Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konna Ni Chikaku De... ❯ Only Death Can Keep Me From You Pt.3 ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: So I got a request from DRAGONFIRE04 ON TONFA to do the third part and bring Naruto into the
relationship so Here you go!!
WARNING: This contain incest and man sex don't like don't read
Pairings: Itachi/Sasuke, Sasuke/Naruto, slight Itachi/Naruto
Summary: Third part of 4 or 5 from Only death can Keep Me From You.
Naruto lied half asleep listening to the sound of plastic rustling and a whispered argument.
"Itachi you don't have to be such a dick about it "
"I'm not I'm just letting you know that if he doesn't do it I will "
"Stop being a dick " Sasuke said harshly
"The kid is not coming with us "
"Yes he is I wouldn't have gone through the trouble to get this stuff if he wasn't "
"He's not going to do it "
"Itachi " Sasuke said with a sigh "Shut up "
Naruto heard more plastic rustling then felt the bed dip as someone sat next to him. Naruto tried to
sleep until he felt a gentle nudge. He let out a groan of frustration.
"Hey You have to get up " It was Sasuke
Naruto let out a groan "'g way " He grumbled into the pillow
"You have to get up " Sasuke said again
Naruto groaned "10 more minutes Sasukeeeee " Naruto whined "I'll do anything just 10 minutes "
Sasuke sighed "Fine " Naruto buried his head further into the pillow and refused to move "Itachi don't-
"Sasuke tried to stop him but it didn't work Naruto felt the covers being yanked off and the bed dip
again but still didn't move Naruto opened his eyes and rolled onto his back
Naruto's breath hitched when he saw Itachi hovering over him Naruto eyes narrowed and he glared.
"What are you doing?
"You said you'd do anything for 10 more minutes " Itachi said with a smirk

"What are yo-No! Get off of me!" Naruto screeched when he realized what Itachi meant "Isn't that
what your lover brother whatever is for?"
"You said you wanted ten minutes here's what you have to do for them " Itachi kissed Naruto's neck
softly before he nipped.
"I'll get up! I'll get up!" Naruto yelp and Itachi snorted and Naruto was instantly up off the bed "You
need to control that-that thing " Naruto said to Sasuke.
"I'm sorry "Sasuke reached into the plastic bag "Put this in then go take your shower "
Naruto took the hair dye and saw it was supposed to be black. Naruto sighed and scratched his head.
" m I going with you two?"
Sasuke looked to Itachi then back to Naruto "I don't know but you're stuck with us for now
nd if you
cooperate with us until we get to the Air port later tomorrow we'll be good and you can decide on your
own "
Naruto half smiled before he looked back at the hair dye. He took off his shirt then set to work on
putting dye in his hair. Once the dye was in long enough he headed into the hotel bathroom and got
into the shower.
Naruto watched in mild fascination as the excess dye turned the water black and went down the drain.
He washed his body with and got lost in thought. `Three days ago I was kidnapped by two brothers who
ve each other more than they should I, sadly, have to say they aren't that bad I mean Itachi can't keep
it in his pants, but I guess Sasuke likes it '

He supposed Itachi wasn't that bad He definitely had his moments and he wasn't exactly best-friend
material but he was nice. Naruto let out a snort, Itachi was not nice. They were going to the air-port
furthest away from their house to draw as little attention to themselves as possible. Sasuke had
somehow got in to see a hairdresser and got his hair dyed a rusty brown color and Itachi got a haircut.
He was the only one who hadn't got anything changed until today
Now that Naruto thought about it, they said they were changing their appearance so that they could get
onto the plane. They had an appointment later today to take pictures for new ID cards he thought that
getting ID's took a few days but he could be wrong Wait why was he taking picture they weren't going
to- `No, I'll worry about that later ' Itachi made it pretty clear he wasn't going Naruto let out a sigh and
scrubbed a little harder.
Naruto rinsed off his body and shut off the water and stepped out. He looked into the mirror and did a
double take. `I look good " Naruto looked at his reflection he looked good. The black hair made his eyes
stand out. Mixed with his tan skin and odd birthmarks he looked real good. He grabbed a towel, dried
off, and wrapped it around his waist when he realized he didn't have any clothes He grabbed another
towel and dried his hair as he walked out the bathroom.

