Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konna Ni Chikaku De... ❯ The Truth ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing just the one-shot.
PAIRING: Gaa/Naru and mentions of Ita/Shika
SUMMARY: Naruto has no idea why he loves Gaara and Gaara doesn't know why he loves Naruto. They just know they do. It's the stupid little things that make them happy. They both just look back on the past and reminisce. And wonders about the future.
WARNINGS: Contains Man/Man sex, mentions of minors, bitchy Sakura.

Cause he is the truth
Said he is so real
And I love the way that he makes me feel
And if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly cause
his light it shines so bright I wouldn't lie
“How do you put up with Itachi?”
Shikamaru shrugged.
“Why do you love him?”
Another shrug.
Naruto gave Shikamaru a look. “I suppose I should ask how does he put up with you.”
Shikamaru smirked. “He puts up with me because I rock in bed.”
Naruto threw the straw from his drink at him. “You have no morals.”
“Yes I do.” Naruto rolled his eyes. “Why'd you ask?”
“Ask what?”
“Why I loved him.”
Naruto shrugged. “I don't know. I guess I was curious how two polar opposite people managed to get together and stay together for what 5 years now?”
“We are definitely more alike than most people think.”
Naruto let out a snort. “Alike how?”
“When it counts I suppose. The little things. The same tastes in music, books, artists, our personalities are similar though most people can't tell. And in bed.” Shikamaru smirked.
“See. See. You were doing good until you threw in that last part.” Naruto said with a smile as he punched him playfully in the arm.
Shikamaru grabbed his arm in mock pain. “That hurt.”
“Whatcha gonna do about it?” Naruto taunted.
“You asked for it.” Shika warned briefly. Naruto let out a uncharacteristic squeak as Shikamaru tackled him to the carpeted floor. The two laughed as the play wrestled not noticing when two figures appeared in the doorway.
Naruto let out a sound of triumph when he finally managed to pin Shikamaru's hands above his head and his legs in place with his own. “Ha I win.”
“I let you win.” Shikamaru pouted.
“No you didn't”
“How do you know?”
“Shika. I take kick boxing, I snowboard, and I have a 7 year-old at home who loves to play fight I think it's safe to say I won.”
“Naruto you weigh 162, compared to my 174. I'm 6 foot 1 compared to 5 foot 11; I have a black belt in about everything imaginable. I'm pretty sure I let you win.”
“If you insist. What would Itachi say if he saw I managed to pin his lovely boyfriend?”
“I'd say he let you do it.” The two turned to see the too unnoticed figures.
“Uhh…Hi.” Naruto said nervously.
“See, now get off me.”
Naruto turned back to Shikamaru and smirked. “I thought you let me win?”
“I did I was just trying to help you save face.”
Naruto arched an eyebrow before loosening his grip slightly. Shikamaru quickly rolled them over and stood. He reached out a hand that Naruto gladly took and stood up.
Shikamaru gave Itachi a quick kiss before Itachi wrapped his arms around his waist and rested his chin on his shoulder. “What possessed you to attack my boyfriend?”
Naruto made a shocked face. “What makes you think I started it?”
“Because you usually do.” Gaara mumbled.
Naruto glared. “Not helping.”
Itachi rolled his eyes at the two. “Go home you two you're unbridled affection for each other and making me queasy.”
Naruto gave him a look as they walked to the door. “Oh look who's talking.”
“It's my house I can do what I want.” Itachi emphasized his point by grabbing Shikamaru's crotch.
“You two have no boundaries.” Naruto laughed as they walked out the door.

I remember the very first day that I saw him
I found myself immediately intrigued by him
Its almost like I knew this man from another life
Like back then maybe I was his husband and maybe he was my wife
And even, the things I don't like about him are fine with me
it'snot hard for me to understand him because he's so much like me
And its truly my pleasure to share his company
And I know that it's God's gift to breathe the air he breathes
16 year old Naruto ran down the street checking his watch every few seconds.
`Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I'm not going to make it.' He looked at his watch again. `Screw making it I'm already late.' If possible Naruto ran faster. He skidded around the corner and hopped up the stairs to the restaurant he worked at. He quickly went into the employee locker room changed and was on the floor.
