his ear. “I-I don't know.”
Itachi kissed from his ear to his neck. “Start small.”
Naruto's hands moved to Itachi's shoulders. “Shirts.”
“Hm?” Itachi asked still nibbling on his neck.
Itachi pulled back from Naruto long enough to pull Naruto's shirt off followed quickly by his own. He tossed the shirts into the front passenger seat for safekeeping. He gave Naruto a look that said “Now what?” he didn't wait long for an answer.
“Pants. Off.” With minor difficulty, Itachi lied along the back seats with Naruto above him. He tugged off Naruto's pants and purposely tossed them at the back of Sasuke's head.
“Hey! I'm driving!”
Itachi ignored Sasuke's outburst. “Naruto I never took you for the commando type.”
“I'm not. Some jerk rushed me out of the shower this morning.”
“Well we'll just have to thank said jerk when we get a chance won't we?” Naruto nodded in agreement. “But right now I have something else in mind.” Itachi reached into the pocket that was on the back of the seat and pulled out a box the Naruto eyed suspiciously.
Naruto snatched the box. “K-Y® yours + mine®?” Naruto looked at Itachi shocked. “Whoa. Pause. Wait. Time out.” Naruto sat up (which now meant he was straddling Itachi). “3 things are wrong here. One, don't you think that's just a little to intimate? Two, how do you know it's even going to feel the same? It is meant for a man and a woman, which brings me to three. I'm. Not. A. Girl!”
Itachi took the box back and opened it. He pulled Naruto back down, smashing their lips together. Naruto let out sound between a moan and a groan as Itachi ground his still pant covered erection against his unclothed one. Naruto pulled back slightly from the kiss. “I thought I asked you to take your pants off?” Naruto whispered against his lips, Itachi chuckled before stealing another kiss.
Naruto vaguely heard the sound of something popping open but paid it no real attention. He rubbed his erection against Itachi's in an attempt to get him to take off the pants. He let out a yelp when Itachi suddenly sat up and forced Naruto onto his back. Naruto looked up into Itachi's smoldering eyes, eyes such a deep brown they looked black. He was about to complain when a lube covered hand grabbed his shaft. “Ah!” Naruto let out a moan as Itachi slowly jerked him off. Naruto let out long moan. “Mmmm…ah SHIT! Fuck!” Naruto flailed his arms in hopes of grabbing something to ground himself. The lube had warmed and Itachi tightened his hand.
One hand on the window above him and the other holding tightly to Itachi's shoulder all Naruto could do was moan and whimper. “Please. Oh god Itachi please!” Naruto wasn't exactly sure what he was asking for but he kept begging. Itachi picked up his pace and Naruto bucked into his hand. Naruto's nails dug into Itachi's shoulder and his eyes rolled. “I'm gonna come.” Naruto's breath hitched as he felt his orgasm build. “Oh god. Yes…yes… yes…NO!” Naruto snapped when Itachi pulled back leaving him on the brink. He whimpered pitifully and let out a groan. “Please! You can't just stop!”
Itachi gave Naruto a look before moving himself to be able to reach into the seat pocket and pulled out a cock ring. Naruto tried to sit up but Itachi pushed him back down. “No please don't.” Naruto tried to push Itachi's hands away but Itachi just smacked them away. “Nononononono please!!” Naruto gave one final attempt to remove Itachi's hands but failed. Naruto gave Itachi defeated look and pouted.
Sasuke rolled his eyes from the front seat. “Naruto trust me it's not as bad as you think.”
“Says the one who's driving the car.” Naruto pushed against Itachi's chest in an attempt to stop him from kissing him but Itachi just moved to his neck instead. Naruto let out a soft moan as Itachi grabbed him and continued his ministrations. Naruto moaned and begged for Itachi to take off the ring but he refused.
Itachi sat up, grabbed the other bottle, popped it open, and applied some to his fingers. He nudged Naruto's leg and Naruto lifted it to rest on his shoulder. Itachi kissed Naruto and circled his entrance before finally dipping inside. Naruto let out a moan then flinched as he felt the cooling sensation. He was not too sure if he liked it but then Itachi pressed against his prostate and he didn't care. He let out a deep moan when Itachi added a second finger and pressed more forcefully against his prostate. He pulled back from the kiss and hissed as Itachi added a third finger. He still was used to having more than two in, but was slowly getting used to it.
