Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Hawk Manor ❯ A Matter of Time ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Naruto AU Fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Not sure what sparked this idea anymore, but it now has a life of its own. Hang on to something folks, this will be a long one (well, long for me anyway). Alternate Universe. Itachi x Naruto and Sasuke x Naruto. YAOI CONTENT in specific chapters. WARNINGS for filler. Sounds silly, but it's true. This feels like a filler episode to me. Maybe I’m just over thinking the story and I apologize. Some good stuff coming in the next two chapters, I promise. A Standard Disclaimer follows the chapter.

Chapter 7 – A Matter of Time


Sai stumbled backwards. He expected his mentor to be upset. But anger oozed from the Captain and the young man was uncertain if he should stand his ground or run from the stable.

"He was only helping a kitchen maid, sir. He's impulsive but--!"


Kakashi Hatake, Captain of the guard for Hawk Manor, swore to himself, slamming his horse's stall door closed. The horse kicked up, loudly protesting the move. But Kakashi ignored the horse, angrily making his way from the stable to the courtyard. All he could see was red, even out of his one good eye.

"I was gone for little more than a week," he stated. "How could he be"



The news had been shocking, yes, but what did he expect? Naruto was a good kid. He meant no harm. A small part of the warrior was proud the boy had stood up for a young woman’s honor. And his best friend’s woman at that. Brave, impetuous, stupid...they all applied aptly.

But a bigger part of him was furious. Furious that this had carried on in his absence. Furious that the young boy had gotten himself into more trouble than he knew.

"How could he be so stupid," he spit out again with a scowl.

Though, it was no fault of his squire’s, whom he was currently fuming at.

With a sigh, Kakashi stopped and turned to the young man, who had been dutifully following him back to the manor. He had been left behind when he made his trip to the Cadence border to meet with several elders and to dissuade any fears that White Mountain was about to wage war. And he was glad he did, as Sai was good at sneaking into the shadows. That was how Kakashi had found him, trying to sneak away from the Advisor's chambers.

"Sir, I'm sure--!"

"I'm sure Naruto was brave. And impetuous. And quite heroic, despite the story being woven in the gossip," Kakashi said. "But the Lord's personal servant?" He turned and began heading toward the manor. "He doesn't realize the trouble he's in."

Sai remained silent. While he had never been in the care of Lord Sasuke, he knew well the treatment he received as a personal attendant to Lord Orochimaru. If any of the manor rumors were true, the stable boy wasn't in a much better situation.

"I'm sorry...."

Reaching out a hand, he ruffled Sai's dark hair. "Nothing you could have done. Anything else I should know right this instant?"

"No, sir," Sai replied, a small smile appearing on his face.

"Then we'll meet and talk over dinner. For now, finish seeing to the horses and your own chores."

"Yes, sir!"

Kakashi watched his squire run back to the stable before entering the manor. It was certainly an unexpected situation. As if matters were not already strained.

Cadence was not dealing well with the death of their figure head. The elders he met with were stunned, incoherent and angry. Not only them, but the people. Sasori was well loved among his kinsmen. If they suspected any wrong doing or foul play, they would retaliate.

Lord Sasuke was waiting in his main room for a debriefing, although the Captain was certain he need not be filled in on anything but a few details. He had to know the stir he caused. The situation he had created.

Yes, he. Kakashi was well aware that Sasori was poisoned. A brew of Orochimaru's doing, he was certain. Was the young lord really so arrogant as to think he'd win a war between the three kingdoms?

'If it's war the Lord wants, he may very well get it,' the Captain thought as he nodded to a guard by the grand room door. The guard nodded back, saluting before opening the door.

"Welcome home, Captain. I trust you have much to tell us."

Kakashi walked up the red carpet, stopping only when there was no rug left. There he got down on one knee, a hand over his heart.

"Yes, my Lord. There is much to tell."

Sasuke, sitting in his usual high-backed chair, fought a smile that tried to come to his lips. He nodded to the warrior as he looked up, indicating for him to stand. He waved a hand and a servant came forward, carrying a large cup of wine. She placed it carefully in the Lord's hand before hurrying away.

"Then by all means," the young Lord said, the smile finally winning. "Please do."

