Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Hawk Manor ❯ Fate At Work ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Naruto AU Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Not sure what sparked this idea anymore, but it now has a life of its own. Hang on to something folks, this will be a long one (well, long for me anyway). Alternate Universe. Itachi x Naruto and Sasuke x Naruto. YAOI CONTENT in specific chapters. Sorry, this is a non-lemon chapter. My muses keep dragging it out, and dragging it out.... A Standard Disclaimer follows the chapter.

Chapter 5 – Fate At Work


As Kiba entered the stables to begin his morning chores, he was stopped dead by the sight a clean gateway, neatly stacked hay bales and a straight stack of work buckets. He was also surprised to see someone all ready hard at work cleaning the horses' stalls.



Naruto shrugged his shoulders and went back to racking in one of the stalls. Several of the horses had been taken to pasture, courtesy of the blond, and he was nearly ready to collect them. He just needed to finish cleaning the stall.

"You almost done, Naruto?"

"Yeah, gonna go get the horses so I can get started on the other half."

"Sounds good," Kiba replied. "I need to check on the new bushes we planted yesterday. I'll come back to help with the feed."

"All right."

Naruto waited until his friend left before sitting on the ground in the stall. His happy demeanor faded and the boy sighed, frowning. Truth was he'd been raking at the same spot for almost an hour. All the while his mind wandered deep in thought.

He'd been upbeat after his discussion with the Lady Sakura several days ago. He finally felt an absolution in his thoughts about Itachi. He was falling in love. It made sense given his past experiences...whatever they were worth.

Yet his heart still felt torn.

There were a hundred reasons to just let it go. Itachi was a prisoner. An animal according to the manor's Lord. A killer by his own admission. He still didn't know what he had done to become enslaved. Had it been something...worse?

And there was no overlooking one other detail. Something that should have been the deciding factor. Something that still puzzled the young man.

Itachi was clearly male.

He was falling in love with another man! Kissed him even!!

Yet, despite the hundred arguments against it, there were hundreds more in favor of his feelings. Male or not, Itachi was attractive. Beautiful even. And beneath those looks, his hardened exterior, was a tender heart. He spoke eloquently, almost dreamily. A voice that sent shivers down his spine just thinking about it.

Naruto sighed. Lady Sakura had been right about one thing. Love was so complicated.

Getting to his feet, the young man finally finished his work in the stall and went for the horses. He had hoped that by throwing himself into his work, practically pushing himself into the ground so that he wouldn't have to think about it. But he found himself thinking about their conversations. The happiness he felt. The comfort and ease he exuded whenever Itachi was around.

And the excitement of his kiss.

Naruto groaned, closing up the last stall as the horse settled in. That kiss had been something else. He'd never kissed a girl like that. Certainly never received such a kiss from...well...anyone else.

As he made his way over to the stable entrance, he groaned again. His thought were his own undoing. He longed to see Itachi. To talk to him. To...touch him again.

"You look deep in thought, boy. What trouble are you planning now?"

"Huh?! C-Captain Kakashi!"

The Captain of the Guard, Kakashi Hatake, stood in the middle of the entrance. His arms were folded, his head cocked to one side. His white hair stood straight up while a patch covered his left eye. He was dressed in a casual blue and gray guard uniform, with polished black riding boots. His expression seemed more amused than critical.

But it mattered little to Naruto, since he scared the crap out of him.

"I was just f-finishing in the stable, s-sir," the boy answered.

"And it appears you've done a good job."

"Th-thank you, sir." Naruto smiled, happy to hear what little praise the Captain offered. But when the man didn't move, his mouth a thin line and his eye glaring, the boy immediately bowed his head. "Is there something I can do for you, Captain, sir?"

"Why, yes," Kakashi replied. "I would like for you to prepare my steed, as well as Captain Iruka's horse."

"It's early for a ride, isn't it?" Naruto wondered aloud. Then he flinched. "I'll get right on it!"

"You do that," Kakashi said as the boy turned on his heel and practically ran inside the stable. "I've got my eye on you, boy!"

"Yes, sir!"

Kakashi turned away from the entry way with a sigh. It was such a pity, he thought. The boy could be so much more if he just applied himself. Too bad he was a free thinker and a pain in the ass. The Captain smiled.

'Just like his father.'


"Did you hear?"

