Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High: Another Naruto High School Story ❯ Chapter Seven: Girl's Night Out (Part 1) ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or Applebee's. Or for that matter any products with a brand name too.
Chapter Seven:
Konoha High: Girl's Night Out (Part 1)
Shikamaru was laying out in the grass in the courtyard. He watched Tenten and her friends sitting on a near-by bench. Tenten was obviously upset about something. He guessed about the dance. Hinata and Sakura were trying their best to comfort her, but Tenten was too proud. `Troublesome girls…ruining my free period,' Shikamaru thought. He thought back to lunch sitting with Naruto.
“Hey Shikamaru, can I talk to you for a sec?” Naruto sat down at his table with his ramen. Choji was off in search for someone who didn't want their lunch, and Kiba was sulking up in the library. He didn't have anything better to do, so he said yes. “Okay. Kiba's being a jerk to Sakura; because he saw her and Lee kiss in the courtyard on Tuesday. Sakura's so shook up about it, and he won't do anything. I want to be a good friend, so I'm not going to ask Hinata to the dance until everything's set with Kiba and Sakura.” He sighed and messed with his ramen.
“So…” Shikamaru didn't know what he wanted him to say.
“So, what should I do?” Naruto was definitely desperate.
Shikamaru looked right at his friend. “I don't think you should do anything, yet. Just let things stew over in Kiba's mind, and he'll come around. To help things along, don't talk to him about it. Once he's lightened up his mood, then weasel Sakura into your conversations,” This was the best advice, Shikamaru could come up with.
~End Flashback~
Shikamaru rolled over in the grass. He focused his eyes to the clouds passing by. `High school can be so troublesome.'
* * *
Hinata decided it was time for some girl's night out. Class was over, and she knew Tenten and Sakura had finished all their homework. She was sitting with them in the Student Center, deciding what to do.
“I think we should go out and then have a sleep over at whoever's house.” Hinata proudly declared. Tenten and Sakura looked to the almost always meek girl. Hinata raised an eyebrow, clearly waiting for an answer.
“That sounds great, but we can't have it over at my house,” Sakura said, “My parents are out of town for the weekend.”
“That's a no for me too,” Tenten said, “My mom won't like lots of noise especially since she works all day.”
“Okay then my house it is,” Hinata said, “My Father will be fine with it, because he likes to see me having fun. He's such a softie.” She gave a smile. Tenten and Sakura nodded. “Let's go tell Neji, that I'll be going to your guys' house.” Hinata got up and stopped. “You guys don't have to come. I can talk to him by myself.”
Sakura looked to Tenten. “It's okay, we'll go together,” Tenten said with a smile. They got up and walked to the gym with their arms linked.
Hinata pushed open the door and they walked down to the floor, and waited for Neji to finish his match. He spotted them and quickly crossed the gym to them.
“Hi Neji-niisan, can I borrow your cell phone real quick?” Hinata asked sweetly. He nodded and handed it to her. He eyed the two girls with his cousin, who were immersed in silent conversation. `Something about Tenten shouldn't be staring at me,' Neji thought with a quick grin; it quickly dissipated when they turned to him. His gaze quickly shifted to his cousin. “Father says it's okay if I got to Sakura and Tenten's house to pick up their stuff.”
“Why are you going to do that?” His voice sounded a little harsh.
Hinata winced, but quickly recovered, “We having a girl's night out, and then they are going to spend the night.”
“Who's going to drive you?”
“Neji-niisan, I know you're worried, but it's okay. We're going to take a taxi back to the house from Sakura's. Then we'll probably take a taxi again.” He nodded, and took back his cell phone.
“Okay.” He said solemnly, and he turned to the two girls.
“Well, we should be going,” Sakura said. Tenten nodded. They turned to leave.
“Wait,” Neji said. They spun around. “Tenten, can I talk to you?” Tenten stepped up to him.
“It's okay, Neji-san. I know you have a girlfriend,” Tenten said. She had a small smile. Neji stood there dumbstruck.
“We really have to go now, Neji-niisan. Sakura's parents will be leaving soon.” Hinata pulled Tenten, and they quickly exited the gym.
“But I don't have a girlfriend…” His voice trailed off.
* * *
Kiba lie on the floor of his living room, staring at the ceiling. `So this is how Shikamaru feels,' he thought. He dog lay beside him, whimpering at his master's attitude. Kiba paid no attention. He was too engrossed in his thoughts of Sakura. `How could she do that to me? Just kiss him like that. I wish she could've done that to me instead. Wait…that was uncalled for. I don't like her anymore. Or at least, I shouldn't like her anymore.'
* * *
They were going out in style. Hiashi, after hearing his daughter wanted to go out with friends, had called for a limousine to take them out to wherever the wanted. He sat in the living room, waiting for his daughter and her friends to come.
He heard the door click, and he saw his daughter and her friends come in, “Hello Father. I saw the limousine. Are you and Mother going out to dinner tonight as well?”
A smile crept across his face. “No, Hinata, that is for you and your friends.” He watched as she and her friends squealed in delight. He had never seen her so happy. “On one condition…”
“We'll do anything, Father.” Hinata beamed in delight.
“You have to take Neji along. He'll be your chaperone.” The excited giggles stopped. He thought they'd be happy for that as well.
“Father, do we have to bring Neji? It's just that it's a `girl's' night out.” Hinata said. He could tell she wasn't telling him something.
“Sorry, Hinata; I'd feel safer with him with you.” Hinata turned to her friends and they gave a reluctant nod.
“We'll take Neji along.”
“He's in the shower right now. I told him already that he'll be going with you. So you should plan on where you planning on going.” Hiashi gave them a smile. They smiled back, and took their stuff upstairs.
“So where are we going to go?” Hinata asked once they got to her room. They put their stuff on the floor. They sprawled out across Hinata's enormous bed.
