Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Hawk Manor ❯ An Unreasonable Request ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Naruto AU Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Not sure what sparked this idea anymore, but it now has a life of its own. Hang on to something folks, this will be a long one (well, long for me anyway). Alternate Universe. Itachi x Naruto and Sasuke x Naruto. YAOI CONTENT in specific chapters. This chapter contains a touch of shounen-ai. Nothing too graphic or specific, though. A Standard Disclaimer follows the chapter.

Chapter 4 – An Unreasonable Request?

"What's wrong, Naruto?"


"You're here...but not here."

"Oh." His smile didn't reach his eyes, but it was genuine. "I'm sorry. I was just...thinking."

A deep chuckle made the boy's heart feel lighter. "That could be dangerous. Especially for you."


Naruto threw an apple at Itachi, and then quickly covered his mouth with both hands. Both of them sat silently, waiting. Kisame either didn't hear or was off doing some other disgusting task. The man was scary when angry, and Naruto didn't want to get caught, especially tonight.

He had spoken freely to Lady Sakura tonight. She was upper crust for sure, but seemed pretty down to earth. An odd match for Lord Sasuke, many of the staff thought, but they remained hopeful that a Lady of the Manor would lighten the dark cloud that seemed to cover it. Naruto, himself, had been happy to be one of the few that conversed with her.

But it was the look he received from Captain Kakashi when they first arrived that made him uneasy. He knew the Captain wouldn't hesitate to report him for any mishaps. The man had enjoyed getting him into trouble ever since he was placed under his employ.

However, it was the glance he received from the Lord himself that turned his unease into fear.

A simple glance, but it conveyed an unspeakable danger. Asuma had warned him about getting Lord Sasuke's attention. And the boy knew well what lay ahead for him if the Lord ever decided to pay him attention. Tonight was almost that dreaded moment. He had escaped unharmed, but still.... That look frightened him to his core.

"You flirt with danger way too much, my friend," Itachi said.

He chuckled nervously. He had told the other young man about Lady Sakura's arrival, but not the look the Lord had given him. It had shaken him more than he thought. One of the reasons he had dared to sneak into the dungeons on such a hectic night.

"Me? What about you," Naruto asked; grabbing a piece of cheese from the basket of goodies he swiped from the kitchen. "I hear there was another hunt this afternoon."

Itachi immediately frowned. His newly tied hair -- courtesy of Naruto -- was still ratty and unkempt, but it allowed the boy to see the other man's features. They sat as close as possible, Naruto on one side of the cage and he on the other. His chains went as far as to allow him to sit outside the shadows. Roughly two feet from the bars, he maintained a range of motion that enabled him to eat freely. He could touch the bars, if necessary, but it would put a strain on sore muscles.

"Yes," he answered. "A demonstration, more or less."

"Demonstration?" Naruto's eyes widened as he grabbed another piece of cheese. "Of what? For who?"

"Of power. Perhaps intent." Itachi shrugged, sitting aside a large bone from the meat the blond had brought him. Scraps, really, but it was the best thing he'd eaten all day. The only thing, actually. He was never fed before a hunt. The Lord thought it gave him more...encouragement to do his job.

He frowned harder, continuing, "I believe our beloved Lord is trying to impress Lord Sasori of Cadence, and his generals, Gaara and Hidan."

"So that's who they were," Naruto mused. There had been several people at the table where he had served dinner that he didn't recognize. They must have been the general Itachi spoke of. And the Lord with the reddish brown hair at the head table must've been this Sasori. He munched on a cracker and wondered aloud, "Why are they here?"

"Sakura's arrival heralds a new phase in negations between White Mountain and Cadence. They probably want to make sure that their treaties will continue to be honored," the prisoner replied. He, too, picked up a piece of cheese, examining it with feigned interest.

"Cadence claims to be neutral, and the size of their military encourages this. But what forces they have are well trained, not just in military tactics but in other skills. If it comes to war with either us or Konoha, I don't doubt they could take a few of our men with them." He sighed, eating the cheese. "Their greatest strength is in their building skills and techniques, their architecture. White Mountain could benefit if it played their cards right."

