Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ Kunoichi are sadistic ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I still do not own Naruto. I do wish I did but oh well. WHY, WHY CAN'T I OWN NARUTO! PLEASE GOD GIVE ME THE CHANCE TO PROOVE I'M WORTHY! I'm sorry did you say something.
Author's Notes: Well I decided to do it. Sorry if it offends anyone but keep reading before you start wanting to kill me. Thanks. Contains yuri but for like ten seconds and not explicate at all so, if you're over seventeen read it. If you're one of my fans read it. It's not going to scar you for life. Oh and there is a reason behind the really odd Sasuke Sakura part. Just know that women are sadistic and Sakura is no exception. Sorry but my computer was shot for a long time there and I couldn't update. Please forgive me. Oh I borrowed a comedians line for this one. I don't own it. His name's like Gabriel Iglacious. Does the whole `I'm not fat I'm fluffy' thing. Well lets move on.
Sakura seemed very cheery that night. She didn't say anything more to Sasuke about Naruto and his fantasy. He brought it up again as a joke and she simply said “Not tonight you wore me out.” He wasn't quite sure if she was kidding.
Naruto laid in bed awake. “Hinata were you serious about the whole Sakura thing?”
“Yeah. Not only for you to watch but I think I'd like it too. Mostly to see you smile but if both of you were okay with it, I'd be eating her in a heartbeat. Nighty night.” See said finally. Shino was right, she is tainted.
The girls woke up early and decided to get up. They needed to prepare for the rest of the day. They started by going down stairs to check on Kakashi. He was eating breakfast, but put his mask up before they could see him. “You two are up early.”
“Yeah. Kakashi could you help us with a little prank we want to pull on the boys?” Hinata asked nervously.
“That's a childish thing to ask me…I'm in.” He gave a high pitched giggle. “So what do we do?” They explained the basic idea of their plan. “That is sadistic, manipulative, and wrong…I love it.”
Sasuke woke and started feeling around for Sakura. When he noticed she wasn't there he got up and got dressed. He saw Naruto get out of his room too. “You seen Sakura?” He shook his head.
“Hinata?” Sasuke shook his.
“Ahh…oh god!” Came Sakura's voice from the next room over. “Hinata…”
Naruto and Sasuke gaped at each other and they knew they were both thinking the same thing. We've got to see this. The ran down the stairs. “Hey Kakashi do you think we could go outside for some fresh air?!” Sasuke asked a little too loud.
“Uh sure? I guess the girls are still asleep?”
“Yeah Hinata was worn out last night.” Naruto said grinning.
“Don't go into detail.” Kakashi said stepping outside. “Okay but don't go too far.” Naruto and Sasuke took of like a pair of bat's out of hell.
“We won't!” They yelled climbing up the nearest tree. They ran to the and found the window to that room. The blinds were down. Sasuke and Naruto could have cried.
“Well maybe we could sneak up there and look through the door without them noticing.”
“Naruto…you're a genius.” Sasuke said smiling. He knew this probably wouldn't work but it was worth a shot.
They dashed past Kakashi muttering excuses. The tried to make it upstairs silently and made it to the door. The turned the knob and opened it a crack. Hinata and Sakura were entwined in such a way Sasuke though he would faint. Must not run in there. Must resist…not resisting well. Okay focus on something else. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 69, Son of a bitch!
“Enjoying the show Sasuke?” Came Sakura's voice from behind him. Sasuke jumped about ten feet.
“Wha…you two were…are.” Hinata and Sakura were grinning evilly. Naruto had lost passed out when he saw them, leaving Sasuke to face them alone.
“Aren't clones so useful Sakura?” Hinata grinned.
“Very useful Hinata.” Sakura giggled.
“S-sakura…I-I…I'm in trouble aren't I.” Sakura just grinned and he dove for them window but she caught him.
“What's your hurry?” She pulled him to her. “Come on stay awhile.” She pulling him to his feet and blocking the window.
“S-sakura…you have to understand…anyone in my position would have…I mean you're just so beautiful…how could a guy resist…I'm really sorry!” He said pleadingly.
“What is there to be sorry about?” She asked grinning. “I'm not that mad. Hinata's okay. Naruto may not be.” She said indicating him lying there brain dead. Hinata scooped him up and left the room. “Hinata and I thought of a little compromise though. If you two really want us to have sex with girls…why can't you two be the girls?”
“Sexy Jutsu…Naruto's little technique.” She said innocently.
“No. No! NO! No, no, no, no, no.” Sasuke said backing away. “How could you even think that.”
“Awe come on. I bet you'd be cute as a girl. I won't tell anyone.” She smiled and hugged him. “We can stop anytime you want. Have an open mind…and maybe a few other things.”
