Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High: Another Naruto High School Story ❯ Chapter Nine: The Trouble with Texting ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own, so you can't sue!!!
Chapter Nine:
Konoha High: The Trouble with Texting
Ino paced her room Friday night. What was she going to do? All three of them had a date. She had to do something. She glanced around her room and spotted something. `The wonders of having your boyfriend's cell phone,' Ino smiled to herself. She picked it up, and prepared herself to ruin at least one of their lives, even if it meant losing one the things that was most precious to her.
* * *
“Neji-kun, I know you want to be with your girlfriend all night, but we have major girl stuff to do,” Sakura said grabbing her friend's arm.
“She's right, Neji-niisan.” Hinata nodded. Tenten gave him a little smile. Neji pouted in defeat, which was funny considering they knew he could kill them within the minute.
“Can I at least get a good night kiss?”
“You already got like a billion,” Tenten grinned.
“Well, I need a billion and one to get to bed tonight.” Tenten moved in and Neji took over. He grabbed her waist and pulled her into a passionate kiss.
“Get in here!” Sakura yelled from Hinata's bedroom. Tenten waved a small goodbye to her boyfriend. She was grabbed by two sets of hands, and was dragged into the room. Neji sighed contentedly and turned to retire to his room. She was finally his.
“Man, it's kind of gross to think my cousin is romantic with one of my best friends,” Hinata said. Tenten blushed and Sakura laughed.
The night had gone great. Ino stayed out of their way most of the night. Sakura laughed at the look on Ino's face when she saw her and Kiba dancing together. Hinata had even worked up the courage to dance with Shino. They stayed out until around eleven, and they decided to call it a night.
Tenten finished changing into her pajamas. She wore a pair of green plaid men's pants, and a white tank top. Hinata slipped on a lilac nightgown, with a royal purple robe. Sakura opted for pink boxer shorts, and a gigantic white t-shirt. They pulled Hinata's mattress off the bed and placed it on the floor in front of her TV. They had turned on some sappy chick flick and were settling in. It was a great end, to an almost perfect night.
* * *
Shino lay on his bed. It wasn't often that he did these reflective moments with himself. He knew that he was going to the dance this next Friday with Hinata. He didn't know why he did it. It was just a spur of the moment thing. It wasn't that he really liked Hinata. She was pretty, and very nice to him, even though he knew he had a reputation for being a loner. Maybe it was to prove something to him. `Sasuke…' Shino thought. He saw the way his dark eyes shot his way when Hinata said that they were going to the dance together to Naruto.
His phone beeped. He picked it up, and turned it on. `Hm…a text message..' Shino thought to himself.
Sasuke: Hey Shino…
“It's Sasuke,” Shino said aloud. He quickly typed something in.
Shino: hey, what's up?
Sasuke: I saw you with Hinata, so do you like her?
Shino: Yeah, I guess. Why are you jealous?
Sasuke: I don't know. I thought that now that we're in high school, we could go to the dance together.
Shino: I'll think about it…
Sasuke: Okay, well, night Shino.
Shino: Night.
Shino turned off his phone. What was he going to do? Hinata would be heart broken if he said he didn't want to go with her anymore. `Maybe I can get her not to want to go with me,' Shino thought. Shino turned over and went to bed.
To Be Continued….
Author's Note: YAY!!! I've got a review. Sorry I know it was short, the next one will be longer.