Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ mercinary of the gods ❯ naruto's destiny ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Naruto don't get hit”
“Don't worry Sensei it's in the bag” Naruto said
“Good you have trained well now fight!”
“Hai” Naruto and his opponent said simultaneously
Hard to believe” Naruto thought “this is the last time I'll see you guys for a while”
The “you guys” Naruto is referring to are his current sensei Iskerdanas Flametail and his friend Draconius Longwings. The last two of a long line of humanoid dragons standing at least 7' at the shoulder.
“Come on Draconius think you can beat me this time” Naruto taunted as he deflected a blow from Draconius' mace with special steel shin guards he had sown into his red camouflage jeans.
“Funny I distinctly remember you losing the last 30 times we've sparred” Draconius shot back as he kicked at Naruto's exposed balls.
“Talk about your ball shots” Naruto gasped out as he fell to the ground clutching at his balls protectively.
“In a fight there is no such thing as a cheap shot, either you live or you're opponent does” Iskerdanas stated simply “Draconius you win again good job”
“I ain't done yet” Naruto said slowly as he began to flash threw hand signs quicker than a fourteen year old should be able to “Fiabuki yobidasu”(fire weapon summoning)Naruto yelled as a scythe made of fire began to slowly began to appear in his hand
“That is a clan exclusive jutsu Naruto” Draconius growled out “How did you learn it”
“I saw Iskerdanas-sensei using it and copied it” Naruto replied as he began swinging the scythe back and forth trying to hit Draconius who dodged every swipe
“Damn you even if you can use that jutsu I'll beat you” Draconius spat before yelling “Shippu Tsukurite (hurricane maker)” as the words left Draconius' mouth a hurricane, the jutsu's namesake, appeared around Naruto, who then preceded to try and hack his way out with the scythe.
“I'm gonna kill those two” Iskerdanas thought with a sigh before she yelled “Oujou Shippu (death of the hurricane)” which caused the hurricane to disappear “Now you two how many times have I told you no deadly jutsu Hei Fiai (wall of fire) DAMNIT NARUTO I DON”T CARE WHAT HE DID YOU WILL NOT TRY AND TAKE HIS HEAD OFF IN MY PRESENCE”
After Iskerdanas used the Oujou Shippu Naruto drew his two fighting knives Hebi (snake)and Tsume(fang) (A/N:The knives Riddick uses in the dark fury movie and The Assault on Dark Athena Game I think they're called Ulaks) and began to run towards Draconius with blood in his eyes Iskerdanas used the Hei Fiai to separate them with a wall of fire.
“Now you two” Iskerdanas began the anger evident in her reptilian voice “I will work you two within an inch of your life then maybe you two will get that I won't have any blood on my hands through your thick skulls. Gufuu Mizu (tornado of water) DAMNIT NARUTO YOU TRY AND USE FIAIBUKI AGAINST ANYONE IN PUGATORY AGAIN AND I WILL TAKE THE ABILITY TO SUMMON THEM AWAY FROMM YOU” Iskerdanas took a moment to collect herself and breathe “You two go to your cave and stay there until I say so because right now I am mad enough to kill you both Shinigami and Kami be damned”
“Race ya” Naruto said before he took off towards the mountain to their left
“Hey no fair” Draconius yelled back before he unfurled his wings and flew ahead of Naruto
“And that is” Naruto asked with a chuckle
“Never said it was genius” Draconius shot back in a playful tone
At the cave
“So how fucked would you say we are Draco” Naruto asked with a sigh
“Remember when you were nine and we tried to kill each other” Draconius replied with a shiver of fear
“Yeah” Naruto whispered the fear evident in his voice
Sougon Tougyu (gravity control) now you two will do all your exercises 10 times in 50 times the gravity of earth” Iskerdanas said, the anger in her voice almost tangible
“ yes…….isker…danas…..sen…sei” Naruto and Draconius managed to grunt out through the pressure on their lungs
Now Iskerdanas is a sadistic little bitch on par with Anko when she wants to be, and she had just ordered her two students to spar for 20 minutes, play Naiteki Daishou (Mental General) (A/N: A game I thought up and play with some buddies of mine basically you have two players, the Daishous or generals with a set number of troops in a set terrain and take turns calling out what your troops will do until one of the Daishous are dead. ex. Ninja scopes out base, ninja found out and assassinated before anything could be found, anbu find your base and begin attack, anbu are killed by Daishou. And so on and so forth)
Then Judo and various weapons training from Iskerdanas, followed by Nin, Gen, and Taijutsu drills for three hours.