Naruto walked blindly towards his bed. "Hey what exactly am I supposed to wear ?" Naruto's
sentence trailed off when he finally looked at the two from between the towel. Itachi looked up from
what he was doing but never stopped. Naruto watched as a pant less Sasuke gripped his brother's hair
tightly and whimpered It took a moment for Naruto's brain to register that he had walked in on Itachi
blowing and fingering his brother Then another moment to realize Itachi wasn't stopping Naruto
swallowed and stuttered "Umm I-I'll j-just " Naruto turned to go back to the bathroom
He flinched and let out a low grunt when he was suddenly pressed against the bathroom door.
" nd where are you going?" Itachi panted into Naruto's ear.
"I-I was going to go t-to " Naruto trailed off not entirely sure himself
Itachi kissed Naruto's neck who shivered in response "Going to what exactly?"
"To to " Naruto couldn't form the words he wanted. Itachi ground into his back and Naruto let out a
gasp "Sa-Sasuke " Naruto gasped inaudibly
Itachi ground against him again "Pardon?" Itachi whispered as he nipped Naruto's ear
"Sahh-ss-kee " Naruto choked on his word when Itachi nipped as his neck "Sasuke " Naruto said
clearly "Sasuke he-"
"He " Itachi interrupted "Is watching us from the bed he wants to see how far you are willing to go "
"Go? Go where?" Itachi turned Naruto so that he now faced him Naruto turned his attention to Sasuke
and his eyes widened a fraction. Sasuke lied half-lidded on the bed looking at the two and lazily stroking
himself When he got no answer he asked again without changing his focus "Itachi where am I go-"
Sasuke tightened his grip and thrust once into his hand dawning spread across Naruto's face "No I
can't " Naruto answered looking back to Itachi "My boyfriend-"
"Isn't here " Itachi said huskily "What he doesn't know won't hurt Besides I'm clean Sasuke's clean and
I'm pretty sure you're clean too "
"But Kyuubi-"
"Still isn't here " Itachi kissed along Naruto's jaw "I promise Sasuke will take good care of you "
"Sasuke?" Naruto asked unsure
"Mmhmm " Itachi responded as he ran his fingers down Naruto's chest
Naruto let out a shuddery breath when Itachi ran a finger along the towel that was lying dangerously
low on his hips "Why Sasuke?"
"Because he asked " Itachi lowered his face so that he and Naruto were only a few inches apart
"Because you're cute " Closer still until they were centimeters apart "I trust you,"
hairs breath away

Itachi's lips brushed his as he spoke " nd because I love him " Itachi closed the minute space between
Naruto's breath caught in his throat as Itachi kissed him He hesitated before he nervously kissed back
`Kyuubi is going to kill me ' Naruto thought nervously. Itachi pulled back and Naruto opened eyes he
never recalled closing.
"Stop thinking " Itachi whispered He grabbed Naruto's hand and led him to the bed Naruto stood
nervously at the edge of the bed. Sasuke sat up and scooted over towards Naruto, he sat on his knees
on the bed in front of Naruto.
Sasuke reached out and ran a pale creamy hand along Naruto's tan chest and stomach He ran his hand
through Naruto's now black hair "It looks good "
"Th-thanks " Naruto looked away from Sasuke
Sasuke gently turned his head back "Look at me " Naruto turned his head back but never looked Sasuke
in the eye "I won't hurt you " Naruto looked up and Sasuke smirked "You're a virgin aren't you?"
Naruto glared " nd if I am?"
"Nothing it just explains a lot "
"Yeah well " Naruto didn't know what to say
"Can I kiss you?" Naruto faltered before nodding Sasuke leaned in and kissed Naruto lips gently He
tilted his head and deepened the kiss. Sasuke nipped his lips in a request for entrance, Naruto granted
him access Sasuke quickly delved into Naruto's moist cavern Sasuke laced his fingers into Naruto's still
damp now dark hair and pulled him closer.
Naruto moaned into the kiss and gripped the shirt that Sasuke still wore. He pulled back to catch his
breath before Sasuke crashed his lips against his again. Sasuke, unnoticed by Naruto, gently grabbed the
front of the towel. Sasuke pulled back from Naruto before he pulled off the towel, Naruto blushed and
covered himself with his hands.
Sasuke gently grabbed Naruto's hands "Let me see " Sasuke gently removed Naruto's hands "I want to
see Don't be embarrassed " Sasuke gently removed Naruto's hands Naruto blushed and looked down
Sasuke took one of Naruto's hands and placed it on his straining length "Touch me " Sasuke whispered
Naruto gently closed his hand around it.
"What am I supposed to do?" Naruto asked "I've never "
"Just do to me what you like Or just follow my lead "
"Follow your le-ah!" Naruto gasped as Sasuke grabbed his half hard length Naruto's knees went weak
Sasuke pulled Naruto onto the bed and straddled him, he slowly began to stroke Naruto who clumsily
followed his lead.