“Um…I think we should go to dinner, and then go dancing,” Sakura said.
“Yeah, me too,” Tenten said.
“Sounds good, but where should we go. I'm sure my father won't mind us going to an expensive restaurant.” Hinata grinned.
“Don't we need reservations for that?” Sakura asked.
“Oh yeah, where do you guys like to eat?” Hinata rolled onto her stomach, “We don't go out to very many restaurants where you don't need reservations.”
Tenten grunted in thought. “Oh how about Applebee's? I love their riblets.”
“Yeah, I love them, too, but I haven't been able to go there in awhile.” Sakura smiled at the thought of juicy pieces of meat drenched in barbecue sauce.
“Okay, so where are we going to go dancing?” Hinata loved having her friends here with her.
“How about that new teen club that opened in the Suna District, umm…what's it called…oh yeah Club Spiral. I read about its opening in the newspaper last week.” Sakura said.
“You read the newspaper?” Tenten asked. Hinata and Tenten broke out in laughs.
“Yes, I do. Do you have a problem with that?” Sakura challenged them. Hinata recovered from her giggle fit first.
“I have no problem with going to Club Spiral,” Hinata said with the straightest face she could muster.
“Sounds good!” Tenten said. They collapsed in a fit of giggles.
* * *
“I can't believe she made me do this,” Sasuke mumbled to himself. He looked down at himself in the mirror. He wore an open dark blue silk shirt with a black tank top underneath, a black pair of slacks, and some nice shoes he kept for emergencies. Ino would be happy. Sasuke was glad that he wouldn't be the only guy there. Ino said one of her giggle gang friends who was crushing on that Shino Aburame had invited him, and he invited all the guys. It was going to be one hell of a night. Sasuke grabbed his keys off the counter and took off.
* * *
Neji sat in the back of the limousine watching three pairs of legs. He could hear them squealing at the Suna District at night. He almost cracked up at the sight of his uncle's face when they said they were going to Applebee's for dinner. He tried to talk as little as possible, and that's what happened at the beginning of dinner. Then, while Tenten was half way through her riblets, she sighed real big and asked him how Kendo practice was. Neji answered politely enough, but Sakura and Hinata stared at Tenten then back at him, and then to Tenten again. She nodded that she was okay, and the entire mood lightened. Soon, he was laughing with them.
“Neji-kun,” Sakura shrieked, “Come here, you've got to see this!” He laughed at her face, and he went to look out of the moon roof with them.
“Isn't it awesome?” Tenten laughed. She was glowing, and Neji's breath caught. She was so beautiful. Tenten looked at him, and she smiled. He smiled back and looked around.
“There it is!” Hinata pointed to a building that was glowing a light blue color, and on the front of the building there was the name Spiral, written in bold orange letters. Neji knew that Hiashi had made sure that they were on the guest list and that they didn't have to wait in line.
They pulled up in front of the club and Neji, of course, got out first, and helped out his cousin, followed by Sakura, then Tenten. Neji had opted for a white tank top, with an open chocolate silk shirt, and a pair of his favorite jeans. Hinata wore a pair of black genie pants, a lavender camisole with a lace hemline, and to top it off she wore a lavender clubbing hat. Sakura had chosen for a pink ensemble. She wore a light off the shoulder pink dress that clung to the waist with a pair of dark jeans. Tenten stepped out in a blue Chinese dress that slit up to mid thigh. Her hair that was usually done up in two buns, was in a messy bun with two chopsticks sticking out the back.
“You ladies look wonderful.” He turned and offered his arms. Hinata and Tenten took his two arms, and Sakura took Hinata's. They strolled up to the front and told them their names. The scary looking man, holding a clipboard, handed them four V.I.P. passes. Hiashi-san did very well. They thanked the man and walked in the club. The first room was all white with snazzy couches and a juice bar. The next room was all red and silver, with tables and chairs, and a coat check counter. Hinata, Tenten, and Sakura dropped off their purses. They found a table and they all sat down.
“So what do you ladies want to do first?” Neji said.
“I'm thirsty,” Sakura whined in a cute voice. Neji just smiled and got up, and asked everyone what they wanted, and he went to go get drinks. He brought two virgin strawberry daiquiris, a banana smoothie, and a virgin Pinã Colada. They downed their drinks in seconds and the girls dragged him to the dance floor.
“Oh no,” Tenten breathed. Sakura was about to ask her friend what she was talking about, but then she saw it, platinum blonde hair. Ino was there. She was grinding her hips with Rock Lee. Hinata and Neji caught on to what they were looking at.
“I think I just puked in my mouth,” Hinata said. It wasn't meant to be a joke, but they cracked up. Ino's eyes whipped to where the laughing was coming from. `Ugh…it's them trying to ruin my night, but Neji's with them. What's going on? I thought him and Temari saw each other,' Ino thought. She huffed, and tried to keep on the rhythm.
Hinata and Sakura said they wanted to go to the bathroom, so they left to go find it. “I think she spotted us,” Tenten laughed, trying to avoid Ino's gaze.
“Then lets' give her a show!” Neji pulled Tenten to the middle of the dance floor, right in Ino's line of sight. Tenten got what he meant, and she moved to the music. Neji got behind her and put his hands on her hips. Tenten got more daring and dipped on his hips. Neji spun her around, so it was them dancing, hip to hip. Tenten looked up into Neji's eyes, and he leaned in real close and whispered, “I don't have a girlfriend.” Tenten took the effort and kissed him. The kiss was slow and sweet. Tenten sighed into his arms, and they just stood there in the middle of the dance floor holding each other.
To Be Continued…
Author's Note: Girl's Night Out Part Two is the next chapter. I still haven't figured out who Sakura is going to end up with. Please Review!!!