"It's so tragic."

Sasuke Uchiha sat among his fellow Lords and Ladies in the dining hall. The smile that kept creeping to his lips was hard to hold back as the others began speculating about the recent news. He glanced around over the top of his chalice, listening to the new gossip.

"It's hard to believe Lord Sasori is dead."

"Was it an assassin?"

"That's what they say."

To his right sat Lady Sakura. She had been deeply saddened by the news of Sasori's passing. He found it odd, since she knew him not. But, he supposed it was a woman's prerogative to feel sadness for anyone's death.

"It's absolutely deplorable," Sakura said, picking at her breakfast with a fork. "The man was an artist. A thinker. His people adored him, were inspired by him." She sighed, finally setting the utensil aside. "Why would someone want him dead?"

"I'm sure there are fates at work we have no control over, my lady." Orochimaru's voice was hardly reassuring, his expression less so. "Perhaps he had been involved in some hideous plot."

"Or he just pissed off the wrong person."

"My Lord," Sakura exclaimed. It silenced the room and drew everyone's attention to the head of the table. "Are you insinuating that Lord Sasori was plotting to destroy White Mountain?"

"Or Konoha? Or perhaps he was betraying his own people," Sasuke replied before sticking a fork full of food into his mouth. "Insinuating is all we can do since we know not the truth of his death. And it will take time before there are any answers."

"And what if this plot means the assassin comes for you next," Sakura asked. "Or--?"

"Or you?"

"I was going to say, 'the Duchess Tsunade'," she replied quietly.

Sasuke smiled. His hand found hers above the table. He took it into his and squeezed it lightly. It was more for show than comfort.

"You need not worry, my lady. Our guards are on alert and the gates sealed." He turned to Orochimaru on his left. "Have my orders been carried out?"

"Yes, my lord." Orochimaru sipped his drink. "I've dispatched Captain Kakashi to Cadence to deliver our condolences. And Captain Iruka is on his way back to Konoha to check on the Duchess and fortify their defenses." He smiled as he bowed his head, but his eyes were focused on Lady Sakura. "As you ordered."

"See, my lady. Nothing to fear."

"So reassuring of you, my lord," Sakura replied. Her smile belied her lack of confidence and was relieved when Sasuke removed his hand from hers. She wanted to ask how he came to believe that her Captain was his order around, but kept her mouth shut. As her betrothed, it was Sasuke's job to see to her protection and Iruka was the one who volunteered to become a joint member of their forces. He was Hawk Manor's to order around now.

And soon, so would she.

She liked it less and less.

But the people here were hardly to blame. She was beginning to get the hang of things. Enjoying her late morning horse rides and private self defense classes that Captain Iruka himself had arranged. She also enjoyed the gardens, and spent afternoons sitting on a bench either reading or sewing. The staff was warming up to her, too, and she enjoyed her conversations with them, especially Naruto.

She picked up her fork and poked at her food once more. She wondered what the boy was doing now. And if Kurenai would allow her to help with the breakfast dishes. She'd peel potatoes if it meant she could simply hide away for a while.

She gave Sasuke a sideways glance. He had begun talking about other matters of state with Orochimaru and several others. Meanwhile, other Lords and Ladies began the daily gossip. The atmosphere went from somber to cheerful in almost no time. Did everyone here have no heart? Or was this just how they dealt with grief?

"My Lady?"

Sakura started as a guardsman appeared beside her. Her thoughts were disrupted and she found herself at a loss. "Yes?"

"Lord Sasuke has asked that I accompany you during your daily ride."

"I see. Deidara, is it?"

"Yes," the young man replied. His long blond hair was tied back in a ponytail. His bangs were gently coifed to cover one side of his face. He wore the insignia of a captain on his uniform and must've been named as Kakashi's temporary replacement. And his gloves...she didn't recall any of the other guards wearing them. Had he injured himself in battle? Besides, he looked much more serious than she remembered him. But then, perhaps he only reserved that smile for the ladies he flirted with. Like Ino.

"Then let's see," Sakura replied. "Please have the horses ready following my tea with Lady Anko." She raised her glass and the lady in question gave her a wave. "Thank you."

"Of course."

As he moved away, she caught Sasuke out of the corner of her eye again. She gave him a smile, receiving one in return. He had been listening, watching. And his smile was the most genuine she'd seen from him.

