Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ Along came a spider ( Chapter 24 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Dislcaimer: It's probably a good thing that I don't own Naruto…I mean just look what I've done to it.
AN: Everyone gets why Shino and Shikamaru are fighting Kidomaru? Shino, bugs, Kidomaru, spider. Shikamaru loves Shogi and Kidomaru makes a ton of references to games. Despite that this pair seemed perfect to me it took me forever to figure out how the fight would work almost as long as it took to find out who would fight Sakon…of Sakon's next. Oh and the Bug Jar technique Shino uses was used in a filler arc of the anime. I'm not creative enough to make that up.
Anime Princess Inu Lover: Happens to me too but I had to tease you about it. Um I'm assuming that when you typed “hsppenese” you were messing with me right. Hope you update Sakura's party soon. Also I'm gonna do two sequels to Life and Love in Konoha. One that is the shippuuden (post time skip. Did I spell that right?) and one that takes place in between during a chunin exam. I'll do the chunin exam one first. It will be three to five chapters long, but the chapters will be longer than the ones in LLK. Sound like a good idea? The Shippuuden one will be at least as long ass LLK.
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`Looks like a good place. Plenty of cover. Some trees.' Kidomaru mused to himself before stopping in a heavily wooded area. “Let the games begin!”
“Finally.” Shikamaru sighed as he saw Kidomaru stop. “Ready Shino?”
“Ready.” Shino said with a nod. “Mushi Bushin no jutsu! (Bug clone technique)” Several other Shinos formed out of insects he released from his sleeves.
“Heh, couldn't have bumped up the difficulty a little. Kumo Sakai! (Spiral Spider Web)” All five Shino's were caught in a huge web. Shikamaru narrowly dodged it but was caught by a strand around his ankle. “I'll just put you in a cocoon for safe keeping.” Kidomaru laughed as he wrapped Shikamaru up to him neck in webbing. “Just hang on till I finish here.” The multi armed ninja chuckled at Shikamaru. “Kumo Nenkin! (Gum style spider web)” Kidomaru spat several blades made out of gold material into his hands. “Okay let's see how many throws it takes till I find the original!” Kidomaru laughed and threw a blade at the middle Shino who separated into a swarm of bugs. “Hmm, on the left!” Again not the right Shino. “How about two at a time now.” Kidomaru said striking to other clones. “Oh you're one lucky guy. Too bad you had less clones than I had webbing.” Kidomaru laughed and struck Shino in the throat with the blade. Shino convulsed…and turned into a swarm of bugs.
“Sucker.” Came Shino's voice from behind Kidomaru. The spider shinobi spun and slashed Shino across the chest…he burst into another swarm of insects.
“Another clone?!”
“Yep. And now my little friends have you surrounded.” Shino said. Kidomaru eyed the swarm closing in on him before shooting a web at a nearby tree branch and pulling himself to safety.
“Not bad. But I'd call them off or it's game over for your fri…” Kidomaru froze in mid sentence when he tried to raise a weapon menacingly.
“Kagemane no jutsu (shadow possession) success.” Shikamaru said leaning around the tree trunk of a nearby branch.
“Your webbing is made from saliva and chakra. My bugs just couldn't help but devour the webbing holding Shikamaru.” Shino said smiling, though no one could see it.
“And now, checkmate.” Shikamru smirked as Shino leaped at Kidomaru with Kunai in hand.
“Don't get cocky.” Kidomaru said firing a strand of web from him mouth and latching it to Shino's ankle.
“Shino!” Shikamaru turned before he realized his mistake. Kidomaru's head also turned and flung Shino right into Shikamaru.
“Ah, free at last. This game is pretty fun. What do you say I bring in another player?” Kidomaru used to of his extra hands and held out a web. “Kuchiyose no jutstu (summoning) Kyodaigumo!” A gigantic spider appeared on a web spread between the tree tops. It had an egg sack. “And now. Amagumo! (rain of spiders)” Kidomaru slashed the egg sack and dozens of baby spiders (big baby spiders) began falling toward the konoha shinobi.
“Stay close to me Shikamaru. Mushi Kame no jutsu! (Bug Jar)” Shino's insects began spinning around Shino and Shikamru. The baby spiders hit this barrier and exploded into webbing. The bugs began to get caught in the web and had to chew themselves free. It wasn't permanent, but it was an effective way of weakening the shield. “Damn they just keep coming. Shikamaru any ideas.”
