Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ The mission ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

D: Destenyne: I don't own death note…what I don't…I'm getting to Naruto shut-up! *Wacks Invisible purple weasle named Larry for heckling him about Naruto* Or Firefly (the wacky nephews thing) *Alphonse Elric runs in playing a guitar* WTF?! Or Fullmet… *Inuyasha runs in and steals the guitar* Or Inuya… *Rukia Kuchiki runs through naked yelling “I am the other white meat!”* Or Bleac...ah! *Gets knocked over by Kon and Chizuru* Hey, I thought Orihime was the only girl for you! *Chizuru comes back.*
Chizuru: Hime would understand. She's so sweet she wouldn't mind sharing me. and this doesn't get me hit by Tatsuk…AH!! *Tatsuki pops out of the ground and kicks her in the face*
Tatsuki: Two timer!
Destenyne: I give up. How the hell did I get here? Which way to the disclaimer?
AN: My god. I need reviews. Also though you may not see it at first this is crucial to the whole sound four (five) thing. Also I've decided to rewrite the first couple chapters cause I think that's what's putting people off so please read those. Not as good as a new chapter but I'll put a new twist on the same story. Also this lets me stall because Kidomaru is giving me issues. I know who'll fight him just not how…
HM: Animeprincessinulover: Thanks again. Glad you're updating your fic. Glad you're reviewing my fic. Also you seem to love a lot of the fics I've been going to lately (you leave a ton of review in your wake). Are you stalking me? *dives under couch* No wait a minute that's not you it's…W-winry?…why do have that wrench…I didn't cheat in an arm wresting match…but I don't even have automail…Winry?!…*Get's knocked out by flying wrench* Also please read and review the first chapters when I redo them. I can probably get them all done in about two weeks.
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“Seriously?” Tsunade said eyeing the considerable amount of money that was on the table.
“Is that not enough?” Gaara asked staring at her blankly.
“Well…yeah.” Tsunade said. “This is enough to cover like, three A rank missions.
“Well then it should cover the C rank I had in mind, right?” Gaara said turning.
“Uh…who are you taking with you?” Tsunade asked the retreating figure.
Gaara stopped and turned. “How many will that cover?”
“Uh…about twenty genin.” She said looking back at the pile of cash.
“I won't take more than that and I won't leave the village with them.” Gaara said turning and continuing his walk. “Just want some company on the road.” He said disappearing around a corner.
“Huh?” Tsunade turned to see that Shizune was already gathering up the money. “What are you doing?”
“Putting this somewhere safe so you don't spend it all.” The brunette said.
“Bu-bu-bu-but…money…” Tsunade whined.
“Not yours. This goes to the genin and the village.” Shizune said firmly.
“What kind of selfish person gives money away to its rightful owners…not a word on that sentence.” The Blonde growled as her assistant sniggered.
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Knock, knock, knock. A harsh sound came to Naruto's ears. He closed his eyes and shook his head. He went back to work gently nuzzling Hinata. “If you can stay quiet maybe they'lll leave.” He said softly.
“I don't know if I can stay quiet.” She giggled softly as he began feathering her neck with kisses. Knock, knock, knock!
“Not home.” Naruto breathed frustrated. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK!!!
“Shh. They'll leave soon.” Hinata soothed. BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Naruto leaped into the air as the door was flung across the room. A slightly irked Naruto turned to see a certain stoic red-head smirking at him from the doorway.
“Oh good you're home. Boy would my face have been red if this place was empty.” Naruto lunged at Garra only to be caught by sand. “You two have just been drafted. I got a mission for you.”
“Let me down and I'll show you a mission!” Naruto growled flailing at the red-head.
Gaara looked to Hinata. “Uh…was that a threat or…”
“Yeah I think it was. What type of mission are we doing exactly?” She asked readjusting her clothes.
“You and whoever else I can find are escorting me out of the land of fire. Not expecting an attack but I'd like more than Kankuro for company.” He said with a shrug.
