Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Hawk Manor ❯ Dire Chains ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Naruto AU Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Not sure what sparked this idea anymore, but it now has a life of its own. Hang on to something folks, this will be a long one (well, long for me anyway). Alternate Universe. Itachi x Naruto and Sasuke x Naruto. Warnings for light torture and pedophilia in this chapter. Not extremely graphic yet not for the faint of heart, either. A Standard Disclaimer follows the chapter.

Chapter 6 - Dire Chains

Sobs and sighs permeated the darkness. There would be an occasional moan, an occasional scream and the occasional whimper, but they didn't faze the main occupant of the room.

"You want more?"

"N-n-no. No, p-p-pl-lease."

"Your body says otherwise."


Orochimaru groaned, a satisfied smile spreading his lips. The slave beneath him cried out, his body contracting and releasing sporadically at the other man's intrusion. The older man allowed his long slender fingers to caress the young slave’s cheeks. It pleased him that this slave was young, viral and beautiful. Short dark hair, lightly tanned skin and no older than twelve. He reminded him of his last toy -- a young man named Sai. He'd earned his freedom, much to the advisor's dismay, as had several others.

This one, however, was a gift from one of the other lords of the manor. An offering to stay in the man's good graces. A decadent breakfast treat he didn't think he was going to get enough of.

With his tongue, he licked the slave's neck before not-so-gently biting the flesh there. "I want you to scream. Scream so loud you lose that melodious voice of yours."




The man's head snapped up, his angry, hideous features covered by his unbound long ebony hair. He glared at his door angrily, although it was difficult to see in the darkness.

"Go away," he hissed loudly.

The door creaked open. Light poured into the room and several surprised gasps were heard. The light became bent by a shadow as someone dared to disturb the Lord of the room.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, my Lord."

The advisor didn't bother to cover himself or the slave beneath him. Instead, he slammed his body against the slave's creating a harsh, wet sound. The slave cried out, sobbing loudly. He was rewarded by a caress of the older man's fingers around his shameful arousal. He whimpered as the man continued the motion slowly, turning his angry attention to the figure in the doorway.

"What is it?! What do you want?!"

Deidara was grateful he could see little in the advisor's bedchamber, although the terrified look he received from one of the young men in his bed would probably haunt him for life. Not to mention the brutally beaten and naked sight of a young woman -- she couldn't have been any older than fourteen -- chained to the end of the bed. She curled up in the light of the doorway, cowering and whimpering as she hid her face in her arms.

"Lord Sasuke has requested you, my Lord," the temporary Captain of the Guard managed to spit out. Appalled, he turned away from the advisor and his harem. "Apparently there was a grievance overnight and--!"

"Why was this not brought to my attention THEN?"

"Because the guards involved didn't think it was worth the bother," Deidara replied. "I found out from the morning watch about the incident and reported it to Lord Sasuke first thing."

Though his face was still hidden in the shadows, the snarl in Orochimaru's voice was evident. "You reported it to Sasuke before reporting it to me? The impudence!"

"Those were my instructions from Captain Kakashi himself," Deidara stated evenly, keeping his own disgust from his voice.

"What EXACTLY were those instructions?"

"To report any and all incidents involving the young servant Naruto directly to Lord Sasuke."

There was a pause before he responded. "I see."

Deidara turned his head slightly, catching a glimpse of pale skin in the coarse light. Whether it was the advisor or one of his sex slaves, the guard knew not. But the change of his tone did not go unnoticed.

"What shall I tell Lord Sasuke, my Lord?"

"I will attend him after I have had my breakfast, but not before."

"Of course."

"Now go!" There was a delightfully devilish tone to Orochimaru's voice that made the guard's skin crawl. "You're spoiling my meal."

Without hesitation, Deidara left the room. But not before becoming engrossed in a wet slapping noise wrapped in moans and whimpers. It turned the man's stomach and caused him to suppress a shiver of his own. Whoever the poor sod was, the young man pitied him.

He was simply grateful that the poor sod in the advisor's bed was no longer him.


