Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ mercinary of the gods ❯ the journey to hell ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Oi me hearties and how doust thou be on this fine eve lol I've been reading Shakespeare lately and have discovered old English is fun to talk/write in anywho hope yall don't mind the rewritten version of my Mercenary of the gods fic this chapter is gonna be about meeting Draconius, Kyuuketsuki, Ookami, Muramasa, and a few others for the first time so basically this chapter and the next will pretty much be straight flashbacks
It was after that time that he first met Draconius wasn't it” Kyuubi mused to herself as Naruto snored lightly on his pallet
Flashback to 7-8 year old Naruto
“Good tidings Hinotekami (blazing fire god)” An Angelic form said
“I trust that the youngling hasn't slacked to much in his training Gabriel” Iskerdanas asked
“He has been rather…stubborn in that department Iskerdanas” Gabriel replied
“Why is it that people talk about me as if I am not standing right here” Naruto muttered which caused Gabriel to tighten his grip on his shoulder
“Manners as well have been rather difficult to impart upon his person” Gabriel added
“Aye I'll drink to that” Iskerdanas chuckled “See You in eight months Angel
“Till then Hinotekami” Gabriel replied before vanishing in a burst of white light leaving feather down in his place
“Well now that the pleasantries are over youngling I would introduce you to someone” Iskerdanas said
“Who” Naruto asked skeptically
“Walk with me” Iskerdanas replied as they began walking towards the mountain where Iskerdanas lived “You are aware my clan is supposed to be dead yes”
“Aye” Naruto replied
“This is not true” Iskerdanas said solemnly “Long ago my clan broke the rules set down by the rulers of the dragon clans and we were punished because of it I believed myself to be the last surviving member for the past twenty years until two months ago”
“What happen two months ago” Naruto asked quizzically
“I showed up” an unknown voice stated from behind Naruto
“Be ye friend of foe” Naruto demanded as he spun around and dropped to a defensive stance
“His name Is Draconius Longwings” Iskerdanas stated “He showed up in my cave not two months ago recently hatched and before you ask we of the Hinotekami clan mature at an astounding pace until we hit puberty when our metabolisms slow down”
“What is your weapon of choice” Naruto asked distrustfully
“A good mace or maul” Draconius replied “Though I'll settle for a morning star if need be, and you”
“Any blade I can get my hands on” Naruto replied
“He is to be your sparring partner, I've already connected a gallery to yours for him Naruto” Iskerdanas stated
“How fast are you” Naruto asked
“Lets see shall we” Draconius replied
“First to the top” Naruto asked as he nudged his head in the direction of the mountain
“Loser carries the other down” Draconius replied before unfurling his wings and flying towards the top
“CHEATER” Naruto screamed as he ran after the quickly ascending humanoid dragon
“They'll get along quite nicely I think” Iskerdanas said to no one in particular “Ugh now I've got two of them and one permanently they're multiplying” She swore realizing how much trouble one child was and now she had two to deal with
Two hours later
“All right you two enough fooling around go and begin your training Naruto I must train Draconius separately for a while” Iskerdanas said with a sigh
“Fine” Naruto groaned as he began his katas
Later that night or what passes for night in Purgatory
“So let me get this straight” Naruto asked “Your clan was wiped out long ago you just hatched and you haven't got a damn as to where you've been all this time”
“Well…Yeah” Draconius replied
“Bitchin” Naruto chuckled as he patted Draconius on the back
Back to Kyuubi's thoughts in the present
“They became fast friends” Kyuubi thought with a grin as she remembered some of the pranks they had pulled over the years “Go, Shogi, Chess, Sparring they competed in just about everything even blinking contests trying to prove who was better. This place was always was his favorite, harsh but fair, and with a friend nearer his age than anywhere else. Certainly better than in hell with Ikatsui Karite and Muramasa anyhow”
Flashback to 7-8 year old Naruto
“I don't wanna go” Naruto grumbled as Iskerdanas led him to the appointed meeting site
“You have no choice youngling” Iskerdanas chuckled “Ikatsui Karite will be here soon for you and you must go”
“But he's scary” Naruto complained
Iskerdanas laughed as she said “Well he is the grim reaper what do you expect”
“Butterflies and rainbows” Naruto said, his voice dripping sarcasm
“Kinda figured” Iskerdanas replied
“Come young one” A man riding a horse so pale it looked like the moon and dressed in a hooded black robe that obscured his face
“Well hello to you to he who is so creepy” Naruto replied with a huff
“You don't like making this easy do you meatbag” The form asked as he revealed a face that was quite literally a skull bearing a toothy grin
“Considering that you are little more than a skeleton in a robe who are you to call names bonebag” Naruto replied pointedly
“Not just a skeleton in a robe” the being replied as he moved faster than the eye could see” But the skeleton in a robe with a scythe to your neck”
