Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konna Ni Chikaku De... ❯ Selfish redone ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I got a request to do selfish over with a happier ending. So here's my attempt at that. Some parts had to be changed obviously while others were kept the same for the most part. Sorry for not posting anything in………I don't know how long but I'm not dead!! ENJOY!!
Warnings: Same as always with a hint of non-con
Pairing: Itachi/Naruto
Naruto sat on the couch watching Supernatural waiting for Itachi to get home from work, yet dreading it. They had argued before he had left for work and he would always keep it bottled up until he got home and took his anger out in one form or another. He looked down to the red headed 13 year old with his head in his lap. They had adopted him 7 years ago. He was a joy to have around a tad quiet, and when he did talk it was almost nonstop, very energetic but still a joy. Naruto nudged the boy to get him to wake up.
"Go into your room." The boy shook his head no. "Do you want me to leave you on the couch then?" He shook his head no again. "Then get up Kyuubi." He shook his head no again.
Naruto let out a sigh. "Do you want to lie in bed with me?" Kyuubi nodded. "Don't you think you're getting to old for this?" He shook his head no and Naruto let out a low laugh. "Well get up and let's go." Kyuubi got up a tad grumpy and headed to Naruto's and Itachi's bedroom. Kyuubi flopped in the bed and was asleep almost instantly. Naruto lied down to watch TV. He flicked channels until he came across Entertainment Tonight and decided to watch. Shockingly it had a clip from one of Itachi's interviews.
"It's a well known fact that you're an openly bisexual actor. Is there a special woman or man in your life?"
"Honestly, I'm far too busy to be held back by a lover. So no I don't. I'm focusing on my career right now."
"Any plans on one in the future?"
"As of now? No."
“You appear pretty sure about that. Are you sure there will never be any…on set sudden attraction.”
Itachi smirked. “I cannot assure you of that but I can assure you that as of now I am sole focused on the current task at hand.”
“Which would be?”
“My future.”
Naruto shut off the TV. 'That stupid fucker, ishe serious, no lover? I swearto god when he comes home...' Naruto didn't wait long before there was a car door being shut. He raced downstairs and opened the door before Itachi had even reached the porch.
"Are you done being pissie?" Naruto asked harshly.
"Yes, what is wrong with you now?" Itachi asked as he brushed by and into the kitchen.
"Let's see,' Honestly, I'm far too busy to be held back by a lover' 'I'm focusing on my career right now.' That might have a little bit to do with it."
Itachi let out a snort. "What was I supposed to say?" He walked to the cabinet to grab a glass and filled it with water.
"I don't know, maybe mention the fact that you do have a fiancé AND a kid? Or you could've at least said you were looking to have a relationship in the future."
Itachi slammed the glass he was drinking from down onto the counter causing Naruto to flinch slightly. "Will you just shut up my head is pounding. Why are you even acting like this? You know you are mine and mine alone so why are you being so paranoid and outrageous?"
"Because I don't know if you're only mine! You're always out filming something or the other, how the hell am I supposed to know you're not screwing some tramp on the side!"
Itachi quickly approached Naruto pining him against the door frame. "Don't you dare ever, EVER accuse me of being a whore, if you know what's good for you."
Naruto could smell the alcohol on Itachi's breath despite the water he had just drunk."I'm leaving."
"I'm taking Kyuubi and we're leaving."
"You aren't going anywhere." Itachi stated simply.
"Yes we are we're going tonight and we will be back tomorrow morning. If you are still unsure as to what this is between us we're leaving for good." Naruto made to move off of the door frame but Itachi grabbed him by the neck and slammed him back against the door frame.
"Naruto you are not going anywhere." Itachi took his other hand and trailed down his chest to his sweat pants. "Not now, not ever." He undid the loose knot in the string that helped hold the pants up. "Not this life or the next." He placed his hand into the now to big pants and began to rub against the soft cock. "I own you." He placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "I own Kyuubi." He nipped gently at his earlobe. "And I'm never going to let you go." He grabbed almost harshly at Naruto cock.
A single tear ran down Naruto's cheek. "Get off of me you sick fuck. You're drunk."
