Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Konoha High: Another Naruto High School Story ❯ Chapter Fourteen: The Operation ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, and y'all know not to sue me.
Chapter Fourteen:
Konoha High: The Operation
Hinata walked to her locker. She noticed Sasuke was pulling out his geometry book. `That's weird, Sasuke doesn't have geometry today…' Hinata thought. She shrugged it off, and turned back to her locker. '42-07-15' Hinata twisted the lock and it pulled open with a little force.
“Hinata-chan, I must speak with you!” Shino's voice came from behind her. She spun and she saw that her “date” had reverted back to his clean self. She smiled at him. Hinata also noticed a frustrated Tenten and Neji behind the shaded figure.
“Yes, Shino-kun,” Hinata said looking at him. He looked a little remorseful.
“Hinata-chan, I'm so sorry, but things came up and-,” the bug man was cut off by a boisterous voice.
“WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ABOUT, INUZUKA?!?!?” Naruto stormed down the hallway. His hands were busy zipping up his fly. A red Kiba trailed behind him shaking his head at his friend. Naruto spun around to see the people looking at him. He gave a nervous laugh and walked over to his locker, which happened to be located next to Hinata's. She gave him a nod of acknowledgement and turned back to Shino.
“Well, what I was saying Hinata-chan is that…I'm going to go to the dance with Sasuke-kun.” Naruto who was obviously listening on the conversation fell over in surprise. But that was nothing compared to the look on Hinata's face.
“Okay, Shino-kun. That's fine,” She looked down at her shoes, and turned around.
“I'm sorry, Hinata-chan. I didn't want to hurt you. That's why I tried to get you to not like me…I'm so sorry,” Shino said barely above a whisper. Hinata nodded and looked down into her locker. `You must get used to disappointment and rejection. It's part of life, Hinata-chan,' her inner voice told her.
Shino walked away, sad to have disappointed the Hyuuga girl. But he was so excited to be reunited with his Sasuke-kun. He walked up to his long-time crush.
Sasuke turned to him, “Hn.” Shino looked disappointed. Why wasn't he hugging him in joy?
“Hi Sasuke-kun, I thought we were going to…uh…get together…” Shino's voice trailed off. Sasuke's eyes widened, then scowled in a frown.
“Hey Sasuke-kun!” The platinum blonde Ino flounced into the hallway followed by a grumbling Shikamaru, and an annoyed Temari. “They said you wanted to talk to me.” She pointed behind her.
“Ino, this is your idea of a joke isn't it,” Sasuke said. He pointed to Shino. Shino was utterly confused.
“What joke, Sasuke?” Ino was confused too.
“Don't play coy with me. You got fed up with you having to blackmail me to date you, so you told Shino I liked him with my phone again! Well guess what Ino it's over. You're such a bitch and I don't want to see your face again.” Sasuke said with his coldest voice. Shino just looked on dumbfounded. `Ino did this…' his thought trailed off.
“It's okay; I'll just show everyone this!” Ino pulled out the picture of Sasuke and Shino. Shino let out a gasp.
“OKAY WHO PUKED?!?!?” Shizune yelled. She was followed by Choji and Kankuro. Sasuke smirked.
“I'll prove it to everyone that I'm not gay in the least.” He walked straight up to Shizune held her face in his hands and pulled her lips up to his. Her eyes widened in shock then closed in pleasure. He let go for a breath. “Shizune, will you go to the dance with me?”
“y…yeah…” She stammered out. “So no one really puked did they?” Sasuke nodded and pulled her into another kiss.
Shino looked to the two, and to the platinum blonde who was crying hysterically. Then he realized that he had to get out of there. He started running in the first direction that his feet took him. He just kept running until he was stopped by some unnatural force.
“Are you okay?” A voice asked him. Shino looked up into pale sea foam green eyes.
* * *
“Hinata-chan, are you alright?” Naruto asked softly. He had ignored the surroundings around him; all he could think about was the small girl crying in front of him. Hinata was a soft crier. Silent tears fell down her face.
“Could you j…just leave m-me alone, n..Naruto-kun?” She hiccupped.
“I could, but that would make me a bad friend.” He placed a hand on the small of her back and pulled her into a hug. “I know how it feels.”
“You c…couldn't. You're c-confident. N…No one could t-turn you d-down,” she mumbled into his shirt.
“You did…” He trailed off. He looked down at the dark violet head. It turned up and he was staring to into pale lavender eyes.
“When…” She asked.
“when you said yes to Shino…”
“Oh Naruto, I'm so sorry. Please for-“ She was cut off by a finger to her lips.
“It was my fault for not seeing it before. I should've asked you sooner, but if you want we could still go to the dance together…” He trailed off looking pleadingly into her eyes.
Hinata looked into his deep blue eyes and grinned mischievously, “Hm…I don't know. Shino really hurt me…I'm going to need some time.”
Naruto looked away, obviously hurt, “okay…Take all the time you need.”
Hinata pulled his face to look at her; she leaned up real close, and whispered, “I already did.” And she pulled his lips to hers.
To Be Continued….
Author's Note: I have one more chapter to go, and that's going to be the dance. Find out what Ino's big secret is, and why she gave up on Sasuke. See what everybody's going to wear. I'm guessing Naruto will go with something orange….Oh again special thanks to everyone who reviewed. You know who you are! Please e-mail me with fiction suggestions, because I'd like to write what you want.
Regal Velvet Angel