Itachi watched as his brother coached Naruto through, what appeared to be, his first sexual encounter
with someone other than himself. Itachi arched an eyebrow when Sasuke straddled Naruto and began
to stroke him. Naruto let out a small moan and Sasuke smiled.
Sasuke leaned down to kiss Naruto who now reciprocated the kiss whole heartedly. Sasuke stuck his
free hand out in request to Itachi. Itachi found the lube he was use earlier and poured some onto
Sasuke's fingers Naruto let out a moan groan when Sasuke tightened his grip and pumped his hand
faster. Naruto pulled back from the kiss and took in ragged breaths.
"Sasuke "Naruto panted Naruto tightened his grip and pumped Sasuke quickly and rubbed his thumb
along the head. Sasuke let out a groan and discreetly led his slick fingers to Naruto's entrance Sasuke
smiled and kissed Naruto to distract him from his fingers. Naruto tensed and tore his mouth away from
Sasuke and tensed when he felt the finger nudge his entrance His hands moved to Sasuke's chest to
push him away "I can't " he said quietly
"I won't hurt you " Sasuke said quietly. Naruto turned his head away and pushed gently at Sasuke who
didn't move " re you scared?" Naruto blushed but didn't answer "Look at me " Sasuke looked Naruto
in the eye "I won't hurt you If you want Itachi can do it " Naruto eyes widened and he quickly shook his
head no "Can I do it?" Naruto paused before he nodded hesitantly Sasuke smiled "You'll like it I
promise "
Sasuke shifted his position on the bed so that his head was level with Naruto's erection He grabbed it
with his uncoated hand He placed a slick finger at Naruto's entrance and rubbed around the entrance
"Relax You'll like it " Naruto let out a shaky breath Sasuke liked at Naruto's erection to distract him He
encased the head in his mouth and swirled his tongue around the head. He took as much as he could
into his mouth and placed a finger into Naruto.
Naruto forced his muscles to relax when he felt the first finger enter It wasn't bad it just felt weird of
course Sasuke blowing him might have a little bit to do with it. He became so engrossed with the feeling
of Sasuke blowing him he forgot the finger that was slowly stretching him. Well he did until he felt two
at his entrance He tensed and sat up Sasuke pulled up from his cock with an audible pop "Relax or it'll
hurt " Naruto let out a groan and flopped back on his bed and covered his face with his hands
Itachi took pity on Naruto and crawled up to be next to him He removed Naruto's hands from his face
and saw that he had unshed tears in his eyes. Sasuke saw them too and was about to stop "Keep
going " Itachi ordered Sasuke hesitated but did as he was told Naruto let out a whine when he felt a
second finger enter it was uncomfortable. Itachi leaned down and captured in a kiss which Naruto
Naruto slowly adjusted to the two fingers and slowly began to roll his hips. Itachi pulled back from their
heated kiss "Three " Naruto looked confused until he felt three fingers wedged their way into his
entrance. Naruto let out a hiss.

