Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High: Another Naruto High School Story ❯ Chapter Two: Love is not Blind to Bad Clothes ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or any of the characters mentioned in this fic.
Chapter Two:
Konoha High: Love is not blind to Bad Clothes
Sasuke spent all of his free period with Ino's head on his shoulder. She was sobbing and she kept asking if he thought she was stupid, or if she was fat. One time Sasuke had the nerve to say yes, but then Ino threatened him with his sexuality again. `Stupid Bitch,' Sasuke thought.
Now Sasuke was sitting in the library doing research for his essay on the effect of caffeine on the body. Kiba and Naruto were sitting next to him goofing off. They were playing some online RP game that if they were caught, they'd get detention.
“Yes, beat your lousy ass, Inuzuka-bastard,” Naruto yelled into Sasuke's ear.
“Get your loud mouth out of my ear, Uzumaki!” Sasuke growled.
“Oi, sorry Uchiha, just got a little excited there.” Naruto patted him on the back. Kiba took advantage of Naruto's away ness.
“Hah, just killed your lazy ass!” Kiba bragged. Naruto turned around and started to yell at Inuzuka. Sasuke smirked, and went back to research.
* * *
“Mr. Nara this is Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara. They've come from Sand Village High, as exchange students. I was hoping you'd show them around.” Tsunade said. She quickly made her exit, so she didn't give Shikamaru any time to say no.
“Troublesome teachers…troublesome new students…” Shikamaru mumbled. Temari heard this, and was quickly riled.
“Got something to say to me, punk,” Temari challenged.
“Nope, let's go I have to show you around before my next class starts,” Shikamaru waved her off. Temari was about to say something, but was quickly silenced by her brother, Gaara.
* * *
Eighth period for many of the freshman was gym. Since the school wasn't as rich as they'd like to be, they only had one gym teacher who taught both boys and girls. Anko-sensei groaned as she walked towards girl's side of the locker room and had to yell at them to finish getting dressed. Sakura, Tenten, and Hinata sat on the bleachers waiting for class to start.
“So what did you think of my cousin?” Hinata said meekly.
“Neji?” Tenten questioned. Hinata nodded. “He's nice, I guess, but a little too polite for me.” Sakura nodded in agreement.
“Rock Lee, his friend, was WAY too crazy for me.” Sakura said. Hinata and Tenten let a laugh slip.
“You're right; I guess love isn't blind…” Tenten pondered.
“To bad clothes,” Sakura finished promptly. The three girls broke out in laughter. Anko-sensei blew the whistle for class to start and the girls hurried out on the floor.
* * *
“Okay today we will be playing volleyball. Tenten and Ino, you will be captains. Tenten you choose first then, Ino will serve first.” Anko said inclining them to stand up. Tenten smiled mischievously, and Sakura wondered what she had in mind. She looked to Hinata, and she shrugged as well.
“I choose Uchiha,” Tenten stated clearly. The entire class gasped. Ino looked incredulously towards Tenten.
“Ino?” Anko-sensei looked expectant.
“Inuzuka,” Ino huffed.
“Sakura,” Tenten smirked. This went on until Ino's team had Choji, Kiba, Naruto, and some of her giggle-gang friends. Tenten had Sakura, Hinata, Sasuke, and two other people from gym. The people who hadn't been picked would play winner. They got on the opposite sides of the court. Anko-sensei blew the whistle.
“Serving 0-0,” Ino called. She served the ball overhand and it came right to Hinata who bumped the ball to Sakura who set it towards Sasuke and he spiked it right over the net.
The ball came to one of the people on Tenten's team, who yelled, “Serving 0-1.” He served it over, and it came to one of Ino's giggle-gangers. She bumped it to Kiba who was in a position to spike, so that's what he did, but Tenten slid and bumped the ball up to Sasuke who hit it over towards Hinata who spiked it on Naruto's head.
“Ow! Man, Hyuuga, you've got an arm.” Naruto yelled. Everyone laughed.
“I'm s-so sorry, Naruto-kun. I d-did…not mean t-to.” Hinata stammered. Her blush was turning her whole face a shade of magenta.
“Oh, it's okay, Hinata. Naruto's a hard head.” Kiba said putting his arm around his friend.
“He's right...HEY!” Naruto turned on his friend and punched him in the arm. Hinata giggled.
“Alright, switch in the other team. Naruto and Kiba are hurt.” Anko said exasperatingly.
“Anko-sensei, we have new students,” an extremely bored voice said behind her.
Anko turned. Four students stood there. One, she knew as Shikamaru. “This is Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara; they're transfers from Sand High.”
Anko nodded, “Well, Shikamaru, you can play volleyball on Choji's team, while I give uniforms to the new students,” she turned towards the new students, “I'm Anko-sensei. Follow me and I'll give you your new uniforms.” She turned around. “Play Ball!”
* * *
“Hey Sakura,” Sasuke said turning to follow the pink-headed girl.
“Yes,” She said turning around.
“Um…good game and I'm sorry about my girlfriend. She's a pest.” Sasuke gave a
weak smile.