Naruto frowned as breakfast was delivered to his dungeon cell. He knew the smell of the gruel far too well. He sat in the corner as a young man -- the servant Cody -- delivered his meal. The young man said nothing as he set the bowl on the ground. His smile attempted to be reassuring but fell short.

The young prisoner closed his eyes as the cage door slammed closed. Keys clanked and the lock slid loudly into place. He recognized the evil cackle that echoed in the dungeon.

"Eat up, boy! If I'm lucky, it'll be your last meal."

He wanted to tell Kisame to shove off, but kept his mouth shut. Even if he had to bite down on his bottom lip to do it.

Cracking open an eye, he watched as Cody approached Itachi's cell. The young man had been brought back several hours after Naruto had been locked up. His neck, shoulders and back had been bruised, lashed. It appeared to be the work of several men, but the guards only implicated one.

"Lord Sasuke showed him no mercy tonight."

"Just once I'd love to hear him plead for his life."

"Like that will ever happen."

From what he could deduce, Itachi had been beaten and tortured by the lord of the manor. Not a rare occurrence either, as he recalled once or twice that the warrior mentioned his continued "punishment". For what, he still didn't know.

But it broke his heart to see him so powerless, as he was literally dragged into his cell and placed in his usual chains.

Now, he focused on Cody as he entered Itachi's cell. The boy was scared, hands shaking as he sat the gruel on the floor. He waited a moment, a coarse yet soft voice spoke. There was no telling what was said, but the boy only nodded in response before quickly leaving the cell.

"I don't understand why Lord Sasuke bothers with you anymore, traitor," Kisame said. "He should've killed you years ago."

"Punishment for us both, is it not, Kisame?"

The Keeper snarled at the shadows in the cell, locking the door. "I hope you choke," the man said before stalking away.

Naruto continued to watch the other cell. He tried to speak with Itachi earlier, when no one was around. But whether or not the other man was even conscious made it a difficult task. When he received no answers to his questions the boy simply became silent.

"You're too quiet, friend. Have you already given up?"

The young blond was surprised to hear Itachi's voice. Eyes widened as he slowly emerged from the darkness of his cage. First his hands, wrists wrapped in chains. Then his arms and shoulder came into view. He stopped short, revealing only half of his face. A half that wasn't bruised or swollen. A light red welt on his cheek stood out against his pale flesh. If his heart couldn't break any further, why did he have the urge to go to him. To hold him. To comfort him.


Half of his lips turned upward. "It makes me happy to hear you say my name," he said. "But you need not worry about me."

"Not worry?! He could have killed you," Naruto shouted.

"Watch your voice," the other man warned. Then he sighed. "I am more concerned with what he will do to you."


"Have you not considered it?"

"Well...." The boy crawled to the edge of his cell, resting his face between the iron bars. It stretched as he stayed that way for a moment before pulling away. "No, I haven't."

Itachi's smile turned sad. "You have to start thinking more. If not for yourself, then for your friends."

"But I did," he said in his defense. "If I hadn't distracted those guards then Hinata would have been...well...."

"I do not mean it that way," Itachi said with a shake of his head. "I'm sure your cause was noble, but you need to consider the consequences of your actions. You may not be the one to suffer for them."

"So you think they'll do it again?" Naruto frowned hard. "Those bastards...."

"They may. But the deeper you get into trouble, the more you put them and yourself at risk."


Itachi tried to smile. "I told you before, my friend. You flirt with danger too much."

Naruto's face turned a bright red, memories of a passionate kiss coming to mind. He fidgeted a bit, suddenly uncomfortable in his spot. Grasping the bars, he stood.

"About that...."

The other prisoner waved a dismissive hand. He he stated, "You need not speak a word of it."

"But...I...." Naruto took a deep breath. "I liked it. Very much."

Itachi froze. Then, little by little, he moved more into the light. His other eye was nearly swollen shut, and his neck and shoulder displayed more red welts. He reached for the bars of his cage but fell short thanks to his bonds.

"You...liked it?"

Naruto could only nod.