"Be that as it may I am not letting you go." Itachi released Naruto's neck and cock to grab Naruto's hands and pin them against the wall. While Itachi was busy Naruto kneed him in the crotch. Yes it was a cheap shot but Naruto didn't care, he quickly ran to his bedroom and shut and locked the door. He looked to his bed to see Kyuubi looking wide eyed and lost. Naruto ran over to him and quickly pulled him from the bed.
"Get under the bed and no matter what happens do not make a sound and don't move." Kyuubi opened his mouth to say something. "Don't ask, just do it."
Kyuubi hesitated but nodded and got under the bed. Naruto fixed the blankets so that you couldn't see Kyuubi, it wasn't perfect there was a little over an inch space between the blanket and the floor but he was sure Itachi wouldn't notice Kyuubi. He heard Itachi pounding on the door. "Open this fucking door."
"Itachi you're drunk. Go into the living room and sleep it off I'm not opening this door." Naruto heard a soft chuckle then footsteps. He listened to hear which direction they were going. They sounded like they were going towards the master bathroom. Naruto eyes widened the bathroom door is connected to their bedroom, and there is no lock to keep him out of the bedroom. He ran to get the door but was to slow Itachi opened the door and walked in.
Naruto walked backwards into the bed room. "Itachi whatever it is you're thinking, don't do it."
"You mean fuck you raw and force you to enjoy every minute of it? Now why would I want to do something stupid like that?"
Naruto took a step back and tripped over his pants that had gotten to loose and had fallen around his ankles. Naruto's head hit the floor with a thud; Itachi kneeled over him with a smile. "Awww did that hurt?"
Naruto went to knee him but Itachi was ready for that move and backhanded him. "Don't you dare ever hit me in your life!" Naruto went to punch him but Itachi caught the fist and with his free hand punched Naruto. "I told you not to hit me." Naruto Accidently bit his tongue and spit the blood into Itachi's face. Itachi grabbed Naruto's hair and slammed his head against the floor. "Will you ever learn?"
"Fuck you."
"Aww but I fully plan on fucking you dear Naruto." Itachi said with a smirk.
Naruto started to struggle in Itachi's hold. Itachi let out a low laugh Itachi eventually got Naruto's two hands above his head. Naruto began to kick out in an attempt to hit Itachi. Itachi flipped him over onto his stomach and forced his hands behind his back. He pulled off his belt and used it tie Naruto's hands together.
"Naruto what's the matter any other time you would love being tied and helpless." Itachi said with mock concern. Naruto didn't answer. He was looking under the bed at Kyuubi who looked ready to jump out and help. He mouthed 'No' to Kyuubi who mouthed back 'Let me help you.' Naruto mouthed no back. Itachi leaned over to look Naruto in the face. "Do you hear me speaking to you? You really shouldn't ignore people when you're in this kind of situation."
Naruto didn't respond, Itachi let out a sigh. "If you insist on being stubborn, I guess this can't be helped." Itachi leaned over and bit harshly into Naruto's neck. He broke the skin slightly and Naruto had let out a slight whimper. Itachi chuckled and rubbed his hard cock against Naruto's boxer covered ass. "Do you want this?" Naruto didn't answer. Itachi yanked him onto his knees by his hair. "I said do you want this?" He whispered harshly into his ear.
"Rot in hell." Was Naruto's answer. Itachi tsked and shoved Naruto back onto the ground.
"That was the worst thing you could've possibly said Naruto."
Naruto heard the sound on pants being unbuttoned and a zipper being pulled down. He heard the rustle of clothes then he felt his boxers being ripped off. He instantly stiffened when he felt hands on his hips. "Don't tense up Naru-Chan, you know that only makes it worse. Naruto's ass was pulled into the air he had expected to feel a blunt head at his entrance but when he felt something warm and moist instead enter him he couldn't hold back the accidental moan.
His eyes began to water as he felt himself harden slightly. He felt one of Itachi's hand leave his waist and pump his shaft. He felt the warm tears cascading down onto the floor. He turned his head to see Kyuubi under the bed with his hand over his mouth and eyes glistening with unshed tears. Naruto shut his eyes and opened his mouth in a silent gasp when fingers entered him to help stretch him further.
It didn't take long for Itachi to find his prostate, he hit it harshly and repeatedly. Naruto was a mess on the floor he hated every minute of it but he couldn't help how his body reacted. He was so far gone by the time Itachi entered him he couldn't even hold back the tears and the moan. "I. Hate. You." Naruto choked out.