“They are slowly gathering themselves,” Kakashi stated. “A new emissary hasn’t been chosen, but should be before the next new moon.”

“In two weeks?” Orochimaru inclined his head curiously. “So long?”

“Sasori’s second is also dead.”

Sasuke’s smile disappeared. “Gaara is also dead?”

“Yes, sir.” Apparently THAT had not been part of the lord’s plan. He looked from Sasuke to Orochimaru then back to Sasuke. “Hidan is now in charge of the guard. He’s gathering as many forces as he can muster.”

“Surely they do not suspect Lord Sasuke of any wrong doing,” Orochimaru questioned.

“They have not made any accusations aloud,” Kakashi answered. “Nor will they if they wish to remain in accordance with our treaty. But they are conducting an investigation.”

Sasuke carefully sipped his drink. “What have they turned up?”

“Nothing yet.” Kakashi shook his head. “But they have asked for cooperation from Hawk Manor and Konoha in assisting them.”

“And we will, won’t we my lord,” Orochimaru drolled with smile.

“Of course,” Sasuke nodded. “Give them whatever they ask for, but be weary. If they even so much as suggest that I am involved....”

Kakashi bowed. “They will be silenced my Lord. Without hesitation.”

“Good.” Sasuke seemed pleased overall, but the unexpected news still had him shaken. He sipped more from his cup before continuing, “Now go. Rest yourself, Captain. Then prepare the guard. I want the rotations doubled.”

“Yes, sir.” Kakashi turned to go, then stopped. He turned on his heel to face his lord once more. “Sir, may I inquire openly?”

Sasuke arched an eyebrow. “About?”

“About your new personal servant.”

“What about him?”

“For all intents and purposes, my lord, the boy was my charge. I only heard of his misdeed upon arrival. I wish to know how long I will be without his services.”

“I see.” Sasuke’s smile returned. A devious but genuinely happy smile. “His crime wasn’t too severe. And he is a hard worker. But I will be keeping him indefinitely.”

Kakashi tried not to flinch. “Of course.”

“I’m sure we can find you another stable hand. Orochimaru?”

“Without a doubt.” But the advisor didn’t look happy about it. It would mean letting go of another of his precious toys.

Kakashi tried not to crack a smile at Orochimaru’s disdain. “Let me know when someone has been assigned. I will see his training.” He bowed again, low so as to not be any more disrespectful. “By your leave, my lord.”

The Captain left the room no less at ease in regards to Naruto's situation. Nor any more convinced that the Lord's plan would work. But he'd do as he was told. He'd done worse to obtain his current position.

Much worse.


The silence in the kitchen was almost deafening.

Naruto Uzumaki tried to smile as he finished his morning rounds. He'd cleaned up after Lord Sasuke and the others. Afterwards he'd be able to eat his own meal and take a bath. Something he hadn't done in days. They'd met for an early breakfast before Kakashi's return. The boy would have liked to have seen the Captain. Even his criticism was more kind than the god aweful spew of Lord Sasuke and the other Lords at the manor. He was tired of being treated like a piece of dirt for a crime he didn't commit. But no one wanted to know his side of the story. No one cared.

Not even...his friends.

"Finished, are you?"

The young boy only nodded.

"Yes, sir."

'If he's calling me, sir, it's worse than I thought.'

Asuma shook his head, taking the tray away from Naruto. He wanted to pat the boy on the back, let him know things would be okay, but he didn't have the courage. Besides, he'd figured the young man needed a lesson. A part of him believed he deserved his new job.

But a bigger part of him pitied him to the last.

The blond looked pathetic, tired and sad. A week of constant running and little rest was beginning to show. He had inherited a large task from the last personal servant of Lord Sasuke's. He was required to oversee and/or do everything, from making sure his meals were prepared correctly to washing his laundry. The slightest wrong doing, the tiniest mistake, was subject to punishment. He'd learned that the first night. He showed up in the kitchen the next morning with a black eye and a fat lip. Not pretty.

Kurenai also felt horrible for the boy. She'd been ordered to feed him the gruel she served to the condemned in the dungeon. It was crap, she knew, but today she included half of a sliced apple. The boy looked that pathetic. She couldn't help but take pity on him He appeared pleased with the addition, thanking her quietly as he accepted his breakfast.