"I...." Itachi's smile grew, widening to a proportion the other boy had never seen. But as quickly as it appeared, it was gone. "You should forget about it now, my friend."

"What?" Naruto was completely taken aback. "Why? Itachi, I...."

"The guards are coming. Most likely for you."

It was true. There was a commotion near the dungeon entrance and he overheard Kisame talking to at least one other person.

"I can't forget. Not now."

Itachi's hands clenched. He didn't want it to end this way either. But their fates were sealed now. Weren't they?

"You must, Naruto."

Naruto pressed against the bars, reaching out an arm to the other man as he began to recede into darkness. "But, Itachi...I love you."

The blond boy could've sworn tears fell down his cheeks as Itachi melted back into the shadows. His smile was sad as he disappeared from view.


"Take care, Naruto."

The blond fell to his knees as Kisame appeared with two guards. They weren't the same bastards that locked him up, but the boy hardly cared. Even as they entered his cell, pried his hands from the bars and carried him away.

Determined to get his point across, he struggled with the guards. "I'm not giving up," he shouted at they dragged him away. "You hear me?! I'm not giving up!"

"Shut up, boy," Kisame said, slapping him on the back of the head. "Have you lost your mind all ready?"

In the darkness of his cell, Itachi cried.


"Well, Sora. Are you ready for another ride?"

The horse snorted, bobbing her head as if agreeing and Sakura smiled. Brushing the mare's hair eased the young woman's worry. Allowed her tension to flow free.

It was not completely unusual that Sasuke would miss breakfast. He'd done it on two specific occasions to date. Mostly due to business. Sakura over looked that fact after her nerves calmed down and she eased into the day's gossip.

But then the gossip caught her attention.

"Did you hear about the commotion last night?"

"Two guards caught a young man trying to rape a kitchen servant. And a young girl at that."

"Disgraceful really."

"He should be castrated for his troubles."

"I'm sure the Lord will demand a suitable punishment, don't you agree, Lady Sakura."

At the time, all she could do was nod. It was strange that no name came up. And why would one slave raping another constitute a heinous crime? It happened often in Konoha, and the nobles kept to themselves. Something just wasn't right.

And when she got to the stables later that morning, her feeling of wrongness grew.

"Ah, my Lady! Sora is ready for you."

"Thank you, Kiba." After a pause she asked, "Where is Naruto? Not off causing trouble I hope." At the young man's frown, she knew her suspicions had been right. "Is he all right?

"He tried to help my girlfriend when she was being attacked by guards," he stated rather proudly, with a sad smile. "I know the gossip paints a different story, but he's no culprit."

"You are certain?"

"Yes, my Lady. Verily. However...."

"What is it, Kiba? What's wrong?"

"His fate is in the hands of Lord Sasuke now," the young man replied. "All I can do is hope he is in a merciful mood."

"It's not like he raped a lady of the court," Sakura said, trying to be reassuring. "I'm sure his punishment cannot be that terrible."

"I hope you're right, my Lady. I do so truly."

Sakura had been confident when she spoke to Kiba nearly an hour ago. But by the time she saddled up and began her ride, she started to worry. What lies would be fed to the Lord in this case? Who would come to the boy's defense? Surely he would be reprimanded at the very least? Perhaps have to perform some godforsaken duties for a brief time at the most. She tried to convince herself he would be okay, and promised she would pay him a visit in the dungeon if necessary.

Then she turned Sora around.

"My Lady!"

Perhaps the Lord would listen to her reason.

"Lady Sakura, where are you going?!"

"Back to the manor," she stated to Ino and Deidara who were accompanying her. "I forgot a task I need to do."

Without another word, she bolted for the manor gates. Her guards, confused, didn't hesitate to follow.

"My Lady! Wait!"

But there wasn't time.


"Stop struggling."

"You brought this upon yourself, boy."

"The Lord will have no mercy for you."