“We're fucked worse than that” Draconius replied
“Wanna cheat” Naruto asked with a devious grin
“You mean ask HER for help” Draconius asked putting extra emphasis on her
“Yeah sorta” Naruto replied as he pulled a cup of miso ramen out of thin air and began to eat
I REFUSE to be used in such a manner” A voice inside Naruto's head said with a hint of finality
“Never mind she said she wouldn't” Naruto sighed in defeat as he muttered about all the women he knew were “Damn sadistic bitches”
And proud of it” came a reply
“So basically we're fucked” Draconius asked
“Yeah…unless…naw that would never work” Naruto muttered
“What, what is it Naruto” Draconius asked
“I don't know Draco old buddy it's kinda outa our leagues” Naruto replied with a shrug “Gotcha” He thought
“No come on tell me” Draconius said with a whine
“Oh fine” Naruto said with a grin “We trap Iskerdanas”
“Do WHAT” Draconius asked in shock
“Yeah think about it she values skill over almost everything else so if we prove to her we are skilled enough to trap her, which shouldn't be to hard in her angry state, we might get off the hook” Naruto explained
“Or piss her off more” Draconius said as he began to think
“Meh either way we're fucked right” Naruto said
“I suppose it can't get any worse” Draconius sighed “What's the plan”
“Pitfalls outside the cave opening followed by cargo netting attached to trip wires and finally a automated arrows” Naruto replied as he fished said items out of a scroll
“Do I even want to know why you carry the necessary items to trap a being such as our sensei” Draconius asked as he put his head in his hand
“Probably not” Naruto said as he began to set up the traps
“I will never understand you humans” Draconius sighed as he finished setting up the traps “Care for a game of Go whilst we wait” (A/N: btw I recently downloaded an app for Go, Shogi, and Chess to my ipod touch, there really is an app for everything lol, and while I am an avid chess player the new experience with Go and Shogi has left me very pleased both are very fun if you are in to that sorts thing)
“Sure why not, you can be black” Naruto replied as he set up the board
20 minutes later
“Damn that's 2-2” Iskerdanas sighed as he lost
“Best outa five” Naruto asked
“While I admire your intuitiveness students, did you really expect those traps would work on me” Iskerdanas asked as Draconius and Naruto both jumped in surprise
“Is-Iskerdanas-sensei” Draconius and Naruto stuttered out
“Go on boys same drill as last time” Iskerdanas stated as she used the Sougon Tougyu
“Damn” They both uttered simultaneously
That night
“I wonder if death is preferable to that sadist Iskerdanas' training” Naruto groaned out as he fell down onto his pallet of Buckskin(deerskin)
“She could still find us she does have the ability to enter both heaven and hell” Draconius reminded as he fell upon a lounge sofa made of bone and leather (The couches that were popular during Napoleon's reign I forgot what they were called save the supports for this one are bone and the fabric is cracking black leather)
“Damn” Naruto groaned
“I'll see you tomorrow Naruto” Draconius groaned as he struggled to get up off the couch and hobbled into his gallery of their shared cave(A/N: a gallery when it refers to a cave is like a wing on a house just fyi if no one knew that…I like spelunking……)
“Night Draco” Naruto called
Would you like the soreness to go away Naruto-Kun” the Voice again asked
“Hai Kyuubi-Chan” Naruto replied “Thank you…for everything Kyuubi-Chan”
Don't mention it Naruto-Kun” Kyuubi replied
“I don't know how I could survive without you Kyuubi-Chan” Naruto said with a yawn as he drifted off to sleep
You won't have to worry about that Naru-Kun….not yet anyway….” Kyuubi thought to herself as she made sure Naruto had good dreams “I remember when we first met…Still cleanin up blood stains” Kyuubi said to herself with a chuckle as she remembered
A seven year old Naruto is seen curled up in the fetal position and crying in his “room” (Cell) in hell. Multiple scars can be seen criss crossing his arms and neck.