"Morning, Choji," Naruto said with a wave. His smile was small, his eyes filled with hopelessness.

Choji, now the one delegated to peeling potatoes, gazed sadly at the once upbeat young man. He nodded in acknowledgement but couldn't bring himself to smile. Like everyone else, he couldn't speak a word. But the young man didn't know what to say to his friend.

"Naruto. Here."

The only one who had any compassion for him was Hinata. It was her honor he had protected, but she could also say little. As he left the kitchen with his own breakfast, she made certain he had fresh bread to eat. And a pastry for good measure, which he tucked into his shirt so the guards wouldn't see it. It was all she could offer, besides a smile.

They'd all been threatened, and most were not to speak to him at all. Only if the job called for it. But the boy didn't know this. He was unaware of the Lord's orders. Unaware of the danger he now posed to his friends.

Unaware of the danger he was in, himself.

As he sunk into a tub of fresh water, Naruto pondered the past week. It had been hard, and lonely. His friends were no longer speaking to him. There was never a free moment. The Lord kept him pretty busy. Which was fine by him because being alone with the dark haired noble felt awkward and miserable.

With the long looks and lingering touches, the blond was uncomfortable around the young Lord.

It began innocently enough. But as the days passed, Sasuke's actions became bolder. He made up excuses to get close. Not that he needed them. He was the Lord of the Manor after all. And they shared the same living space. He'd been forced to stay in the Lord's quarters. Forced to sleep on a blanket in front of the fireplace. The stones were often cold and the draft even more so. He missed the meager cot and tattered blanket he once called his own. Missed having his own little space. Missed his friends.

Missed being free.

There was no end in sight, however. This was not going to be temporary, he could feel it. His life was gone now. And for nothing more than trying to do the right thing. It was so unfair.

"So unfair," he screamed before dunking himself under the soapy water.

The bath had been better than the gruel, despite the fact that the water was cold. He scrubbed every inch and crevice, relieved to be clean. He donned a set of new clothes: a pair of black pants and a light blue tunic. The white shoes that completed the outfit were uncomfortable, too tight for his feet and had little traction on the polished floors, but it was slightly better than running around in his bare feet. Which were now cleaner than they'd been in months.

Shortly thereafter, he was summoned to the Lord's side. There he was given his instructions for the afternoon. See to the midday meal. See to his horse in the stable. See to his laundry and bedding.

Lord Sasuke appeared pleased with his new appearance, but his lingering glare was too much for Naruto to take. He tried not to fidget under the weight of his dark eyes. Tried not to show his fear, despite being overwhelmed by it.

He bowed to the Lord, a particular sweep of the arm and body he had been taught during his first night on the job. It felt quite foolish, but it was all part of his job now. All part of stroking the young lord's ego and further making a fool of himself.

"Anything else, m'lord," Naruto asked, trying hard not to frown.

"One more thing," Sasuke said to him, his glare turning cold almost immediately. "The Lady Sakura has requested your presence during a late afternoon tea."

The young man perked up slightly. His blue eyes dared a look at the Lord as he inquired, "Me?"

"See to whatever it is she needs." The Lord waved a dismissive hand. "But you will report to me in time for the evening meal. And make sure your chores are complete before attending."

The joy on his face was evident, no matter how hard he tried to hold it in. "Yes, m'lord."

The boy turned to leave, but was stopped short. Reaching out, Sasuke grasped Naruto's arm. He pulled the boy closer, a rough tug that made the boy flinch. He was forced to lean sideways, and was surprised to feel a breath on his ear. In a whisper, Sasuke warned, "You will not speak out of place. It is insubordination and I will not tolerate it. Do you understand?"

Naruto only nodded. His arm was released and he made his way back to the kitchen to get started with his duties. All the while he wondered why the Lady had requested his presence. Perhaps she was only interested in his services as a servant. Perhaps he'd be able to relax.

In either case, he'd be able to speak to someone.

And if he was lucky, he'd run into Kiba in the stables. He really needed a friend. Hopefully, he wouldn't ignore him like the others. Or maybe he would, given the untrue stories that were circulating.

Naruto sighed.

'So unfair.'


Sunrise in Konoha was always beautiful. The bright morning rays dove through the trees speckling the ground in different colors and shapes. One particular ray of light shone brightly on a balcony, highlighting a small, white table and two white chairs.

