Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ What now ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Hi…Do I own Naruto? That's a random question…okay okay I'll answer…no.
AN: Okay so, the biggest thing to happen in the fic is about to…happen. This is the most important thing to happen. It could even be big enough to end this fic. It may not but it's a possibility. Huge!!!!!!!!! GINORMOUS!!!!!!!!! The Shizune thing was just to fill space. Little kinky but…you're used to it by now. No sex or anything just a lot of suggestive material. To make this work it had to be a cliff hanger…sorry. Please read the next chapter. It works out in the end.
“Akamaru?!” Kiba yelled for the twentieth time. The dog was missing and it was unlike Akamaru to wander off.
“Found him!” Naruto called indicating his tent. Kiba raised an eyebrow and peeked inside to find Akakmaru, in the arms of a still sleeping Hinata.
“Hinata? Hinata? Wake up it's time to go.” Kiba said trying to rouse his teammate. “Hinata.” He repeated a little louder.
“I'll do it.” Naruto said slipping in beside her. “Hinata? It's morning…” He said softly, kissing her.
“Mmm…five more minutes…” Hinata yawned rolling over.
“No, you have to get up or I'm leaving you here.”
“No you're not. You'd never get twenty yards before you ran back.”
“Come on.” He said rolling her on to her back. “At least let Akamaru go.”
“What…are you…talking about?” She yawned.
“Just lie still and I'll get you ready to go.”
“I can manage that.” She said going limp. Akamaru wriggled free, and Naruto began to dress Hinata.
Naruto emerged half dragging Hinata from the tent. “That's weird usually Hinata's the first one up.” Kiba said.
“His fault.” Hinata said pointing in Naruto's general direction. “Thursday's role playing night.” The other three turned to Naruto who shook his head. “Don't try to act all innocent. You kept me up all night with that little interrogation scene. Why are you always the enemy shinobi trying to get information out of me?” Naruto laughed nervously. “Well it's true…or I'm the enemy ninja you have to punish for something…or a naughty schoolgirl…”
“Anyway moving on.” Kurenai said. “What was Akamaru doing in your tent?”
Akamaru barked rapidly. Kiba translated. “He went out to use the bathroom…and he heard Hinata sa…I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!” Kiba screamed tackling Naruto.
“Kiba, what are you doing?!” Kurenai yelled.
“I'LL MURDER HIM!!!!!!!!!!! I'LL RIP HIS EYES OUT AND FEED THEM TO MY BUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Shino launched himself at Naruto.
“NO KIBA, SHINO GET THE FUCK OFF HIM!!!!!!!!!!” Hinata shrieked and threw her teammates farther than one would have thought possible for one her size. “Okay now that that's settled let me get a few things straight! One, I'm not pregnant! Two, if I ever am and you two try to fucking kill the father, I will kill you both and devour the corpses!” She ran up and kicked each boy in the stomach for good measure. “Okay now we have a mission to compl…”
“KURENAI!!!!!!!!!!!!” Came a familiar voice. The group turned to see a dust cloud flying up the road. It stopped short of them and Might Guy collapsed in front of them (followed closely by Lee.) “Return…Konoha…Hokage…orders…urgent…my squad…will finish the…mission…phew!” He panted.
“What's going on?” Kurenai asked.
“The hokage has some urgent business with your squad.” Lee said quickly. “She would not say more than this. I must ask that you return immediately. Leave it to us.”
“Just you two?” Kiba asked more to test if he could still speak after that beating.
“No, Neji and Tenten will be catching up in awhile.” Lee said simply.
“But why does she need us.” Hinata asked.
“No, idea. She wouldn't say a word on that subject.” Guy said standing up. “Seriously we tried. She threw me out the window after I asked a third time I asked.”
“Well I guess we have to go.” Shino said. “It has to be important.”
Two days later. Squad eight returned to Konoha. Sasuke and Sakura were waiting. They were exchanging greetings when Shizune suddenly ran up. “Good you're back. Sasuke, Naruto come with me now!” She said grabbing them. Sakura and Hinata tried to follow. “No. Sorry you two but it has to be just the boys. I can't explain now but it's Lady Tsunade's orders.” She said quickly before taking off at a full sprint.
