Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ This can't end well ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto but I'm borrowing him anyway.
AN: Did you see it coming? I hope not I wanted to mess with you a little. Well More wedding stuff coming. P.S. the whole Tsunade preventing the whole thing was sorta borrowed from Love Hina…which I don't own. Is it okay that I make her so sadistic? I got nothing against her really. Also I know nothing about Japanese weddings but technically Naruto doesn't take place in Japan so…sorry for the Americanized wedding.
Hinata woke again. This time she was in a large bed. She smiled as she saw Naruto next to her. He looked peaceful. She wanted to get out of bed without waking him. But as she was backing up she bumped into something…a fleshy something. She rolled over and was face to face with Sakura. Hinata held a hand over her mouth to stifle a scream. She froze and sat up. Sasuke wasn't by Sakura. “Morning.”
“WAH!” She shrieked, her sudden movement had shifted her weight awkwardly, and she fell off the bed.
“Calm down.” Sasuke sighed and helped her to her feet.
“Mind telling me why we were all in one bed?” Hinata asked flustered.
“Tsunade screwing with us again.” He said with a shrug. “So do we wake them up or let them find themselves in bed together?”
“Let's wake `em up.” She said walking over with a smile. She leaned forward looking like she was going to gently shake Naruto awake, but instead grabbed the blanket and ripped it off.
“Ah!” The to sleepy ninja screamed in unison before facing each other. “AH!!!!!!!!!”
“What the hell are you doing in my bed?!” Sakura shrieked.
Your bed?” Sakura preceded to punch Naruto between the eyes. He was flung across the room.
“Hey! Sakura how could you?! I didn't beat up Sasuke! A-and he was watching me sleep like some pervert!” She whined cradling Naruto.
“Pervert?” Sasuke asked turning to the young Hyuga girl.
“Says the little sex crazed…I'm engaged…” Sakura stopped mid sentence.
“Yeah and when you sign this you'll be married.” Tsunade said appearing in the doorway. She motioned for them to come over to her and they obeyed. “Okay two marriage licenses. Sign here.” She said tossing them each a pen. “Okay power invested…blah blah…now pronounce…kiss.” She grabbed each couple by the hair and forced them to kiss. “Okay we're done…wait one more thing.” She ran back and repeated the process on Hinata and Sakura. Sakura tried to free herself from the kiss but Hinata didn't struggle at all. “Okay, that'll work.”
“Bleh…eww…” Sakura gagged when she was released. “What the hell were you doing with your tongue?!” She yelled accusingly at Hinata.
“I wasn't doing anything!” Hinata yelled back. “You're the one who was moaning!”
“That was you!”
“Shizune, you make sure they don't kill each other.” Tsunade said exiting the room.
“You just get married and you start making out with me?!”
“We didn't have much choice in the matter, you pink haired…lesbian!”
“HEY!” Shizune said grabbing both girls. “That is not a word we use for an insult! Nor do we take it as an insult! Okay, okay.” She let them go and returned to her calm demeanor. “Why do you let her get to you like that? She only does it to get a rise out of you. Just don't react to it and she'll get bored and leave you alone.”
“She forced me to make out with Hinata! How the hell am I supposed to ignore that?!”
“Two things. One: she's forced me to do a thousand times worse, so you get no pity from me. Two: KISSING ANOTHER GIRL IS NOT THAT BAD YOU LITTLE HOMOPHOBE!!!!” She growled and after another minute, returned to her calm self again. “Perhaps you should be getting ready for your weddings. If you can't afford something talk to me and I'll see what I can do.”
“The word bipolar is thrown around a lot these days but I however…” Sakura began.
“I heard that!” Shizune yelled.
“…Naruto can I wear my ring?” Hinata said suddenly hugging him.
“Su-sure…uh…let me find it.” He said fishing around his pockets. “Okay here it is.” He said producing it.
“It's so pretty…” She said before giving an excited squeal. “I love you, my husband!” She tackled him again.
“Love…you too.” He said giving a nervous smile.
Sasuke quickly slid the ring unto Sakura's finger. She accepted it silently. “So, we should probably head home before Tsunade decides to have more fun with us.”
“Yeah, let's do that.” Naruto said scooping Hinata into his arms.
“Wait! Sakura we need to plan our weddings!” Hinata said suddenly, squirming so much that Naruto barely held onto her.
“Hey your right! We need clothes!” Sakura said jumping up. The anger was gone instantly. “And something hideous for Ino to wear! What color looks bad on her? What are you gonna wear? Who are you inviting?”
“I don't know…um…I need your help.” Hinata said jumping from Naruto's arms and grabbing Sakura's hand. They left the room, leaving Sasuke and Naruto stunned.
“Uh…call me naïve but shouldn't we have returned our homes to enjoy a wedding night full of hot, wild sex?” Naruto said watching Hinata dash off.
“Yeah, this can't be right.” Sasuke said looking disappointed.