Itachi only thrust in and out of Naruto less than half a dozen times before Kyuubi couldn't take it anymore and scrambled from beneath the bed. “Kyuubi, no!”
Kyuubi didn't listen, he ran at Itachi full speed and tackled him to the ground. Itachi was forced from Naruto's body and flung back. There was a hard thud then it was silent. Naruto scooted so he could see. Kyuubi sat wide eyed and scared on an unconscious Itachi. He turned to Naruto. “I didn't mean t-I just wanted him to stop!”
“Untie me.” Kyuubi did as Naruto told him to and backed away from Naruto and Itachi. Naruto checked Itachi for a pulse and for breathing. “He's fine just unconscious. Help me put him on the bed.”
“But he just-”
“I know Kyuubi just…just help me okay?”
Kyuubi and Naruto managed to get Itachi onto the bed. Naruto went to the bathroom and grabbed a small cup of water and Advil. Kyuubi watched in confusion and anger as Naruto actually changed Itachi into a pair of more comfortable clothes. Once finished with his task Naruto grabbed himself some new clothes. “I'm going to take a shower. While I'm in there I need you to pack clothes about two weeks worth.”
“Where are we going?”
“I don't know.”
Itachi woke up the next morning with a killer headache. He sat up groggily and looked around to find that he was alone. He found a bottle of Advil and a note next to him on the bedside table.
Last night you were…there are no words for how you acted. I understand that you were drunk but that does not excuse your actions. I know you are an angry drunk but you have never EVER hurt be or Kyuubi before and last night you did in a way you can't even possibly imagine. By the time you read this it'll be morning and Kyuubi and I will be long gone. I don't know how long we'll be gone but I know it will be a while.
I understand that you probably have no idea what you did and I guess it would be for the better if you don't remember. I want you to get help. I know you aren't an alcoholic But you have anger issues that need to be taken care of. I've already said I don't know when we will be back or if we will be back at all. I left the ring you gave me in the box on my side of the bed. You can either take it as a sign that I'll be back or that it's over.
P.S. Kyuubi is terrified of you, just thought you should know.
`What the Hell did I do?'
Naruto and Kyuubi had been gone for four months now. He hadn't planned on being gone that long but he somehow found a job and a nice apartment and he and Kyuubi were doing well for themselves. It was 10 in the morning on a Saturday and he was making breakfast. “Kyuubi come eat!” he yelled out and didn't wait long for Kyuubi to bound happily into the kitchen. He sat at the island next to his father who turned on the TV in the living room for them to watch.
“…nd magazines are still ablaze with the recent discovery. Itachi Uchiha was not as elusive and free as he lead people to believe. In a recent interview Itachi told all about his past relationship.”
The screen changed and a picture of Itachi sitting across from an interviewer fiddling with a charm on a necklace. “I know we're supposed to discussing and promoting your latest movie you've been filming for a while now but I just have one question that is totally off topic. How's your love life?”
Itachi visibly tensed at the question before shifting in his seat and letting out an uncharacteristic sigh. “It was great…until I screwed up. We were together for years had a kid and were even engaged. Until I totally and royally fucked up everything, I made a total ass of myself and I've been miserable since.”
“Is there anything that you would like to say to them incase they're watching?”
Itachi looked at the camera with total remorse and misery in his eyes. “I miss you. I miss you so much and I really want you to come back home both of you.
The screen changed back the news reporter.“The rest of the interview can be viewed on our site. In other news-”
Naruto hopped from his seat and logged onto the site as fast as humanly possible. He loaded the interview and watched, after the question about his relationship the interview no longer was about the move but about his personal life. He could see the honest remorse in Itachi's eyes and voice. Kyuubi and moved next to him at some point and watched the interview as well. When the interview was over Naruto closed the window and turned to Kyuubi.
“Do you want to go back?” Kyuubi thought before giving a hesitant nod yes. “Go pack some clothes if anything goes wrong we leave. I promise.”
Four months 2 weeks 3 days 16 hours and 32 minutes. That's how long Naruto and Kyuubi were gone and Itachi was miserable. He had stopped drinking period not even socially. He's in anger management classes and in kick boxing classes as a way to channel his anger. He picked up the habit of drinking coffee as a replacement to alcohol and as a result has been extremely jittery lately. He has picked up the nervous habit of playing with the chain around his neck which held the ring Naruto left behind. He was beginning to think Naruto wasn't coming back at all and it actually hurt to think that.