"Wow," the young blond was overwhelmed. " do you know all of that?"

Itachi offered him a small smile, reaching for the last piece of cheese. "You don't pay attention to the gossip, do you Naruto?"

With a speed unlike him, Naruto also reached for the cheese. But instead of grabbing the yellow cube, he latched onto Itachi's hand. The texture of the calluses on the other man's hand almost began more intriguing than what Naruto thought he had figured out about the dark-haired hunter. He held tight, his thumb unconsciously caressing the other's tanned skin as he gathered his thoughts.

"One doesn't hear those things strictly in gossip," the boy answered quietly.

"You need only know who to listen to and when, my friend."


He squeezed Naruto's hand. "Yes?"

"Lord Sasuke put you in here, right?" Dark eyes closed as he nodded and the young man continued, "What did you do to anger him? Please, Itachi." The boy's blue eyes were pleading. "Please...tell me."

Itachi knew the fear in Naruto's eyes. He had felt it once upon a time. It felt like so long ago, but it had been -- what? Eight years? Nine? Perhaps not that long to any other 23 year old man, he thought.

The circumstances surrounding his imprisonment were nothing to be proud of. In fact, he loathed them. By rights it was his weakness that got him locked away. His weakness that allowed him to be treated no better than a tortured dog.


He wanted to tell the boy everything. But doing so would not help either of them. The boy was worth more to him than the roaches that frequented the dungeons. More to him than perhaps his life. He had screwed up once. Itachi swore he wouldn't do it again.

"Has the Lord done something to you?"

"N-no. No! He hasn't but...." The boy stuttered, his eyes looking away in embarrassment. He didn't even realize he'd been diverted.


Naruto sighed. "He was watching me tonight. When I was talking to Lady Sakura. I was only doing my job. Honest!" His eyes widened as he stressed the integrity of his words. "But, he...he was watching me."

"He doesn't suspect you've been seeing me, does he?"

"No, I don't think so. I think he...." the boy's voice trailed off as he thought about that look. "He wasn't angry or anything. I don't think.... He was more -- I don't know -- interested."

Itachi squeezed his hand again, this time adding a small smile of reassurance. "Perhaps the old man's indiscretion was still fresh on his mind. Try not to worry it about it, Naruto." He tugged the boy's hand toward his chest, forcing the boys as close to the bars as he could get. "And do try to stay out of his way. He's evil. Pure and true. You need to take better care."


Chains rattled and tightened as Itachi moved closer to the cell bars himself. His bonds were taut, his body mere inches from Naruto. Dark eyes swirled, his hair coming loose from the movement. He stared intently at the young man before him, gazing directly into his surprised blue eyes.

"Itachi...." Naruto remained motionless, captured by the mixture of red and black in the other mans eyes.

His voice dropped an octave, sounding quite gruff as Itachi replied, "As I said, you flirt with danger too much."

Blue eyes widened as Naruto found himself locked in a passionate kiss. Not his first kiss. That had been given to a young maid when the boy was only twelve! But it had been nothing like this. Needy. Desperate. So emotional it was overwhelming! Did these feelings really belong to the strong, quiet hunter?

And why were his own emotions answering him?

As quickly as the kiss began, it ended, astounding the blond even more. His eyes were still wide as Itachi pulled away. Their eyes met briefly before the other man looked away. He pushed the now empty plate and basket towards Naruto, pulling himself away even further. Was he embarrassed? Disappointed?


"I...was too forward. Forgive me." The prisoner's voice was barely a whisper. His chains clamored and clanked with each movement. As he sunk back into the shadow of his cell, the man whispered an apology over and over.

"Itachi...." Naruto was at a loss. It was just so unexpected! He had no idea what to do, what to say. He was scared...but not in the way the Lord had scared him. His body tingled and it felt...good. He whispered the other man's name again,, needing something he couldn't explain.

But his plea went unanswered.

"Good night," a deep voice came from the shadows.

He grabbed the plate and basket, holding them tightly in his arms. Turning away from the cell the boy muttered, "Sleep well, Itachi."

Because Naruto knew he wouldn't.


