Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High: Another Naruto High School Story ❯ Chapter Five: Petrified Kisses ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: You know the drill. I don't own Naruto, never will.
Author's Note: If you continue reading this story, REVIEW!!! Now enjoy….
Chapter Five:
Konoha High: Petrified Kisses
For once in his life, didn't give a damn who saw him smiling. He'd found it, and it would get Ino off his back for good. He actually ran to school, losing his dark, brooding persona. His change in mood had everyone turning heads. He ran down the hall to his “girlfriend's” locker. She was right where he knew she'd be.
“Hi, Sasuke-kun.” Her voice was surprised, but yet at the same time expectant. Just to smite her later, Sasuke leaned down and gave her a little peck on the lips.
“Hey, doll. Guess what?” He beamed at her.
“You've finally realized your love for me. Sasuke-kun,” she cooed.
“Nope.” He held up a picture. Ino gasped. She grabbed it from him and held it tightly to her chest. “Plenty more copies where that come from, Babe.”
“Where'd you get this?” Her voice was barely above a whisper.
“I was in the gym yesterday too.” He smirked. “Now, how should we break up? Hmm…maybe publicly in front of everyone, where I will tell everybody how you were cheating on me with Rock Lee, or just secretly, and when people ask you why, you could say I was cheating on you. Which one?” A small smile appeared on Ino's face, and Sasuke was taken aback by this.
“Hmm…if you tell everyone I was cheating on you, I'll just show them this.” Ino reached into her locker, and pulled out another photo. She dangled it in his face, and he turned the brightest shade of red.
“That was years ago and he came on to me. No one will believe you.” Sasuke's face became dark and brooding again.
“Oh, but they will, Sasuke-kun, they will.” While Sasuke stood there petrified, Ino slithered her arms around his neck. She went to kiss him on the lips, but he turned his head away from her. “You will give into me, Sasuke-kun.”
* * *
Hinata walked in with her older cousin at her side. She looked up at Neji, and he handed her, her backpack.
“Thanks, Neji-niisan.” Hinata said. He nodded in acknowledgement. She waved a small goodbye, and walked off to find Sakura and Tenten. She found them outside of art class waiting for Kurenai-sensei to come and open the door.
“Hey Hinata, what's up?” Sakura said.
“Nothing really, how about you guys?” She sat down next to them.
“Nothing here, either. How was Neji-san, last night?” Sakura said. Tenten groaned. Hinata patted her on the back.
“After we came back from dropping you guys off, he locked himself in his room, and turned up his music. It was that sapping Goth rock stuff. I feel really bad; I don't think it was you, Tenten. I think he thought that it was his fault.” Hinata explained looking at her hands.
“It's okay, Hinata. We couldn't force him to like me anyway.” Tenten said.
“I don't think that's the problem. I think it's getting him to admit his feelings that the problem.” Sakura said, finishing up her bagel. Hinata nodded her head.
“Whatever, I don't think he likes me. I think he sees me as his little cousin's best friend.” Tenten sighed again and leaned back on the bench.
“Hey girls, you're early.” Kurenai walked up, and unlocked the door. Hinata, Sakura, and Tenten sat at the table and waited for the rest of the class to arrive.
* * *
Sakura was furious. `Where is he? He should be in class today. I just saw him yesterday, and Naruto told me he was okay when he talked to him.' She thought.
“Where is he?” Sakura said aloud waiting. She was waiting for him on the bench in the courtyard, where he told her to wait for him in the e-mail. Sakura gave a frustrated sigh, and turned right into the arms of Rock Lee.
“Hello Sakura-chan, might I ask you a question?” Rock Lee's face was unreadable, but Sakura complied. He led her to sit back down on the bench. He kneeled in front of her like a true knight in green armor.
“What do you want, Lee?” Sakura asked in her kindest voice. She kind of felt bad for the bushy-eyed teen.
“I would like to escort you to the Homecoming dance next weekend.” Sakura bit back a laugh.
“But Lee, I'm going with Kiba-kun.” Sakura said in her straightest face.
“I knew you would say that. I also know of your burning passion for me. Please, Sakura, don't deny it anymore. Our love is just a burning truth that adds to our youth. Let me show you.” He leaned toward her. Sakura couldn't move, and her eyes widened in horror. Lee moved in and planted one on her lips.
* * *
“Thanks, mom, for the ride. Make sure Akamaru has enough water in his bowl, and don't get him riled too much,” Kiba said to his mom. He hugged her and ran into the school. Akamaru had been chewing on a dead bird he found in the yard, it obviously got him sick, and Kiba stayed home to make sure he was alright. It was lunchtime, and he had e-mailed Sakura last night that she should meet him on the bench in the courtyard. He ran to the courtyard. He saw Sakura sitting there, looking as beautiful as ever, and he also saw Rock Lee, kickboxing champ at the CAC. He was kneeling in front of her, like a knight. Kiba moved in closer to hear what they were saying.
“I would like to escort you to the Homecoming dance next weekend,” Lee said. `That bastard, trying to move in on my girl,' Kiba thought. Kiba was about to lash out when he saw a small smile across Sakura's face. `Oh no, she couldn't be thinking…' Kiba's mind trailed off.
“But Lee, I'm going with Kiba-kun.” Her voice sounded disappointed. `She doesn't want to go with me.” He heard Lee say something else, but Kiba didn't want to hear it. He saw Sakura's eyes widen in delight, and Lee moving in to kiss her. Kiba had to do something.
“Oi wench!” Kiba stepped out of the shadows. Sakura pushed Lee off of her and stood, but Kiba stuck out his hand to silence her. “I thought you really liked me, but I guess not. I hope you're happy now.” Sakura's mouth opened to say something, but Kiba turned around and walked off.
When Kiba walked out of her sight, she turned to Lee, “Thanks, Lee thanks a lot.” Sakura pushed past him before he could see the tears in her eyes. Lee looked after her as she ran past him. He was confused. He thought she really liked him.
* * *
Unbeknownst to all of them, Ino sat atop the second floor of the building looking down at the scene below him. Kissing Lee was all worth it. Ino cackled evilly and turned around to her new classmate, Temari.
To Be Continued….
Author's Note: If you just read this chapter, REVIEW!!! Or I will cease to continue this story. Please Review!!!!