Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Meaning Before I'm Dead ❯ Silent Whispers: Make Everyone Suffer, Hinata Part I ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I know I took long to update, but I had a little writers block. I had rewritten my fics so they can make sense. The song in this fic is called “Room of Angel” from Silent Hill 4. Well, here is chapter two. Note: I always change a few things to make the story better.
Note: Hinata's fourteen, jut to let you know.
Meaning Before I'm Dead
Chapter 2: Silent Whispers; Make Everyone Suffer, Hinata Part I
Hinata walked the empty streets of Konohagakure in the rain. She had a serious and depressed face. She felt like crying, but she just couldn't. The rain was crying for her. The ex-heiress has finally set on her life. No pressure on her. No one she cannot surpass. The only thing she wants to do now is to be rid of this world.
Hinata…Hinata.” A voice was heard calling her.
Hinata spun around to find the source of the voice, but no one was there. She activated her Byakugan, nobody, not even a soul was out except for her. She shivered from the cold water of the rain; she wanted to go somewhere where she can be at peace. Then she figured out where.
`The cemetery, it's been a long time since I've seen her.' She thought. She began to walk slowly, as the rain grew more violent. She didn't care.
At the cemetery, Hinata walked around searching for her mother's grave. Alas, she found it. She sat next to the concreted tombstone and placed her backpack next to her, as her memories of her dearest mother began to sprout up in her mind.
*Flashback memories*
Her mother was there silent. Little Hinata shook her mother to wake, but she did not bust a move at all.
You lie silent there before me
“Okaa-san. Okaa-san.” The little raven blue haired girl said as she whimpered. Red gooey sticky stuff was pouring out of the mother. Salty tears poured out of the cold lifeless corpse.
Your tears they mean nothing to me. The wind howling at the window
*End memories*
Hinata picked up her backpack and threw it across from her so viciously. She grew angry, and despised what she's become, and what SHE has done to her.
“AGH!!” She screamed, digging her nails on her cheeks. She pierced her skin as she scratched herself, blood pouring out from her fresh wounds on her porcelain skin. She held her face in her hands and she sat and cried, like an insane person.
“I know what really happened to you mother. You never loved me. You killed yourself to make it look like someone killed you. You apologized to God, saying that why did you gave birth to a disappointment to the man she loved. You never showed me love.” She sobbed.
“You don't deserve to be forgiven. The only memory you have is me. The pathetic little bitch of a daughter you gave birth to. I shouldn't be here.” She sobbed more in anger.
The love you never gave I give to you
But really don't deserve it
But now there's nothing you can do
So, sleep
in your only memory
Of me, my dearest mother
“It's you that I despised.” She whispered to herself.
Here's a lullaby to close your eyes (goodbye)
It was always you that I despised
I don't feel enough for you to cry (oh no)
Here's a lullaby to close your eyes
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
“Mother I wish to say I'm sorry, but I can't. I hope you're happy without me. ” she calmed herself down, as the rain became more violent than ever.
So insignificant sleeping dormant deep inside of me
Are you hiding away, lost under the sewers?
Maybe flying high in the clouds?
Perhaps you're happy without me
So many seeds have been sown in the field
And who could sprawl up so blessedly, If I had died
I would have never felt sad at all
You will not hear me say "I'm sorry"
Where is the light? I wonder if it's weeping somewhere...
Here's a lullaby to close your eyes (goodbye)
It was always you that I despised
I don't feel enough for you to cry (oh no)
Here's a lullaby to close your eyes
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
“Hinata…Hinata…” that voice was heard again, it was calling her.
Hinata jolted her head up to see who it is. There was nobody. Not a soul spoke to her.
Something warm, like a hand was placed on her shoulder. Hinata spun around and saw Neji. He was so concerned for her that he followed her until she reached the cemetery. He was soaked from the violent rain. He looked at Hinata's cheeks, there was blood pouring out.
“Hinata-sa…Hinata, what happened to you?” Neji asked as he tried to wipe off the blood from Hinata's cheeks.
“We should go. I can take you to your sensei's home. At least you'll have a place to stay.” He said as he took a hold of her hand and pulled her to walk with him.
The walk was silent for a bit. The rain began to soften a little, but it was still violent. Hinata was wondering about that creepy voice that has been calling her. She knew it wasn't Neji's, but whose voice was it?
“Hinata-imouto, [1]” Neji began a small conversation. Hinata was surprised of what Neji just called her. She smiled a small smile.
“When you left, Hiashi told Hanabi about you leaving for good. That little brat was happy. She looked like she didn't give a crap of what will happen to you. After that I followed you here. I was just trying to watch out for you.” Neji grew angry. Hinata knew.