His manager walked by and gave him a look. “I know I know sorry.”
“I need to talk to you on your break.”
Naruto let out a sigh and nodded. He approached a table of two men who appeared to be on a business meeting. “Hi I'm Naruto and I'll be your waiter tonight. Are you ready to order your drinks?” The two looked up from the drink menu at their waiter.
“Are you even old enough to work here and serve liquor?”
“I assure you my age won't be an issue.”
“Hm. In that case I would like 2 glasses of white wine. The 1787 Chateau d'Yquem to be exact if you'd please.”
Naruto faltered in his writing. “A-are you sure you want that wine. It's an extremely expense bottle.”
“I can assure you money is no issue.”
“If you insist. I'll be back in a moment with your drink and to take your order.”
As Naruto walked away the two began to talk amongst themselves. “Must you be so rude?”
“Whatever do you mean Gaara?”
“Drop the pompous rich guy act Itachi. He's only a kid. I doubt if he's even over 18.”
“I doubt he even hit puberty.” Itachi mumbled.
The two carried on mindless chatter and Naruto brought them their drinks and took their orders. Naruto's break was brief, a quick drink of water, a apple, and a talk with his manager. Basically his manager was giving him one more chance. If he did anything to screw it up he was fired. He returned to his table from earlier and was about to ask if they needed anything when a disturbance up front caught his attention.
“Miss you can't just barge in here! Miss! Miss!”
“Where is he?!” Naruto turned to see who it was. “Where's Naruto!”
Naruto eyes widened when he saw who it was. “Sakura?” and what she had in her arms. “What's wrong with him?”
“Take him.”
“Take. Him.” Naruto didn't move. “Take him!!” Naruto flinched and reached out for his 2 year-old who happily went to him. “I can't do this anymore. Take him. I don't want to see you or him again. You have ruined my life with him. He won't stop crying I want my daddy I want my daddy. Now he can have you all to himself!” Sakura threw a diaper bag next to Naruto before storming out of the restaurant.
Naruto looked down at his son, then to the people who were giving him disbelieving looks. Naruto saw his manager who just shook his head. Naruto didn't try to defend himself. He just picked up the bag and walked out of the restaurant.
Naruto sat on the restaurant stairs with no place to go. He halfheartedly played with his son as he thought of where they could go. He had no real home. He was in foster care and couldn't raise a kid bouncing from house to house.
“Hey kid.”
Naruto looked up to see they were talking to him.
“Yeah you. I saw what happened back there.”
“You and everyone else.”
“Do you have a place to go?” Naruto shook his head. “You can stay with me.” Naruto looked at the man. He had red hair and extremely thin eyebrows. At first glance you would think he didn't have any. Naruto looked at the man confused.
“What's the catch?”
“Yeah you know the catch. Why are you offering to take in a kid you don't even know? You're not some pedophile are you?”
“No I'm not.”
“Hm.” Naruto gave him a once over before standing and picking up his son and the diaper bag. “So what's your name?” Naruto asked as they slowly walked to the car.
“Just Gaara?”
“Just Gaara.”
“Why are you helping me?”
Gaara stopped in his tracks and faced Naruto. “You remind me of someone I used to know.”
Gaara stopped outside the house and turned to Naruto who seemed to be in his own world. “Naruto.”
Naruto came snapped back to reality. “Yeah?”
What's wrong?”
“Nothing I was just thinking.”
“You think?”
“Shut up Gaara.”
Gaara smirked. “What were you thinking about?”
“How we first met. God it was horrible. I thought my life couldn't get any worse in that moment. Then you came to be my knight in a navy blue suit.” Naruto chuckled.
“Why do you always think of that day? It makes me feel like creep.”
“You were only 16 and I had just turned 21 that day.”
“Ahh true. But you didn't know I was 16.” Naruto said with a smile.
“Which only manages to make the situation worse.”
“But now I'm 21 and you are 26. Dear god you almost 30!” Naruto said in mock horror.
Gaara glared at Naruto. “Watch it.”
“Ohh I'm so scared.” Naruto rolled his eyes and reached for the door handle to the car. He let out a yelp when Gaara yanked him back and into his lap. “Gaara what are you-” Naruto moaned into the kiss. He tilted his head to deepen it he willingly opened his mouth when Gaara's tongue swiped at his lips asking entrance.