A servant scurried away from the doors of the Main hall as voices carried outside for the first time in nearly half an hour.

"Are you calling my request unreasonable?"

"Of course not. No request of yours is ever unreasonable."

"Then the agreement should continue as it was."


An average looking man with reddish brown hair bowed to Lord Sasuke, who sat upon his makeshift throne. On either side of him stood his guard. One was slightly taller than his Lord with a redder mane of wild hair. The second guard towered over them both, his cool eyes and silver-white hair completing his fierce look.

"We will depart shortly, then. Thank you for your hospitality, Lord Sasuke. You have been a most gracious host."

"You are always welcome here, Lord Sasori." Sasuke bowed his head in acknowledgment. "Safe journey to you."

"May the sands fall in your favor always."

In unison, the three men from Cadence took their leave. Nothing was said as they departed the Main Hall, several more guards following behind them. Four were from Cadence. Two more belonged to Hawk Manor. They would see to it that the envoy's needs were met until they left the manor.

Several more dignitaries followed, each bowing to their sovereign Lord before leaving the hall. Among them were Captain Iruka and one of Lady Sakura's personal guards, Shizune. The Lady of Konoha had been absent of her own accord, choosing to pursue a more relaxing afternoon rather than matters of his Lordship's estate.

But the Lord hardly cared. One less person for him to worry about, he thought.

Sasuke watched, bowing and waving to them all as they filed out of the room. When the room was empty, save for one servant, two guards, his advisor and his Captain, the young man growled, then screamed.

"Does he really expect me to grovel?! The sheer impudence!"

Orochimaru was suddenly there beside the Lord, consoling him. "Lord Sasori is a brilliant man, my lord. He only has the best interests of his people at heart. As you do."

Sasuke ran a hand through his ebony hair. He stood, paced a few steps, and then sat back down. "What do I care? Let them rot under the pressure of our forces. Let them feel the sting of our legions."

"Surely, you are not suggesting we advance, my Lord," Captain Kakashi spoke up. "Not while Lord Sasori is in transit."

"Of course I'm not suggesting it, Captain. Why would I?" Dark eyes swirled red with fire as the Lord stared down his warrior's leader. "No, I'm not suggesting it. I'm ordering it!"

"My Lord," Orochimaru practically cooed at the young man's side, his fingers gently brushing his shoulder. "Perhaps Lord Sasori would benefit from a more...individualized...response. I'm sure an intelligent man such as him would appreciate a more direct approach."

"Orochimaru has a point, my Lord," Kakashi added. "Their troops are stationed far from the border with long range weapons we have not encountered. Ordering an attack would not benefit either side." He glanced at a smiling Orochimaru, curling himself on the side of Sasuke's chair, and tried not to choke. Disgusting as he was to the Captain, he did have a point. "Mayhap that Lord Sasori be convinced of your plan by communicating with him directly?"

Sasuke growled from his chair, hands clenching the intricately carved arms. If he felt Orochimaru's touch, he said nothing. As minutes ticked away, so do the young man's anger ebb. Finally, he sighed heavily, releasing his grip on the chair.

"What did you have in mind, Orochimaru?"

"Some gentle persuasion," the advisor replied, his smile widening. "Perhaps a potion to help him think better?"

The corner of the young lord's mouth twitched upward. It did so several times before he nodded. "Send a care package with our guests, then. Make certain Lord Sasori feels our love and devotion to his people."

"Of course, my Lord," Orochimaru stood and bowed.

"Now leave me! Dismissed!"

"Yes, my Lord."

Captain Kakashi was the last to leave the room. He walked down the hall, his head high, watching the advisor cackle happily ahead of him. He knew the wretched man had planned to poison the Cadence's leading Lord. It was a tactic the warrior found detestable. If he didn't know better, he would have thought that Orochimaru himself was trying to start a war.


"Yes, sir?"

"Please have a guard pick up the package from my office in an hour. I'm sure Lord Sasori will be most pleased by Lord Sasuke's kindness."

"I'll have Sai stop by shortly." It took everything Kakashi had not to flinch as the advisor gave him a toothy grin.

"Thank you."

The Captain sighed, allowing the other man to walk away before he headed towards his own offices.