“Kankuro?” Hinata asked cocking her head.
“Big guy wears all black, has the funny hat thing, wears freaky looking make up…” Gaara began.
“No. I mean, what about Temari?”
“She's the blonde, has the pig tails, kinda a bitch…” Hinata rolled her eyes. “She's staying for the wedding since I have to leave. Oh and when you throw the bouquet make sure not to throw it at anyone that you like. She'll probably put someone in the hospital trying to catch it.”
“I'll keep that in mind.” Hinata said grabbing her kunoichi gear. (just in case)
“Hey! Will you drop me already?!” Naruto screamed still flailing.
“Sure.” Gaara said dropping the blonde on his head.
“Hey.” Hinata glared at Gaara who shrugged.
“Come one we need to get Sasuke and Sakura.” Gaara sighed and walked off.
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They arived at Sasuke's house and Gaara knocked lightly. Sakura opened the door blinked a few times closed it and reopened it. “Hi?” She said sleepily. She looked like she had just woken up and was leaning on the door for support.
“I need you and Sasuke for a mission.” Gaara said simply.
“Five more minutes.” She said closing the door. She walked back to bed and collapsed next to Sasuke who stirred and rolled over to face her.
“Something wrong?” Sasuke asked.
“Gaara…mission…minutes…sleep…” ; She said laying her head on his shoulder.
“Okay then.” Sasuke said and curled up with her. Knock, knock. “Hmm…can you get that Sakura?”
“Uh-uh.” She said without moving an inch. “Too tired.”
“It's noon.” Sasuke said looking at the clock.
“No such thing as noon, noon is just a myth made up to scare young children.” She said. “Besides I got it last time.” She whined.
“Alright maybe if we ignore it they'll go away.” Sasuke said with a yawn.
“Sound's good.”
“HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SASUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Naruto's voice came. Sasuke sat up so suddenly Sakura was launched off the bed.
Sasuke walked to the door. He opened it and slowly looked around till he saw Naruto. He punched Naruto between the eyes and closed the door. He grabbed Sakura and laid here back on the bed and started to doze off. BOOM!!!!! Naruto kicked the door in and leaped at Sasuke. He only had time to register how much Naruto resembled a flying squirrel before Sakura sat up, grabbed Naruto, and flung him back out the door. “So I take it they won't let us sleep, will they?”
“No.” Sasuke said sitting up. “Okay, we are willing to listen to your demands.”
“Just come outside.” Gaara said calmly. “I got a mission for you.”
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They gathered at the village gate and Saw that Temari and Kankuro had also gathered: Kiba, Shino, Rock Lee, Neji, and Shikamaru (who Temari had dragged here by his earring.) Most of the others had been out on missions…but this wasn't a combat mission so they were okay.
“Okay uh…if I die…not likely to happen…you fail the mission. Let's go.” Gaara said shrugging.
“Yes, oh fearless leader.” Naruto sniggered. Gaara tripped him with sand. “Ha ha…very funny.”
“I thought so.”
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“So what do we do?” Sakon asked as the sound five watched from a nearby tree.
“This works in our favor. We follow till they are a good distance from the village. Then we wait till they relax their guar…shouldn't take long. Remember Sakura Haruno is not to be harmed in any way. It would be best to use her as a hostage. Angering Sasuke would not be wise.” Kimimaru said softly.
“And besides her?” Sakon asked with an evil grin.
“Do what you will.”
“I can't wait to play with them.” Kidomaru said chuckling.
“Just don't slow us down.”
“I call the little slutty brunette.” Tayuya said.
“Hey watch your mouth.” Jirobo said glaring at her.
“Make me fat-ass!” Tayuya growled.
“Enough! Anyone who does anything to jeopardize the mission will die at my hand are we clear?”
“Crystal.” Tayuya said inching away from their leader.
“Good. It was you're failure to persuade Sasuke that forced lord Orochimaru to take another body before Sasuke. Failure will not be tolerated this time. Let's go.”