He let out a sigh before removing himself from the couch and began preparing dinner. As he layered the lasagna he heard his cell phone ring, he grabbed it from the living room before returning to the kitchen. “Yes?”
“Itachi itsNeji are you at home?”
“Yes why?” Itachi place a last layer of cheese before placing it in the oven.
“Great. Something is being dropped off at your house and I wanted to make sure you were there.”
“Whatever.” Itachi hung up his phone before tossing it onto the counter. He grabbed the coffee from the pantry and turned on the coffee pot. He watched as the coffee began to fill the pot and as soon as he finished he poured himself a cup. As soon as he went to take a sip the doorbell rang and he spilled the hot contents on his shirt. “Fucking shit!” He put the half empty mug on the counter and grabbed a towel to try and get the stain out and went to answer the door. “Where do you want me to…sign?” He trailed off when he saw Naruto standing in his door way with an obviously nervous Kyuubi behind him. “Hi.”
“Hi.” Naruto answered back nervously shifting. “Can we come in?” Itachi moved to the side and allowed the two to enter. He shut the door and the trio stood awkwardly in the entrance way.
“I'm making Lasagna for dinner, if you wanted to stay.” Itachi offered.
“Yeah that would be great.” Naruto said with a smile. “Is there a place we can put our stuff?”
“Yeah you can put Kyuubi's in his room and yours in the guest room.” Itachi's heart clenched.
Naruto grabbed Kyuubi's bag. “I'll be back.” He said softly. “Talk to him.” Kyuubi nodded hesitantly before Naruto left.
Itachi walked with Kyuubi to the living room who sat as far away as the couch would allow. Itachi reached a hand out to touch Kyuubi but placed it back in his lap when he saw Kyuubi flinch. They sat in silence before Kyuubi finally spoke. “Why did you hurt him?”
“I didn't mean to. I don't even know why I did it. I only remember bits of what happened.”
How could you do that?”
“I don't know.”
“He loved you.”
Itachi's heart broke. `Loved' as in not anymore. “I know.”
“You're an idiot.”
“I know.”
“A rapist.” The forced back tears could be heard in Kyuubi's voice
“I know.”
“An asshole.”
“I know.”
“A bitch”
“I know.”
“I hate you.” Kyuubi began to cry.
“I know.”
“And I missed you so much.” Kyuubi launched himself at Itachi and cried into his shirt. “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you so much! How could you do that? We love you so much.” Kyuubi cried so hard that it made Itachi want to cry.
“I'm sorry I'm so, so sorry.”
“Please don't hurt him again I don't want to go away again. Please, please, please.” If possible Kyuubi began to cry harder.
Itachi carded his fingers through Kyuubi's hair and apologized repeatedly. “Hey. You have to stop crying before you get sick.”
“I don't care.” Was Kyuubi's muffled reply.
Itachi pulled Kyuubi from his chest and wiped the tears from red rimmed green eyes. “I do care. Now take a deep breath and calm down.” He smoothed Kyuubi's hair and smiled softly.
Naruto came down stairs and instantly got worried. “What did you do to him?”
“Kyuubi?” Naruto asked nervously.
“I'm okay.”
They ate dinner in a comfortable silence and sat on the couch and watched a movie. Kyuubi soon fell asleep and Itachi gently carded his fingers through the sleeping boy's hair.
Naruto looked over to Itachi. “You've changed.”
“Yes I didn't want what happened to happen again when you came back.”
“Did you know I was coming back?”
“No. I had just stopped entertaining the idea when you showed up at my door step.”
“You aren't as bottled up anymore. You're actually showing affection instead of just buying something.”
“Yeah. I have anger management classes now. In addition, I take kickboxing. I do not drink anymore; well I drink coffee a lot of coffee.”
They sat in silence for a little while longer. “Do you regret what you did?”
“So much. Words cannot describe how I feel.” Itachi said softly.
“You know if it happens again we're gone and we aren't coming back.”
“I understand.”
Itachi looked down at the mostly sleep boy in his lap. “Hm?”
“I don't hate you.”
“I know.”