Naruto wanted to spit on the guards, but found his throat was dry. He toggled between anger and fear as the guards led him from the dungeon to the great hall. He knew he was being brought before Lord Sasuke himself. Kisame made that point clear before he left the dungeon. He knew that a story had been fabricated to implicate him as the perpetrator of the incident. Knew that the guards who had attacked Hinata painted themselves as the heroes. He wondered if they'd made any more advances toward the young woman. Was she okay?

Itachi had been right. He never considered the consequences of his actions. But since when did being brave and doing what was noble become a bad thing?

And what would Kiba think?

The blond boy dropped his head in shame. His best friend wouldn't believe the stories. Certainly Hinata would tell him the truth. Yet he couldn't suppress the sadness he felt. The guilt his consciousness tried to inflict upon him.

'I did nothing wrong,' he told himself. 'Nothing to warrant this kind of treatment.'

Yet, there he was. Wrists and ankles clad in irons, chains restricting his movement. They even forced a collar on him so the guards could drag him around like a dog.

"Hurry it up."

"We haven't got all day!"

One guard tugged on the chain that was linked to the collar, forcing the boy to stumble forward. He cried out incoherently before stopping himself to piss off the guard. the guard tugged again, harder this time, and there was no fighting the pain the young man felt in his neck and shoulders as the collar pulled him onward.

They passed the great hall and moved into a smaller room just down the hall. The doors opened to reveal a very plainly decorated room. In front was a small platform with a high backed chair. To either side were benches. On the wall behind the chair was the crest of the Uchiha clan. It overshadowed the crest of Hawk Manor beneath it.

Naruto recognized several people in the room. Most of all, the Uchiha advisor, Orochimaru. He sat on one of the benches, talking to several other lords, including Lord Pein and Lord Tobi. Their conversation stopped as soon as the guards brought him inside the room. All talking ceased as the guilty was brought before the chair. The boy struggled, much to their amusement, shouting curses and attempting to bite one of the guards.

"Bring him forward!"

But the boy stopped struggling as soon as he saw Lord Sasuke. He was every bit as elegant, handsome and dark as many of the women described him. And as hard and scary as many of the men attested. He was dressed in his usual finery, topped with a flowing silver cloak with his family crest embroidered on the back. His ebony hair stood out in several places and his dark eyes.... They seemed to burrow into Naruto's soul.

"So, we meet again."

Naruto swallowed hard. All the lectures from Asuma. All the rumors of the manor. None of it prepared him to be so close to the Lord.

"Thought you could best my soldiers, did you?"

Naruto's anger got the better of him. He struggled again and shouted, "They deserved it, those bastards."

"The way I hear it, you deserve a sound lashing for interfering with my on duty guards."

"They were the ones forcing themselves on a young woman. Surely you don't condone that kind of mistreatment."

Sasuke snickered and chuckled. "You have proof of this?" He waved to the audience in the room. "Does anyone have any proof of this?"

Naruto glanced wide eyed around the room. Several of the Lords and guards simply shrugged while other laughed and chuckled to themselves. Not a one spoke up.

"It seems your defense is weak, boy," Orochimaru stated. "It is not polite to lie to Lord Sasuke."

"I'm not lying," he answered between clenched teeth.

"Liar," someone else shouted.

"Punish him!"

"Hunt him!"

The word "hunt" became a chant that filled the room. Naruto suddenly became very afraid. He committed so little a crime, and they wanted him to be hunted? Had he really been living with black hearts his entire life? Or had he been purposefully blinded because of his optimism? Whatever the case, eh stared at the Lord as he rose from his chair, his fear evident in his blue eyes.

"Silence! There will be no hunt, you dogs." "At least, not today."

"My Lord," Orochimaru asked, also standing. "What is your punishment for this boy?"

Stepping down from the platform, one step at a time, Sasuke approached Naruto, who had been forced on his knees. He smiled as the boy struggled a bit before he hung his head wearily.

"He is all ready a servant, yes?" He paused and his advisor nodded. "Then he will be MY servant."

The guards and lords began to chatter, but a wave of Orochimaru's hand silenced them all. "His Lordship has spoken. The prisoner, Naruto, will become Lord Sasuke's personal servant. See to it that he is fitted with the proper attire and taken to his lordship's rooms."

