Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ Tag teamed ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: One day I will own Naruto…on the next the world will be overrun by carnivorous penguins.
AN: I didn't want to have Sakon fight Kiba but…this is the only way it works. You know what's funny I read online that Kishimoto had trouble deciding who should fight Sakon too. Just read it today…spooky. And I usually use the translation from the english dub of the anime or manga so I know that a lot of the attacks don't translate into what I say. Oh and just so you know these all take place at the same time. So this thing at the end hasn't happened in the next chapter…well read the next chapter and you'll get it.
Anime Princess Inu Lover: Okay. That's good. Kinda funny story to go with that. Since I'm poor…I have to use my parents laptop for this. Well my dad always tries to read my fanfic over my shoulder. He read that and was like “Hsppenese, Hispanic people speak Spanish son.” He's a real smart ass. Anyway…um I'm trying to change up the second part of the chunin exam for the sequel…you know…I don't want to just copy and paste the scroll thing…any ideas? And I'm getting high speed Internet! Yay! Now I can read all of Shippuuden! (still don't know if I'm spelling it right. Part 2. You know what I mean.)
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“You just gonna keep running all day?” Temari jeered at the sickly looking Shinobi.
“You in that big a hurry to die?” Sakon called back.
“Bawk, bawk, bacawk!” Temari called teasingly. “You that scared of a girl and a dog…and his puppy.”
“Laugh it up.” Kiba sighed.
“I'm just trying to find a good place to stop.” Sakon called back. `And maybe lure you into a group of paper bombs I set up.' Sakon thought, remembering setting up a trap for his opponents. `Little further.'
“Well I guess if I can't make you stop, I can't make-Kamaitachi no jutsu! (Wind Scythe)” Temari yelled waving her war fan.
“What the hell?!” Sakon was caught up in a whirlwind that slashed him repeatedly and hurled him right at his own trap. However an arm sprouted out of his back and caught a tree branch, before launching him at Temari. “Nice try. Tarenken! (multi-punch)” He caught Temari in the stomach and sent her flying into Kiba.
Kiba stood up and growled at Sakon. “I guess you take care of Hinata long enough…guys that hit women…really start to PISS YOU OFF!!!” Kiba swiped at Sakon but got blocked. He swung his other fist and Sakon caught it too.
“Do! Re! Mi! Fa! So! La! Ti! Do!” Kiba was thrown back by the rapid blows that came seemingly out of nowhere.
“Damn, how could he hit me? I had his arms.” Kiba coughed. “Hits harder than Naruto, too.”
“What you do without me, brother?” A voice eerily similar to Sakon's said with a chuckle.
“Yeah, yeah. I could handle these two by myself.” Sakon said sounding annoyed. “Don't rush me I'm having fun.”
“What is this guy a schizophrenic ventriloquist? Did you see his lips move?” Temari said with a grin.
“Smart ass ain't she?” The same voice asked.
“Not the best comment I've heard about my ass.” Temari said readying her fan.
“She sure is. Not bad looking either. Maybe after this, we can play with her a little.” Sakon said with a smirk.
“Wouldn't be the first guy that's tried…wanna see how I castrated the others? Wind Scythe jutsu!” She yelled. Sakon tried to dodge but was still swept into the attack and cut repeatedly.
He landed and struggled to his feet. He smiled and wiped a small bit of blood from his face…revealing that the cut that had formed was healing rapidly. “Always did heal fast didn't we Ukon?”
“That we did. That we did. Well shall I introduce myself?”
“By all means.” Sakon said turning so his back faced Kiba and Temari.
“Hello, I'm Ukon, Sakon's brother.” The two shinobi gasped when the saw a head on the back of Sakon's neck.
“Siamese…twins?” Kiba said in disbelief.
“Oh…not in the traditional sense.” Sakon laughed.
“Well if it's a tag team match you want…let's go Akamaru. Jujin Bushin! (Man Beast Clone)” Akamaru suddenly turned into a perfect replica of Kiba. “Now, Shiyaku no jutsu! (Down on all fours)” Kiba dropped to the ground and grew claws and fangs. “Let's see you block this!” Kiba roared as he and Akamaru attacked the twins from both sides. Sakon and Ukon blocked the attacks. “So that's it. You can use your limbs to protect him.”
“And to attack.” Ukon laughed as his legs shot out of Sakon's stomach and back hitting the ninja and his dog. Both were sent flying.
“Wind Scythe Jutsu!” Temari once again launched a cyclone at the twins. They were caught again and as they dropped to the ground Temari caught them with her fan.
“Bitch…” Sakon breathed sure that he'd broken a few ribs when he landed.
“Biggest one in Suna.” Temari said flinging them into the air.
“Good job Temari! Yahoo! Gatsuuga! (Fang Over Fang)” Kiba and Akamaru launched themselves at the sound ninja while spinning violently.
“So shall we part ways?” Sakon asked his brother.
“I think so…yeah.” Ukon and Sakon split in mid air and, using each other for leverage, jumped in opposite directions narrowly dodging the whirling projectiles of death.
