Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ To each his own ( Chapter 22 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: You know I don't own Naruto, right? Good. If I ever do you will know because Hinata will run topless through the village for half an episode. You think I'm joking? Get me the rights to do that for one episode and we'll see who's bluffing.
AN: Experiencing a problem with my new chapters so, I'm going to finish LLK, then re-write the first few. It's weird I replaced chapter 1 then when I went to read it on the web-site. It was still the original chapter. Only the title changed. Apparently I'm the only one with this problem but still…I'll finish this first. No more than a week will go by between updates for the rest of the fic, I promise. (Unless I have computer trouble or die) Also I might have gonna overboard on Tayuya's dialogue. And if you want to know Rock Lee, Neji, and Jirobo are up first.
HM: Animeprincessinulover: Thanks for the reviews. Like I said up there I'll come back to the old chapters. I want to finish this fic first.
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“Psst, you two notice that?” Kiba whispered to Neji and Shino.
“Yes, they've been tailing us since the village.” Shino agreed. “How many? I'm getting mixed signals.”
“Five…no six…I think. Two of the scents are very similar…maybe I'm just imagining it.” Kiba said sniffing.
“I can only see five.” Neji said. Scanning the area for the sixth.
“Strange.” Shino jogged up to Gaara, and was cut off by the red-head holding his hand up.
“I know. Keep quiet. When we find a good strategic location we'll stop.” Gaara said nodding at Shikamaru. He had informed him and had him on the lookout for a good place.
“Who do you think they are?” Kiba asked.
“Don't know. But I don't think they're after me. They're approaching from the east. It wouldn't make since to go into my ally's territory when they could just wait for me at the border. Anyone from the east would have no reason to start a war with someone so far away. They'd attack your village first. So reason states they're after one of you. Probably Naruto or Sasuke. My guess is Sasuke.” He said perfectly calm.
“Why?” Kiba asked.
“Only three villages to the east. Village Hidden in the clouds, Village Hidden in the Mist, and…the village hidden in the sound.” Gaara caught Hinata whispering to Naruto out of the corner of his eye.
“HEY!!!” Naruto yelled before Gaara caught him in a sand coffin and covered his mouth.
Gaara dragged him over and held him up for a moment. “I know we're being followed. And with you yelling like an idiot it is hard to figure out what I'm going to do about it. Go walk with Hinata. When we need someone to be a loud annoying wrecking ball I'll call you.” Gaara said before dropping Naruto on his head again.
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“It seems we've been spotted.” Kidomaru said with a grin. “Shall we reveal ourselves.”
“Soon enough.” Kimimaro said eyeing Sasuke who, though he was hiding it well, had been sneaking glances at them. “I suppose it really won't matter when we do it. We'll reveal ourselves, each of you take two opponents, get them out of my way, whoever is matched against Sakura is to subdue her and nothing more. I find one scratch that I deem unnecessary…you know what will happen.” The white haired teen said with a meaningful look.
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“We're coming up on a field.” Neji said softly.
“Open area's probably a good idea.” Shikimaru said. “Wish I knew this layout better. What a drag.”
“It's the best we got.” Gaara said. “Everyone ready?” Everyone nodded. “Kankuro, go back and alert Konoha. Get them to send reinforcements and Medical Ninja.”
“But…I can stay and fight why not Hinata or Sakura.”
“Exactly. No offense to them, but if I send them back and those guys have some friends following…I doubt those two could handle it. Furthermore it would leave Sasuke and Naruto worried. They're better off here.” Gaara said simply.
“I…alright.” Kankuro nodded to his little brother and turned.
“Get ready.” Gaara called.
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“Should we stop him?” Tayuya asked as Kankuro shot by them. (Throwing a few Kunai while he was at it.)
“No. There's no need. And we're outnumbered as it is.” Kimimaro said swiping the knives out of the air.
“Like it matters.” Sakon breathed.
“DON'T underestimate them. As I recall you four have a knack for underestimating others. Like you underestimated me. Sasuke Uchiha, for all we know he is stronger than me. If you underestimate him I doubt you will walk away from it.” Kimimaro said softly.
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“Okay. Show yourselves.” Sasuke called as they came to a stop in the field.
“Very well.” Kimimaro said as the sound five dropped from their hiding place. “Sasuke Uchiha, at last we meet.”
“Who are you?” Sasuke asked with a smirk. “Must have some gall if are willing to go against twelve ninja with those four.” Sasuke said remembering his first encounter with the others.
“I could have kicked your ass if…” Tayuya began but quickly silenced herself when Kimimaro turned toward her.