'I'm sorry, Sai,' he thought as he passed by the entrance to the dining hall where there had been a celebration three nights before. His squire would be in the stables making sure the horses were ready for the departing envoy. And he dreaded having to send the boy to the perverted advisor. 'Just one more for the team. I promise.'


Sakura Haruno of Konoha shook her head as she brushed the ebony mane of her chocolate mare. As an esteemed Lady at Court, she was used to all the brown nosing comments and uninterested questions. It seemed that Hawk Manor was no exception.

"A beautiful day for a ride, my Lady."

"Have you considered participating in the Manor's yearly riding competition?"

"Your horse is absolutely beautiful, my Lady. Have you given any thought to breeding her?"

But the day had been good for riding and the fields beyond the manor gate were vast. Her mare had been given a workout and Sakura felt a little more relaxed. The forests around the manor grounds reminded her of her home in Konoha. She found her place of rest and relaxation away from the prying eyes of Hawk Manor.

She excused herself to allow her husband-to-be to attend to his envoy from Cadence. She had only met Lord Sasori once, at the request of the Duchess. Their meeting was short lived, however, as she was then escorted from the room by guards. Sakura always hated being treated as if matters of state were not her duty, but here, she minded only a little that Sasuke did not require her presence.

After they were wed, however, she would feel different.

The Lady had been at Hawk Manor for little more than 4 days. She still felt very disconnected in her new home. The servants were more than kind, many of them willing to help her adjust. The other ladies and lords at court had taken a moment of their time to introduce themselves, and she broke bread in the morn with her fiance and their personal staff.

She also managed to fall easily into the manor gossip thanks to several of the servants and her personal guard, Ino.

She was surprised Ino had assigned another guard to her for her daily ride. Usually the woman was adamant about attending the Lady herself. Today, however, she decided to spend some time with a new acquaintance: Deidara, one of Sasuke's personal guards. They had met at the dinner and appeared to be hitting it off well. He seemed pleasant enough, but there was something about him. Perhaps the unusual style of his hair. The golden locks completely masked his left eye. Sakura preferred to look someone in the eyes as she addressed them. It just seemed odd to her.

The horse nodded, as if knowing what she was thinking.

"Don't get me wrong, Sora," she said aloud to her mare. "I'm happy for Ino, but I feel so left behind."

And her betrothed wasn't helping the matter any.

It had been quite clear from day one that Sasuke felt little or nothing for her. Not as she had felt for him. At least, once upon a time. He had stolen her heart all those years ago. He had changed little, but those changes had made all the difference. He talked once of great aspirations and now only concerned himself with conquest. He spoke often of the dreams of others and now only spoke of himself.

And if the rumors were true, many others would see his bed before and after herself.

Sighing, Sakura stopped brushing the horse. After a moment, Sora snorted indignantly, feeling ignored. The mare turned her head, one eye staring down her owner. At this the lady smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry, Sora," she said, patting the horse on the neck. "I'm just so full of thought lately. Perhaps I should allow you to be taken care of by the stable hands. They seem to be taking very good care of you."

The horse moved her head up and down, as if to nod in agreement. Sakura laughed aloud until a loud clutter caught her attention.

"Oh crap!"

Securing the door to Sora's keep, Sakura looked down the long hallway to see what was the matter. She saw hay flying through the air, along with handfuls of feed. There was another clang and a yelp as a bucket went flying through the air. Curious, she moved down the hallway.

"Do you need any help?"

Naruto lay on his back in a far stall, completely done in by the horse that resided there. The black mare stood in the corner, her tail swiping at the young man's legs as he laid there immobile. The boy swore several times under his breath. This horse hated his guts, he just knew it!

"Naruto, wasn't it?"

Blue eyes turned upward to see startling green staring back. He swore again, this time in his head, as he clambered to his feet. He blushed a light shade of red, his hands hurriedly dusting off his old shirt and pants as he stood upright.

"Are you okay?"

"I...I'm fine.... Okay. I'm okay," he sputtered.

Sakura tried to hide a smile as Naruto tried to clean himself up to be presentable. His blond hair was just as messy as she remembered, although his clothes looked a bit different.