Itachi grabbed his aching cock with his free hand somehow managing not to fall. Itachi moved to Naruto's neck where he sucked and bit down drawing a surprised gasp from his current lover's lips. Naruto's eyes flew open and his hands instinctively moved to Itachi's shoulders in an attempt to push him away when he felt a fourth finger nudge his entrance. “Itachi?” He whimpered pitifully.
Itachi kissed from Naruto's neck to his lips. “I'm bigger than my brother. Sorry.” Itachi pressed against Naruto's prostate earning loud “Oh god!” which he chuckled at. He wasn't too sure which comment it was for but didn't mind. He thrust his fingers in and out of Naruto until he begged for release once again. He pulled his fingers from Naruto's quivering entrance, sat up, and motioned for Naruto to do the same. Itachi pushed his pants and boxer-briefs down and off, shifted until he was in the middle, and pulled Naruto onto his lap. He grabbed the blue bottle, coated his leaking prick, and let out a soft moan when he felt it warm.
“Put your hands on the headrests and lean forward a little.” Naruto did as instructed and Itachi positioned himself at Naruto's entrance. “Now sit back slowly but don't let go of the head rest.” Naruto slowly sat back and let out a groan as he felt Itachi sink into his body. “Breathe. Relax.” Naruto let out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding and forced his tense muscles to relax. Naruto let out a moan of pain and pleasure and placed his forehead against Sasuke's headrest.
“He's so fucking thick.” He whispered to Sasuke panting. “So big.”
“I know.” Sasuke said with a chuckle.
Naruto let out a soft moan when he felt a tingly sensation on his prostate that turned into a gasp of surprise when he felt Itachi pull out and push back in.
“Do you really have to moan in my ear?” Sasuke said in agitation. Knowing the result Itachi thrust balls deep.
Naruto let out a deep moan and held tighter to the headrest. “I'm sorry.” He said breathlessly, Itachi thrust again. “AH! Mmmm sorry.” Naruto squeezed his eyes tightly shut.
“I must not be doing this right if you're still talking.” Itachi moved Naruto into the space between the seats (A/N: You know the space between the two from seats, where the armrest is and sometimes the gearshift. I know some cars don't have it but this one does).
Sasuke gave Itachi a look through the review mirror, which was thoroughly ignored then, glanced down at a panting Naruto. Sasuke was actually glad the gearshift was part of the steering wheel and the emergency break was small.
Naruto reached out blindly for something to hold onto when Itachi began moving. He grabbed onto fabric and instantly recognized it as Sasukes pants. His other hand found the dashboard and used what little movement he could make to push back into Itachi. Between the sensation of the lube and Itachi hitting his prostate Naruto was on brink of an orgasm that was denied by a stupid cock ring.
Itachi began maddening pace. He could tell by the way Naruto was gripping at Sasuke's pants that he was so close to an orgasm yet was denied by a simple piece of leather.
“Itachi please! I can't! I need to come!!” Naruto pleaded. Itachi grabbed his dribbling cock and stroked it until hurt. “Please!”
“Tell me what you need.” Itachi said hotly from the back, sweat coating his body in a light sheen.
“I need to come so fucking bad. I can't think I can't even breathe.” Naruto said pitifully.
Itachi slowed his thrusts earning a pitiful whimper. “Try again.”
Naruto let out another whimper. “I need you to fuck me till I come! Please it hurts!!”
Itachi slowed to a lazy stroke. “Wrong again.”
Tears of frustration mixed with the over powering need to come began to spill from his eyes. “Itachi come on you made him cry.” Sasuke said stroking Naruto's hair with one hand and driving with the other.
“I don't care. Tell me *Thrust* what you*Thrust* need! *Thrust**Thrust*
“FUCK! I need you!! I need you and Sasuke!!” Itachi rewarded him by slightly speeding up his thrusts. “I need you to fuck me.” Itachi slowed. “I need you to love me!” Naruto chocked out over a moan. Itachi gave a brutal thrust against his prostate. Naruto grabbed Sasuke's pants with such force they tore.