“I just really missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
Naruto and Kyuubi have been back for exactly 2 months and it was if they had never left. It was now Saturday night and Itachi and Naruto were home alone as Kyuubi had found a new girlfriend and they went to the movies. Naruto's head lied in Itachi's lap as the silently watched TV. When a commercial came on Naruto sat up and looked Itachi in the eyes.
“What?” Naruto did not answer just leaned closer and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. “Naruto?” Naruto kissed him repeatedly until Itachi was kissing him back. Naruto pushed against Itachi to get him to lean back and lie on the couch. “What are you doing?”
“Just let me okay? Don't talk.”
Itachi complied hesitantly and let Naruto continue with whatever he had planned. Itachi relished in the feel of Naruto's lips on his neck, ears, and lips. Naruto pushed Itachi's shirt up but never removed it. He kissed down his chest to his waist. He unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down along with his briefs to allow his penis to be free. He licked the half erect penis from base to tip before sucking until it was stiff.
Itachi left out a soft moan of protest when Naruto pulled away from his cock. Naruto dug into his pocket and pulled out a few packets of lube. He removed his pants and ripped open a packet; he coated his fingers and began to prepare himself. Itachi hissed at the sight of Naruto preparing himself for his lover. Naruto let out moans and soft whimpers as he teased himself in preparation of Itachi. Naruto tossed his head back as he fucked himself with his fingers. “Feels so fucking good.” Naruto panted.
Naruto used all the will power he could muster to remove his fingers from his body and open another packet and coat Itachi. He straddled Itachi and guided him to his entrance. He was about to sink down onto the length when Itachi grabbed his hips and stilled him. “Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Despite Itachi hold, Naruto sunk down on the throbbing length. He hissed at the burn and pleasure of being finally being filled after months many months. Itachi let out a hiss and his eyes closed. “You're so fucking tight.”
“Shut up.” Naruto said before he slowly began to ride Itachi.
Itachi let out soft pants and moans and whispered words of encouragement. He reached for Naruto's dribbling penis but his hand was swatted away. “Don't touch.” Naruto began to pick up his pace and Itachi began to meet him half way. Naruto tossed his head back and closed his eyes as Itachi fucked him. “So good.” Naruto panted. “So fucking good!” Naruto panted harshly words making no sense spilling from his lips. Itachi took Naruto's non coherence as a chance to change positions and soon had Naruto on his back and pounding into him ruthlessly.
“Yes! Yes! Fuck yes!” Naruto was gone with pleasure. “Right there right there. Don't stop don't fucking stop.” Itachi leaned down and captured Naruto in a sloppy kiss. “I'm gonna come fuck I'm gonna cum.” Naruto shut his eyes tightly before his orgasm took him over violently. His body tensed all over before he yelled out one final “YES!” and came all over himself and Itachi.
Itachi only lasted a few more thrusts and came with a grunt inside of Naruto. Itachi pulled out of Naruto and collapse onto the floor next to the couch. The panted in an attempt to catch lost break before Naruto let out a breathless chuckle. “I missed you.”
Itachi smirked. “I missed you too.”
“I love you.” Naruto said with a smile before closing his eyes.
“I love you too.”
Kyuubi came home with a shit eating grin on his face. He walked into the living room, the smiled instantly faded, and a look of irritation took over as he saw Naruto sleep on the couch with cum on his shirt and on the couch and Itachi sleep on the floor. He threw the bag he was carrying on to the ground. “AWE COME ON! I SLEEP THERE!” He snapped angrily.
Naruto let out a groan. “Kyuubi we'll buy you a new couch. Let daddies sleep we had a very busy night.”
“But that was my couch!”
“Don't be so selfish. We'll get you a new one.” “You had sex on my couch!”
“Yes we did.” Itachi said from the floor.”
“You didn't even ask me to use my couch!”
“We bought it.”
“But it's MY couch!!”
Kyuubi we'll buy you a new one tomorrow.” Itachi mumbled. Kyuubi let out a sound between a growl and a whine before storming out of the room.
“You better!” He yelled back.
“You have a selfish child.” Itachi said as he sat up.
“I wonder where he got it from.” Naruto said with a smirk.
“I love you both and you are never leaving me again. I'll make sure of it.” Itachi said with a smile.
The end! I hope you liked it!!