Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ What will they say? ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto but I do own a…um…yeah…
AU: Okay um…can't say much besides I hope you didn't see it coming. Thanx for staying with me my loyal fans. Don't cry. It's a little short but the next one will be longer.
“Hinata will you come with me for a minute.” Naruto asked taking her hand. Hinata nodded. “I promise I'll explain everything.” He said with a small smile. He led her out of the village. She tried on multiple occasions to get an answer, but he just shook his head. Before she realized it they were back at the waterfall. “Remember this place?” He asked softly.
“Our first kiss.” She said. “How could I forget that.”
“A lot's changed since then hasn't it. Only a few months ago.” He said, gazing at the scene before him.
“Yeah…but, I don't underst…” Hinata was bewildered. She was almost in tears. He couldn't be saying goodbye to her. “Please Naruto just tell…”
“I'll hope you can forgive one more change.” He said dropping to one knee. He drew a small box from his pocket. “Hinata, will you marry me?”
Hinata stared down at him dumbly. She kept trying to speak but her mouth didn't want to form words. She was trembling, tears running down her face. “Ye-yes.” She said, barely a whisper. She smiled sweetly, and fainted. Naruto leaned down and scooped her into his arms.
`Good luck Sasuke.'
“Sakura?” Sasuke said softly to his lover. They had been lying in bed for several minutes. Just holding each other close.
“Hmm?” Sakura half replied.
“Remember the first day we met Kakashi? What I said about my dream?” He asked.
“To kill a certain someone.” Sakura said half worried, half confused.
“Before that, I said I would restore my clan. But even before that there's something I want to do.” He said reaching into his pocket. He produced a small box and opened it. Sakura stared down at the Diamond ring inside. She kept going from the ring to Sasuke, ring, Sasuke, ring, again and again. “I want you to marry me.”
“Yes.” She breathed. “But why?”
“What kind of question is that? I love you.” Sasuke said grinning.
“I mean…why now?”
“We cooked this whole thing up awhile ago but Tsunade decided today was the day.” Sasuke said shrugging.
“What's she got to do with this?” Sakura asked now fully confused.
“Well, Hiashi maybe okay with Hinata dating Naruto but if he asked for her dad's blessing…death, destruction, geese flying everywhere. So Tsunade politely informed him that when he left her in Kurenai's care, he loosed all right to pick a proper husband for her. He blew a gasket when he heard this so…if we don't take care of it now, the Hyuga clan's going to use all their power to stop it. So she figured while she's marrying one couple…is that alright? We'll still have the ceremony later.” He said suddenly seeing how stupid this whole thing was. “I'm an idiot, aren't I?”
“Works for me. And yeah you are, but you're my idiot.” She said kissing him.
There was a sudden bang and the Naruto ran in (Hinata's unconscious form was gently tied to him, so she wouldn't fall off.) “Sasuke! Tsunade's lost it!” He said skidding to a stop.
“She lost it. SHE lost it!” He yelled.
“Hold it! Kill me later, we got bigger fish to fry.” Naruto said jumping away from the Uchiha. “She's set up booby traps a around the…tower place she works in! And she says if we don't get to her office by sun down, the whole thing off!”
“Can she even do that? Oh well, can't risk it.” Sasuke said getting up. “Ready for some afternoon exercise, Sakura?”
“Don't got much of a choice, do we?” Sakura said springing up.
Well they gathered outside. Tsunade was leaning out her window with a megaphone. “In retrospect, it may seem irresponsible to let two such young couples marry…so I've arranged a test. You have to be in my office before sun down. You don't have long. Ahahahahahahahaha!”
Shizune was behind Tsunade holding up three picket signs: `She's just being sadistic' `Not my idea' and `Watch out for the land mines'
“I'll kill the old hag when I get up there!” Naruto roared. “I'll get the land mines Sasuke. Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!” At least a thousand Naruto's ran onto the mine field around the tower. Every mine was set off.
“What do you know you can do something smart every now and then.” Sasuke called.
“I'll let that slide.” Naruto said with a small grin at his rival.