Naruto found the strength to look up. "My Lord is...too kind."

Sasuke kneeled, much to Naruto's surprise. Their eyes locked momentarily, blue drowning inside black. Then the Lord leaned forward. The boy started, surprised as Sasuke's face got closer to his. He held his breath, wondering if he was about to be kissed again. When he felt the other man's breath on his ear, he felt relieved.

But only until he spoke.

"Fail me," he whispered into the servant's ear. "And you will wish you had been hunted."

Naruto's heart stopped. He wished he had been hunted all ready.

Sasuke pulled away, a devious grin plastered to his face. He stood, waving his hand at the guards. "Take him away!"

The guards had an easier time removing the boy from the room than they did to get him inside. He didn't fight them as they drug him away. No, instead of feeling down, Naruto planned to use this to his advantage. All he had to do was play along. He'd be set free once the Lord tired of him. A smile crept to his lips as he moved away. His entire body went limp with exhaustion and hunger.

However, as Lady Sakura passed him on her way into the room, she saw a completely different picture.


Sasuke seated himself as the others began chattering about Sakura's arrival. He was surprised by her presence and intrigued by her awed look at the prisoner the guards hauled away. She had spoken with him before, he noted. And according to several of the guards, they had conversed on other occasions as well. There was a bitter taste in his mouth with this knowledge. But it could be used to his advantage when he needed it.

"Welcome, Lady Sakura," Orochimaru greeted with a bow. "How may we help you?"

She turned immediately to Sasuke, ignoring the advisor completely. "My Lord, I --!"

"...Am supposed to be taking your afternoon ride," Sasuke said with a raised eyebrows. She was still in her riding gear. Quite a becoming outfit if he had to admit. "Has something happened?"

Sakura shook her head. "No, nothing like that." She looked to the now closed door before turning back to Sasuke. "What has Naruto done to be hauled off in such a manner?"

"You were coming to his defense," Sasuke asked. "Without knowing what he's done?"


"How very brave of you," Sasuke said with his head inclined.

He was making fun of her and the lady wouldn't stand for it. Her voice was as angry as she looked when she yelled, "Sasuke!"

The man moved like lightning from his chair to Sakura. The guards didn't seem at all surprised, unlike the lady. He stood so close she could feel his breath on her face. And when he lifted a hand, she remained motionless despite her urge to flinch. She was surprised when he gently touched her cheek with the back of his hand. She stared, wide eyed, as he smiled devilishly at her.

"Worry not, Sakura. Naruto is receiving fair punishment for his indiscretion."

"Which is?"

His smile curled wickedly across his lips. "He is now my personal servant."

"I see," the young woman said, still somewhat dumbfounded. It didn't sound like a punishment to her, but the rumors of Hawk Manor stated otherwise. "May I inquire about what happened to your last personal servant?"

Sasuke shrugged nonchalantly. "He just got fired."

A knot formed in Sakura's stomach. That didn't sound at all pleasant. "Then you won't mind if I borrow him from time to time. Would you, my lord?"

"Of course." His tone was even, but something dark moved behind the black of his eyes. Was that mistrust? Envy? Or just plain evil?

"Very well," Sakura found the will to move, leaning forward enough to press her lips against her betrothed's cheek. She smiled sweetly as she pulled away. "I'll leave you to your business then."

Lord Sasuke watched as Sakura turned on her heel and confidently strode from the room. Her confidence was even more amusing than her fear, he thought. Would she be so confident if she knew that he could turn on her as well? But he still found himself in a fog of awe.

"My Lord, shall we move on to the next order of business," Orochimaru asked.

"Yes," he said, turning with a gentle swish of his cloak to return to his chair.

'I will never understand women. Especially her.'


Naruto, all characters and likenesses used in this story are the property of Masashi Kishimoto, Studio Pierrot, TV Tokyo and Viz, LLC. They are used here without permission to serve my own twisted purposes. I own nothing. NADA. Thanks for reading. ^^