With some stressful movements Naruto managed to straddle Gaara and grind his waking erection against his lovers. Gaara moved from Naruto's lips to his neck where he nipped and suck pulling moans from his younger lover.
Naruto kissed along Gaara's neck and jaw and nibbled at his ear. Naruto moaned as Gaara ground against him once again. “I love you.” He said breathlessly into his ear.
“I know.” Gaara whispered back. The two were just about to get to the fun part when they heard their front door slam open.
“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!”
Naruto let out a defeated sigh before he climbed off Gaara's lap and out of the car to great his excited son.
“Hey bud.” Naruto greeted with a smile as he picked him up and swung him in a brief circle.
“Hi Papa Gaara. You and daddy have fun at uncle `Tachi's?”
Gaara smiled down at the child. “Yes we did. Did you have fun with your mom?” The little boy gave him a look.
“Ino's mean to me.”
“Well Dei. You're the big brother do something about it.”
“Sakura lets her do whatever she wants.” Dei whined.
Naruto looked at his son. “Don't call her that.”
“But I don't wanna call her mommy I don't have a mommy. I have to dads. You and Papa Gaara.”
“Dei honey you can't call him Papa Gaara.”
“Why not! We live with him, and you tell him you love him, and you kiss him. And don't say you don't `cause I saw you kissing Papa Gaara when you got here. `Sides he said I could.” Dei said with a smile.
Naruto looked to Gaara in shock. “You did?”
“I did.”
“Can we go home now?”
“Yeah let me go get your clothes and then we can go.” Naruto was in mild shock. Gaara never managed to not amaze him. Naruto returned to the car with a SpongeBob backpack of clothes.
“You okay?” Gaara asked as he started the car. “Dei buckle yourself in.” He watched in the rearview mirror to see when he finished.
“Yeah I'm fine. You just always find a way to amaze me.” Naruto said with a smile.
Gaara leaned forward and stole a quick kiss. “I can amaze you all you want tonight if you'd like.” Naruto blushed and looked away.
“Daddy, what's Papa Gaara talking about?”
“Nothing Deidara. Nothing at all.”
Gaara laughed to himself as he drove off towards their house.
How can the same man that makes me so mad
-do you know what he did-
Naruto sat on the couch and glared at the table as silent tears fell down his cheeks. He was so pissed words couldn't even describe how he felt. `How could he be so stupid!? He's knows what tomorrow and the day after was he goes and leaves the fucking country. How could he be so fucking stupid?'
“Naruto I'm sorry.”
“Don't talk to me.” Gaara placed a hand on his shoulder Naruto shrugged it off. “Don't touch me.” Naruto got up and walked away from Gaara.
“Naruto listen to I swear I didn't mean for this to happen.” No you only plan you business trips 2 months in advance to plan them on our anniversary and Dei's 8th birthday.” Naruto snapped.
Naruto snatched up his cell phone. He pushed the speed dial button and put the phone to his ear.
“Naruto will you just listen to me.”
“I'm on the phone.” Naruto shut their bedroom door in Gaara's face.
“Papa Gaara! Papa Gaara! Guess what! Guess what!” Gaara turned to see Deidara running at him in his batman pajamas.
“My birthday's tomorrow! I get to spend the entire day with you and Daddy tomorrow.”
“Actually Dei I'm leaving in a few hours.”
“To get my birthday present.” Dei said with a large smile.
“No, I have a business meeting in London for four days.”
The smile fell from Dei's face. “Oh.” Dei got a confused look on his face. “But it's 9:30” It's time to go to sleep not leave.”
“I know but that's when my plane takes off.”
“Oh.” Dei got a sad look on his face. “Bye Papa Gaara.” Dei walked back to his room slowly.
Gaara heard the sound of something hitting the floor in the bedroom. He sighed and opened the door.

Turn right a
round and kiss me so soft
do you know what he did-
Naruto gasped as Gaara slowly entered him. He had his arms and legs wrapped around Gaara bringing him as close as he could. Gaara slowly thrust into Naruto making Naruto gasp softly and he brushed against his prostate.
