Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Meet Your Match ❯ Early Morning Surprises and Nighttime Fun ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hello my lovely fucks oh how I've missed you. First off I just wanted to say that everyone reading my fic is pretty fucking lazy because almost none of you review. Oh and thank you to Chaelly, Yashe, Sivlerprincess0001, BLK TIGR, nyu, FrozyEmo, and ninja-neko-gurl you guys are all awesome and I absolutely love you all thank you so much for the advice and compliments. Now on to my flamers. Kraikee and Scourgify you need you get a life and a fuck buddy because honestly who do you think you are. You are both nothing but cowards because you choose to stay anonymous and to be serious for a moment you're a waste of everyone's time so fuck off. I have promised to cut down on my cursing and I promise that I will and so on with chappy 8. Oh and yay NEW LAYOUT!

The Next Morning...
Atayla woke up to the feeling of something crawling up her back. She instantly stiffened at the contact and heard Itachi. "You're awake. Sleep well?" asked Itachi with a devilish smirk. "I slept quite well thanks." replied Atayla rolling over to look at him.
As Atayla turned to look at Itachi she realized something for the first time about him, that he always had the Sharigan on even last night he did.
"Why do you keep the Sharigan on all the time?" asked Atayla sitting up in the bed. "Because I've gotten used to it it's natural to me now." he replied dryly.
Atayla was getting bored at the conversation and moved off of the bed and threw the blanket vaguely in Itachi's direction. Itachi watched as Atayla's slim form moved from the bed and he watched her with lazy interest as he plopped back down onto the bed. As Atayla started to walk away she felt a twinge of pain between her legs and fell down. Itachi couldn't help but snicker at Atayla's after effects of last night.
"Stop laughing at me you fucking jerk!" yelled Atayla at Itachi. "You're the one that didn't want to be able to walk in the morning." replied Itachi coolly staring at Atayla.
"You know what thanks jerk. Maybe I should punish you for being so mean to me." answered Atayla crawling back unto the bed. "What did you have in mind?" asked Itachi staring at the seductive frame now moving to straddle his waist with her thighs. Atayla slowly leaned in for a kiss and was rewarded when Itachi flicked his tongue over her lips.
"Tease." said Atayla in response to Itachi's actions. "Your one to talk." replied Itachi his red eyes staring into hers tentatively. Atayla moved herself behind Itachi and started to run her nails along the marks she had left their last night. Itachi winced as Atayla reopened the scratches on his back that had clotted with blood last night.
He could feel blood trickling down his back as Atayla continued her own ministrations. Itachi hissed out as she dug her nails in deep and asked "What exactly are you doing?" "I've felt pleasure, I've felt pain. But what's the point if they both feel the same." answered Atayla with a little chuckle.
"Oh so now you're speaking in riddles, wonderful." replied Itachi sarcastically. "To feel pleasure you have to feel pain and besides that I'm just strange with the whole blood fetish I've got." and with that Atayla brought her mouth down on Itachi's newly opened cuts and lapped at the blood.
Itachi just relished in the feeling of having her lick the scratches clean. "So what other fetishes do you have?" asked Itachi staring down and now becoming quite aroused at Atayla's actions. "Well there's my knife fetish, blood fetish, handcuff obsession, and of course my 'other' exciting quirks." answered Atayla with a wink. Before Itachi could come back with a response his attention was directed to the open bedroom door in which a very very confused Kisame stood staring and him and Atayla.
The next thing two of them heard was "WHAT THE FUCK!" "What is it Kisame did you find Itachi?" came another male voice. Itachi and Atayla just looked at each other as Deidara now entered the doorway and with a smirk said "Well it looks like Itachi has been busy."
Atayla saw both Kisame and Deidara look at her up and down and as a warning she let out what sounded like a growl at them and said "If you want to keep your eyes I suggest you keep them in your head where they belong instead of staring at me." With that Atayla gracefully moved off the bed taking one of her black silk blankets with her to cover herself up.
Itachi watched as Atayla proceeded to the door. This whole time Kisame and Deidara stood there he hadn't said a thing in his defense or Atayla's, maybe it was because of the fact that he really didn't care what they thought and apparently neither did Atayla. All 3 men watched her close the distance between the bed and the door but was stopped when she realized that the men in the doorway were blocking her path.
"You want to move? Because if you don't I'll make you." said Atayla threateningly. "Just enjoying the view sweetheart." replied Deidara moving out of her way while dragging Kisame with him.
With them out of her way Atayla made her way to the bathroom to take a shower. As soon as Deidara and Kisame heard the water in the bathroom turn on they bombarded Itachi with questions. "So how was it Itachi? Damn you're one lucky fuck you got to fuck her." said Deidara moving over towards the bed.
"Why are you two here in the first place?" asked Itachi not bothering to answer Deidara's question. Kisame just stood there still in shock of what he had just seen.
"The boss sent us to get you he wants all the Atkatsuki to meet the new guy. Apparently he's the new 2nd in command and will be giving us orders from now on." replied Deidara.
"Holy shit you can't be serious that you actually slept with her god Itachi what the fuck is the matter with you?" screamed Kisame finally having it dawn on him that Itachi and Atayla had slept with each other.
"Who I choose to fuck is none of your concern Kisame and if I wanted your opinion I'd ask for it now let me get dressed.' said Itachi getting up off the bed to shove Kisame and Deidara out of the room. Deidara and Kisame just looked at each other as Itachi pushed them out into the hallway so he could get dressed in some sort of privacy.
Atayla stood in the shower for a good 15 minutes without doing anything before she realized how many bruises she actually had from last night's "activities". 'He really is rough.' thought Atayla after counting 23 bruises on her body from in between her thighs to her neck and arms.
Besides that she also counted at least 9 bite marks in numerous places. As Atayla finished her shower she stumbled a bit and thought 'Great now after last night I won't be able to walk straight for awhile.'
Itachi stood in the kitchen with Deidara and Kisame when the question came up "So Itachi what the fuck is the matter with you?" asked Kisame with a look of shock and awe still plastered on his face from the realization that Atayla and Itachi had slept together.
"Kisame stop being such a prick. So what if Itachi fucked his little girlfriend I would to if I was near a girl as hot as that. But I do have to say Itachi that we really do have to get going and if this girl is going to be a distraction that maybe you should just ditch her." said Deidara switching his gaze from Itachi to Kisame through his little speech.
"Thanks Deidara but I think that I can take of myself and who I fuck is none of your business so stay out of it. As for her being a distraction, well I don't get distracted to begin with so lay off." replied Itachi snidely and with that Kisame snapped back "Hey don't act like such a bitch Itachi it looks like your new girlfriend has got you trained." he said laughing. "Who's Itachi's girlfriend, because I know you're not stupid enough to be talking about me Sharky." hissed a female voice from behind Kisame.