"You work in the stables as well?"

"Oh!" He ran a hand through his unruly locks. "Yes. I mean NO! I mean...." He sighed, giving his surroundings a quick glance before answering, "Actually, I'm a regular around here. I only help to serve in the manor on special occasions."

The horse snorted in acknowledgement, her tale swishing really big as if telling him to go away.

"Okay, okay," the boy said. He stepped from the stall, but not before refreshing the trough of water. "Someone needs to teach you better manners."

Her stare seemed to say, 'Same with you, idiot.'

Naruto latched the stall door and walked over to the next enclosure. The horse wasn't happy to see him either. Why were they picking on him today? And in front of a lady!

A lady in riding gear, he noted.

He was about to ask the obvious when she stated, "They don't appear to like you very well."

"Not today at least." The boy sighed, unlocking the entrance. "I think they're still angry with me."


"Well, that one just hates me in general," he replied with a laugh. "This one though.... I pulled her hair while cleaning her this morning."



"Sora hates that when I clean her, too."


Sakura giggled as the horse poked her snout over her stall door. "My horse."

"Oh," Naruto said, genuinely taken aback. "I had no idea she had a name. Or that she was your horse." He closed the door to the new stall and moved onto the next one. "How long have you had her?"

"I raised her from a foal."

Naruto looked down the row and spotted a chocolate snout over a door. "She's a beauty." He nodded. "Wonderful work, m'lady."

"Thank you. She really is a piece of work." Sakura laughed as the horse snorted and retreated back into her stall.

Naruto continued to work and conversed freely with the young lady. Occasionally, he would make sure that no one was watching, although he was now aware of the guards he had encountered on his way into the stable to do his afternoon chores. But they were her guards so he held little fear of being found out.

Sakura found it refreshing to speak to someone so freely. If only it had been so easy to talk to the other ladies at court! She found it so easy, in fact, that as Naruto was working in his last stall of the day, she spoke without thinking.

"Have you ever been in love, Naruto?"

She wasn't sure why she had asked. Her own uncertain heart, perhaps? Her cheeks tinted a light pink in embarrassment. The ease with which they spoke had caused her to speak out of turn once again.

"I think I have," he answered before she could apologize. "A few times, I guess. But one person in particular has captured my attention lately and I...." A smile crept to his lips, unbidden. "I’ve been told I flirt with danger too much.”

Memories of a brief but passionate kiss ran through his mind. It was electric, the kiss. He had never expected so much emotion from the other man. Or from himself. Everything in him responded to that kiss. Without thought. Without question. So much so he wanted to relive that moment again. For real.

But...was that love?

"I don’t know now." He licked his lips unconsciously and turned to look at Sakura. "Is that wrong? To not know?"

"No." His answer was intriguing to her. Perhaps she had never known herself. "Love is so much more complicated than others make it to be. It’s a different experience for everyone, I think." She couldn't help but note the lopsided grin that came over his face for a moment. "Someone once told me to simply follow my heart." Then she frowned. "Easily done, but...."


"But, I suppose," she paused in thought. "If you love someone, you have to take the good with the bad. No matter how uncertain we become." She petted the tan horse in the stall and smiled reassuringly to the boy. "That's how I feel. Does that make sense?"

Naruto smiled in return. "Yeah. It does."

"Good. I'm glad."

He finished with the final stall and set an empty pail aside. "I'm sorry, m'lady, but I must return to the manor. Is there anything else I can do for you today?"

Sakura shook her head. "No, good sir. I think I can handle it from here."

He bowed and left, taking off for the manor. There was a spring in his step, so he must've been happy. A bit more certain.

Unlike herself.

The young woman's smile faltered slightly and she turned back to the unknown horse in the last stall. "Well, I certainly can give advice," she told the horse. "Too bad I can't follow it myself, huh?"

The horse just sighed.


Naruto, all characters and likenesses used in this story are the property of Masashi Kishimoto, Studio Pierrot, TV Tokyo and Viz, LLC. They are used here without permission to serve my own twisted purposes. I own nothing. NADA. Thanks for reading. ^^