Gaara pulled back from Naruto only to lean down and kiss him softly. He poured all of his emotions into that kiss how sorry he felt about leaving, how much he loved him, and how much he wanted him.
“Gaara please.” Naruto panted. “Please just…please.”
“I love you.”
Naruto nodded agreeing before Gaara lifted him into a sitting position. Naruto wrapped his arms around Gaara's neck and buried his face in the small space between his arms and Gaara's neck.
Gaara wrapped his arms around Naruto's mid section to ensure a firm grip. “Ready?” Naruto nodded. Gaara did one deep thrust to ensure he had a good enough grip ripping a startled gasp from Naruto. “I thought you were ready?” Naruto only bit his neck.
Gaara rolled his eyes before started thrusting rapidly and brutally. His thrusts pulled out a long throaty moan from Naruto who squeezed his eyes tightly shut. “Fuck Gaara. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck.” Naruto gasped as Gaara thrust against his prostate brutally. “Ah!” Naruto let out a yelp when he felt Gaara suck at a sensitive spot on his neck.
Naruto panted hot breath against Gaara's ear. “Gaara so good. So fucking good.” Naruto moaned out. “You love my hot tight ass don't you?” Naruto panted hotly against Gaara's ear.
“I love it.” Gaara said huskily. He shifted and did one deep hard thrust.
“Fuck!” Naruto yelped.
Gaara quickly changed their positions and had Naruto's face against the pillows ass up. Gaara began to pound into Naruto with no remorse. Naruto couldn't even talk anymore he just grabbed at the pillow and sheets for dear life. “I'm close.” He heard Gaara say, Gaara grabbed his length and pumped him in time with his thrusts.
A few stokes of his over sensitized cock, and a few well placed thrusts from Gaara and Naruto came with a strangled scream. Gaara followed a few moments later with a deep groan and a shudder.
Naruto melted into the blankets and Gaara fell onto the bed next to him. Naruto panted heavily as did Gaara. Naruto gave Gaara a small smile and brushed the few strands of red hair from his face.
“I love you.” Naruto said softly.
“I know.” Gaara said before placing a gentle kiss on his lips.
If he ever left me, I wouldn't even be sad, no
Cause there's a blessing in every lesson
andI'm glad that I knew him at all
“I'm sorry.” Naruto whispered when he pulled back from the kiss.
“For what?”
“Getting mad.”
“I would've probably done the same thing in your situation.”
“You have to leave in a hour.” Naruto whispered.”
“Can stay. I'll just have to reschedule the meeting for next month.”
Naruto shook his head. “No it's okay. Go.”
Gaara gave Naruto a unsure look. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. I think it's the post sex haze but I don't even care just go.”
Gaara hesitantly rose from the bed and got ready to leave. Naruto watched from the bed as Gaara got ready for his four day business trip. Gaara was ready to head to the air port in 45 minutes. Gaara leaned over and gave Naruto a kiss good-bye. “I love you.” He said in between kisses.
“I know.” Naruto said back before he watched Gaara leave. He watched him shut the bedroom door, then heard the front door a few moments later. He heard the garage door pull up and the car start and pull off.Naruto let out a sigh before he walked (albeit funnily) towards the dresser to put on some sweatpants. He yanked the sheets and blankets off the bed and changed them.
Just as he tossed the dirty clothes and blankets into the laundry basket he heard a soft knock on the door. “Daddy is Papa Gaara gone?”
Naruto looked at Deidara. “Yeah he just left I thought you were sleeping it's midnight.”
“I was sleep until I heard the garage door open and Papa Gaara drive away. Can I sleep with you?”
“Aren't you a bit big for that?”
“No. I always sleep with you the day before my birthday.” Dei said as he climbed into the bed. Naruto thought about it for a moment.
“You do don't you?” Naruto said more as a thought.
I love the way he speaks
I love the way he thinks
Naruto and Deidara were taking a walk around the city and thorough the local park just to get out of the house.
“When is Papa Gaara coming back?”
“In two days.”
“Oh.” Dei thought for a moment. “Is that tomorrow or tomorrows tomorrow?”
Naruto arched a eyebrow at his sons' logic. “Tomorrow's tomorrow.” Naruto said unsure if he should let him say it like that.