"Look its sleeping beauty. Did you enjoy yourself last night sweetie?" asked Deidara sarcastically. "Bite me bitch." was Atayla's reply. Itachi saw that Atayla was already dressed and had her sword strapped on her back he could only think 'Why does she have all her weapons and gear on?' "You can't come with us." said Itachi plainly.
"Yeah even though we could have a lot of fun with you girly I don't think we'd want a frigid bitch like you tagging along, especially since Itachi doesn't want people touching his 'girlfriend'." snapped Kisame at Atayla.
"Maybe you didn't get it the first time that I said it but I'm not his girlfriend. We fucked that's all it was fun but that's it. That's the extent of our relationship. As for tagging along with you guys, not even in your dreams. Besides I've got things to do and matters to attend to so I guess that's it for now boys. If we see each other again maybe I'll screw your brains out again little boy Itachi." and with that Atayla was gone and the front door hung open.
Itachi realized that Deidara and Kisame were both staring at him with raised eyebrows as they mouthed the words 'Little boy Itachi' not daring to say it out loud in fear of what he would do to them if they did.
"Well I can honestly say that I've never in my life heard a woman as young as you Itachi talk that blatantly about sex. Normally all you hear out of a teenage girl is how they want to fall in love and whether a spring wedding is better than a winter one." said Deidara shocked at Atayla's choose of language and apparel.
"Hey Itachi I know that I'm a retard and this question is probably really stupid but is she some kind of ninja or is she just normally carrying around a five foot sword because it matches her boots?" asked Deidara.
"Deidara stop acting like a moron. Well if she's carrying a sword that big, kunai, dressed in battle gear, and has that foul of a mouth she's probably going out for tea with her girlfriends to talk about the latest shade of nail polish." replied Kisame sarcastically with a snort.
"Kisame do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up because nobody cares about what some poor little fish boy who's parents didn't love him says." snarled Deidara with a sadistic smirk on his face. The two of them were so busy fighting with each other that they didn't notice that Itachi had slipped out of the kitchen to go back to his room to get the weapons he had left in their.
On his way to his room he noticed that Atayla's room was empty of everything and as he looked at the empty room he couldn't help but feel a pang of anger and jealousy that she had just left like that. As soon as he realized he had felt that he instantly regretted it. 'Well looks like she affected me more than I thought she would.' he thought as he tried to push her from his mind.
Itachi got his weapons from his room and returned to the kitchen where he found Kisame and Deidara still fighting over whatever it was the fight had started over. "I'm leaving." said Itachi as he put up a boost of speed and left through the open door.
Kisame and Deidara stopped their fighting long enough to realize that Itachi was gone. "Did he just ditch us?" asked Kisame verbally stating his thoughts aloud. "No he went on vacation." replied Deidara taking off after Itachi. Kisame just stood there for a moment before realizing that both Itachi and Deidara had left him there.
"Fuck you two you assholes!" shouted Kisame as he stomped out the door and put up some speed to catch up with them.

Atayla stalked through the deep woods like a predator it was obvious that something was following her and because of that she was prevented from actually getting to her actual location. This pissed her off, a lot. The presence was getting closer and Atayla realized that even as she sped up it kept up with her. This was no random enemy this was a pro.
'Maybe it's one of Rakoku's mercs fuck. Why now and just when I was going to visit Yash too. Oh well time to fight.' Atayla jumped down from the trees that she was jumping from and landed softly on the ground. Her hand tightened around the sword on her back. "If you wanted a fight all you had to do was ask!" shouted Atayla at the surrounding forest that was silent except for her cries.
There was no answer but it was obvious that whoever it was was still there and that pissed her off. "Oh so now you don't want to play is that it well then go the fuck away asshole!" shouted Atayla. Suddenly the aura of whatever it was vanished and Atayla was left alone in the forest with her taunting rant still echoing through the empty air.
Atayla ran then because she knew that she shouldn't bother with such a miner distraction if it was only going to slow her down. In a few minutes Atayla reached her destination, Yashe's dojo. Atayla took off her boots and walked in. She saw her silver haired friend standing with her back to her.
Yashe took up the stance of the Seiche kata and started immediately with a serious of concentrated arm locks, grabs, kicks, and stealth maneuvers. Atayla watched almost mystified by the graceful and fluid movements. This went on for at least 10 more minutes and finally when Yashe finished the kata and bowed out she turned around and said "So you're back."
"Yeah I just missed you so much that I just couldn't stay away." replied Atayla walking over the dojo floor while bowing out of respect for the sacredness of the training floor. "I see your not walking straight, so I guess you had fun last night. How was it?" asked Yashe clearly realizing with the way Atayla limped a little, from the pain in-between her thighs, what her friend's "nighttime activities" had consisted of last night.
"Well thanks for noticing. To answer your question last night I had a lot of fun and orgasms" replied Atayla cheerfully. "Wow I really didn't need to hear that last part." said Yashe blushing from Atayla's choice of vocabulary and blatant lewdness.
"He has really good stamina I would say that we went for about 3 hours it was very... educational." said Atayla choosing her words carefully. "Oh and he can do this thing with his tongue that's really amazi-.." added Atayla before having her mouth covered by Yashe's hand.
"This is a sacred place watch your mouth its vile and dirty little girl. Save that kind of talk for the bedroom." hissed Yashe through gritted teeth. Apparently this kind of talk was getting Yashe very uncomfortable since she didn't really care about Atayla's sex life to much to begin with.
Atayla pried Yashe's hand away from her mouth and said "It's not what comes out of your mouth that makes it dirty it's what you put into it that does. But either way I guess I've got a dirty mouth no matter what." replied Atayla with a smirk. With that last comment Yashe delivered a curt slap across Atayla's face and said "Don't make me give you a spanking like a child Atayla. I suggest that you stop while you're ahead of the game, at least for now anyway." said Yashe in a matronly tone.
"But what if I like to get spanked?" asked Atayla in a mock child voice. "You never learn do you?" replied Yashe with sigh. "Nope." was the only reply from Atayla. "Anyway this is not what I came here for I came for a visit and that's it. Besides I've already stayed here the last time now it's Zuri's turn to deal with my antics. Anyway that kid she's taking care of would be quite fun to corrupt." added Atayla laughing a little as she said it.
"Oh great another one of you, thanks but no thanks." said Yashe clearly trying to add to the effect by acting exasperated at the thought. "I came here because I felt something was wrong." said Atayla getting serious for the first time in the conversation. "Yes something did happen it was Seithe he came back." said Yashe acknowledging her brother since the first time since he had killed the anbus of the village and become an S-class missing Nin.