"It burns " Naruto whined Itachi reached down and grabbed Naruto's softening cock and brought it
back to full attention as he kissed Naruto. Naruto forced his muscles to relax in hopes of helping the
burning sensation to disappear Naruto let out a gasp into Itachi's mouth arched and gripped the
sheets tightly when something deep inside him was hit sending a wave of pleasure through his entire
"Found it " Sasuke said with a smile Naruto pulled away from the kiss panting and looked at a smiling
"Stop smiling it's weird " Naruto panted Sasuke glared before he hit the spot inside of Naruto again
Naruto arched and let out a strangled sound from the back of his throat.
"I don't think you're in a position to be making demands " Sasuke said with a smirk He thrust his fingers
a few more time rubbing against that spot before he withdrew his fingers earning an aggravated sound
from Naruto. Sasuke rolled his eyes and took his the shirt he still wore. He grabbed the lube to coat his
aching cock when it was snatched from his hands by Itachi.
Itachi smirked and poured the lube into his hand before he grabbed Sasuke's erection and began to
pump him. Sasuke let out a hiss as Itachi coated his erection liberally with the lube. Sasuke screwed his
eyes shut when Itachi tightened his grip and increased his speed
long drawn out "Fuck " left Sasuke's
lips as he panted He threw his head back and thrust into his brother's hand "Fuck fuck fuck Shit!
Itachi!" Sasuke was whimpering as Itachi continued his pace "Stop stop I'm gonna come Fuck stop!"
Itachi chuckled and after two more pumps he stopped Sasuke's muscles quivered he was so close to
coming. Sasuke let out a shaky breath and had to calm himself.
Naruto watched as Itachi coated his lover Naruto watch as Sasuke's eyes rolled before he screwed his
eyes shut and panted. Naruto turned his head away feeling as if he was intruding on an intimate
moment despite the fact that he lying open for Sasuke. "Look at me " Naruto turned back to Sasuke
when he heard the gentle command that was becoming quite common. Naruto looked back at Sasuke
and looked down at his erection before he turned away again.
"It's not going to fit " Naruto whispered still looking away
Sasuke turned his head back "Look at me Yes it will and thank you for the inadvertent compliment "
Naruto blushed and mumbled a low "Your welcome " before he looked away again "Look-"
" t you I know I know "Naruto mumbled before turning back
"Then why do you keep looking away?"
"I'm scared " Said so lowly it almost wasn't heard
"Don't be " Sasuke moved and grabbed himself to gently nudge against Naruto's entrance "Relax "
Sasuke whispered before he leaned down to capture Naruto in a kiss. He slowly pushed the head of his
cock through the tight ring of muscle. Naruto let out a grunt of pain before screwing his eyes shut.

Sasuke stopped after the head and gave Naruto a few moments to adjust. Sasuke began to slowly push
the rest of the way.
He was about a quarter of the way when Naruto ripped his mouth away from the kiss. Small tears began
to roll down his cheeks "Stop " He whimpered and pushed against Sasuke's shoulders "It hurts " Sasuke
didn't stop "Please Sasuke " Naruto choked
"I'm sorry " Naruto didn't have time to ask what for before Sasuke slammed home "I'm sorry " Sasuke
whispered as he kissed the tears that spilled from Naruto's eyes "I'm sorry "
"You bastard " Naruto said between tears "You said you wouldn't hurt me " Naruto pushed against
Sasuke's chest "It fills like I split in half and it fucking burns Take it out " Sasuke didn't move "Take it
out damn it!" Naruto pushed against Sasuke with more force but he still didn't move
"Naruto do you remember what you felt when I fingered you?" Naruto glared at him before he
nodded "I promise I can make you feel like that again if you just wait "
"Wait for what?"
Naruto watched as Itachi removed his clothes, coated his cock with lube and positioned himself at
Sasuke's entrance He slowly pushed in and Sasuke let out a long throaty moan in appreciation Itachi
reached around Sasuke and grabbed Naruto's flaccid penis due to the pain He used his still lube coated
hand and began to work Naruto's erection back to its peak Naruto gripped at Sasukes forearm as Itachi
worked him over. Itachi definitely was good with his hands; Naruto was so distracted he hardly heard
the whispered "Move " that came from Itachi's lips
Naruto let out a groan when he felt Sasuke move inside him It didn't anymore now he just felt full
Sasuke's thrusts where slow and shallow to allow him time to get used to the feeling. Naruto soon
began to wiggle his hips in search of the spot that gave him the sensation from earlier. He let out a
shocked gasp when Sasuke brushed against it sending a small ripple of pleasure throughout his body.
Once Sasuke realized he brushed against the spot he quickened his thrusts to send the sensation
through Naruto more often. Sasuke was having a hard time controlling himself considering Itachi was
behind him hitting his prostate with every deliciously slow thrust. Itachi was kissing and nipping the
sensitive spot on his neck which he knew drove Sasuke crazy. Sasuke stopped moving in an attempt to
make Itachi stop, which earned him the most erotic whine from Naruto.
"Don't stop " Naruto said as he thrust his hips against Sasuke. Naruto closed his eyes as the waves of
pleasure washed over him. From Itachi stroking him in time with Sasuke and Sasuke hitting his prostate
he knew that he wasn't going to last "Fuck!" Naruto cursed sharply when Sasuke thrust sharply into his
passage. Itachi had increased his speed which in turn caused Sasuke to increase as well to be able to
keep up.

