Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ The power of youth ( Chapter 23 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto. Don't own Sasuke. Will find a way to own Hinata. I will. Watch me. Are you watching?
AN: Jirobo and Rock Lee…and Neji…that's it. Well I figured I'd put Taijutsu experts with Taijutsu experts here. Kidomaru is up next.
Anime Princess Inu Lover: Thanks again. Uh…that last part of your review you said. “I can't EAIT…did you mean wait…if you meant eat get a blender and a funnel…the solutions to all of life's problems.
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“Here looks like as good a place as any.” Jirobo said stopping in a clearing. Neji and Lee went into defensive stances. “You guys don't waist any time. I respect that. I guess I'll make this quick then. Doton Kekkai: Dorodomu! (Earth Release: Dungeon Chamber of Nothingness)”
Earth started to form walls around Neji and Lee. Before they could react they were enclosed in a huge dome. “Damn. We're trapped.”
“Do not panic, Neji. We must think this through. I'm sure there is more to this attack than we think. Let us keep our wits about us.” Lee said taking care not to be near the walls.
“You're right. Byakugan!” Neji scanned the area with his Byakugan. “I think I know what more there is to the attack.
“Heh-heh. Figured it out already. That's right I'm draining you of your chakra. You'll be sucked dry before you know it.” Jirobo laughed from outside.
“Let us out of here! Surely this is not a fair way to fight!” Lee yelled.
“Lee I don't think that will work.” Neji said trying to calm himself. “Do you think you can break us out of here?”
“If I cannot then I shall die trying.” Lee said giving the thumbs up. “Okay…Konoha Senpu!” Lee Began running around the dome like a crazy person and kicking every inch he could reach. He finally stopped to catch his breath, before gasping. The varies cracks and craters he had left were vanishing. “The walls…they are repairing themselves.”
Neji just stood there looking. “Running out of time. Lee try again.”
“But…shouldn't I try a new tactic?” Lee asked raising a huge eyebrow.
“No, not yet. If I'm right we can break out.” Neji said calmly. “Don't go all out. Just enough to leave a mark. Make sure you spread your strikes out.”
“Alright I shall try again.” Lee stood and began dashing around the dome striking rapidly. Neji watched carefully.
“Alright I think I got it.” Neji said with a smile. “Right there.” Neji said pointing behind himself. “Focus your attacks on that area.”
“Y…yes.” Lee panted.
“I know. I'm starting to get worn out too.” Neji said. “Can you do it?”
“Do not worry. I have an ace up my sleeve.” Lee said with a weak thumbs up. “The first gate: Kaimon open!” Lee ran at the wall and punched it as hard as he could. It gave way, not a lot, but enough to make a hole. He began pounding furiously on the wall till he made a lrage enough hole for he and Neji to dive out.
Lee raised his hand but Neji grabbed it. “Give me the thumbs up…and I'm taking the thumb.” Neji panted.
“Well, well, well, you made it out. First time in a long time that that's happened.” Jirobo said stepping from behind the crumbling dome.
“Yes, such an underhanded tactic cannot possibly contain our youthful power.” Lee said dramatically. “Neji you take a breather while I deal with this glorified gorilla.”
“No, I can still fight.” Neji said standing.
“Ha ha ha. Gorilla am I?” Jirobo chuckled. “I've been called worse. Well now isn't the time for chit chat. Let's just end this.”
“Those are my exact thoughts. Now we shall see if you are a worthy opponent.” Rock Lee said with a smile.
“And if a guy in tights is worth killing. Well this ought to answer both Doton: Doryu Dango (Earth Release: Mausoleum Dumpling!)” Jirobo ripped a huge ball of earth from the ground and threw it straight at Rock Lee.
“Move! Eight Trigrams: Heavenly Palm Rotation!” Neji flung Lee out of the way and blocked the massive attack. “See…without me you'd be squashed flat.”
“I guess Lord Orochimaru was right to warn us about the Hyuga clan. Guess close combat is the only answer.”
“Not to bright.” Neji grinned, until he realized that Jirobo was moving faster than one would expect of someone his size. Jirobo grabbed Neji by the throat before he could react.