"What did he want?" asked Atayla interested in the conversation. "He came looking for you Atayla apparently he's with the Atkatsuki and they are quite interested in you, very interested." replied Yashe in a stern voice that just screamed what the fuck is going on. 'So that was what that whole thing in the forest was' thought Atayla wondering why the fuck the Atkatsuki would want her for anything.
"You didn't ell them about my pet did you?" asked Atayla referring to Itachi. "No. That is your business, and yours alone Tay." "So what is that fucking brother of yours up to with the Atkatsuki?" asked Atayla trying to get as much information as she could and quickly.
"He's got a high ranking position in it, he told me and he seemed proud of it even. After what he did to this village by killing those ninjas as honorable as his reason was he did it for the wrong reasons, he is no longer my brother. Even he knows that now he just calls himself Genji." said Yashe with tears in her eyes as she remembered what her brother had done to the village and in the process of which what he had done to her by killing the one she loved the most.
"Genji huh. Well apparently he wants me; or rather the Atkatsuki wants me. Well now that's very interesting. I suppose it makes sense that they want me." said Atayla reflecting on the situation. "What are you talking about Tay?" asked Yashe brought out of her reverie of sorrow for a moment.
"Well think about it with all the people that I've killed as an assassin if I belonged to a village I'd probably either be classified as a very high ranking ninja or a missing Nin by now. Since I don't belong to a village if I ever did get caught or rather someone saw who I was there would be nothing they could do because without a village you don't have an identity and without an identity you don't exist. I'm the perfect hunter, the perfect ninja, the perfect animal to be used as a killing machine." said Atayla bitterly.
"They want to use you!" shouted Yashe shocked at what was so obvious and yet so complicated at the same time. "Atayla you know how much I've been through and I can understand why Seithe did what he did after all the only reason Seto ended up dead was because he tried to protect the people that killed Teiah. I can understand his pain and I've forgiven him, because I've felt the same pain." replied Yashe, remembering how Yashe brother had killed her fiancée trying to kill the men that raped and killed his wife Teiah.
It was all because of the feud between the village hidden in the sand and the village hidden in the sound. It was horrible and Atayla wasn't there to prevent it, despite that Yashe had lost the one person who was most important to her and left to sew together the fragments of her broken heart and life without the one she wanted by her side.
"Atayla go and find Seithe make sure that he's okay look after him for me as a friend do this for me. Please." asked Yashe pleading with Atayla. "Yeah Yash anything for a friend like you now cheer the fuck up before I have to slap you!" shouted Atayla hauling Yashe to her feet, since some time during the conversation Yashe and Atayla ended up on the floor with Yashe sobbing over lost and painful memories.
"Thank you Tay I'll be fine I have to keep training for Seto." said Yashe with one final hug and then Atayla left her friend to be alone which was probably the best thing for her right now. As Atayla made her way through the forest Atayla swore that she would do whatever she had to. To make sure that Yashe's brother was alright because even though his mistake was a grievous sin it would have bin a bigger one to leave his love unavenged. But besides that there was also the perk that if looking after Seithe or Genji, whatever he called himself now, she'd get to visit Little boy Itachi. At least for awhile anyway.

Atayla had no trouble locking on to Seithe's chakra after all they had trained together and she could find it with little effort. When Atayla finally found where he was she found herself standing before a .A building built into the side of the mountain, it took her awhile to realized that this place was so far in the remote mountains that it would be hard to find unless you knew where you were looking. 'Well that's not normal.' thought Atayla realizing that the hide out for the Atkatsuki must be pretty fucking big if it was built into the fucking mountain.
She made her way into the building and stalked around the building until she found a hidden opening. There were people guarding it. despite trying to remain hidden they did a lousy job at it and Atayla stayed in the darkness hidden from their sight. Atayla preformed a jutsu that took only a minuscule amount of chakra and knocked the enemy unconscious of put them into a deep daze for 5 minutes max. Just enough time to sneak in undetected.
As Atayla slipped through the opening she found herself in what looked like a cavern with stone stairs carved into the rock beneath her feet. She realized that this passageway was not lighted and up ahead it grew narrower a sign that there was another door up ahead.
'Great more assassins to deal with. Great just fucking great.' thought Atayla sarcastically. Suddenly she felt the presence of someone behind her. Atayla instantly realized that she had stood in the same spot for too long and whoever was guarding the door up ahead had noticed the change.
"You choose the wrong place to wander into girly." snarled a hoarse voice from behind her. Atayla turned around while grabbing the hilt of the sword and pulled it from the straps on her back and aimed for the potential attacker.
There standing in front of her was a guy that well looked worse than Kisame. He had a black and white face, half and half. He had what looked like a giant plant around his head, to be more precise a Venus fly trap, no doubt a dangerous thing to be faced with in battle.
"Fuck off and maybe I wont slice open that sad little face of yours." replied Atayla staring at the Atkatsuki member. "I watch your tongue little girl or I might just bite it out." replied the creepy looking dude.
"Zetsu, stop it it's only a girl." said a hushed and quiet voice behind Atayla. Atayla decided she had to even the odds so she quickly pulled a kunai out of her pack that she was carrying and threw it at the newcomer without turning around to face whoever it was. There was a sound of something hitting wood.
Atayla took her attention of creepy dude and turned around to find herself facing a shattered puppet, a demon puppet. "Sasori you're lucky you used a puppet or you wouldn't have a face right now." snickered the voice. "yeah well I guess this girl's got some spunk after all." replied the voice from Atayla. She turned on her heel and pointed her sword at the puppet master named Sasori. "Oh come on is that anyway to treat a guest? Besides I didn't come here to play I came to visit Genji. So be good little lap dogs and tell him that I'm here." said Atayla snidely.
"Bitch I really should teach you a lesson. How about it Zetsu up for some fun?" asked Sasori to Zetsu. "Hell yeah let's teach you some manners." replied Zetsu with the comment directed more towards Atayla. Atayla charged them going for Sasori who started sending puppets at her, exploding puppets. These were no problem Atayla did a side step and then duck thrusting the sword upward to go through the puppets fake little skull.
It was then that Zetsu came after her. He started attacking her head on with a kunai. Atayla blocked and did a serious of quick precise back flips. "ZETSU! SASORI! Stop this foolishness NOW!" shouted a male voice behind them. Atayla recognized who it was immediately it was Seithe or Genji whatever he wanted to be called now.
"This is our newest asset we wouldn't want to break her just yet." said the man to the two Atkatsuki members. "Genji you're lucky that the leader said that you're in charge because if you weren't I'd slice you open." replied Zetsu who at that point then disappeared with the other man. Atayla stared at the figure before her the man had long silver hair and the same eyes as Yashe. He was dressed in regular ninja wear along with an Atkatsuki cloak that was hanging loosely open around him.
