Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High: Another Naruto High School Story ❯ Chapter Eight: Girl's Night Out (Part 2) ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or any other brand name products.
Chapter Eight:
Konoha High: Girl's Night Out (Part 2)
“AWWWW!!!” Hinata and Sakura “aww”ed in unison. Tenten would've fallen over if Neji wasn't holding her. Sakura just remembered something.
“Hey Neji, aren't you cheating on Temari, then?” Sakura yelled over the music.
“No, let me tell you about in there,” Neji yelled back. They followed Neji into the red room and sat down at their table. The girls were ready to listen. “You guys must have saw me and Temari hugging in the hallway today. Well when we bumped into each other it was a surprise. I was happy to see her and she was happy to see me, as friends. When I hugged her, I realized I didn't have feeling for her anymore, so we talked. She told me that she figured out a long time ago that she had to get over me. When she came here, she met someone and now she is smitten with him. We're friends.” When Tenten heard this, she scooted her chair closer.
“Okay, now I get it. But I must warn you now, Neji-kun. If you hurt Tenten in anyway, I will come after you, and it will not end pretty.” Sakura said. Hinata nodded in agreement.
“How could I hurt someone that I know could hurt me?” Neji said. They giggled. Hinata said she wanted to go look around more of the club. Neji and Tenten waved them off and they went to go on dance floor.
“So what's up here?” Hinata asked walking up the stairs to the second floor of the club. Sakura followed. They entered another lounge but this one was a black with green and pink couches.
“Look its Sasuke, and Gaara.” Sakura pointed to a green couch. They went to go say hi. As they walked farther into the lounge they noticed more people they knew sitting around the chairs. Most of the girls, though, were members of Ino's giggle-gang. They rolled their eyes as Sakura and Hinata walked past. Hinata spotted Shino sitting on a green couch and they went to go sit with him.
“Hey Shino,” Hinata said. Sakura waved a hand and they sat down.
* * *
Kiba watched the two girls sit down next to that Shino kid. Naruto dragged him into this club scene. His friend sat beside him. He was eyeing that Hinata girl.
“If you like her so much, why don't you go talk to her?” Kiba said to his friend.
“Why don't you go talk to Sakura?” Naruto shot back. He leaned back in his chair and fixed his orange shirt. He matched it with a pair of white washed jeans.
“Will it make you stop nagging me about Sakura?” Naruto nodded. He decided it was better that he not follow Shikamaru's advice. You never know what could go wrong when you take advice from a lazy bum. Kiba got up, growled, and walked over to where the girl in the pink was sitting. She looked up at him. At first her face showed hope, then realization, and then it went expressionless.
“What do you want?” She asked, her voice was void of emotion.
Kiba growled, and said, “Let's dance.” He grabbed her wrist, and in one smooth motion he yanked her up to him. Sakura let out a small gasp. Her eyes widened and he pulled her into a kiss, right there in front of half the freshman class. She pulled away. He looked down at her.
“Last time I checked, that wasn't dancing.” Sakura grinned at the dog boy and she pulled him downstairs.
* * *
Shikamaru was sitting on a couch watching a scene unfold before him. He knew that Naruto wasn't going to use his advice. He watched as his plan came together. He watched Sakura drag the very happy Kiba away to dance. His work was done. He closed his eyes and leaned back onto the obscenely colored pink couch.
“Hi, can I sit here?” Shikamaru opened his eyes and there was a very beautifully dressed Temari. She was in a black mini skirt with a red and black halter top. She sat down without his permission anyway.
* * *
Naruto was going to do it. He was going to ask Hinata Hyuuga to the dance. He stood up and marched up to the girl. She and Shino were talking.
“Oh, hi, Naruto,” Hinata said. She smiled.
“Hi, Hinata. Hey I was wondering if you were going to the dance with anybody.” Naruto took a deep breath and awaited her answer.
“It is funny that you asked that, because Shino just asked me to go with him.” Somewhere in the room you could hear a wailing sob from a giggle-gang member. Naruto looked from Shino to Hinata. He couldn't tell if he was looking at him or not, because of his glasses.
“Oh…well, I was just wondering.” Naruto stuck his hands in his pockets and walked off.
To Be Continued…
Author's Note: Aww…poor Naruto. In the next chapter, I'll probably introduce who the guy that came onto Sasuke in the picture was, and show some more of Ino being evil. Please Review.