“You…get…Shizune…gyah!” Hinata glared at the girl's retreating figure. “DAMMIT!!!!!!!” Hinata screeched. She seized a handful of her own hair and looked close to losing her mind.
“Hey…hey…shh…calm down Hinata.” Sakura soothed.
“B-but…but she's…she took…they could be…what if…” She whined.
“It's okay.” Sakura said wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “Here, why don't you come over to my house for a little.” Hinata nodded still pouting.
Hinata plopped down on Sakura's bed. “It's something dangerous I know it. And that bitch won't even tell us. Can I borrow this pillow for a sec?”
“Uh…sure.” Sakura said shrugging.
Hinata lifted the pillow, covered her face, and screamed for a full minute. She sat it back down and looked up at her friend. “Thanks.”
“It'll be okay.” Sakura repeated. “They'd tell us if it was something dangerous.”
“Well what else could it be?” Hinata asked.
“Maybe it's just…Tsunade could need help moving furniture…okay I got nothing.” Sakura whined.
“Hey!” Shizune's voice came from Sakura's door. Sakura answered and saw a harried looking brunette. “Ran…all the way here.” She panted. “Sorry about keeping you in the dark but I was ordered not to say a word.”
“Yeah we got that. Now spill it or so help me god I will do things that make Anko look gentle.” Hinata growled.
“Okay…I can't tell you everything…” Shizune saw the fury in Hinata's eyes and added. “…but I can say that it's an A rank mission…n-not a combat one…diplomatic…they won't even leave the village…” She said backing away from Hinata who had somehow got her into a corner. “…they are not in any…their lives are not in danger…that's all I can say…”
“No that's all you're willing to say right now. But you're going to be a bit more talkative in a minute.” Hinata said with an evil grin.
“S-sakura…help.” She squeaked.
“Sorry Shizune but, without the knowledge of what Sasuke's doing…I'm in no condition to fight off Hinata.” Sakura said dead bolting the door. Shizune gave a sob. She tried to make a break for it but both girls grabbed her and forced her to the ground. Hinata quickly bound her hands and feet. He girls laid her on the bed and stood menacingly over her.
“You gonna talk like a good girl? Or are we gonna have to make you?” Hinata asked with a smirk.
“P-please you two. I-I can't tell you.” Shizune whined as she squirmed.
“We'll see…Hinata how should we get her to talk.” Sakura asked realizing they had no battle plan.
“Um…well we don't want to hurt her…and anything less than serious injury probably won't work since she's a ninja…crap.” Hinata whined.
“What's the worst non-horrible thing someone could do to you?” Sakura said.
“Keep me away from Naruto…which is what she's doing to me…you're right we're being too gentle I'll get a blowtorch.” Hinata said before standing up. Shizune's eyes were wide as dinner plates.
“No! No, I meant if we keep her here she'll give in after a few hours.” Sakura said pulling Hinata from the door.
“Okay, but I we still have to wait.” Hinata whined.
“You have a point. Tsunade will send the boys back here before the mission, right?” Sakura asked turning to Shizune.
“Y-yes I swear they'll be back here soon…th-they'll explain everything…please let me go!” She pleaded. Not that she wasn't enjoying this in the back of her mind, but she expected them to be less sadistic.
“Uh-uh-uh, you're collateral. You leave when they come.” Sakura said not think of how kinky that sounded.
About an hour later Sasuke and Naruto arrived. Sasuke saw Shizune and smiled before untying her. “Thanks for keeping them entertained. Tsunade promises she'll make it up to you.” He whispered.
“Hinata can you come with me?” Naruto asked. Hinata and Naruto walked outside, Naruto closed the door and sighed.
“What's wrong?” Hinata asked seeing the somber look on her lovers face.
“Hinata…there's…something…” He sighed again shaking his head. “There's something we need to talk about.”