"Come with me." he said dryly walking away from Atayla. He lead her through a door at the end of the hallway and at that point Atayla found herself amazed. The Atkatsuki headquarters was actually nice. It was all dark wood walls and smelled like dirt, maybe because it was underground. There were a few members walking around in the hallways.
"So all the rumors I heard were true there are more than just 10 Atkatsuki members after all." said Atayla looking around. "Shut up and just move your feet." said Seithe pushing Atayla into a nearby room that's door was 3 times the size of a normal one with carvings of demons etched into the woodwork on it. Yashe looked around and came to the conclusion that this was some type of office, the desk in there was a big hint of what the room was used for.
Seithe went behind the desk and plopped down into the chair and put his feet up on the desk. "Well looky here if it isn't Tay. You've grown up." he said eyeing her carefully. The way he was looking at her reminded her of the way a child would look at candy, it sickened her. "Why are you tracking me Seithe, or rather Genji now." said Atayla looking at him with a glare that would make the most hardened criminal shudder. "Yeah it's Genji now so get it right. You are wanted here Tay that's why we're tracking you." replied Seithe.
"I'm not here for a job 'Genji'. I'm here because of Yashe, she told me to keep an eye on you." stated Atayla in a monotone befitting of Itachi. "Ah yes little sister I bet she still wants to kill me." said Seithe looking away from Atayla. "She's moved on she's above regretting the past like some scared child." replied Atayla still staring at Seithe but a little less intensely now.
"Don't give me that crap the only difference between you and me is our skills, but even that doesn't matter. The only reason that you're better than me is because you can't be tracked down, now whose fault is that. I suppose I can't really pin that on you since after all Siku was the one that took you off the streets but that doesn't make up for the fact that you don't have a home and that your still a worthless little girl that no one wants." snapped Seithe sourly glaring at Atayla again.
"Genji that's enough. I suggest you stop while you're still on my good side." said a voice coming from behind the door at the other side of the room. Atayla watched the door as a man in what looked like an anbu mask came out and said "Hello Miss Atayla. You are quite the difficult one to find you know."
"Yeah well I guess that means that you're the leader of this little club. Don't you know that it's only common courtesy to give your name before striking up a conversation with someone who doesn't even know you?" asked Atayla smirking. "Well but of course for now you may call me Toki and I am the leader of the Atkatsuki I have a proposition for you."
"And what you that be exactly?' asked Atayla already knowing what he was going to say. “I want you in me ranks as a member. I know very well that you are a student of Siku and that you survived his training with another ninja, they were my first choice but he's already under the command of Rakoku's. This of course is very unfortunate for me since that only leaves someone like you to offer this chance to." answered the masked man. "Well thanks for speaking so highly of me I'm just so flattered here." replied Atayla sarcastically
"You know very well that your skills are exceptional and almost unrivaled by any one else. I want you here because you are very good at what you do, killing people that is. Also besides this fact you also can not be tracked down to a village and that is a very fine advantage indeed." stated Toki. "Well this certainly interesting but just one question what do I get in return nothing you have to offer is so unobtainable that I can't just steal it fore myself." said Atayla staring at the man.
"You will have a permanent place here for as long as you want, you will be paid something that I don't normally do with most people, weapons of every style, drugs, booze, I would add women to the list but you don't seem to be 'that' type of women." replied Toki. "Yeah well what can I say I just don't sway that way, but do go on." said Atayla smirking just a little.
"Anything that you want I can give but you will have a lot of duty if you choose to join us since after all I hold you so highly to your reputation." said Toki. "Well now this is very interesting." said Atayla.
'If I do say yes I get a place to stay and I get to have my fun with Tat Ta whenever I want. Not to mention my job would be just to kill people. The only bad part is that I have to work here with all of these lap dogs, damn it how the fuck do I get myself into these types of situations here it's like I'm the poster girl for shitty luck.' thought Atayla snickering to herself just a little at nothing in particular.
'You know this could be some fun but you have to realize that staying here means you have to deal with all this extra crap. Oh and by the way saying that you're the poster girl for really shitty luck is just retarded.' replied the other little voice in her head.
'Shut the fuck up who was asking you besides you're just trying to be bitchey and I know it so lay off!' shouted Atayla back at her own thoughts. "I suppose being under your employment could be... interesting and if not that then special at the most. I've got nothing better to do so yeah what the hell I'll hang out here for awhile. Your lucky you know." said Atayla to Toki.
"Oh and why is that Miss Atayla?" asked the leader. "I normally don't work for people whose faces I can't see, it makes it harder for me to kill them when the job's done." replied Atayla. "Well now that ends the conversation then. Since I see that you've already brought all your things with you we can put you somewhere right now, Genji get one of the girls to find her a room. I am leaving so Genji will tell you where to go and what to do so mind yourself or I will not hesitate to have one of my men kill you girl." said Toki turning away.
Atayla could just imagine the look under the mask, one of humor and self-righteous egotistical narcissism. "Yeah I figured that out for myself already thanks." answered Atayla to the rude comment. "Refrain from wandering around remember that here you are a guest nothing more than that so know your place or I'll have someone remind you. Also now that you've said yes you will obey our rules and accept punishment if needed do you comprehend this or should I explain it again." said Toki.
"Don't insult my intelligence with such an ignorant question." answered Atayla. "Good then I'm leaving now. Genji handle the rest of this." and with that the mysterious man Toki left as if he was never there at all.
It was then that she saw out of the corner of her eye Seithe move "I'll get someone to grab your stuff and find you a room. Tay tell me why did you just agree to this. I thought that you hated us?" asked Seithe.
"I don't hate you and I choose to do this because what else am I going to do anyway." replied Atayla. "So then if that's the reason what's new with you? The last time we saw each other was years ago and you, as far as I can see, are the same as ever, just as vulgar just as sarcastic." said Seithe looking away at the wall as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.
"Well I haven't done anything in particular except killing people really." replied Atayla. "Sounds like fun." replied Seithe. "Oh and I have done something else." said Atayla seeing if he would take the bait. "Really what?" asked Seithe. "I'm fucking this really hot guy Uchiha Itachi." said Atayla barely able to contain her laughter as she saw the look on his face change from boredom to disbelief. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?" screamed Atayla.
"Well yeah. Oh why are you so surprised? Is it because...- oh I totally forgot his in the Atkatsuki too wow what a coincidence. I guess this job comes with some more perks after all, who would've thought. Oh you will get me bag for me and find me a room please I mean staying around here is too boring for me." said Atayla walking out of the room and straight into a girl who must've been one of the 'girls' that Toki was talking about.
"YoumustbeMissAtaylaI'llbeyourmaid." said the nervous girl fast and completely incoherently." Yeah my bags in there don't mind Genji he's just trying to think some things over now. Oh and stop talking so fast please." said Atayla to the frightened girl. "Yes Miss Atayla" said the girl rushing into the room to get her bag.