“We have to take the big guy…probably girl…never mind. We have to get rid of the big one.” Shikamaru said. “Maybe if we keep moving, less will hit us. That could buy me some time to think.” Shikamru said as both teens broke into a jog. Shikamaru assuming his thinking pose. “Send some of your bugs to break the web. If nothing else it will squish some of the small ones.”
“Which is probably going to piss it off.” Shino said shaking his head. “But it's worth a shot. God I hate spiders.” He sent about a fourth of his bugs up and they began chewing up the web supporting the giant. The web cam loose and with a roar (yes spiders can roar if they try really, really hard) Kyodaigumo crashed to the ground and exploded into webbing. Which buried Shino and Shikamaru. “Really, really…hate spiders.” Shino said spitting out stranding of silk. “Ugh…and the aftertaste.”
“Look out!” Shikimaru yelled as dozens of golden Kunai flew from seemingly every direction.
“Bug Jar!” Shino's insects just barely made it in time to block the kunai.
`Not a bad defense but I doubt it will stand up to something with a little more penetration.” Kidomaru activated his level two curse mark. His hair lengthened, his skin became darker and he removed his headband to reveal a third eye. “Kumo Senkyo: Susako! (Spider War Bow: Terrible Split)” The spider shinobi fired and arrow straight at Shino.
The bug jar technique did nothing but change its trajectory. It struck Shino in the thigh. “Ah! Damn!” The bug jar faded and Shino pulled the arrow free. “I'm okay…he's trying to take us out from a distance. As long as we keep…our eyes open we should be able to dodge and…he'll give away his position.”
“Right. Can you walk?” Shikamaru asked trying to form a counter measure.
“I don't exactly have a…a choice, do I?” Shino said wincing as he put weight on the leg.
`Let's try this again.' Kidomaru let another arrow fly. Shino and Shikamaru leapt out of the way. Kidomaru swung to another branch and took aim.
“There!” Shikamaru yelled throwing a kunai.
`Wrong!' Kidomaru laughed to himself. `Okay now I'll attack a thread. Let's see them dodge this. Accuracy: one hundred and ten percent. Destructive power: maximum.” Kidomaru fired another arrow. They dodged but it turned and hit Shikamaru's jacket.
“Mistake.” Shikamaru smirked.
“And now…no not again.” Kidomaru growled as he was paralyzed again.
“Shadow possession, success. Thanks for giving me a nice path for my shadow to follow. Between that and the shadow of the tree you're standing in…well it gave me plenty of range. And now without further ado. Kage Kubi Shibari no jutsu! (Shadow Neck Bind)”
`Wha-what is this? It's as though…there are actual hands holding me in place.' Kidomaru looked down and saw that two shadow hands were approaching his throat. `No…not gonna happen.'
“Damn!” Shikamaru growled under his breath. “He's resisting. Can't hold…him…dammit!” Shkamaru felt Kidomaru break free and groaned. “I had him. He's too strong. If I could wear him down…and get him closer I could finish him.”
“And if he would hold still I could drain all his chakra.” Both teens froze and looked at each other with a grin.
“Some tacticians, we forgot the most important rule…” Shikamaru laughed.
“Keep it simple.” They both said together.
`Ha, look at those two. Still cocky after all this. What a pair of novices.'
“Behind you.” Shino whispered.
“Ha! Another clone!” Kidomaru said stabbing him in the shoulder with an arrow. This “clone” didn't turn into insects.
“Not…exactly.” Shino said punching Kidomaru in the face. They both fell to the ground with a crash. “Now, Shikamaru!”
“Shadow Neck Bind!” Shikamaru smirked as Kidomaru was ensnared in his shadow.
“Haven't you learned that this won't work?” Kidomaru laughed. He struggled but found that it was not as easy as the first time.
“Weren't you listening? The closer I am to the victim. The stronger this technique is. And this time…”
“He has back up.” Shino said as his bugs swarmed all over Kidomaru.
“Dammit! You can't beat me…ah!” Kidomaru screamed then fell silent.
“Game over.” Shino said softly.
“I prefer checkmate.” Shikamaru said with a grin.
“There's a point where you…like…shogi…too much.” Shino panted before sinking to his knees.
“You alright?”
“Yeah just lost a bit of blood.” Shino said calmly.
“I'll bandage you up.” Shikamaru said grabbing his supplies.
“Probably a good…idea…” Shino fell back onto the grass.
“Shino…come on stay awake.” Shikamaru said nudging him with his foot. He tied off the bandage around his leg and lifter him off the ground to work on his shoulder.
“Doing…the best…that…I…ca…” Shino suddenly went limp.
“Shino? Shino quit screwing around. Shino? Shino?!”