Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High: Another Naruto High School Story ❯ Chapter Three: Operation Hot Chest ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I don't own
So please don't sue
Chapter Three:
Konoha High: Operation Hot Chest
Ino had been pissed off one too many times. Tenten, Sakura, and Hinata (just to make sure) were going to get theirs. No one made fun of Ino Yamanaka and got away with it. Ino smiled evilly and walked off to find her group of minions.
As Ino walked out of the bathroom, she bumped into a grinning Kiba. “What're you so happy about?”
“I'm taking Sakura to the dance!” Kiba let out a whoop and turned and ran down the hall. `Hmmm….,” thought Ino.
* * *
Naruto and Shikamaru walked down the hall towards the main entrance. They usually walked home together, since Kiba and Choji both rode the bus.
“So Shikamaru, who're you going to ask to the dance?” Naruto said looking up into the sunlight.
“I don't know….I might not go; dances are so troublesome,” Shikamaru stretched his arms behind his head.
“Yeah, I hear you, but I'm still going.”
“Are you going to ask someone?” Shikamaru asked.
“I was thinking about asking Sakura, but Kiba said he was going to ask her. Tenten is cute, but I only like her as a friend.” He squinted into the sky.
“How about the Hinata girl? You two seemed to be getting along in gym.”
“You know, I never really thought about her. She's really sweet, a little too quiet.”
“Maybe you could take a lesson from her.”
“What was that, Shikamaru? You want to say that to my face. Never mind, you're not worth it. Maybe I should ask Hinata to the dance. I don't know I'll think about it. Maybe I'll ask Kiba too.”
“Yeah sounds good. Well, this is my house. Bye Naruto.” Shikamaru gave a little wave as he walked into his house.
“Bye Shikamaru.”
* * *
“Wow, Sakura, your house is really nice!” Hinata said.
“Well, my parents are big time lawyers. They do most of their work at home, so they decided to make their home like an office.” Sakura gestured to the house around her.
“Yeah, but I bet you're house is bigger Hinata. Since your dad is the owner of the Hyuuga Hotel line,” Tenten said.
“I guess. It's a really big estate,” Hinata said shyly.
“Come on, let's go to my room,” Sakura said running up the stairs. She led them to a green-painted room with Sakura's name painted in messy blue letters across the door. She opened the door. Her room was just as big as the rest of the house. Hinata expected her room to be all pink, like her hair, but it was lime green and electric blue. “Welcome to my humble abode!”
“I really like it Sakura. It's very lovely, like the rest of your house, but I like this room the best.” Hinata said.
“In the 6th grade Sakura decided she had enough of pink, so we painted her room, and she got new furniture to match.” Tenten said slumping on a green couch. Hinata sat in a fuzzy blue moon chair and Sakura plopped down into a green and white polka-dotted bean bag.
“Let's watch TV!” Sakura flipped on the TV and changed it to a music channel. “I love this song!” Sakura stood to dance, and pulled Tenten and Hinata up with her. They began dancing to the song. Sakura and Tenten were surprised to see Hinata dancing so freely with them.
Hinata, Tenten, and Sakura spent the afternoon dancing, singing, doing homework, and eating. Now they were sitting around the table in Sakura's kitchen eating Oreo cookies and milk, and talking about the dance.
“I'm so excited about going with Kiba. Who do you want to go with, Hinata?” Sakura said drowning another cookie in milk.
“I don't know if I'm even going. Neji-niisan would have to go for my dad to say yes.” Hinata munched a cookie thoughtfully.
“Well, that's okay, because Tenten is going to ask Neji to go with her. Right, Tenten?”
Tenten almost choked on her milk. “What? I never said that. I was just planning on going solo.”
“Change your plans, then. You said Neji was cute.” Sakura pointed out.
“You think my cousin is cute?” Hinata giggled.
“Yes, he's cute, but there's no way I'm asking him. He'd have to ask me.” Tenten blushed a little.
“Well then we'll get him to ask you. He already knows you think he's fine, so Hinata and I'll start to drop hints about the dance and you around him so he knows you want him to take you!” Sakura explained. Hinata nodded in agreement. Tenten sighed and nodded her agreement. Sakura screamed in glee. “Okay, we start Operation Hot Chest at 1800 hours…”
* * *
Ding Dong, the sound rang through the house. Neji waited patiently outside. Tenten was pushed to open the door. She shook her head in reluctance. She pulled open the door to see Neji leaning on one of the columns on Sakura's porch.
“Hey, Tenten. Is Hinata there?” Tenten practically drooled. Neji's hair was damp from a shower and he was clad in a size too small white shirt and basketball shirt. His chest was showing very nicely through the cotton.
“Um…yeah. One second, I'll go get her. You can come in.” Tenten said.
“Okay,” Neji said. If Tenten was drooling, then Neji was ogling her. Tenten had slipped into a low-cut blue t-shirt and a pair of tight blue jeans. Tenten turned and ran up the stairs. `Self-control, self-control,' his mind chanted. In a couple minutes, his cousin, Sakura, and the delectable Tenten came down the stairs.
“Neji-niisan, do you think father would mind if I brought my friends to dinner? They always make enough for at least 5 more.” Hinata pleaded.
Neji pulled out his cell phone and handed it to Hinata. She automatically called her dad's cell phone, and started talking to her dad. Meanwhile, Tenten was eyeing Neji, and Neji was looking at her out of the corner of his eyes.
“Father says it's okay, as long as you say it's okay.” Hinata said hanging up the phone.
“Why would it be ok with me?” Neji was confused.
“You're the one who's going to give them a ride home. Please Neji-niisan.” Hinata looked up pleadingly to her cousin.
“Fine, you're paying me back the gas money, though.” Neji grinned slightly. Hinata nodded. Tenten and Sakura smiled and went to get their shoes. When he and Hinata were alone, he asked, “So does Tenten have a boyfriend?”
“Not that I know of, why?” Hinata asked back.
“Just wondering.” Hinata grinned; Operation Hot Chest was in action.
To Be Continued….
Author's Note: I just realized that all this is kind of focusing on Sakura and her friends. I'll put some more of the others in the next chapters. I really like the title of this chapter.