The chairs were empty however, as their usual occupant paced behind the table. Her long blond hair was tied back into a ponytail. She stood with her face in the sunlight, pale skin and tinted cheeks covered by the bright glow. With only a heavy robe and her nightgown covering her tall frame, she gave a sigh before turning away from the sunlight and pacing once more.

The news of Sasori's death only meant one thing. Trouble. An explosion of tension that had been building for nearly ten years. With Cadence in distress, they were left wide open to attack. Hawk Manor was the only one who could benefit.

With the engagement of Sakura to Sasuke, Konoha had entered into an agreement of not only faith, but military and intelligence. Cadence had their own treaties, but with the loss of their greatest leader, the meek nation would crumble. Probably even before war was declared. Konoha, no matter how badly they wished, could not step in. No without risking war. Hawk Manor had to know this, and had planned well. It would mean ultimate control.

Absolute sovereignty.

"Your tea is ready, my lady."

And the thought was much more disturbing than the pacing woman wanted to admit.

"Please sit it on the table."

The servant did so. But instead of turning to leave, she lingered. The woman turned her head toward the young lady, a small smile passing her lips.

"What is it, Matsuri?

Matsuri sighed, as if giving into to something. "Captain Iruka is requesting an audience with you, Duchess."

"I gave him his orders last eve," she replied in surprise. "He was supposed to leave for Hawk Manor at sunrise."

"I know, my lady. But he is just outside the door."

With that as his introduction, Iruka Umino of Konoha entered. He strode into the room, hair tied up in its usual fashion As he approached, Matsuri bowed and scurried away. As she passed, the Captain gave a nod to her and then gave a short bow to the woman before him.

"Duchess Tsunade, a word please?"

"You've already spoken more than one, Captain," Tsunade replied with a sigh. "Were my words not clear enough when we spoke over dinner?"

"Crystal," he replied with another nod. His armor caused a glare in the morning light, keeping him from seeing the expression on Tsunade’s face. It wasn’t pleasant, he was certain. However, their discussion the previous evening had left him drowning in though. He needed to speak his mind. "But I still think I'd do more good here than in White Mountain."

"And who am I to send in your place? Shino doesn't have your experience and Gai is busy with a training run."

"Send anyone you wish--!"

"I WISH for you to go."


"No buts! Your place is in White Mountain." Finally sitting at her table, she looked at the young man. "We need to stick with the initial plan. Hawk Manor is plotting. They've been cautious, but are now making their move. Your eyes and ears need to be there."

"Are you sure, Duchess?"

She looked at him curiously. He'd been a soldier almost as long as she'd been Duchess. While she had come into her position as a fluke, a promise to an old friend, Iruka had worked his way up the ladder. He knew more about war and politics than she, or at least he cared more. She loathed both.

"Since when have you questioned my orders, Captain?"



Picking up her tea cup, Tsunade sighed again. The Duchess of Konoha shook her head at one of her country's greatest warriors. She knew he was only concerned with safety. But it wasn't her safety for which she as concerned.

"Sakura needs you at Hawk Manor."

"I am aware of my duty, your highness...."

"Then do it, Iruka." The woman turned, looking towards the cloudy sky to the south. "War will come soon enough."

"You seriously believe that Lord Sasuke is behind this?"

"There is proof, but it is too soon for accusations. The situation needs to be handled carefully."

"I understand."

"Do you?" Sipping her tea, she raised an eyebrow in question. "You wanted no part of politics when you were one of the best."

"I was always a better fighter than a lover."

Tsunade chuckled. "A storm is brewing to the south. You best be on your way."

"Yes, ma'am."

Iruka gave another bow. As he retreated from her quarters, the Duchess sipped her tea, her eyes once again looking south. There was more than a mere storm coming. She could feel it. And if Hawk Manor wanted a war, they'd get it without question.

"Sakura, I'm so sorry."

It was only a matter of time.


Naruto, all characters and likenesses used in this story are the property of Masashi Kishimoto, Studio Pierrot, TV Tokyo and Viz, LLC. They are used here without permission to serve my own twisted purposes. I own nothing. NADA. Thanks for reading. ^^