“HE…YOU…MARR…HE…BOTH…NAR̷ 0;SAS…WHAT?!” Ino screamed as the various Kunoichi heard the news.
“We're married.” The girls said in unison holding out their hands.
“But you're too young! What is wrong with you two?!” Tenten screamed shaking the two girls.
“Are not!” Hinata said sticking her tongue out. “There is nothing wrong with me, you're just jealous! Hmph!”
“Maturity incarnate.” Temari said rolling her eyes. “But we got no say in this. Calm down if your men proposed, you'd say yes.” She said simply looking quite unfazed by the news.
“Okay Ino you're my maid of honor…” Sakura began, talking at such speed no one could understand her. “…you all need to help us pick out dresses. And we have to figure out when to have the ceremony and and and…”
“Girls huddle.” Temari suddenly said. Hinata and Sakura tried to join but they were shoved away. They only caught snatches of the conversation. “ba…et…par…str…no…ried…nade… ;Okay break!”
“Okay Sakura lets go find a dress.” Ino said grabbing her friend's arm. “You too Hinata.”
“Sorry love to come but I left my house on fire.” Temari said dashing off.
“Me too.” Tenten said following.
`This can't be good.' Hinata thought as she was dragged away.
Naruto and Sasuke were on their way back home when… “Naruto!” Came a certain sensei's voice. Naruto turned to see Iruka and Kakashi walking up the street. “Hey how about some ramen?!”
“Awesome!” Naruto yelled back as he began to run up to his sensei.
“See you later Naruto.” Sasuke said walking away.
“Hold it, Sasuke.” Kakashi said grabbing his shoulder. “Seven o'clock then?”
“Seven it is.” Iruka called back as he and Naruto traveled to Ichiraku.
Sakura and Hinata were going threw wedding dresses. “Find anything?” Sakura called to the brunette.
“No.” Hinata said wandering around but not finding what she was looking for. “Would it be bad to show up in only a veil.” She was suddenly seized by her hair.
“Not as long as you're my student.” Kurenai said before releasing the girl.
“That hurt sensei!” Hinata whined feeling her head.
“That's for not telling me you were shopping.” Kurenai said looking around. “Hmm?”
“I don't want anything that fancy.” Hinata said looking around. “I'm only gonna wear it once anyway.”
“Most girls think the opposite for the same reason. Let's see…”
“So married, huh?” Iruka smiled at his student.
“Mmhmm.” Naruto said through a mouthful of noodles.
“Jeez. I can remember when you could barely transform. Now this.” Iruka said. “Grown a lot haven't you?”
“That's for sure.” Naruto said setting aside an empty bowl. “Another bowl please!”
“Coming right up.” Ayame said with a smile.
“Hinata. I can remember when she was at the academy too. So quiet, madly in love with you.” Iruka said with a grin.
“Am I the only one in this village that didn't know!” Naruto yelled frustrated.
“Even I knew that. She'd sit and watch you eat here all the time.” Ayame said teasingly.
“Grr…I was an idiot. Hinata's the perfect women.” Naruto said smiling. “Oh Iruka sensei, I have a huge favor to ask.”
“Another bowl?” He smiled.
“Well…yeah but…I want you to be my best man.”
Iruka choked on his ramen. “Wh-what? Really?”
“Yeah. I mean if it's okay.” Naruto said misinterpreting the reaction.
“Of course.” Iruka said clear his throat.
“Invite us and this was on the house.” Mr. Ichiraku said.
“Awesome! Let's go with miso ramen next.”
“Bottomless pit. Y'all are gonna go bankrupt.” Iruka laughed. “Oh, Naruto this better be the last bowl. We got to be somewhere.”
“Where?” Naruto asked after emptying the bowl.
“Can't tell you. It's a surprise.” Iruka said smiling. “Well we better go.”
“You've matured a lot.” Kakashi said as he and Sasuke left his house. “Back when the Akatsuki attacked. We heard about you telling Naruto to let them go. The old Sasuke wouldn't do that for any reason.”
“I'll get revenge. Dying in the attempt doesn't interest me at all. First I'll restore it. Somehow that sounds better than martyring myself to avenge it.” Sasuke said with a small grin.
“So the sex is good?” Kakashi dodged a fist from the young Uchiha. “Joking.”
“Yeah, so you and Iruka have cooked something up. I'll bet Tsunade had something to do with it.” Sasuke said carefully noting the Jonin's responses. “Am I gonna live to see my wife again?”
“Paranoid aren't you?” Kakashi grinned behind his mask. “Well here we are.”
“Your house, huh? Well at least I know all the exits.”
“If it makes you feel better Tsunade if on the other side of the village. Now relax for one night.”
Hinata and Sakura had finally picked out their dresses. And now Temari (who had mysteriously appeared and demanded they come with her) was leading them to another Jonin's house.
`Oh no this can't end well.' Hinata thought again as Anko opened the door to her home with an evil grin.