“Niisan, it's ok. I knew she hated me. I heard her and father talking about me all the time.” She grew sad. She wanted to cry again, but she didn't bother.
They reached Kurenai's home and Neji knocked on the door. The door opened, Kurenai stepped aside to let Neji and Hinata in. She closed the door. She guides them into her living room.
“Hinata-chan, what happened to you?” Kurenai asked concerned.
She carefully checked Hinata's bleeding cheeks; the wounds were deep, but not deep enough to cause her scars. She left the room to get her first aid kit. The room was silent. Hinata didn't want to stay in her sensei's house; she'll be a burden for her.
“I called her a head of time. She knew we were coming. I asked her if you can live with her, and she said yes.” Neji said. His arms were crossed.
“Niisan, I…”she wanted to tell him about the voice that she's been hearing. It was calling her. Who was it? Neji looked at her.
“Never mind.” She said. Neji just shrugged.
Kurenai entered the room with a bowl of water, and her kit. Carefully, she wiped of the blood from Hinata's cheeks.
“Care to tell me how this happened?” Kurenai asked. Hinata was silent.
“I understand.” She replied.
She placed a white cotton bandage on her cheeks and showed her to where she will be staying at. It was a plain white room with really nice furniture in place, unlike her old room. Hinata unpacked her things from her backpack.
“Guess I'll be going. I have to meet Lee and Ten ten for training. See you soon Hinata-imouto.” Neji bid his farewell and left.
Kurenai cooked dinner for her and Hinata, and ate in silence. Kurenai broke the silence when she cleared her throat.
“Hinata-chan, why were did you get the wounds on your cheeks?” Kurenai asked.
“I…I did them to myself, Kurenai-sensei.” Hinata replied silently.
“Why? What caused you to do this to yourself? You're not like this Hinata-chan.” Kurenai said in a concerned voice.
Hinata's eyes lowered and tears began to develop in her eyes.
“I was mad at my mother. I said terrible things to her when I visited her grave. I went crazy and then I inflicted the damage on myself.” Hinata responded as she lazily reclined on her chair.
“Oh. You shouldn't blame yourself for everything. You don't have to worry about anything bad in your life anymore. You have Neji and me to protect you. Don't do those things to yourself anymore, please Hinata-chan.” Kurenai said in a plea.
“I won't Kurenai-sensei. Also, I heard this voice calling my name twice.” Hinata said to her sensei in a voice full of fear.
“Don't worry about that Hinata-chan, you were upset. It was just in you mind. Now go get some sleep.” Kurenai said to her student.
Hinata left to her new room, and thought of what Kurenai said to her about the voice.
`It was a silent whisper that called out to me. It wasn't in my head. It felt real. Kami-sama, please don't let it comeback.' Hinata pleaded in her prayer. She lied down on her bed and fell asleep. Around three a.m. she awoke to the sound of whispering.
`Hinata, make everyone suffer. THEY didn't deserve your kindness, and forgiveness. You gave them kindness and THEY never showed it in return. Time will come when it's payback time. Make everyone fear you. Open your eyes to us so we can help. ' Said the voice in a silent whisper.
The sound of giggling little girls was heard in her room. She gulped, she was terrified.
`One, two, three, four, five…set us free or you will die. Six, seven, eight…hurry up before it's too late. Nine, ten…Let us kill those who deserve to be dead.' Sang the little girls voices in unison.
Hinata hid under the covers and placed her knees up to her chin, and she quivered in fright. The bed felt like a presence of someone was crawling after her. The covers flew off of Hinata's head, and she was pinned down. She began gagging. She felt being scratched on her back. She tried calling for help, but it was no use. She felt her words stuck in her throat. Her eyes rolled backwards. When the presence left her alone, Hinata fell out of her bed and cried so loud with fear, terror , and uncontrollably. Blood started soaking her pajama top from her ghostly scratch. Kurenai slammed the door open and found Hinata on the floor on her hands and knees, shaking like a terrified dog.
“Hinata-chan, what's wrong? What happened?!” Kurenai asked in fright. Hinata fainted in her arms.
“Hinata-chan!” cried Kurenai so loud as she almost broke into tears.
A/N: Well that was chapter two for ya. Neji is a sweet big brother to Hinata =). Review if you wish. I'm not forcing you. Chapter three will be on its way. If characters were OOC, sorry. Like I said I have to change a few things to make my stories better. Thank you to those that reviewed my fic.
-This is Roo626 signing off! =3
[1] Imouto-little sister