“Forgive my colleague's rudeness. Again, we do not wish to fight. Please come with us. Miss Sakura is welcome to come as well. We will do neither her nor anyone here any harm.” Kimimaro said reaching to a sheathed sword on his back.
“Hell of a thing to say while reaching for a weapon.” Sasuke said reaching for a kunai.
“You misunderstand.” Kimimaro smiled and tossed the sword to Sasuke.
“A gift from lord Orochimaru. Take it. I was told to give it to you regardless of your choice. A taste of the power my lord offers.”
“Tell him I don't need what he offers.” Sasuke said tossing it back.
“Perhaps not. But you should be honored to have it. Please accept it.” Kimimaro once again threw it. Sasuke let it fall at his feet. “It would be unwise not accept it. Just as it is unwise to insult my lord by refusing it.” He said with a slight edge to his voice.
“Knowing you “lord” it's probably booby trapped.” Sasuke said mockingly.
“I will not allow you to insult Lord Orochimaru. I would give anything to be in your place.” Kimimaro shook his head and calmed himself. “I can see you won't come quietly.” He said shrugging his kimono off his shoulders.
“I can see you won't give up.” Sasuke said picking up the sword. “Tell me. Is there something special about this sword?”
“The Kusanagi sword. Quite similar to one Lord Orochimaru possesses.” Kimimaro said. “A great gift. Yet only a small thing compared to what awaits you at our village.”
“It'll just have to keep awaiting me.” Sasuke said before thrusting the sword through a belt-loop on his shorts. “Well this talking isn't getting us anywhere. I guess that leaves us with one option. You and me.”
“I'll back you up Sasuke. There's something weird about this guy.” Naruto said with a grin. “And I'd love to wiped that smug look off his face.”
“Alright just don't slow me down, loser.” Sasuke said with a smile at his teammate.
“Wouldn't dream of it. This'll be over in ten seconds flat.”
“Five more than I need.”
“Ooh, “five more than I need” are we gonna listen to this shi…”
“Tayuya, enough!” Kimimaro said without turning to face her.
“Okay so who do I get to play with?” Kidomaru said not able to contain his excitement.
“Like games, huh? It's a drag but I'll play with you. Shino can you back me up?” Shikamaru called over his shoulder.
“Sure.” Shino said stepping forward.
“I like the look of the big one.” Lee said with a smile at Jirobo. “I believe it would be quite the fight.”
“I'll help you.” Neji said. `I can't believe I'm doing this.' Neji shakily raised his hand and gave Lee the thumbs up. Lee returned the gesture in such a creepy way that, were it to be described, you would run shrieking from the room.
“Enough of this shit! I ain't gonna let them pick and choose. Sasuke's little slut and the Hyuga whore.” Tayuya said.
“I don't get paid.” Hinata said sticking her tongue out.
“I guess we don't get a choice, dog boy.” Temari said eyeing Sakon.
“I don't mind scraps.” Kiba smiled and Akamaru barked.
“Okay, now if we're all ready, you four get out of here. If I can still see you I don't think you'll survive the cross-fire.” Kimimaro said.
“Hey, Hinata! Kick that bitch's ass!” Naruto called as she ran off. She Smiled and nodded. Naruto turned back to face Kimimaro. He noticed that they ad a fourth man. “Gaara!”
Gaara didn't respond but placed two fingers over his right eye. “My third eye will follow your women. Kiba's safe with Temari. And I fought Rock Lee…I can't see him losing to a guy like that.”
“No you help Sakura and Hinata. We can handle…” Sasuke began.
“At the first sign of trouble I can get to them in seconds. I won't even enter this fight, whether you win or lose. But I can help protect you. Besides, I'd get the same speech from the girls…but I think they have better chances than you.” Gaara said but, on seeing the looks he was getting, decided to elaborate. “I saw the red-head cower just from this guy raising his voice. Meaning either, she's weak, or he's very strong. Maybe a little of both. I saw Hinata fight in the chunin exams as well. Sasuke I don't think that even you could have beaten her, and knowing you, you would have gone all out even though she's a woman.”
“And since Sakura's been training with Grandma Tsunade…well we've seen what she can do.” Naruto said with and encouraging grin.
“Oh well, we'll be done with this in plenty of time to bail them out of trouble.” Sasuke said with a smirk.
“Now, that's the Sasuke I know.” Naruto smiled.
“Enough talk. I'll show you that this village…these friends of yours are holding you back. I'll show you the power of my lord.” Kimimaro said before charging at Sasuke.
“Let's go, Naruto.”