'Well now this is going to be a lot more fun than I thought it would' thought Atayla smirking a little.

Itachi, Kisame, and Deidara had all stopped to rest for a minute in a clearing close to HQ. "Hey Itachi I've got a question." said Deidara standing up from the fire to lean against a tree. Itachi who was sitting with his back against a tree looked like he was sleeping, but Kisame and Deidara both knew better than to actually think that.
"What." came Itachi's normal monotone reply. "Well I was wondering about that girl why would you sleep with her?" asked Deidara looking at his placid form. "Well why do you think retard" came Kisame's voice from across the fire. "He slept with her because he's horny." said Kisame glaring at Deidara.
"Shut up Kisame. I don't know why I slept with her. She's hot and can hold her own in a fight, but she has a serious attitude problem." replied Itachi. "Wow that's not the answer that I was expecting but now that we're on the subject how is she in bed?" asked Deidara. Itachi just looked at him for a moment deciding whether to answer the question or not.
Kisame had gone to sleep because the conversation was the last thing he wanted to be involved in. "She was...insatiable and flexible." said Itachi trying to suppress the smirk welling up inside at what Deidara's reaction would probably be at this. "Damn you're so fucking lucky." replied Deidara.

Atayla had been lead done onto down one of the hallways by the girl who's name turned out to be Miru who was now carrying her bag towards her new room. Miru was a little shorter than Atayla with long brown hair and green eyes. She was wearing a forest green kimono that was a little short in Atayla's opinion, of course not short in Atayla's standards but short by everyone else's. When they reached the room Miru took a key out of her pocket and unlocked the door leading Atayla inside.
"I apologize. This room is quite dark and not what I imagine a woman would like but as you can see there are very few women in the Atkatsuki so the rooms are not as... feminine as they could be." said the young girl apologizing for the room.
Atayla looked around the room and saw that it was all dark wood. The bed which sat in the corner of the room was a canopy one with black closings around it and adorned with black and red silk pillows and sheets, the desk had basically nothing on it, the closet was huge and had carved designs of what looked like people or demons in the wood, the floor was carpeted with a large black rug and the best part about it was that it had a separate closet for weapons.
"It's perfect as you can see I'm not like most women Miru. I'm curious what is your function for the Atkatsuki." replied Atayla taking her bag from Miru and unpacking her clothes to put in the closet. "Wee I am a maid to say the least. Most of the other women here are cooks or they clean clothes and other such jobs. We also are here to provide... comfort to the men. In other words I'm a whore for the Atkatsuki." replied the girl placidly.
Atayla looked up. Not out of shock but out of pity for the girl. It wasn't uncommon for young girls to be sold in exchange for money or drugs but it was said that there were probably more than you could count in this place. "Miru how old are you?" asked Atayla saddened for the girl.
"16." replied Miru without looking up from what she was doing which was unpacking Atayla's books and placing them neatly on the desk along with other assorted items that might go on a desk. 'She's younger than me' thought Atayla.
"Miru you're not a whore unless you enjoy fucking. Miru, this is coming from someone who is a whore here. I'm probably the most lewd and 'out there' woman that you will ever meet. In front of me no one's a whore." said Atayla turning around and actually seeing the girl smile for once in that whole night.
"Hey Miru I'll tell you what I'll help you if you help me okay?" asked Atayla suddenly stopping what she was doing to look at the shy girl. "What do you want me to do?" asked Miru. "I want you to be my personal maid. In an essence I want you to tend to me. So basically clean the room, my weapons, wash my clothes, and bring me my meals here so that way I don't have to deal with the rest of the people here too much. In return I'll make sure that you never have to provide 'comfort' again." replied Atayla.
"But what will the men say if they found out, and besides I can't refuse them or I'll be punished." said Miru looking at the floor. "You let me take care of them. As long as I'm here and as long as you're working for me you won't ever have to worry about that again. I'll protect you. If the situation ever did arise just run to me and I'll tell them to fuck off. Deal" said Atayla walking over to the girl.
"Deal." replied Miru looking up. "Good now leave me I have things to do come back tomorrow morning at I don't know, 5, with my food. I'll have something for you to do then." said Atayla. "Yes Miss Atayla." and with that Miru left the room leaving Atayla to her own devices. Atayla started to unpack the rest of her things and as she dug through her bag she pulled out her weapons and placed them in the closet where they were to be stored.
When Atayla had finished she decided to go against what Toki had said and "explore" a little of the premises. But before that Atayla decided that she had to change into something a little less conspicuous. As Atayla made her way to the closet she saw that Miru had put her clothes on the hangers, and also that there was a familiar looking coat on one of the hangers.
The coat was the same one that Itachi and Kisame had been sporting all the time. Atayla dug through the closet until she found one of her favorite black kimonos with a red trim on it. Atayla put it on and also changed her boots into another pair that laced up.
After she finished getting dressed she walked out of the room only to find herself face to face with two Atkatsuki members. "Hey look it must be one of the new girls that the boss bought." said the one on her left who looked to be at least 20 years old with a messy flop of green hair on his head. "Maybe she needs to be broken in." said the one on her right who looked just as old as the other guy except shorter and more bulky than the other one. 'BOUGHT! BROKEN IN! HELL NO I'M NO ONE'S WHORE!' shouted Atayla to herself.
It was then that one of the men tried to grab her. Instantly she pulled away trying to avoid his touch. "Why so frigid girly we won't bite. At least not yet we won't." "I apologize." said Atayla meekly trying to fool the two men by acting as compliant as Miru. "I belong to Uchiha-sama. I don't think that he would be very kind if I was touched by you." said Atayla hoping that Itachi was well known around here.
"Come on Kira lets leave her alone I don't feel like being neutered by Itachi because I touched his whore." said the man on the left. "Yeah whatever I'll get my chance when he gets tired of her." said the one that had tried to grab her. The two men walked away before commenting on what they would like to do to her ass. 'Pervs.' thought Atayla.
"Okay now where could Uchiha's room be." asked Atayla out loud. "Are you looking for Itachi's room?" asked a voice behind her. Atayla turned around to see a woman who must have been at least a year older than herself with blue hair and red eyes standing there. "Ah yes I guess you could say that I'm his entertainment for the night." said Atayla the lie practically rolling off her lips.
"Oh poor thing it's your first time with him isn't it. Don't be nervous I hear that he's not as brutal as some guys around here, just fell lucky that you didn't get Kisame. I couldn't sit for a week with what he did to me." said the woman. "Um do you think that you could show me where his room is?" asked Atayla trying to sound as meek and frightened as she could.