“Do you think Papa Gaara could hear me if I yelled I loved him and come home?”
“You'd have to yell pretty loud for him to hear you.”
“I can be loud. Watch. I LOVE YOU PAPA GAARA!!!
Naruto winced at the loudness. “Yeah you're loud alright.”
“Do you think he hearded me?”
“Heard me.” Naruto corrected
“ Do you think he heard me?” Dei said correctly.
“I'm pretty sure he did.” Naruto said with a chuckle.
“Yes Deidara.”
“When's my tooth gonna come the rest of the way out?”
“Soon. Today or tomorrow.”
“If it's still in when Papa Gaara gets back can he pull it out?”
Naruto gave his son a disbelieving look. “Oh you'll let Papa Gaara pull it out but not me your dad? Oh that's dirty.” Naruto said in mock sadness.
“That's `cause Papa Gaara gives me Popsicles after just give me a hug and say it didn't hurt.” Dei defended.
Naruto stopped walking. “You know for a eight year old you're pretty smart.”
I love the way he treats his mama
I love that gap in between his teeth
“Papa Gaara! Papa Gaara! Look! Look!” Dei ran up to Dei and smiled wide showing the gap between his teeth. “It fell out this morning. I tried to keep it in so that you could pull it out but it came out this morning when I was eating.”
“Did it hurt?”
“A little bit but Daddy gave me a popsicle. Papa Gaara, Daddy got a picture on his back he said it hurts but that he'd do it all again if he had to. I don't know what he's talking about `cause he won't let me see it but that's okay `cause I can see it when you see it.”
Gaara followed silently behind the boy who chatted animatedly about the picture and what they did while he was gone for four days.
I love him in every way that a woman can love a man from personal to universal butmost of all its unconditional
Naruto smiled from the doorway as Deidara gabbed off Gaara's ear a habit Naruto will admit he got from him. Naruto grabbed a drink from the kitchen and returned to the living room and gave it to Gaara before sitting next to him on the couch. Gaara responded to the questions that Deidara threw at him and nodded to prove he was listening.
Gaara grabbed Naruto's hand and laced their fingers together.
“And then Papa Gaara me and Daddy went to the zoo `cause I wanted to see if a zebra was white with black stripes or black with white stripes and-”
“Dei” Gaara interrupted.
“There's a surprise for you in my car in the garage.”
Naruto watched as Deidara scrambled up to go to the door that lead to the garage. Naruto turned his attention to Gaara. “I missed you.”
“I know.” Gaara leaned in and kissed Naruto.
Naruto quickly deepened what was meant to be a quick peck into a passionate hello. “I missed you. A lot.” Naruto said before kissing him again. Naruto pulled back just as his son came running back in with a huge smile on his face.
“Look Daddy Papa Gaara got me a snake!!” Naruto looked down at the snake in his son's hands.
A smile spread across Naruto's face. “I guess you do listen to him when he rambles.” Naruto chuckled.
“Daddy it's the abino snake I saw in TV.!”
“Albino, and yes it is. It's a albino ball python.”
“Thank you Papa Gaara! Thank you a lot!”
“What are you going to name him?”
“Ummmm.” Deidara screwed his face up in thought. “Kakashi!”
“Kakashi? As in your 3rd grade teacher?”
“Yeah `cause he has red eyes like Kakashi's one and it's cool.”
Naruto shook his head and watched as Dei played with the snake.
There ain't no substitute for the truth
either it is or
cause he is the truth
you see the truth it, needs no proof
either it is or it
Cause he is the truth
Now you know the truth by the way it feels
and if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly
cause he is yes he is
I wonder does he know
Naruto sat and thought about how wonderful how life was. Yeah it had its kinks every now and then but it was good. The truth was he wouldn't want it any other way; Sakura dumping their two year old in his arms, getting fired, getting involved with Gaara.
“What are you doing?” Gaara asked
Naruto gave Gaara a smile. `I love you.' Naruto thought. “Nothing.”
Gaara gave Naruto a look. “Nothing?”
“Nothing.” Naruto said with a smile. They sat and watched as Dei played happily with his snake and set up things for the snake to go over and through.
“Yes Gaara?”
“I know.”
Naruto smiled a goofy smile before he kissed Gaara.