Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High: Another Naruto High School Story ❯ Chapter Ten: Poor, Poor Hinata ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
Chapter Ten:
Konoha High: Poor, Poor Hinata
Choji sat in the front of the school Monday morning, having his after breakfast snack, and waiting for Shikamaru. He saw his friend with the dark ponytail bob around the corner with a blonde draped around him. Choji knew it wasn't Ino, because this girl had straw blonde hair. `Hmm…reminds me of the croissants my mom makes' Choji thought. With closer inspection he saw that it was the new girl, Temari. `She was the one with Shikamaru at the club.'
“Hey Choji,” Shikamaru said. Choji saw the girl elbow him in the ribs. “This is my new girlfriend, Temari.”
“Hi,” she said with a little wave.
“I like the color of your hair,” Choji said with a discreet lick of the lips. Temari touched her hair and said thanks.
* * *
“What's got you down?” Kiba asked looking down at his friend, who was slumped on the floor in front of the art room. “No pun intended, I swear.”
“Hinata's going to the dance with Shino,” Naruto said bluntly. `This must really have him down. There's no emotion to anything about him,' Kiba thought. Kiba kneeled next to him.
“They're probably going as friends,” Kiba said. He hadn't noticed anything that happened at the club, because he was to busy tending to his cherry blossom.
“You probably didn't see them dancing then.” His words were so empty. There was no expression to his face. Kiba didn't know what to do. Naruto had helped him through his time of need, but when it was his problem, it was so obvious. Kiba just sat down with him in silence.
“Kiba-kun!” His girlfriend raced down the hall and into his arms. She planted a little kiss on his cheek.
“Hey girly, what's up?” Kiba put on a giant grin for her.
“Nothing, but what's wrong with Naruto?” She said the first part aloud, but whispered the rest in his ear.
“He was going to ask Hinata to the dance, but he waited for me to ask you. And he waited too long, so Shino asked her instead.” He whispered back.
“You don't have to whisper. I know what you're talking about.” Naruto didn't look up. Sakura looked embarrassed.
“Sorry Naruto. I'm going to talk to my boyfriend real quick.” She gave him a wink, and she dragged him in the next hallway.
“I thought making out was against school rules,” Kiba said grinning.
“Yes it is. I just wanted to tell you something about Hinata,” she said. Kiba pouted. Sakura leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
“So what's going on between Shino and Hinata?”
“Well, that's it. They're going together, but Hinata doesn't like him like that. Or at least she didn't. Tenten and I, well, we egged her about how cute he was and how the mystery about him is just an added quality. So now I'm pretty sure she has a thing for him.” Sakura sighed and looked down. She screwed up.
“What are we going to do?” Kiba asked.
“Try to make her not like him anymore,” Sakura said.
“Well, I think he just made our job easier,” Kiba said. Sakura looked up and saw what he was pointing at. Shino was walking down the hall. Instead of his usual flipped collar white shirt, he wore a black turtle-neck, and black jeans. He took off his sunglasses and replaced them with black eyeliner. Shino's eyes were a surprising shade of yellow. He looked dirty, like he hadn't taken a shower for two days. He had smears of unidentifiable food substances over the black. His hair was greasy looking and it kept falling in his face.
Kiba and Sakura decided to keep a good distance and followed him to art class. They kept their laughter silent, and clung to each other for support as they walked down the hall.
* * *
Miss Kurenai looked as if she'd been up late the night before. And everybody knew she was up with Asuma-sensei, or thinking about him. She murmured that they could choose their seats. Hinata sat down beside Shino, obviously trying to ignore his stench. Tenten asked if she could sit with Kiba and Sakura, and they nodded. It was three to a table, so Kiba directed Naruto to sit beside Hinata.
“Hi Naruto, are you alright? You don't look so well.” Hinata looked worried. He waved her off.
“I'm fine.” Hinata sighed and looked back at Shino who was scratching himself. `I wish Naruto was the one who asked me, but I guess he didn't like me that,' Hinata thought to herself.
“Hey woman, look what I brought you,” Shino said, waking Hinata from her thoughts.
“Hn,” she responded. He pulled out a tiny glass shadow box, and inside was a giant cicada. “HOLY CRAP!!!” She stood abruptly, causing her stool to fall back. She tried to move back farther, but she tripped on the chair legs. In one swift movement, Naruto got out of his chair and moved behind Hinata and caught her. “Oof.”
“Hinata, are you okay?” Kurenai-sensei asked. Hinata nodded and stood up out of Naruto's arms.
“Thank you, Naruto.” She blushed gracefully and set her chair upright.
“Hn.” He turned around and sat back down.
“So you don't like my cicada?” Shino asked.
“Um…it's very interesting, Shino,” Hinata said politely and took the small glass shadow box. In the back of the class, three hands hit their foreheads. `Hinata is so clueless,' Kiba, Sakura, and Tenten thought simultaneously.
* * *
Hinata had invited Shino to eat lunch with them. He accepted and he sat between Naruto and Hinata. Naruto sat next to Kiba and Sakura, who was sitting next to Tenten, who sat next to Shikamaru, Temari, and Choji. Naruto tried to hide it, but every time he put food in his mouth, he gagged. He finally got fed up and left. No one went after him.
At the other table, Ino sat with her giggle-gang. “Poor, poor Hinata,” Ino said. “At this rate, she won't be able to stand twenty-feet from him, than go to the dance with him.” Sasuke rolled his eyes as the titters were heard.
“Where's my phone?” Sasuke asked as the laughs died down. Ino looked at him.
“Right here,” She handed him his cell phone. A small grin crossed her face, and Sasuke knew something was wrong, but he decided to push it aside until later…
To Be Continued…
Author's Note: Let us celebrate!!! THIS IS MY TENTH CHAPTER! I've never written anything this long, but so far I'm so excited. I'm guessing this story is going to be about 15 chapters, at least. Tell me what you think about Shino being gay, especially with Sasuke, but it might not end up that way. Because right now, I'm making it up as I go…LEAVE A REVIEW!!! Oh and special thanks to Arenja and LunaEstrella for commenting my story.