"Sure sweetie come on." replied the woman. After about 5 minutes of walking through halls she found herself in front of Itachi's door. "Looks like he's not here yet, you should wait inside for him otherwise you might get picked up by somebody else." said the woman opening the door for her.
"TAHRA! Come on we've got to go and start our shift in the kitchen!" shouted a voice to Atayla's right. She looked and saw a woman with short green hair that was close in color to sea foam she too had red eyes. "Sorry Saei I was showing this new girl to Uchiha's room." "Oh a new girl I'm Saei nice to meet you." said the woman enthusiastically.
"Atayla, it's a pleasure." responded Atayla. "Oh and I forgot to tell you my name I'm Tahra and we really have to go now but maybe we'll see each other around." and on that note the two other woman left. Atayla decided that this night was going to be very very interesting indeed as she walked into Itachi's room.

Itachi walked with Kisame and Deidara in the Atkatsuki head quarters before stopping and asking. "We don't have to report right away do we?" "No we're early so we can just hang out for about an hour if we want so I'll see you two later." replied Deidara walking away from the two of them.
"Yeah I'm going to go eat." said Kisame walking away. Itachi was planning to go to his room and relax for awhile but then he was halted by two of the lower ranking members, Kira and Shuro. "Hey Uchiha that girl of yours can I have her when you're done with her?" asked Kira smirking at him a little.
"What are you talking about?" replied Itachi not in the mood for this shit. "That girl that said she was yours, she was really hot too. How the fuck do you not know what we're talking about." said Shuro impatiently. "Well I don't so fuck off." said Itachi walking away from them towards his room. "Whatever it looks like you're going to have some fun tonight." said Kira as he walked past.
'What the fuck was up with that. My girl. What were they talking about.' thought Itachi walking straight into one of the maids. "Uchiha-sama forgive I didn't see you it was my mistake, please forgive my insolence." said the maid obviously waiting for his response. "It's fine." said Itachi walking away. "Forgive me Uchiha-sama for holding you up but there is someone waiting for you in your room she says that she was requested by you for the night." said the blue-haired woman bowing deeply before walking away again.
'Okay now I'm really confused. What girl what the fuck is everyone talking about. Damn it must have been a joke by Deidara or Kisame fuck great now I have to deal with some little whore. I really don't need this shit right now' thought Itachi walking to his room. As he got to the door he saw that the lights were off but that someone was indeed in the room, he could hear their breathing.
Itachi walked into the room and saw the shape of someone on his bed. As he turned on the lights he saw the last person he would ever expect to see staring back at him, Atayla. "Thanks for making me wait so fucking long, after what I went through trying to find this room you could at least get here on time." said Atayla.
"What are you doing here?" asked Itachi shocked now beyond all belief. He turned around to close the door than proceeded to make his way to the foot of the bed. He saw that she had changed out of her battle gear and into something that indeed probably would be mistaken for something that the maid's would wear. He felt like he was being distracted by her indecently short kimono to realize that she was talking.
"Haven't you heard I'm the Atkatsuki newest 'asset' your boss offered me a job here, a job that was too good to turn down. I get paid to kill people not to bad if you ask me and I also get a place to stay so I decided to come and visit you." replied Atayla knowing that he wasn't paying attention but rather checking her out. "You didn't just come here for me did you?" asked Itachi stunned.
"Get over yourself. I'm here on a promise to a friend to watch after someone for them." replied Atayla surprised that even the normally cold Itachi had a vain and egotistic side. "I'm surprised that you're here but I think that I should tell you that last nigh-..."
"I know Itachi last night was fun nothing more. I don't expect anything from you. we fucked and that's the extent of our relationship. But I should also tell you that since we are both in the same place now and working in the same place too that we shouldn't avoid each other. After all I think that you can tell that I still want to do it again and I can tell that you do too so don't even bothering denying it because I know that you're staring at my thighs wondering what I'm wearing under this kimono." stated Atayla answering his unvoiced question.
"I can't right now I have to go and make my report but I will say that later I am going to fuck you senseless again." replied Itachi smirking at Atayla aroused expression. "But I want you now and if you don't play with me I might just have to play with myself." said Atayla like a spoiled child wanting to get its way.
"Well then have fun. Oh and you know if you keep dressing like that you'll get some unwanted attention." said Itachi walking towards the door. "Stop being such a prick. You're too uptight for your own fucking good it's not healthy and frankly it's getting. Maybe you don't realize this but your only 17 a teenager and maybe you haven't noticed but there's a half naked girl sitting on your bed practically begging for you to fuck her and all you can think about is your report. God you're stupid." Said Atayla flopping back unto the bed after she was done.
"You need to be patient because if you're not..." replied Itachi jumping onto the bed and slipping behind her, his lips to her ear.”'ll ruin the purpose of the hunt" he said slipping a tongue into her ear.
"The predator and the prey. The only problem is that neither of us wants to be the prey." whispered Atayla melting into his touch as he slip a hand into her kimono and ran it along her thigh and then biting the sensitive skin of her neck.
"Don't worry I'll fix that after all I'm in the mood t chase something that is a challenge, but just make sure that you let me be the one to play with you because if you don't I'll have to take all your fun away by not playing with you for awhile." and with hat he left her on the bed as he went straight out the door. "Did he just forbid me from having fun while he was gone, bitch. Damn it I'm too horny to deal with this!" screamed Atayla getting up and moving to her room to relax a little.

Itachi walked out of the room to walk straight into Deidara. "Hey Itachi what' up let's go and get this done already." "Yeah whatever." replied Itachi concentrating on the matter at hand. The two of them walked to Genji's office and knocked on the door. "Come in retards." said the person inside. "You're late." he said trying to hide his pissed off look.
"Sorry Genji, we had other important things to do." said Deidara letting venom seep into his tone as he spoke. "Where the fuck is Kisame?" asked Genji getting more and more pissed off as the moments ticked away. "He's somwhe-..." said Deidara before being cut off by the door slamming open reveling a staggering Kisame. ”Sorry I'm late I got busy." said Kisame.
"Yeah busy stuffing your face like an animal!" roared Genji now very pissed at the 3's actions. "You know what just go I'm not in the mood to deal with you retards I'll send for you when I want the report now leave!" said Genji a little forcefully at them. As Itachi turned to get back to the door he heard "Itachi you stay here."
'Fuck what does he want I can't deal with this right now I've got to go and have my own fun' he thought as his mind ran wild with a thousand s different things that he would do to Atayla when he got back to his room.
"I have to tell you something. You probably haven't realized yet but we have a new member to our organization. I want you to keep an eye on her. Her name is Atayla and she is very very valuable to us. She is to be watched strictly and if need be detained if something should happen."
