Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High: Another Naruto High School Story ❯ Chapter Twelve: Operation Pale Eyes ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, so please don't sue.
Chapter Twelve:
Konoha High: Operation Pale Eyes
It was Wednesday when Sakura figured out that she should take intervention. Hinata sulked in Shino's shadow, and had returned to her former self. She was quiet and meek. Neji and Tenten corned Sakura in the hallway and asked what was going on.
“Um…I don't know…” Sakura tried.
“We know you know something!” Tenten said.
“We saw you talking to Gaara on Monday. He told you something. What was it? And why does it involve Hinata?” Neji towered over her. He was so protective of Hinata. Sakura decided it was best she tell them before they do something bad to her. She let out a giant sigh and told them the entire story. Neji and Tenten sighed in realization.
“So what are we going to do?” Tenten asked.
“I thought we'd just let Shino's plan work out by itself…” Sakura said looking at her feet. She knew that she should have done something earlier.
“We better do something. The dance is this Friday.” Neji looked at Tenten then Sakura. “I'll think of something and report back to you at free period.”
* * *
Sakura sat at the front of health class that day. She didn't know why she did it. Maybe she didn't want to face Gaara again until she had to. Tenten and Hinata reluctantly sat on either side of her. Some of the boys pouted when they saw that they couldn't sit up front and listen to Jiraiya-sensei's lecture. Then, the wily, white-haired teacher made his appearance.
“It's so lovely to see some lovely young women sitting up front today. Maybe you'd be interested in volunteering for demonstration,” He projected to the back of the classroom. Tenten and Hinata shook their head with a crimson blush gracing their cheeks. Sakura's eyes were just glazed over, and she shook her head slightly. Luckily Jiraiya was explaining the male anatomy, and he didn't require any female assistance.
* * *
Sasuke sat in the library pondering what to do. Kakashi-sensei was supposed to be their substitute teacher for gym, but all he did was post a note saying he was going to help Jiraiya teach, so they were supposed to go to the library. Shino was sitting at a table with Hinata, and every once in a while he would shoot a look over his shoulder at him. Sasuke gave a small smile. He didn't know what to do. He told Gaara his problem, after Gaara told him about his crush on Shino.
Ino was sitting across from him, checking her face in the mirror. He scowled. It was her fault he was in the mess. He was about to do something drastic, when he felt a piece of paper press into his hands.
He looked over his should and into emerald green eyes. `Sakura' he thought. She smiled at him and held it out. He took the note, and unfolded it on top of his book. He pulled up his book to his face like he was going to read it, instead of the note. `We have a plan…I don't know if it's going to work, but pick a girl of your favor. Preferably not one with a boyfriend or Hinata. Write your girl on this note and slip it into Tenten's bag on our way out. There will be a note waiting for you tomorrow in your locker.' Sasuke read over the note in his mind. He scanned over every girl he knew in school. `Oh…she's perfect!' he said to himself. He quickly scribbled something down.
Tenten pulled the note from her pocket and Sakura, Neji, and she filed around her locker trying to get a look at what the note said. A smile crossed all their faces.
“Okay Sakura, you brief Kiba and we'll meet at the coffee shop by your house. I'll talk to Shikamaru and Temari. They'll bring Choji, Kankuro, and Gaara. This is going to need all of them. Now, the only thing to decide is if we bring Naruto into this or not.” Tenten sighed and looked at them. `Naruto might not like this, and he might think this is tricking Hinata into liking him.'
“Nah…We won't tell them unless they ask.” Sakura was pleased.
“So…Operation Pale Eyes is in action,” Neji said.
* * *
“So what is this about?” Shikamaru asked Temari again.
“We're going to help out any way we can. Neji helped me get you, now we're going to help his little cousin to get your friend, Naruto.” Temari hugged him around the waist. Shikamaru gave an exasperated sigh, but kept walking into the coffee shop. He spotted Tenten, Neji, Sakura, and Kiba sitting at three pushed together tables. He sat down with Temari right next to him. Soon after, Choji, Kankuro, and Gaara walked in.
“Okay, so here's the plan…” Sakura said laying a large piece of paper in the middle of the table.
Author's Note: HAHA CLIFFHANGER!!! Dude actually it's because I'm too tired to actually write what the plan is, but you'll see in the next the chapter. Thanks to xxfruits_basketsxx, razile, and Arenja (again) for the reviews. I absolutely love to know what you think. And if you have any special requests for a fic, drop me an e-mail and I'll see what I can do. I also like to know what you think is going to happen, because then it makes it easier for me to make surprising twists…OKAY!!! That's it. Oh read my other fiction, Kiss Me Fool. It's a songfic, and my first one.
Regal Velvet Angel