Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Life and Love in Konoha ❯ Catfight ( Chapter 26 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Hahahahahahahahahaha! Why would-would I even want to own…*curls into a ball and cries* …I wish I owned Naruto.
AN: Well, here comes everyone's favorite female member of the sound four…what? Also in case you can't tell. I am using the following names for the demons. Club wielder or guy: the long haired on with the club. Crab man: the one with the freaky claw looking things. And the mummy: the armless one with the bandages.
Anime Princess Inu Lover: Thanks. Well here's you're answer to what happened to Hinata…why didn't you ask about Shino? Well I guess I can't really change the second part of the chunin exam since Kabuto who has taken it multiple times had strategies specifically for the scroll thing so…I'll just make some really awesome fights for the third test…anyone you want to see fight each other? Oh and just for you this one is…and another cliff hanger. Muahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Writhe in my cage of torment!!!
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`Okay this ought to be a safe distance.' Tayuya thought as she landed on a tree branch and turned to Hinata and Sakura. “Hurry up! I ain't got all fucking day!”
“You're the one that was running!” Hinata yelled back.
“Hinata calm down.” Sakura said shaking her head.
“I don't like your tone!”
“Well, I don't like your face! Nyah!” Hinata stuck her tongue out at the red head.
“Guess I'm gonna take a page out of Kidomaru's book and play with you a little before I kill you!”
“Just try it bitch!” Hinata yelled.
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Shizune stopped suddenly on a tree branch. `Somewhere, some one just used lesbian as an insult.'
“Everything alright, Shizune?” Kakashi asked. He had sent his dogs to search for any scent of the shinobi. They had been dispatched along with medical ninja as soon as Kankuro had gotten to the village. He was thanking god that they hadn't been too far from the village when they were attacked.
“Nothing, any sign of them yet?”
“Not yet.”
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“Cock sucker!”
“Hermaphrodite!” Hinata shrieked.
“Ugh! You are really starting to piss me off! I'm gonna shut that mouth of yours!” Tayuya drew her flute and put it to her lips. “Mateki: Mugen'onsa! (Demon Flute: Chains of Fantasia)” Tayuya began playing and Sakura gasped.
“Release!” Sakura quickly dispelled the genjutsu before it caught her. Hinata was not so lucky.
“Wha-what?” Hinata started to panic when she realized she was tied up by dozens of wires. “What happened? Ah!” Hinata whimpered in pain, it felt like her arm was on fire. She turned and gasped in horror…her flesh was melting off her arm. “AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Hinata!” Sakura tried to shake the brunette out of it but Hinata just kept screaming.
“It's know use. Once she was caught heard my melody she was trapped. Looks like you're going to be a bit harder to deal with.” Tayuya said grinning at the terrified Hinata.
“Dammit Hinata! Snap out of it!” Sakura slapped the brunette as hard as she could.
Hinata blinked and looked at herself. “Oh my god. I-I thought…”
“Shh…hey it's alright.” Sakura said patting her on the shoulder.
“Well I guess she's been rattled up enough. Let's move on to my next piece. Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Doki!” Tayuya summoned three giants. One dark colored carrying a club, one flesh colored with some kind of claw-like weapons on his arms, the third tinted green with no arms to speak of, he was covered in bandages.. All three had there mouths sewn shut and eyes and ears covered. “I'll play you a melody of death.” Tayuya began playing again and the three demons crouched down.
“Hinata can you stand?” Sakura asked drawing a kunai.
“Yeah, I'm fine. Just got spooked.” Hinata said going into her gentle fist pose. “Uh…Sakura?”
“Maybe we ought to run?”
“Good idea.” Sakura and Hinata dived out of the way as the club wielder charged forward.
“Sakura?!” Hinata yelled as the claw man swung at her.
“Yeah?!” Sakura called back rolling out from under the mummy.
“Do you have a plan?!” She narrowly dodged another swing of the club.
“Not exactly…but I got an idea. Let's hope my training paid off.” Sakura said jumping up and punching the mummy right in the face. He was flung backward and crashed clean through several trees. “Okay, I think I can hold them off.”
“Good. Now then I'm of to murder that red-head.” Hinata whispered.