“My meal was interrupted earlier. Let's try this again.” He began draining Neji's chakra as the young Hyuga tried to break his grip.
“Hands off.” Neji choked out before striking Jirobo's chakra points. The chakra draining ended but he was still being strangled.
“Neji! Konoha Hurricane!” Lee leaped and landed several kicks on Jirobo who was flung backward.
“Thanks…Lee.” Neji choked out. “Thought I was…a goner.”
“And now let us show this guy the power of youth!” Lee shouted and struck a pose that somehow end with his left foot on top of his head.
“Okay, you went and made me mad.” Jirobo growled. He stood and revealed that black marks were now covering his body.
“Lee…I don't know how but he's canceled out my earlier attack…and his chakra…it's different…” Neji said backing away slightly.
“That's right. In this form I'm ten times stronger.” Jirobo laughed and stepped toward them.
“Neji, perhaps were we to hit him with some strong blows.” Lee said undoing his wraps.
“Lee, should you risk the lotus?” Neji asked knowing the strain it put on his partner.
“I will be fine. And if there was ever a time I needed to use it…that time is now.” Lee said with a smile.
“Alright, but I should hit him first. It ought to leave him more vulnerable.”
“An excellent idea, Neji.” Lee said with a thumbs up.
“I'll be back for the thumb.” Neji said with a grin.
“Feeling confident aren't ya. Guess I just need to smack you around a little more.” Jirobo said running up.
Neji ducked under his fist and smiled. “Only one thing wrong with that plan…it brought you in range. Eight Trigrams: two palms, four palms, eight palms, sixteen palms, thirty-two palms, eight trigrams sixty two palms!” Jirobo was thrown back by the last hit.
“And now…it is my turn!” Lee yelled running past Neji. Before Jirobo could even hit the ground Lee appeared and kicked him into the air. “And now for the finishing touch!” Lee said wrapping his bandages around the sound shinobi. “Eat this! Primary Lotus!” Lee yelled and plowed Jirobo head first into the ground. “Hahaha! I did it and I am very dizzy!” Lee laughed.
“I wouldn't be laughing yet.” Lee was suddenly struck in the back and flew into Neji with enough force to send them both back several feet.
“Wh-what the hell are you?” Neji looked up and saw that the sound ninja's hair was longer and his skin had turned red.
“I'm the last thing your going to see on this earth.”
“Do not count on that. Neji…that new technique…can you manage it?” Lee asked softly.
“I can try.” Neji said standing. “But I don't know what good it will do.”
“Leave the worrying to me…I have a second ace in the hole.” Lee said standing.
“But Lee…you can't” Neji said understanding where Lee was going with this.
“If I do not then we will die here. If I can save your life…even if I never fight again…I believe I will have proven myself a splendid ninja.” Lee said smiling. “Come on. We have to do this. The second gate, kyumon, open!”
“Awe, how sweet. I might cry.” Jirobo teased.
“You have know idea. Oh and your still in my eight trigrams. Eight trigrams, two palms, four palms, eight palms, sixteen palms, thirty-two palms, sixty four palms, eight trigrams one hundred twenty eight palms! Now, Lee!” Lee had already ran past.
“The third gate, seimon, open! The fourth gate shomon open!” Lee kicked Jirobo into the air again and began using him as a human pinball. Neji couldn't even see Lee. “And now the finale…the fifth gate, tomon, OPEN!!!!! HYAH!!!!!!!!!!!” Lee Punched Jirobo in the stomach and he was launched straight down. When he hit the ground he was buried several feet into a crater. Lee landed and took two steps before hitting the ground.
“Lee! Lee, are you alright?” Neji said resisting the urge to shake his like Tenten.
“I am in an extraordinary amount of pain…but I am not severely injured.” Lee said trying to give a thumbs up but feeling the pain shooting up his arm thought better of it.
Neji started laughing and gave Lee a thumbs up complete with the patented Guy sensei smile (complete with sparkly teeth) before falling over. “I think I broke my arms when I hit him.” Neji said wincing in pain. “But he wasn't…so tough.”
“Yeah piece of cake…we could take on ten of him…”
“No we couldn't.” Neji and Lee started laughing hysterically before they both passed out.