So why did her heart plummet into her stomach?

Raising her glass she called out, "Refill, please."

A young woman, a servant, hurried forward. She filled the lady's glass and the lord’s before moving around the table. Sasuke clinked his glass against hers and she didn’t argue. Instead she picked up the glass and drained it as quickly as possible.

"Thirsty, my lady?"

Sakura wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. It was uncharacteristic for a lady, but she cared not. Her half smile was more like a snicker as she glanced at her surprised betrothed.

"Oh, yes." She nodded. "Another, please!"

It was too early to drink, but she needed it.


Tossing an apple into the air, Naruto Uzumaki made his way from the manor to the main garden. His afternoon chores dictated he peel more potatoes for Asuma. Again, he had promised. Catching the apple, he took a bite and cursed his dutifulness.

But the stroll he took was not a pleasure walk. Kurenai had asked another favor of him. And he was loathe the say to no to her. Lest he get slapped upside the head by Asuma.

Or worse...she refused to feed him!

"Have you seen Hinata?"

"Huh? I think Kiba mentioned something about having lunch with her."

"Wonderful, can you get her for me? I need her help."

"But lunch--?"

"You can eat first. Just go get her before you peel those spuds."

"Okay. Thanks!"

As he came upon the main garden, Naruto took a moment to admire the colors. They were vibrant, almost blinding in the afternoon sun. Behind the plants, a row of bushes marked a path. The path went into a small maze of taller bushes and trees. In the middle of the maze was a white gazebo.

The structure housed a ring of benches inside of it. Outside were various rose bushes. A small man-made stream circled it before disappearing into tall grass.

As he cleared a tree, the young man spotted his best friend, Kiba, sitting inside the gazebo. He was smiling, his laughter carrying on the gentle breeze that blew by the blond. Beside him was Hinata. He couldn't see her face, but he recognized her dark hair. The gentle shake of her shoulders indicated her own laughter.

The two often shared lunch in the spot. If the garden was occupied, they spent time together by a cluster of trees further downstream. Occasionally they'd eat in the kitchen with everyone else, but on beautiful days, they could be found out and about in the gardens.

Naruto smiled to himself. A part of him was jealous of his friend. But a better part of him was happy. Happy that his friend had found someone to care about. A companion.

A lover.

Memories of a kiss leapt, unbidden, into his head. Damn if he would ever be able to get that out of his head. He licked his lips, eating more of the apple. He needed to talk to Itachi, and soon!

"Hey, Naruto!"

He nearly choked on his apple when he heard his name. At the gazebo, Kiba was waving to him. Hinata, too, in her usual timid manner. It made her so damn cute!

"Hey!" He walked over to the small structure. "What's for lunch today?"

"Just some sandwiches," Hinata replied. "Would you like one?"

"No, thank you," Naruto replied. He lifted what was left of his apple. "I'm good."

"So are these." Kiba lifted the remnants of a sandwich before shoving it into his mouth. "So good."

Hinata blushed. "Kurenai helped me with these," she admitted. "I'm good with pasties, but other foods have me rather confused."

"They're delicious," Kiba said with a toothy smile.

"I hate to break things up," Naruto said. "But Kurenai asked me to fetch you, Hinata. She needs your help in the kitchen."

"Oh!" The girl was only slightly surprised. "I offered to help with a new recipe."

Kiba tapped her gently on the tip of her nose with a finger. "You forgot?"

Hinata blushed. "I did. I'm sorry, Kiba."

"Hey, it's a great lunch. And we got to spend some more time together." He grasped her hand and brought her knuckles to his lips. "We'll do it again soon. I promise."

"Okay." She stood. Bending forward, she kissed Kiba on the cheek. "Should I help clean up?"

"I'll help," Naruto said. "You should hurry."

"All right then." Standing on tip toe, she kissed Naruto on the cheek as well. "Thank you."

Naruto smiled after her as she jogged back to the manor. But he jumped when something hit him on the side of the face. Looking at it on the ground, he noticed it was a half eaten sandwich."

"Hey! She'll be mad at you for that," the blond warned.

Kiba stuck his tongue out at his friend. "You said you'd help clean up."

Naruto chuckled. "So I did."