Why do you cry boy” a Commanding voice echoed from seemingly nowhere
“Wh-who's there” Naruto sobbed out as he slowly rose and slammed his back against a wall, kunai in hand
Why do you cry BOY” The voice again demanded
“Like you care” Naruto muttered as he slid down the wall defeat in his eyes
”Not like it matters anyway” were Naruto's last words before he made two quick slashed to his own neck and sighed as the comfort of unconsciousness overcame him
Mindscape in a flashback lol
Children…hmpf…” the voice muttered to itself as naruto struggled to lift his head
Wait I'm wet…what is this water…no to smelly…ok how in the nine levels of hell did I wind up in a sewer IN HELL” Naruto thought to himself
I believe I can answer that question young one” The voice again said
“Aw shit whoever the fuck you are you shoulda just left me to die…not like anyone wants me anyway…Naruto said, muttering the last part under his breath
Naruto suddenly was enveloped in a huge hug from a women of all people
Don't you EVER say that” The woman whispered fiercely into his ear as she hugged him tighter “Never again will you be alone or unwanted…for I am here…and I will never leave you”
Naruto tried to say “Who the fuck are you” but it came out as a few muffled grunts due to his face being shoved in her cleavage
I am a friend” The woman replied as she relaxed her grip enough for him to breathe
“Oh yeah sure like I haven't heard that one before, Shinigami I know you're here somewhere fixing to kill this lady in front of me, that is if she's even real” Naruto called out with a sigh
I am no apparition nor am I a test from Shinigami” The woman said with a hint of anger at Shinigami for making such a young boy so distrustful of everything
“Assuming I believe you why have you not appeared to me before now” Naruto asked distrustfully
Long story short” The woman sighed out “Your father was the leader of a ninja village in the mortal plane and sealed me inside of you after I was provoked to attack his village, I have just recently recovered enough to make myself known to you”
“You knew my father” Naruto asked quickly causing the woman to sigh again
Through reputation only he was….a worthy adversary even for an angel” The woman paused to take a nervous breath and pick her next few words carefully “When he sealed me inside you….it killed him”
“So that how he died…” Naruto said softly as he hugged the woman tighter
Are you mad” The woman asked
“It's hard to be angry over someone you've never known” Naruto replied softly “if……if I promise not to hurt myself anymore…will you…will you talk to me……and be my friend”
I would like that Naruto” she replied
“What's your name” he asked sofly
Kyuubi” Kyuubi replied
“I like that name” Naruto said with a yawn as he drifted peacefully off to sleep for the first time
So what do you guys think of my redone and totally awesome new Mercenary of the gods complete with actual grammar and spelling *clap* *clap* yes yes I know I'm totally awesome and you are utterly and irrevocably grateful say grateful enough to actually post a review or at the very least a flame…something……anything?......I am review starved sorry…anywho enjoy and I would like to thank you for your patronage it does my heart good to know my works are appreciated oh that's right playlist time
The All-American Rejects
Taylor Swift
Dierks Bentley
We the Kings
To My Boy
Relient K
Thousand foot krutch
Johnny Cash
Hank Williams Jr.
Demon Hunter
Billy Currington
Blake Shelton
Brad Paisley
Carolyn Dawn Johnson
Chris Cagle
Chris Young
Claire Hamilton
Coheed & Cambria
The Dublin City Ramblers
Gary Allen
George Strait
Green Day
Gretchen Wilson
Irish Ceili Band
Joe Nichols
John Morgan Orchestra
Willy Nelson
Keith Urban
Lady Antebellum
Lee Ann Womack
Mark Chesnutt
Whatever the band's name is that played at Mfuge in South Carolina (can't remember their name)
Macheal Andrews & Gary Jules
Montgomery Gentry
Nine Days
Orlando Pops Orchestra
Panic at the Disco
Phil Vasser
Rascall Flats
Richard Rossbach
Sheryl Crow
The Starlight Orchestra
Tammy Cochran
Trace Adkins
Tracy Byrd
Travis Tritt
Trick Pony
Weird Al
The Zach Brown Band