"Fuck Naruto So fucking tight " Sasuke panted "Open your eyes "
"Fuck " Naruto panted "I can't "
Itachi tightened the grip he had on Naruto and slowed down his pumps. Naruto let out a whimper.
"Look at him Naruto " Itachi said encouragingly
"I can't fuck I can't Too much too much " Naruto panted
Sasuke let out a sigh he shifted slightly before he gave three sharp thrusts "Look
t Me " He
demanded after each thrust Naruto dug his nails into Sasuke's forearm leaving angry red welts their
wake. Naruto let out a whimper and with extreme effort and will power he managed to open his eyes
half-way; revealing glazed baby blue eyes.
Naruto watched and listened as Itachi leaned down and began to whisper into Sasuke's ear "Do you
what you did? You have him all hot and panting for you. His eyes glazed with pleasure the way I leave
you " Sasuke let out a low sound from the back of his throat "He likes being filled with your cock the
same way you like filling him. Is he hot and tight? Does his muscles clench with every thrust like you?
Does he beg like you?"
"Please Itachi " Sasuke whimpered
"Please what?" Itachi asked licking the shell of his ear.
"Please make me come " Sasuke begged, eyes glazed.
"But what about Naruto?" Itachi asked as he thrust sharply Sasuke was unable to answer Itachi pulled
out from his lover and lied next to them on the bed "Make him come then I'll give you what you want "
Sasuke nodded he grabbed Naruto's erection and began to pump him in time with his thrust Itachi
grabbed his hand and placed it back on Naruto's him "No hands "
"Please Itachi I need you inside me " Sasuke begged
" nd Naruto needs you inside him Finish what you've started "
Naruto watched with half lidded the exchange between the lovers. His body shook with soft tremors;
Sasuke never did stop thrusting into him he just slowed. He vaguely heard Itachi tell Sasuke to finish
then was shocked when Sasuke changed their position. He now straddled Sasuke who held his hips in
place a few inches above him "Don't move " Sasuke ordered "and don't close your eyes " Naruto
nodded. Naruto used his knees to help Sasuke hold him in place before Sasuke began a brutal pace.
Naruto let out a long continuous moan as Sasuke set such a rapid pace that he knew it was practically
over. Naruto reached between his legs to stroke his self to completion when Itachi smacked his hand
"No hands "

Naruto let out a strangled whimper and began to thrust back against Sasuke in hopes of reaching his
orgasm which seemed to be just out of his grasp. Naruto feel the feeling starting in the pit of his
stomach and could feel it fast approaching "Fuck me Fuck me Fuck me " Fell like a mantra from
Naruto's lips "I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming!" With one final solid thrust Naruto came
Naruto's body shook violently with the force of his orgasm and he whimpered as his eyes rolled into the
back of his head as Itachi pumped his cock milking him and drawing out his orgasm. His body twitched
and jerked with the spikes of pleasure pulled from his over sensitized cock. Naruto collapsed on top of
Sasuke in a panting heap. Sasuke's body shook with the extreme urge to come but he held it at bay His
balls and cock ached he wanted to come so bad and Naruto's quivering passage didn't help matters
Itachi leaned in and kissed Naruto who returned the kiss lazily.
Naruto let out a moan when Sasuke pulled from him and he was lied down on the bed. "'m sticky."
Naruto mumbled. Sasuke rolled his eyes and kissed Naruto gently before he crawled over to Itachi. He
got on all fours in front of Itachi and positioned him at his entrance. Itachi slid into the tight warmth and
began a steady pace. Naruto's eyes began to flutter as exhaustion began to take over. He let out a
shocked gasp when his still overly sensitive cock was roughly jerked.
"Watch us " Itachi ordered Naruto let out a groan but did as he was told. He watched as Itachi increased
his pace and Sasuke's face was buried in the bed and he wrenched at the blankets. Sasuke mouth was
open and he panted harshly for air. Naruto watched Sasuke's cock leak pre-come harshly begin denied
and orgasm twice. The angry purple head looked ready to burst as Sasuke whimpered.
Itachi roughly fucked his brother and lover who loved every moment of it. Itachi relished in the
whimpers and moaned he ripped from his partner's throat with every thrust. He loved the way he
panted his named and grabbed at the sheets in an attempt to stay grounded. He loved the way his ass
clenched around his cock. He loved his brother.
"'Tachi I can't I'm coming. Fuck I'm coming " Sasuke's orgasm was a violent one His face contorted in
pleasure and he gripped at the sheets till they tore and his juices soaked the bed beneath him. He
blacked for a moment before he came back to himself a useless heap on the bed. He let out a throaty
moan as Itachi lasted a few more thrusts before he coated Sasukes insides with his seed. Itachi released
Sasuke who fell the small distance onto the bed. Sasuke rolled onto his back and kissed Itachi lovingly.
"I love you " Sasuke murmured against Itachi's lips
"I love you too " Itachi responded. They turned when they heard Naruto try to get up from the bed.
"Where are you going?"
Naruto looked at Itachi nervously. "My bed, I'm tired." He answered quietly.
"I figured you'd want to be alone have a lovers moment " Naruto said nervously

