Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ Camping ( Chapter 14 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto…kinda like the idea of owning Hinata though…I don't own Ron White, or any comedians whose acts I may borrow, either…that'd be creepy.
AN: I'm going to start with a Naruto/Hinata chapter. Next one's Sasuke/Sakura. This is the startup of my first big story arc so…yeah let's hope it works out for me. Also should I do a time skip? I'm thinking about it. Naruto could be considered OOC in this but I wanted to try him being serious for a little.
The procession of Shinobi had been walking for several hours. “Okay break time.” Kurenai said suddenly.
“We can keep going.” Naruto said. “I could go for hours.”
“Yeah but…seeing as we don't need to get there in too big a hurry. Besides if we get ambushed at night, I'd rather not be worn out.” Kurenai said pulling out a tent.
“Besides I'm gonna need that stamina.” Hinata said sweetly.
“Things that make you go…bugh.” Kiba shuddered.
“Uh…we did bring more than one tent, right? I mean Shino watching could make things awkward.” Naruto said ignoring the glare he got from Shino.
“Yeah, yeah. I' don't need to be woken up by Hinata screaming with her ankles behind her ears, either.” Kurenai produced a second tent. “But you set it up.” She said tossing the canvas and poles to Naruto.
“Work work work.” Naruto sighed as he read over the instructions. Hinata snatched them from him.
“Better let me handle this.” She said scanning over them.
“Remember the table incident?” Hinata said with a small grin.
“Table incident?” Kurenai asked raising an eyebrow.
“Well…see we were in the kitchen…some things happened…some breaking occurred…the table was involved…” Hinata said blushing slightly.
“Oh…I see.” Kurenai suppressed a shudder.
“Yeah, Naruto tried to build a new one and…some breaking occurred.” Hinata smiled and continued to set up the tent.
“Only this time it was a bowl of ramen that did it. I sat it down and I hear creak. And I just ignored it and ten minutes later boom. SO we bought a new one and made sure to test it.”
`I trained a nymphomaniac.' Kurenai thought.
“So…who has first watch?” Shino said trying to get his mind off the subject.
“Hinata and Naruto first.” Kurenai said after a moment's thought. “That way they're not worn out. Then you and Kiba. Then me.”
“Worn ou…oh…oh god…gouge out my minds eye…” Kiba whined.
“Oh come down Kiba…it's a natural beautiful thing…when he gets going just right…and that tongue of his…ooh…” Hinata zoned out for a second or two.
“GAH!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! AKAMARU KILL ME, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Kiba began rapidly slamming his head against a nearby tree.
“Shino dump some water on him, smack him around…just calm him down while I fix something to eat.” Kurenai said not taking notice of the poor Inuzuka.
“I'll get the ramen!” Naruto dived at Hinata bag and began to dig through it.
“Naruto…isn't it in your bag?” Hinata asked fearing the worst.
“You mean you didn't pack…please tell me you remembered…”
“Ehehehe…I thought you had it so…” Hinata giggled nervously.
Naruto sat in silence, he seemed to be taking it well. “NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Shh…shhh…don't worry Naruto we'll think of something. It'll be okay.” Hinata said holding the boy.
“What would you kids do without me?” Kurenai sighed.
“Yay! Ramen!” Naruto screamed and tackled Kurenai. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
“Get it off…somebody get this creature off me.” Kurenai whined trying to pry the blonde off her.
“Naruto. Come here and I'll give you the ramen.” Hinata said sweetly.
“Whoo.” Naruto did a back-flip and landed next to Hinata.
“Must be nice to have love like that.” Kurenai said smiling.
“Yeah they do make a cute couple. Nice to see Hinata like this.” Kiba said laying back against a nearby tree.
“I was talking about him and ramen…but you have a point.”
“I hope I Can find a girl like that someday…how `bout you Shino?” Kiba asked turning to his friend.
“A little more inhibited would be nice.” Shino said as he saw Hinata began making out with Naruto. “She goes of at the drop of a hat.”
“And that is a bad thing how? I had I girl trying to tear my clothes off twenty-four-seven…you would not hear any complaints.”