Itachi could only stand there in shock at what he was being asked to do. "Why is she so important to us?" asked Itachi. "She is different from most of the missing Nin here Itachi. She isn't even one to be more accurate. She can't be tracked down if someone ever slipped up and she was involved. She knows how and when to kill, but also since she does not belong to a village it makes her the perfect assassin and our greatest asset at the current time. Do you understand this?" asked Genji staring him down.
"Yes I do but how do I watch her. If she is as good as you say she is then she'll know that I'm watching her." replied Itachi. "Cut the crap I know that you're fucking her and that is how you're going to keep an eye on her." said Genji standing up to stretch.
Itachi was surprised that he knew about that at all. "I see that you're concerned about how I know, lets just say that I've known her before this and also that I have talked to her, she's the one that brought it up. I could really care less about who you fuck but if it helps keep tabs on her than by all means do what you want." replied Genji to Itachi shocked look.
'So it must be him that Atayla is here to watch this is getting strange. So now while Atayla's watching him he's watching her through me. Well this doesn't complicate things at all.' thought Itachi sarcastically. "If that's it I'm going now and I understand if that answers your question." replied Itachi. "Actually it doesn't but whatever just go because I'm getting tired of talking now. Before you go I guess I should tell you that you have a mission tomorrow with Kisame you are going to go and try to capture Kyubi or Naruto whatever that kid is called so prepare for it." said Genji before letting him go.
"..." was Itachi's response as he left the room to go back to his in which Atayla was waiting. When he entered his room he expected to see Atayla sitting on the bed waiting for him but she wasn't which made him wonder 'Where the fuck is she.' 'Maybe in her own room dumbass. She is in the Atkatsuki retard that means she gets her own room retard' answered that little voice inside of his head. "Well now all I have to do is find her room." voiced Itachi out loud walking out of his room to find hers.

Atayla had gotten sick of waiting for Itachi to get back to the room so she came back to her own in an effort to clear her head. Atayla walked into her room and saw that it had been cleaned and thought 'Damn she works hard' thinking of Miru's dedication to their pact that they had made earlier.
Atayla walked around in the bedroom for a moment before realizing that she also had her own bathroom and balcony in the room. 'They actually gave me a pretty nice room now that is fucking amazing.' thought Atayla walking over to the bathroom door. When she walked in she found herself staring into a room with crimson red walls and black tiled floor.
The sink which was built into a massive vanity was made of black marble and so was the tub. The tub itself was built into the wall and half of it was protruding from it. The part that was exposed had a screen built around the sides so that for privacy you could draw them around. There were tables and candles strewn across the room in random places and on random surfaces. "Holy shit! JACKPOT!" shouted Atayla before having her thoughts interrupted by a crash of thunder. It was raining.
Atayla walked out of the bathroom and out unto the balcony which had black silk curtains over it. As soon as she walked out unto it she was blasted with the frigid night rain that was coming down like a deluge upon the mountain. Atayla realized that her kimono at this point was hopelessly ruined and wet, so why not stay out on the balcony for a little while longer. It's not like it could do any harm to.
She leaned over the railing of the balcony looking out into the night that by now was pitch black and damp with the new fall of rain. It was hard to see anything at all because of the rain but Atayla strived to look out as if she was searching for some invisible solitary thing that only she could see.
A memory seeped into her line of vision as she remembered what it felt like that day when she had been left alone in her training. Cold and wet like the rain here, it was all the same. The same suffocating smell of death and decay. That time on that mission the temple and the citadel of that ancient place had death and blood reeking from it.
Atayla had stayed there and fought like an animal ready to die no remorse and no holding back on herself or her blows to the enemy. She took them done one by one driven on the fury of the fact that Siku and Raige had abandoned her. Siku had left her when he died and Raige left her when he betrayed Siku. It was no surprise that she was broken and battered but she still fought because what else was there to Atayla but an animal that could fight and wreak destruction wherever they went.
Laying there in the rain with death looming over her and the sweet sickly smell of her own blood mingling with that of the rotten corpse of that thing lying not 3 feet away from her. She had killed what had been rooming through the streets of the decrepit abandoned city. All she had to do now was go and get her money.
She was so cold with the rain in her eyes, the rain mixing with the blood washing it all away. It felt like something Atayla couldn't put her finger on. Lying on the cold cobbled deserted street with no hope of anyone coming. The people paying her didn't care they knew that she probably wouldn't come back and even if she did kill the target there was no chance that she'd come back to get her money.
The rain, the cold, the blood, and the...nostalgia, that was the word for this feeling. This had happened before, more times then she could count. The only difference between then and now was that there was no one waiting for her anywhere. No family that would miss her, no teacher, no village, no lover, no one would care if she died and life would go on.
In that moment she realized that no matter what ever happened life and the world moved on unchanged and uncaring, just continuously going through the motion forever, until it itself died. Even then would it matter? Atayla had asked this to herself and realized that she had nothing and in a sense she was nothing. She was going to die and nothing she did would change it so why not show a little control out of spite and choose to die right now? No.
Atayla realized that she would rather die on her own terms and no one else's. She thought that laying there in the rain having life slowly drain from her and smelling the stench of rotting decay was what she wanted. She was wrong. Atayla had wanted to live to remain unchanged and yet despite knowing that she could choose to use that power that Siku had taught her it meant never being the same again and giving into something that wasn't real, something that Atayla hated. Herself.
She had tried to get up but it hurt so much. She relishes in the pain knowing that it meant that she was alive. She had gotten up and stumbled and fell more time then she could count. She regretted leaving that god forsaken place but she knew that to live she had to do it. Some primal instinct had taken over and it lead her to some place far away from there. If she did die it would not be in that place next to her enemies, it would be a place that she could give into the sweet release of death in comfort.
She didn't fear death. She didn't fear life. She was scared of losing herself in the process of both. Atayla had made it out of there and willed herself to keep going despite the pain. She realized that for the first time she was doing something for herself and not for Siku or Raige or anyone else that have ever pretended to care about her. It was then that she decided that she would only live for herself.
"What the fuck am I doing if I keep thinking about this I'll go crazy." said Atayla out loud pulling herself from that consuming memory. It didn't matter anymore, so why should she care. Atayla turned back to the darkness of the night and realized something else that the darkness would always be there and so would the rain. She looked out and saw the depths of the landscape in the darkness of the night and felt the chill of the rain and wind. It didn't matter. She was alive and that was enough. Well maybe something else too. "Damn it Itachi see what happens when I think to long. I start to get serious and that never any fucking good!" shouted Atayla at the night sky." "Looking for me?" asked a male voice behind her.

Itachi stood there out in the rain with his new short hair down like it always was now that he cut it, his shirt abandoned in the room along with his shoes, and his hands in his pockets leaning against the railing with a smirk on his face. "What are you doing here?" asked Atayla surprised. "Why do you think." he said sarcastically and more of a statement than a question.