As the boys repacked the small basket Hinata had brought with her to the garden, Kiba gave the blond a sideways glance. There was no mistaking the hint of jealousy in his eyes. It was the first peck on the cheek she'd given the other young man. But there was something else. Uncertainty? A question, perhaps?

"Hey, Naruto?"

The boy looked up. "Yeah?"

"Do you think I'm rushing things?"

"Eh?" Confused, Naruto asked, "What do you mean?"

Kiba inhaled deeply. "I...I'm going to ask Hinata to marry me."

The blond blinked, smiling like a fool. "That's great, Kiba!"

The other boy smiled, running a nervous hand through his dark hair. "Yeah, I guess."


"Next week. After I turn eighteen."

"Dude, you sure you want to wait?"

Kiba's eyes widened. "Why?"

Naruto smiled. "I may be too old once you turn eighteen."

"Oh you!"

Naruto laughed as his friend grabbed him in a head lock. "You'll pay for that!"

"I was joking!"

Kiba laughed, ruffling his friend's hair. "Fine, fine. But...."

Naruto suddenly turned serious. "But?"

"You'll be my man right? My witness?"

"Of course."

Kiba sighed, releasing his hold. "Thanks, friend. I mean it."

"Great! So now you owe me a favor?"


Naruto wrapped one arm around Kiba's shoulders. He was grinning like a Cheshire cat. "You're gonna help me peel potatoes."

"Gee." Kiba gave him a friendly punch to his chest. "Some friend you are."

But the boys laughed all the way to the manor.


It had been months since Sasuke Uchiha laid eyes upon an old family painting in his father's original study. Sitting in a high backed chair -- the same his father would sit and read him bedtime stories from -- he held an empty chalice. It symbolized how he felt at the moment.

Empty and torn.

The painting had once been a majestic piece of art depicting the entire Uchiha clan. But previous bouts of anger had left the picture in ruins. Bits and pieces literally holding on by threads. His mother's face was no longer recognizable, nor his older brothers. They had been traitors, the both of them.

Traitors to their own family.

His father's face had been spared his rage. And with good reason. He was the man Sasuke looked up to. The man wanted to be. To surpass. A noble warrior. A mighty king. Everything he did, he did to please his father's spirit. To avenge his dishonorable death.

And poisoning Sasori was just the beginning.

He'd have his revenge. They would all pay for their roles in his father’s murder. And soon!

"This melancholy is unlike you, my lord."

Sasuke nearly jumped from his chair. Glancing up through dark strands of hair, he saw the Lady Sakura standing in front of the doorway. She was dressed in a sleeping gown and covered with a white robe. Her hair was completely down, the first time he had seen it so. She looked like an angel standing there, and an unbidden, drunken smile passed his lips.

"I suppose it's only proper I introduce you to my father." He sighed, looking back up at the painting. "He did help arrange our marriage after all."

"A painting? It's...." 'In tatters,' she almost said. But that would have been speaking the obvious. "It's beautiful."

"Father commissioned it shortly before he...he...."

"I know your father's death was devastating to you," she dared a few steps closer.

"I was too young to understand," he told her, a few of his words slurring together. "Too young to help him."

"What happened to the rest of the painting," she asked innocently. "Your mother and your--"

"They don't exist! They don't deserve mention. Don't deserve...."

Sasuke's face darkened with anger. With hatred. He clenched a fist at his side, his teeth grinding as he seethed. It was quite the turn from the melancholy she had seen when she entered. A scary turn.


"Mother was weak," he muttered miserably. "And brother...."

"Lord Itachi...."

Sasuke turned to Sakura, a quick movement that nearly sent the girl stumbling backwards. But her caught her by her shoulders and held her upright. She gasped at the hateful look in his eyes, her body wanted to shiver from a sudden rush of cold.

"Never speak of him in my presence." He shook her. Hard. "Never! dead to me! Do you hear?! Dead!"

"Sasuke, I...." Sakura's green eyes held real fear. But was she afraid for herself? Or for him?

He released her roughly, quickly turning away. "Be gone from this room. Leave!"

He heard the door close with a loud clang and knew she had left. His heart broke just slightly. He wanted her to fear him as everyone in the manor did. But she would have to be close to him. His wife. She would learn the truth for herself sooner or later. And he'd cross that bridge when he came to it.

"My lord, is everything all right?"