“I-I-I…Sakura…” Sasuke stammered at the hungry look in hi girlfriend's eyes. She merely giggled.
“I'll be gentle. We don't have to do too much. Maybe just a little grope-fest.” Sasuke swallowed and realized that Sakura had backed him against a wall. “Pretty please.”
Sasuke thought about it. “You wouldn't tell anyone?”
“Not a soul living or dead.” Sakura grinned.
Sasuke thought about it. Maybe this would be a good excuse to get her to do something kinky later. Sasuke sighed then formed the hand signs. A voluptuous girl with raven hair to her waist stood before Sakura. “You can't tell Nar…oh my god.” He stopped suddenly after hearing his soft high pitched voice. “Oh my god…my voice. I'm changing back.”
“Hold it cutie. I think it's adorable.” Sakura said grabbing his hands before he could form a handsign.
“I don't do adorable.” Sasuke tried to growl but Sakura just laughed. “What the hell's so funny?!”
“You're so cute when you're angry.” Sakura giggled as she released him. “Maybe we should wait till you calm down first…but could you do me a favor first?” Sakura said grinning evilly.
“What is it?” Sasuke asked a little nervous.
“Say cheese!” Hinata yelled opening the door and snapping several photos.
“What the…Sakura…give me that camera, Hinata!” Sasuke yelled after changing back to himself.
“Sakura catch!” Hinata yelled throwing it over Sasuke's head. Sakura leapt into the air and snatched it before opening the window.
“Sensei!” Sakura threw it to a waiting Kakashi.
“Kakashi give me that!” Sasuke tried to jump out the window but Sakura caught him around the legs.
Kakashi handed the camera to Tsunade who agreed to get the film developed.
“Sakura! Why did you do that?” Sasuke asked as he broke free.
“Awe relax Sasuke. It's not like they're going to know that it's you.” Sakura smiled. “I didn't tell Kakashi what the pictures were. He just knows that I can black mail you. I promised not to tell anyone. You didn't say anything about flash photography.” Sakura smiled innocently. Sasuke was on the verge of loosing it.
“What the hell?! What the hell?!…grr…What the hell?!” Sasuke said trying to decide who he should murder first.
“Awe. Don't be like that. Tsunade and Kakashi promised not to look at the pictures. And if you're really nice you can have them back when Tsunade comes back in an hour.” Sakura smiled as Sasuke faught an inner battle.
“Dammit! Fine let me up.” He said exasperatedly. “What are you two doing to Naruto?” Sasuke asked as the fact that he's not entirely alone donned on him.
“I was thinking that he could wake up tied to the bed and when I walk in…” Hinata began.
“You're right none of my business. So Sakura what do I have to do to get those photos?” Sasuke said trying to sound casual.
“Oh that's right. Uh…you two have fun. I'm going to…check on Naruto.” Hinata said deviously as she walked out.
After the various things happened between the couples (leaving Naruto yammering in backward Latin) there was a knock at the door. “Kakasshi open the damn door!” Came Tsunade's voice. Sasuke leapt out of bed at the sound and sprinted downstairs.
“Coming.” Kakashi sighed and got of his couch. “Well did you get them?”
“Right here.” Tsunade smiled holding up in envelope. Before she knew what was happening a misterious blur snatched it from her hand and ripped the envelope apart and sorted through the photos. They were all of Sakura and Hinata pointing and laughing at him. Then he reached the end last photo with Sakura holding up a sign that said “Gotcha!”
“You…have got…to be…kidding me. They already used up all the film?!” Sasuke turned and saw Kakashi and Tsunade collapsing in laughter.
“You…shoul have…seen the look…on your face!” Tsunade roared. “Oh my god!” Kakashi was laughing too hard to speak.
“I…she…dead….going to be.” Sasuke muttered storming back upstairs. He nearly ripped the door off its hinges when he walked in. “Sakura!” He said storming across the room to his girlfriend. “What the hell?! You had me making a fool out of my self for nothing!”
Sakura just smiled. “I know…but it was funny, huh?”
“I…you…argh!” He yelled and banged his head against the wall.
“Oh come on don't be mad. I got to laugh and you got sex that's a pretty even trade.” She grinned. “Come here, I'll make it up to you.”
“You're lucky I'm in a good mood.” Sasuke said finally.
“Well then this should put you in a great one” She said ripping off his pants.
“Wait just a sec. I get what you did to me but what does what Hinata did to Naruto have to do with…anything?”
Sakura shrugged. “We can ask her tomorrow. I'm not walking in that room. Besides I'm kinda busy right now to speculate.”
“Yeah I guess that true.” Sasuke smiled. “You know I'm going to get you back right?”
“Wouldn't have it any other way.” She smiled turning out the light.