“Naruto? Do they realize we can hear them?” Hinata asked.
“Guess not.” Naruto said as the others continued to talk.
“Oh well they're enjoying the show at least.” Hinata said with a giggle. She loved messing with her teammates.
“They go at it like rabbits.” Kurenai said with a small grin.
“Not rabbits aren't this loud.” Kiba said.
“Well…don't know about y'all but I'm going to bed before they do anything noisier.” Kurenai said stretching.
“Yeah good idea.” Kiba said. He and Shino collapsed into their tent.
“Hey you two…You got about three hours watch before waking those two okay.”
“Yes ma'am.” Hinata smiled.
The three hours past and Hinata and Naruto were barely conscious. “Hey Kino, Shiba…wake up it's you turn.” Naruto said jabbing the with his foot.
Kiba yawned and stretched. “Okay…we got it from here.”
“Oh good.” See you in the morning.” Naruto smiled and collapsed in the nearest sleeping bag. Hinata climbed in next to him.
Kiba and Shino kept watch without any difficulties. “Okay, I'll wake Kureani sensei…you go back to sleep.”
“Can do.” Kiba said stumbling back to the tent.
Shino noticed something amiss out of the corner of his eye. “Kiba, not that…”
“GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Kiba screamed and shot out of Naruto's tent.
“Ambush! You two guard the cart, Naruto and Hinata with me!” Kurenai yelled emerging from her tent. She saw the terror stricken Kiba on the ground and stopped. “It's not an attack is it?”
“No sensei.” Shino sighed.
“Huh…something happen?” Hinata asked emerging from her tent covered only with a sheet.
“Oh…I got in the habit of sleeping naked.” Hinata shrugged.
“That's all that you saw?” Kurenai asked rolling her eyes.
“Is that all she asks…” Kiba said. “She's like a sister to me…it wasn't right…”
“Just take him to bed.” Kurenai said sounding half annoyed half amused.
Kurenai sat on guard when Naruto suddenly emerged from his tent. “Couldn't sleep?” She asked.
“Just woke up…fitful dreams.” He shrugged.
“Can I talk with you for a bit Naruto?” She asked. He nodded and sat down.
“I just wanted to thank you…for everything you've done for Hinata. I mean there's so much pain in her past from Hiashi…well, I'm sure you know how it feels…” She said kind of awkwardly.
“No…I never knew my parents…don't even know who they were…but I don't think they ever said that it didn't matter if I died…that I was useless to them…” Naruto sighed and looked up at her. “But we were both lucky…we found a family…she has you, Kiba, Shino…I have Iruka sensei, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi sensei.”
“Yeah…and she has you now. You were her whole world since the first time she saw you.” Kurenai patted him on the back.
“Yeah…She's perfect…I can tell her things I haven't told Sasuke or Sakura…like about the Kyubi…” Kurenai jumped at the word. “Yeah I know about it, don't get your panties in a bunch. Funny thing is she didn't even care…just said “So that's where those whisker marks came from” no one else in this village would have said the same thing.”
“Yeah…you're probably right…Hinata's an amazing girl.” Kurenai smiled.
“You got that right…so it turns out Hinata's pregnant.”
“WHAT!?!” Kurenai froze with her eyes the size of plates.
“Just kidding. We're safe. We're not I a hurry for kids.” Naruto said fighting back laughter at the Jonin's response. “We've talked about it, but I hope that when we do I'm more financially stable, and I can run faster scared than Hiashi can mad.
“That was not funny.” Kurenai growled. “I almost had a fucking heart-attack.”
“Well I Can only act mature for about thirty seconds at a time.” Naruto grinned.
“Ever do that again I will break your arm.”
“Okay, okay. Truce?” Naruto said cowering away from the bloodlust emanating off the women.
“Naruto? Naruto are you out here?” Hinata's voice came.
“Right here. Sorry.” He said walking back. “We'll have do this again sometime.”
“It's okay.” She replied sleepily. “What were you two talking about?”
“You.” He said teasingly.
“Mmmkay.” She said flopping back down into the bed.
“Oh and I really am.” Hinata said softly.
“You're what?!” Kurenai said ripping the tent appart to get inside.