The young Lord should not have been surprised by his advisor's appearance. He had not hear a creak from the doorway. How did the man manage that?

"No, Orochimaru, it is not." He whirled toward the man as he cautiously entered. Everything rushed from his head to his mouth without thinking. "Why am I feeling this pain again? Why?! promised it wouldn't hurt any more. You promised!"

The advisor quickly ran to the Lord and gathered him into his arms. "I know, my Lord. I am sorry you still feel the pain. But it makes you stronger." Long fingers gently stroked black hair. "The longer you persevere, the stronger you will be. That is what your father wanted for you."

"To persevere?"

"To be strong."

Sasuke drew away as he began to pull himself together. Orochimaru was correct. His father would want him to grow stronger. To persevere. To take revenge on his killers.

"I need a distraction," he stated, straightening himself out. "Tell my personal guards to prepare...the special prisoner."

"A delightful distraction, my lord," Orochimaru replied. "Where shall I have It--? Where shall I have them bring him?"

"That special chamber." Sasuke walked the length of the room. When he stopped at the door and turned around, his usual devious smile had returned. "And no drugs this time. I want him to feel every lash."

Orochimaru grinned as the lord turned to leave. "As you wish."

Yet, once the door closed, the advisor frowned.

'I'll need to prepare a new potion for our lord,' the man thought, his brow furrowing as he turned to the painting. 'If these episodes continue, everything will be lost. Everything!'


"What's gotten into him anyway?

"What are you talking about?"

"Washing the dishes after dinner?! And you--!"

"He earned those cookies, Asuma. Every last one."

"But, Kurenai, I was gonna eat those...."

"I will ask Hinata to make a batch just for you."

Naruto smiled to himself as he left the kitchen, a bag of cookies in hand. Oh, he intended to eat them all right. But he was going to share.

Just not with Asuma.

It felt as if the young man hadn't seen Itachi in weeks. He should have been nervous, scared. That was what had kept him from sneaking around the last few nights. Not the fear of being caught, but the fear of facing the dark haired prisoner.

Yet, as he headed down the hallway, rounding the corner and heading up a flight of stairs, he felt no fear. None. Instead, he felt anticipation. Everything in him burned with it. Excitement He never looked forward to seeing him as much as he did now.

Grasping the sack of cookies tightly, he made his way down the final hallway before he reached the tower steps. It was a lightly traveled area, used mainly for emergencies. As the sun had been down for hours, he need not worry about running into anyone. He would just need to wait for the guard to make their routine pass before making his way across the open hallway to the side.

"S-stop. Please!"

The cry had been followed by harsh laughter. To his left, he noticed two guards. Grunts judging by their uniforms. They had trapped a young woman, though he couldn't see clearly in the shadowed cove. She pleaded again and his eyes widened in recognition.

"Stop it! Hey!"

The guards looked away from their prey. One gasped as the other frowned, preparing to draw his sword. They hadn't expected to get caught. Nor did they expect the blur of a man that came at them.

Just feet from them, Naruto leapt into the air. He caught a brief glimpse of Hinata, her top torn and hair disheveled. It fueled the anger the young man felt burning in him. Fueled the yell he gave as he dove head first into the armed guard, knocking him to the ground.


"You picked the wrong fight, boy!"

Naruto had landed two punched to the head of the first guard before the second came charging. He jumped up again, kicking at the running man. The kick caught him in the chin and spun him around. The blond boy snickered at his accomplishment.

"Hinata! Run!"

Then he felt his world spinning wildly out of control as the other guard hit him from behind. The room moved quickly and soon he found himself on the ground. He heard Hinata gasp. Why was she still there? He mustered just enough energy to yell.




The blond heard hurried footsteps down the hall and smiled to himself. With foggy vision, the boy saw both the guards staring down at him. He saw one move his lips but couldn't hear what he said. The other spoke back, but still no sound. The first one that spoke kneeled beside the boy. Naruto wanted to spit on him, to hit him again, but his body refused to move.

"Bastard," the guard said with a snarl.

But Naruto still didn't hear him.

With one final blow from the guard, the boy succumbed to darkness.


Naruto, all characters and likenesses used in this story are the property of Masashi Kishimoto, Studio Pierrot, TV Tokyo and Viz, LLC. They are used here without permission to serve my own twisted purposes. I own nothing. NADA. Thanks for reading. ^^