Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ The Path Forks ( Chapter 13 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto if I did well you've seen what it'd be like.
AN: Hoy…umm…I will try to fit more Sasuke Sakura into this but the next story arc will include a mission of squad 8 and Naruto. But I can always do a side story with S and S maybe alternate between the couples each chapter. Thanks for the review I love you all…I promised myself I wouldn't cry…you can cry though Inari.
Inari: …*walks away*
Well all good things must come to an end and the Konoha Shinobi had to return to business as usual. “Okay what's the mission?! I'm ready C-rank, B, S?! What is it?!” Naruto said bouncing around the Hokage's office.
“I will pay someone for an A rank mission is you can shut him up.” Whined the slightly hungover Tsunade. “Sasuke and Sakura have been assigned to a D-rank mission. A wealthy merchants son is having you to assist him on a double/blind date.”
“WHAT?! I GET LEFT OUT?!” Naruto screamed.
“SHUT THE FUCK….oww…oww…my head…oww…” Tsunade slumped forward onto her desk holding her head. “I've got one lined up for you…Shizune take over. I need to lie down.” The blonde slowly stumbled away.
“Okay Sasuke, Sakura, you two can go get ready be there at seven.” Shizune said giving a dismissive wave. “And tell squad 8 we're ready for them.”
“WHAT ABOUT M…gah!” Naruto ducked as a kunai flew by his ear.
“Next time it'll be right between you're eyes. So shut up! Oww…no more yelling…” Tsunade said closing the door.
“You wanted to see us?” Kurenai said sticking her head in the door.
“Yes I have a C-rank mission for your squad and, as a special treat/apology for Hinata, Naruto.” Shizune said smiling at the still irritated Genin.
“Okay…” Kurenai raised an eyebrow as she saw Hinata's eyes light up like Christmas. “…what'll we be doing.”
“Transporting some cargo to Tanzaku town. There have been a large number of robberies around there lately.” Shizune said reading off the mission profile.
“With all due respect…we're a squad the specializes in tracking. Wouldn't squad seven, or nine, even ten be better.” Shino asked looking as confused as possible for someone like him.
“Not at all. You three each have ways of detecting an ambush before it happens. Even someone as analytical as Shikamaru can't see an enemy sneaking up as well as you three.
“Okay then why do we need Naru…shutting up.” Kiba froze as he felt Hinata glaring at him.
“To boost morale?” Shizune said shrugging. “We all know a certain someone who will love him being there. He's given you a week to arrive so…no rush. We're actually doing okay around here with Sunagakure helping out so see some sites have some fun. You've got till 1 o'clock to leave.”
“Why? You just said there was no rush.” Kurenai asked raising an eyebrow.
“CAUSE THE POINTY HAIRED MIDGET…oh god…is banished till I sleep this off…” The heard Tsunade collapse in her private office.
“Okay, you three meet me at the gate in an hour.” Kurenai said turning.
“Okay we'll get packed.” Hinata said dragging Naruto off before the Hokage flipped out and decided to just murder Naruto.
“Shushuya…interesting sight for a romantic date.” Sasuke said going over the mission profile.
“Let's see. I want to look good…but I don't want to outshine his date…what do you think?” Sakura said holding up two outfits.
“I'd go with your usual outfit.” Sasuke said not really looking up. “It's just Shushuya we eat there all the time it's not like it's some snooty French place that requires a jacket.”
“Yeah I guess…so any idea who the girl is?” Sakura asked looking over the file he was reading.
“Says blind date but I did a little snooping…saw Ayame buying a dress and demanding her friends to tell her who it is…” Sasuke said flopping back onto the bed.
“Ayame? Ichiraku ramen…that Ayame?” Sakura asked suddenly.
“No…the one from the sound village.”
“What?” Sakura asked raising an eyebrow.
“Joke just a joke. Yes that Ayame.” He said rolling his eyes.
“Uhuh…anyway have you met with the client?” Sakura asked as she began to change. Silence. “Sasuke? Earth to Sasuke? Hel..WAH!!!!!” Sakura jumped as Sasuke's arms wrapped around her.
“Jumpy?” Sasuke smiled. “Can't trust me all of a sudden?” He teased sweetly.
“You freak me out when you do that…can't you walk…louder?” She hissed.
“I'm a ninja…silence is kinda our thing.” He said softly.
“Smart-ass.” She growled.
“Awe are you mad at me?” He asked giving her the puppy dog eyes. (A disturbing look for Sasuke. But a fangirl would melt on the spot.)
“Don't try the pout…I invented the…d-don't…” And she was putty in the hands of the Uchiha.
“Spare clothes?”
“Huh?” Hinata stopped mid checklist.
“Shuriken holster on the right wallet in my back pocket.” Naruto said indicating each.
“Ah…Okay that's about it.”
“Except the insect repellent.” Naruto said reaching for a can.
“Not happening.”
“Why not?”
“Shino will get mad.”
“Why?” Naruto said looking genuinely confused.
Hinata smacked his head a few times and took the repellent. “Deal with the bugs.”
“Awe…but I don't like bugs.” Naruto whined.
“Awe…poor wittle guy…” Hinata teased. “Maybe you should just stay behind.”
Naruto dashed forward and snatched her up. “You think I could live without you for a week?”
“Well I guess we should get going.” Sasuke said dropping the subtle hint that Sakura's hair looked fine and that he was tired of waiting.
“Just a sec I…eep!” Sasuke pulled her into a kiss and slowly drug her out of the bathroom.
“You look beautiful.” He said sweetly.
“Really?” Sakura asked eager for more praise as they walked out the door.
“Most beautiful sight I've laid eyes on.” He smiled.
“Okay everyone ready?” Kurenai said looking over the genin. `Naruto's jumpsuit stciks out like a sore thumb.' She thought.
“Roger.” Naruto said jumping up. “Let's go! Tanzaku here I come!”
“Hinata what do you feed him to make him so hyper?” Kurenai asked. Hinata shrugged. “Okay we'll take the cart in shifts. Kiba, Naruto, Shino, Kiba…”
“Sensei that's not fair. I can do it to.” Hinata said looking insulted.
“Then the boys would still divvy up the shifts.” Kurenai said with a knowing smile. “Okay squad eight and…one seventh, move out.”