"You're all wet." replied Atayla not looking at him. "You're cold." answered Itachi to her obvious statement. Itachi had come looking for Atayla's room and found it quite easily. All he had to do was ask one of the maids and they lead him right to it. Itachi had abandoned most of his clothes inside because by this point he was getting anxious for what was inevitably going to happen between the two of them tonight.
When he had walked out onto the balcony he saw that she was in deep though and that she hadn't noticed his presence. He had taken this to his advantage and snuck up on her. He knew that she was in pain from the look in her eyes and he asked. "You're thinking about something what is it." Atayla turned to look at him and replied "The time my soul died." Itachi smiled at her answer it was so serious and not meant to be a joke he couldn't help but snicker at her seriousness.
"Why the fuck are you laughing at me?" asked Atayla. Itachi pulled away and rammed her against the balcony so that she was leaning over it with him behind her. "Because..." he started huskily. “While you were out here alone thinking you seemed to have forgotten about me and what I'm going to do to you." "And that would be?" asked Atayla grinding back into him feeling his arousal grow. "Take a guess." whispered to her slowly raising the hem of her kimono to her waist and bending her over the balcony more forcing her to grip it tightly.
Atayla felt her body warm up from the touch of his hands on her hips and how she could feel his arousal growing by the second. She felt him pull away and heard him undo his pants. Since she wasn't wearing any panties it was obvious to Itachi how aroused she was and said "I'm going to make you beg." huskily. Atayla tightened her grip on the balcony and whispered out in desire "Prove it." Itachi only smirk and ran the length of his hard cock in between her slick folds and then up so that she could feel the movement against her clit.
Atayla practically whimpered at the contact. "You were saying?" replied Itachi smirking again as he slid into her already wet and heated pussy. Atayla moaned out at the way it felt. In this position he could reach places inside of her that he couldn't the other night. Itachi slid in slowly and came to the conclusion the conclusion that he was not going to rush like he did last night. T
his time he was going to relish in the feelings of how her warm wet walls clenched around screaming for a faster and harder motion. Itachi moved his hips an action that caused his cock to rub around the surface of her wet walls. Atayla moaned and cried out knowing that he was going to try to everything to get her to bend to his will.
Itachi grabbed her hips making sure that she couldn't move them at all and bent her over more. He drew out only to dip back into her pussy slowly.
It felt fucking amazing what he was doing to her. It was absolute ecstasy but feeling good and getting off were two different thing. yes this was making her go crazy form his slow sensual thrusts that practically made her scream. Itachi wanted to make her beg and to that he realized that the only way would be to coax ever last drop of response out of her body.
He rammed in a little harder but still slow. He was in absolute heaven at this point the feel of her pussy around his cock was amazing that alone could push in to orgasm and after a few more thrust it did. He groaned out as he cummed inside her. Atayla felt the warm fluid fill her enough and then run out onto Itachi's cock coating it and down her thighs.
This feeling was only making her hornier and wanting more than this slow pleasurable torture. "Itachi please I need more." he whispered knowing that she had lost. Itachi felt himself snap and came down to her ear and said "Itachi what?"
Atayla knew what he wanted to hear "Itachi-sama please fuck me." she cried out. "I didn't think that you would give in so easily Atayla. I guess you like to be dominated or maybe just degraded like this forced to beg to get what you want. Tell me how does it feel with my cum inside you dripping down your legs?
Is it making you aroused knowing that you can be controlled?" asked Itachi ramming her against the balcony harder waiting for her reply. "...Y-..Yes." stammered Atayla. Itachi pulled out of her and turned her around pressing her back against the railing. "Good because tonight i'm going to make you scream." with that Itachi picked her up and sat her on the balcony so that she could face him.
The balcony wasn't made for someone to sit on and Atayla knew that she could very well fall off. Itachi wrapped an arm around her waist and his other hand went to the tie of the kimono which he pulled loose exposing Atayla perky attention waiting breast.
Atayla's hands flew to his shoulders when he directed hi attention to her nipples that stood out begging for his teeth. He took them between his teeth and rolled them with his tongue. Atayla pressed herself to him and begged "Please just start I need you inside me."
"Yeah by now I bet your horny as hell." smirked Itachi ramming his cock into her pussy that already dripped with his cum. Atayla screamed as he drove himself deep inside of her pussy and brought a hand in between them to play with her clit. "oh damn don't stop Itachi please just ahh! That feels amazing." screamed Atayla trying to bring them closer.
The rain plastered her long dark hair to her shoulders and breasts. Her kimono was pooled around her waist and Itachi couldn't get enough. He started to fuck the writhing girl mercilessly until she begged for his cock to fuck her harder and faster than before. "Oh god Itachi it feels so good." said Atayla her voice strained and heavy from his action.
her walls clenched him tightly not wanting to have him leave her warm wet core. He flicked her clit earning him a moan as he captured her lips with his own. Itachi's tongue was in her mouth before she had a chance to asses the situation. Atayla let him explore her mouth on his own terms and succumbed to her own unwavering passion that consumed her almost as much as he did.
Atayla leaned back with one hand on the banister and the other on his shoulder clenching it tightly. His hand on her waist tightened as his thrusts became deeper and more raw. She could fell her orgasm coming and as if on that note she cummed onto him and moaned out her passion as his name "It-...a-...chi!" "God harder1"she screamed as she still summed not wanting the feeling to ever go away. Itachi moaned as he cummed once again inside her moist hot pussy.
"Ahhh!" Atayla screamed as he fucked her harder still moving through his own release. Their actions and cries softened until they came to a stop. They clinged to each there bodies stuck together from rain, cum, and sweat. Nothing had felt his good for the both of them in a long time not even last night when they had given in. Itachi pulled her off the balcony with him and carried her inside to the bedroom were he sat her down on the bed. Atayla felt weak and tried she clung to him and pulled him with her.
"Don't think that i'm letting you go just yet. You're staying here. After all that begging you owe me something." said Atayla smirking. "You never change do you?" asked Itachi more of a statement than a question. "Only when I get bored with what I normally act like." she replied curling up on top of him in her bed. They both laid there before falling asleep under the black silk sheets still in wet clothes and still brushed from this night and the last one.

A/N: Oh yeah I did it. I'm so sorry for the delay and i'm sorry that well whatever else I did to my fans by making you guys wait so long for this chapter. I think that I cut down on my cursing a lot and for this chapter I expect at least 10 reviews before the next update. Oh and thank you to ODST girl058 and Ninjachick93 you guys rock too. I love you all even the flamers that need lives. Oh and one last thing if anyone wants to talk to me just go to one of my forums preferable Atayla's shrine of Darkness because my email has been being evil lately so if you need to ask me something that's the place to do it.
Atayla the Maiden of Darkness