“How did they manage to dodge that?!” Kiba growled as he landed.
“Well as close as we are…we decided it would be in our best interests to separate.” Sakon said dusting himself off. He was now covered in black blotches.
Akamaru returned to normal with a poof. He barked at the two enemies menacingly. “Well, these guys are tough. I think the only way we can finish this is to hit them with something that will take them out in one hit. We might have to use that new move we've been working on.” Akamaru whimpered. “I know but we got Temari here. Even if it doesn't kill them…it'll give here a good chance.” Akamaru barked in agreement. “Ready? Go! Dynamic Marking!” Kiba hurled Akamaru into the area. The puppy did a barrel roll and…marked the twins.
“Gah!” Sakon recoiled as the spray hit him.
“What the fuck was that?!” Temari yelled in confusion and annoyance.
“Patience is a virtue. Ready boy?”
“Jinju Konbi Henge: Sotoro! (Man beast combination transformation: twin headed wolf)” Kiba and Akamaru formed a giant, two head, white wolf.
“Whoooooooooaaaaaa…” Temari said in awe.
“Ready or not here we come! Garoga! (Wolf fang over fang)” Kiba and Akamaru launched themselves at Sakon and Ukon. The two tried to run but the wolf followed them.
“Can't dodge it.”
“Have to…”
“Kuchiyose no jutsu: Rashomon!” The twins summoned a huge gate with a demonic design on it. Kiba crashed into it and bounced off.
“Damn!” The transformation broke and Kiba and Akamaru hit the ground.
“That was too close. I'm getting rid of him!” Ukon said. The black marks spread over his body. His skin turned red and he sprouted a horn on the left side of his head. A scaly armor formed on his right arm and leg.
“Oh very well. You're always so impatient.” Sakon sighed and turned into a mirror image of his brother.
“What are these guy's? Kiba watch out!” Temari shouted as Ukon rushed Kiba.
“Where is he?!” Kiba shouted as he turned to meet the brother with a kunai but saw no one there.
“Over here.” Ukon whispered. Kiba turned, and screamed. Ukon's head was on his shoulder. He tried to stab the demonic looking ninja with his kunai but hands reached out of his own body to restrain him. “Kisei Kikai no jutsu. (Parasite demon demolition)” Ukon breathed. “Quite an interesting technique. I enter another's body and begin to replace their cells with my own. Too bad this will kill you. Your body is mine.”
“It is…huh? Then I wonder what happens if I get hurt.” Kiba said leaning forward and biting his own arm.
“Ah! What the hell is the matter with you?!” Ukon screamed.
“Temari…take us both out. If you kill me you'll kill him.” Kiba yelled though it was only a theory.
“That's noble Kiba. I'm sure you'll be put on a plaque for this.” Temari said raising her fan. “I'll make it quick.”
“No! You're bluffing!”
“Daikamaitachi no jutsu! (Great wind scythe)” Temari didn't even hesitate and attacked Kiba. He was lifted into the air and cut repeatedly.
Kiba fell to the ground a bloody mesh. Ukon fell some distance off and limped back to his brother. “Let me hop in for a minute. I need to rest.”
“Not bad Temari. Now then. Aka…akamaru…one more time. Man beast transformation two head wolf! Wolf fang over fang!” Kiba launched his attack in a last ditch effort to finish the twins off. They separated as they were hit and lessened the damage done. The transformation ended and Kiba fell to the ground.
“Hahahaha…all that for nothing.” Sakon panted, sounding more confident than he was. “Now just one left.”
“Not gonna happen. Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Kamatari!” Temari bit her thumb and smeared the blood on her fan. A weasel carrying a scythe appeared. “Kirikiri Mai! (Slash Dance)” The weasel seeming vanished. Sakon and Ukon gasped suddenly and collapsed. Large cuts covered their bodies.
“Te-temari…” Kiba said weakly. Temari ran over to him. “…wh…why didn't you use that sooner?!”
“I…um…didn't think to use it.” She said honestly.
“And why…why did you hit me with the stronger version…of that attack?”
“You said to kill you. He knew that the normal wind scythe wouldn't cause fatal injuries.” Temari said as she got out what first aid supplies she had.
“And that…did it…” Kiba asked with wide eyes.
“No you won't die. I didn't hit any major arteries. Besides I just used the regular wind scythe. These cut's aren't too deep. The bleeding will stop soon.”
“You…you didn't…”
“No I just said Great Wind Scythe so he'd think I was going to kill you. Had that had actually been my great wind scythe…you'd be missing an arm. Now just lie down while I treat these wounds.”
“We…we have to check on the others…Naruto…Shino…they…”
“Shh. Let me patch you up then I'll go look for them. Besides, I did more damage to you than he did. I'm sure they're fine.”
Akamaru started whining quietly. “Oh, no!” Kiba said sitting up.
“What is it?” Temari said trying to hold him down.
“Akamaru smells blood! Hinata's been hurt!”