“Okay let's go. Sakura hold on tight.” Sasuke said as he and Naruto bolted forward.
“Launch paper-bombs!” Tsunade called. A dozen or so Chunin Naruto recognized appeared and began throwing kunai attached to…yeah paper-bombs.
“My turn. Ne tora inu ushi u tora. Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!” He roared as balls of fire set the bombs off. “Good we have a smoke screen lets go!” Sasuke and Naruto preceded to sprint straight up the wall, towards Tsunade.
“First wave!” Tsunade yelled. Several Chunin appeared in front of the Husbands to be. Sakura drew a kunai from the pouch on Sasuke's leg and threw it at the top most Shinobi. He lost his footing and fell knocking down several others. “Second wave!”
“Not this time!” Two people yelled in unison knocking away the shinobi that surrounded the two couples.
“Naruto, get Hinata to that office now!” Yelled the Kurenai.
“Yeah leave these clowns to us.” Iruka said nodding at his students. “Don't worry even if they somehow take us out…even though they really can't without killing us…we got reinforcements.
“Are we late?” Came a familiar monotone voice.
“Gaara?” Naruto turned and gaped.
“No Santa. Quit gawking at me and get your ass to that office. There's at least twenty people on their way I just got here first don't worry about a thing.” The red head said catching twenty shinobi in his sand and dropping them several blocks away.
“Thanks.” Naruto said with a smile.
“Go.” Gaara repeated.
“Okay my turn!” Tsunade said running at the group. “Let's see two snot nosed Genin make it passed a…”
“JIRAIYA'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jaraiya yelled. The white haired toad sage appeared on a nearby rooftop. “Always did like to screw with people. didn't you?” He laughed. “Well if we're gonna play let's be fair. They need a Sanin on their side.”
“You couldn't beat me if you tried. Nyah!” Tsunade stuck her tongue out. Shizune prayed that in the morning she could pass this off as a ninja posing as Tsunade or mass hallucination.
“Kuchiyose! Summoning Jutsu!” Jaraiya slammed his palm to the ground and a huge puff of smoke appeared. When the smoke cleared he was standing next to Gamakichi.”
“What the fuck are you playing at pervy sage?!” Naruto yelled.
“Watch and learn kid. Go!” Jaraiya yelled dramatically. Tsunade was doubled over in laughter and didn't notice the little orange frog approaching. Till it latched onto her face.
“Ah! Oh my god! Get it off me! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! GET IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She shrieked running like a chicken with its head cut off. Shizune just watched. She was not part of this. Naruto and Sasuke dashed passed her and dived through the window landing in Tsunade's office.
“Going to kill…her when I catch my breath.” Sasuke panted. He collapsed and, using his arms as a pillow, went to sleep. Naruto followed suit.
“Sorry Sakura but I couldn't tell you.” Shizune said helplessly.
“How was that a diplomatic mission?” Sakura asked
“Well, a marriage that is to ensure peace in the village is technically an A rank, diplomatic mission.” Shizune said, mostly just making it up. “And this keep Naruto and Sasuke from fighting which keeps the peace.
“Gotcha.” Sakura said snuggling up to Sasuke. “Man, if that's Tsunade just having fun…I'd hate to see what you put up with.”
“Yeah.” Shizune said grinning. Sakura smiled and fell asleep too.
“So it all worked out.” Tsunade said climbing back inside.
“It was unnecessary.” Shizune whined.
“We put on a hell of a show.” Tsunade countered. “And they worked for it.”
“Yeah I guess but…” Shizune stopped noting a odd look in Tsunade's eyes. “Lady Tsunade?”
“They're kind of cute all helpless and unconscious like that.” Tsunade grinned.
“No. Uh-uh. No genin for you.” Shizune said pushing Tsunade out of the room.
“Come on I wasn't going to do anything. Shizune…come on.”
“Out!” Shizune said forcing her into the hall.
Hinata woke up at the sound of the door slamming. She looked and her surroundings, then at the couple beside her, finally at Naruto under her. “Did I miss something fun?”