Sakura smile back, “Thanks.” Sasuke gave a small wave and turned to go.
“So, Sasuke's cute!” Tenten teased, as her friend caught up with her. Sakura
“He's got a girlfriend, who is my rival. You now I hate Ino with a passion.”
Sakura said, shaking off her blush. “Where's Hinata? I was going to invite her to come with us to my house.”
“Oh, she said that she was going to wait for Neji at Kendo practice.” Tenten put
her books into her backpack.
“Well, let's go. I want to see if she can come. She's really shy, and I want to show
her that we're friends.” Sakura said leaning up next to her friend's locker.
Tenten nodded. “Let's go. Neji's kind of cute anyways.”
“That's right he'll be all sweaty and his clothes will stick to him in a way that you
can see his finely chiseled chest.” Sakura teased. She didn't notice the figure standing right behind her.
“Who's finely chiseled chest?” Sakura turned to see Kiba Inuzuka standing right
behind her. She sighed in relief.
“Neji Hyuuga's, we're going to see Hinata, and she's waiting for Neji at Kendo
practice. I thought you were him.” She smiled at him.
Kiba grinned, “Well good thing that Neji's locker isn't located right next to
Tenten's.” He gestured to the locker that she was leaning on. Sakura moved right away.
“Sorry, Kiba,” she smiled meekly.
“Hey Haruno, there's a way you can make it up to me.” Kiba's grin turned
“What is it?” Sakura asked, unsure of what he was going to say.
“Let me take you to the Homecoming Dance.” Kiba's eyes were hopeful.
“Yeah! I'd love to.” Sakura said. She looked to Tenten in glee. Tenten nodded in
excitement. Sakura scribbled something on a piece of paper, “Here's my number and my address.”
“I'll be there around 7:50, okay?” Kiba said taking the paper. Sakura nodded.
“Well I've got to go. Bye, Sakura.” Kiba leaned down and planted a sweet little kiss on her cheek. He smiled one last time and ran down the hall.
“I got a date to the dance, and he's so fricken' cute too!” Sakura jumped up and
down in the hallway. Tenten giggled.
“Come on, we have to go tell Hinata. She'll be happy for you too.” Tenten and
Sakura practically skipped down the hall towards the gym.
* * *
Hinata sat in the gym, watching her cousin beat the crap out of another player.
She smiled and went back to her book. She was about to turn the page, when she heard the gym doors open. Nobody but her usually watched Kendo practice. She looked up. Sakura and Tenten were running at her. Hinata automatically shielded herself.
“Hey Hinata, whatcha' doin'?” Tenten asked. Hinata moved her hands and smiled
“Uh…I'm just waiting for Neji,” She pointed to the dark-haired figure, which was
moving easily through the ranks yelling pointers. He looked up and Hinata waved. Tenten and Sakura nodded.
“Yeah, well guess what?” Sakura asked excitedly remembering what she was
going to tell her.
“Kiba is taking me to the dance!” Sakura yelled. The entire kendo team stopped
and looked at her. Sakura blushed. “Um…sorry! You can go back to sparring!”
“Wow! That's great, Sakura. I'm so happy for you.” Hinata said.
“Yeah, I'm so happy now all I have to do is find you and Tenten a date.” Sakura smiled and winked at her two partners.
Hinata and Tenten blushed. Tenten regained composure, “Hey we also wanted to know if you wanted to come with us to Sakura's house today.”
“My parents could give you a ride when it's time to go home and all. It's totally fine with them.” Sakura said.
Hinata looked up with hopeful eyes, “I'd love to. Neji will just come and pick me up though. I'm sure he will, but let me ask him. He'll tell my father,” Hinata got up, “but can you guys come with me? He's more likely to say yes then.” She practically ran down the stairs of the bleachers to the floor. Tenten and Sakura followed eagerly to the floor.
“Yes, Hinata,” Neji said in his regal tone. Like Sakura said earlier, Neji was covered in sweat, and his robe had fallen open just a little. Tenten started gawking as she saw his beautiful chest in person. Sakura had to elbow her to stop looking.
“Neji-niisan, may I go to Sakura's and do my homework and hang out?” Hinata asked in her sweetest voice.
“Will I have to pick you up?” Neji said.
“Only if you want to,” Sakura interrupted, “my parents would be happy to give Hinata a ride if you don't want to.”
“You may go, but I'll pick you up around…” Neji's voice let someone else fill in.
“6:00,” Tenten said; because that was around the time she left.
“Sounds good. Have a good time cousin.” Neji said turning his back to them.
“Yes!” Sakura exclaimed. “Let's go before Tenten decides to stare at your cousin's chest,” Sakura said to Hinata.
“I was not.” Tenten said.
“You should know, my ears work in a full 360 degrees.” Neji said turning around.
“We'll be going now!” Tenten eeped and the three of them ran out.
To Be Continued….
Author's Note:
I didn't think this chapter was going to be that long. Anyways please review, so I know what you want from this story.
Regal Velvet Angel