Naruto couldn't breathe he couldn't see it was too much. Despite the fact he had on a cock ring he felt his orgasm hit him. “FUUUCCCKKK!!!” Naruto's orgasm hit him, he couldn't breathe, he couldn't think. He saw black.
Naruto let out a groan and opened his eyes. He blink a few times to clear his vision and looked around, he was in a hotel room in a bed. He sat up and looked around he was alone. `When did I get here?' He stood up and took the sheet he was covered in with him. He walked past a mirror and saw red marks littered his neck. `When did that happen?' An image of him and Itachi in the back seat flashed in his mind. A blush stained his cheeks. `Oh. Yeah. Right.' Naruto jumped and whirled around when he heard the door open and Sasuke and Itachi walked in.
He fidgeted nervously with the sheet he held around his waist. “Umm…hi.” Naruto watched as Itachi flopped on the couch and turned on the TV and Sasuke moved to place the bag he was carrying onto the table. “Umm…where are we?”
Sasuke looked at Naruto before pulling out the food containers. “A hotel about 10 minutes from the airport.” Naruto nodded and looked at the food they brought Chili cheese dogs and chili cheese fries not the healthiest but definitely tasty.
Naruto could tell that something was different; he pulled the sheet tighter around his waist and looked down. “I'm sorry.” He looked up to see Sasuke and Itachi giving him full attention. “For what I said in the car. I'll umm stay here when you guys leave in the morning and you can have the bed I'll sleep on the couch.” Itachi turned off the TV and Sasuke took a few steps toward Naruto who took a few steps back. “Or I could leave now,” Naruto looked down. “If I had some clothes.” Sasuke continued his advance and soon Itachi followed Sasuke.
Naruto continues to back up and feels his legs knock against the bed. “I'm sorry I said it!” He said quickly as he fell back on the bed. “Sasuke really I'm sorry.” Naruto scooted back on the bed until he was pressed against the headboard. “I take it back. I didn't mean it!” Naruto began to panic when Sasuke and Itachi crawled on the bed blocking any possible escape route.
“You can't take it back you already said it.” Sasuke said with no emotion.
Naruto pulled his knees up to his chest. “I'm sorry!”
“Sorry isn't going to make it go away.” Itachi stated curtly.
“I know I just-”
“Stop talking.” Naruto snapped his jaw shut at Sasuke's command. “Here's what's going to happen.” Naruto swallowed thickly and nodded his head in understanding. “First you're gonna stop talking, Second you're going to sit there quietly.” Naruto pulled up the sheet to free his feet. “Itachi and I have done some thinking and we believe it'd be best to keep things the way they are.” Naruto's heart sank. “You're young and probably suffering from Stockholm Syndrome; which isn't too surprising considering this…thing we have between the three of us.”
Naruto felt tears burning in his eyes but refused to let them fall. “I love my brother and noting is going to change that, not even you.” Naruto wasn't sure if Itachi meant for those words to hurt or not but they did. “Even if we ignored what you said in the car, though it is partially my fault, we knew this would happen and a decision would have to be made.”
“Which is why,” Sasuke spoke up. “we've decided to have you join us.”
Naruto furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “I thought I already was.”
“No. Well yes, but not that way. We mean join us.”
Naruto sat in silence for a few moments before it clicked. “Oh.” After a few more moments, it finally registered. “Oh!” A shit eating grin spread across his face. He tackled Sasuke to the bed and peppered him with kisses with whispered thank yous in between. He moved to Itachi, who he straddled, albeit awkwardly due to the sheet, and kissed him on the mouth. He didn't wait long for Itachi to dominate the kiss. When he pulled back for air he rested his forehead against Itachi's and whispered thank you.
“I know a better way for you to say thank you.”
Naruto's yes widened when Itachi tried to remove the sheet. Naruto tried to remove himself from Itachi's lap. “Sasuke! Get your boyfriend!!”
“Sorry but he's your boyfriend now too. You get him.” Sasuke said with a smirk.
“No Itachi! No! Hey don't touch that! HEY!!”
A/N: Only one part left. Time for everything to unfold last part will probably be very long. PLEASE REVIEW!!!!