`Hmm…pinky's pretty strong. Oh well I doubt she can keep it up forever. Wait a minute…where the other…' Tayuya was hit with a palm strike right in her face. The flute was knocked from her hands and hit the forest floor. “Shit! Dispel!” Tayuya's demons vanished right as Sakura was about to attack. She ended up turning a tree to splinters.
“Payback time bitch!” Hinata said running forward and striking Tayuya repeatedly.
“Don't count on it whore!” Tayuya said throwing a punch. She wasn't really a taijutsu user but she could hold her own.
“Slut!” Hinata yelled striking her again and again.
`Maybe Hinata can handle this.' Sakura thought as it became obvious that Hinata was winning.
“Dammit!” Tayuya cursed and leapt away from the Hyuga girl. She was going to need her curse mark for this. Black marks spread over her body and she grinned at Hinata.
`What? Her chakra it's at least doubled.' Hinata thought taking a step back.
`Just like Sasuke.' Sakura thought with a flash back of the first time she'd seen him use it. `Hinata!'
`Got to end this quick.' Hinata thought, changing her stance. `Hope this works.' She ran straight at Tayuya and smiled. “Eight trigrams, two palms, four palms, eight palms, sixteen palms, thiry-two palms, Eight trigram sixty-four palms!” Tayuya was thrown back and hit a tree trunk.
“Okay, now I'm really pissed!” Tayuya said standing. The black marks began to cover her body. She grew horns and her skin turned brown. “I'm going to end this.” She ran up to Hinata and one punch sent her flying.
“Hinata!” Sakura leapt up and took a swing at Tayuya but the sound shinobi dodged and threw her into a nearby tree.
“Now then. I think I'm tired of dealing with you two.” She grabbed a stunned Hinata by the throat and lifted her off the ground.
“Let me…go.” Hinata choked out feebly kicking at her captor.
“Heh, I'll put you down soon enough.” Tayuya said reaching into Hinata's Kunai pouch. She drew one and held the knife up for Hinata to see before plunging it into the girls chest. Hinata screamed in pain as Tayuya cut her from her shoulder to stomach before dropping her to the ground. “Your turn!” Tayuya ran at Sakura with knife in hand. Sakura was too shocked by what had happened to Hinata, she couldn't react. “Die!”
“Y-you…first!” Hinata said jumping in front of the demonic girls and striking her in the chest. Tayuya froze and coughed. A small amount of blood ran from her mouth. She looked at Hinata who was barely standing and managed one final glare before falling to the ground, dead.
“Hinata!” Sakura screamed as the brunette collapsed. “Hinata hang on!” Sakura said shakily as she took a kunai and cut away Hinata's clothes.
“S-sakura…I can't…I'm about to get married…” Hinata panted. She couldn't draw a full breath. Her vision was starting to blur.
“Shut up! You're stronger than this. Just hold on I'll patch you up!” Sakura said as tears ran down her face. She examined the wound…it was deep. “I'm gonna need a closer look.” Sakura said softly. I'm going to make an incision so I can see the extent of the damage.” Sakura said falling back on how Shizune talked during medical procedures. Hinata's eyes widened but she nodded. “Damn, I don't have an anesthetic.” She tore a length of cloth from her shirt and placed it in Hinata's mouth. “Just bite down and try not to move. Shosen Jutsu! (Mystical Palm)” Sakura made a chakra scalpel and tried to steady her hands. Eventually she wouldn't have to open the patient at all but she felt more comfortable seeing what she was working on. She began to cut and tried to ignore Hinata's whimpers of pain. `Right lung's bad, heart's not damaged, stomach…not too bad.' Sakura thought to herself. She began regenerating cells in the lung. It was working the wound was closing. Hinata's breathing became more regular. `Okay, that's alright for now.' She moved on to the other parts and began healing them.
“Is she alright?” Sakura jumped when she saw Gaara leaning over them. He had one eye closed using his third eye to watched Sasuke and Naruto.
“She'll live. I'll have to stay with her until the medics arrive.” Sakura said as she began healing the external wounds.
“Good…oh no.” Gaara suddenly stood. “Are you going to be alright?”
“Yes…what is it?”
“He went off half cocked. He's going to get himself killed.” Gaara spun on his heel and shot off in the opposite direction. “Don't follow me. Stay with Hinata. You're of most use here.”
“Is it Sasuke?” Sakura asked shakily as he ran.