With some effort Sasuke pulled Naruto against him and wrapped his arms around him. "Stay "
"Sasuke-" Naruto started
"Shut up `M tired too " Sasuke yawned
"Sasukeeeee " Naruto whined "I'm sticky!!!"
Itachi smacked his bare ass earning a yelp. " Shut up and sleep "
After a few mumbled comments Naruto soon found himself sound asleep nestled between Sasuke and
A few hours later Naruto found himself half awake in a shower with Sasuke getting cleaned before they
went to go get their picture for their ID's. "Why do I have to go " Naruto grumbled. "'S not like I'm going
with you." Sasuke faltered in the scrubbing of Naruto's back Naruto's eyebrows furrowed and he turned
to face Sasuke' " m I?"
"Actually Itachi is on his way to buy a third ticket."
A huge smile spread its way across Naruto's face. He instantly wrapped Sasuke in a hug and peppered
kisses on his face. "Thank you! Thank You! Thank you!"
Sasuke was shocked at Naruto's excitement he expected him to be pissed but he was thoroughly
shocked by the turn of events. Naruto captured his lips in a long kiss before he pulled back still smiling.
Their moment was ruined by Itachi barging into the bathroom. The curtain was ripped open and the
water quickly turned off and clothes were tossed at them.
"Get dressed he have to go "
The two stepped out of the shower and looked at Itachi curiously. "What happened?" Itachi asked as he
pulled up his pants and buttoned them.
"The police are checking each room that stupid hair dresser from yesterday tipped them off."
The two quickly dressed and threw their stuff into their bags. They had just gotten their shoes on and
were heading towards the door when there was a knock. They all looked at each other. "You two go
hide I'll answer it " Naruto said as another knock came to the door. "Go " The two went and hid and
Naruto went to the door.
Naruto cracked the door open. "How can I help you?"
"We're checking each room in search of these two " The officer raised up a picture of Sasuke and Itachi.
"But according to our resources they've changed their appearance. May I ask who's all here?"
"Just me " Naruto said with a smile

" ren't you a little young to be in a hotel room alone?"
"Well my dad went to the store it's just me here for now "
"Do you mind if we look around?"
Naruto hesitated. "Uhh sure go ahead "
They came in began to look around the room. "You said your father left correct?"
"Yes why?"
"Car keys are still here "
"I never said he drove anywhere I just said he left." The cop gave Naruto a look before turning away
"Why do you have three bags?"
"Me my dad and extra clothes just in case." Naruto said as he sat calmly on the bed Naruto was
slightly surprised at how easily the lies came out. The cops did a once over of the room and were about
to leave when a thud came from the closet. Naruto acted as if he did hear anything.
"What was that?"
"What was what?"
"The sound from the closet "
"I didn't hear anything "
"What are you hiding?"
"I'm not hiding anything." Naruto said eyes narrowed
"What's in the closet?"
"Towels, rags and extra sheets. Those cute little bottles of shampoo and conditioner, and soap." Naruto
answered with a smile.
The cop narrowed his eyes and moved to check the closet. The cop jerked to door open and Naruto
released a breath he didn't even realize he was holding. The cop turned back to Naruto before glaring he
was about to say something when a call came through on his radio. The cop gave Naruto one last look
before they left.
When Naruto was sure they were gone he called out to Sasuke and Itachi. He was surprised when the
two came our of the closet the cop had just looked in. "How did you-?"
"Went into the ceiling tiles "Itachi stated simply, he grabbed the bags before grabbing Sasuke's hand
"Time to go "

A/N: Okay another one-shot down and out for the count. I didn't forget about my stories I just lost the
chapters on my computer and have to find them and I absolutely REFUSE to type them over they are
WAY too long for that. Hope You enjoyed Tell me what you think.