“And I'm not making this easy” Naruto said in a huff before shoving the blade away
Suddenly the being erupted in laughter as did Naruto who accepted the hand offered by the being up onto his horse
“Still as friendly as ever I see young one” the being said as he gave a curt nod to Iskerdanas that was quietly returned
“Ikatsui Karite you truly are The Skelton in a robe” Naruto chuckled as they descended through the clouds that formed the ground of purgatory
“And don't you forget it” He replied deciding to thump Naruto in the forehead for good measure
“Does Shinigami hate me Karite” Naruto asked quite suddenly with a sad look
“ Don't take it personally young one he hates everyone about equally” Ikatsui Karite said pausing for dramatic effect “He just hates you a little bit more”
“Wow thanks for the emotional support bone bag” Naruto replied with a sarcastic voice
“Brace yourself” Said bag O' bones called behind his shoulder as they neared the gates of hell
“Allways hated this heat” Naruto grumbled
“And just because Shinigami loves you so much he wanted me to take you to the inner circle this time” Ikatsui Karite said with a hint of sadistic glee to which Naruto just shivered
“Never been past the seventh circle” Naruto thought silently as fear began to slowly grip him
“Were to this time Karite” The gatekeeper asked
“Eight” Ikatsui Karite replied
“Enjoy” The gatekeeper replied with the most blood chilling Glasgow grin he could muster
When the gate opened Naruto looked around wondering where they were
“Welcome to the wood of the suicides young one be glad that you didn't off yourself when you had the chance” Ikatsui Karite said in a calm even tone
“Shit” was all Naruto could think to say as he finally made out the odd shape he was seeing all around. They were trees made of bones with people hanging from them from nooses
“Ah so you noticed the stragnlers first eh “ Karite asked with a slight grin “They are the one wo killed themselves through suffocation and or hanging, now they hang there for eternity struggling trying to draw breath yet cant. For ever time they draw near a hellhound eats their legs only for them to grow back”
“Damn” Naruto muttered as he saw a man trying to jump off of one of the bone trees
“Those are the leapers those who killed themselves jumping off cliffs and what not now they get chased into the trees by hellhounds and jump trying to flee only to fall into a whole pack of them”
“ Any others” Naruto asked with horror
“Bleeders” Karite replied “Those who killed themselves by slicing a major vein and or artery now they run around the wood chased by the hellhounds and unable to escape due to the blood leaking out of their bodies, sometimes they get caught and every hellhound in the area descends to feast”
“Wha-what happens after they get killed” Naruto asked as terror began to descend
“They come back to begin the process anew of course” Karite replied with sadistic glee
“Can we just move on please” Naruto asked quietly
“As you wish”
At these words Karite nudged a spot on the back of his pale horses neck and it began runnin towards the far wall that acted as a boundary between the different levels of hell
“Karite you do know that rock walls are solid right” Naruto asked as Ikatsui Karite began laughing insanely
When the horse's nose touched said wall he simply ran through it
“I love doin that to newcomers” Ikatsui Karite chuckled
“Jerk” Naruto muttered as he twitched nervously before smacking Karite's head
“Don't do that” Karite said as a tick mark appeared on his hood
“And why not oh bony one” Naruto asked as he smacked said bone bag again
“Because I'll do this” was all the reply Naruto got before he was punched in the face causing him to rocket into the wall he just passed through in a comical fashion
“Thought you said these weren't solid” Naruto asked, the pain obvious in his voice as he slowly got up
“Only when I will them not to be” Ikatsui Karite cackled
“Shit” Naruto screamed as he narrowly dodged a blade coming at his neck “Who the Fuck are you” He asked to the man wielding the Dai-Katana that narrowly missed Naruto's face, he was wearing a traditional Japanese male Kimono with Geta sandals (think what Kenshin wears only blackish grey)
“Muramasa-dono good to see you again” Karite stately calmly
“Who is this whelp that has breached our inner circle” The now known Muramasa asked (and yes before we go any farther the Swordsmith from Iwa province that supposedly forged blades that contained demons)
“This would be Naruto Urufukage son of Soshikiba Shinigami wished for the two of us along with Ookami and Kyuuketsuki to train him for the duration of his stay” Karite replied
“Catch boy” Muramasa called in an even tone as he threw another Dai-Katana at Naruto, which he promptly caught
“Must we do this now Muramasa-Dono” Karite asked with a sigh
His only reply came when said swordsmith ran at Naruto with his sword held high ready to strike. He then proceeded to make a left to right diagonal slash in an attempt to disembowel Naruto which Naruto blocked with ease. Going on the offensive Naruto began attacking Muramasa furiously thinking that he was winning he went for a death strike only to notice the Tanto poking into his stomach as he was about to strike.
“you had me beat from the beginning didn't you” Naruto asked incredulously
“From the first strike” Muramasa replied “That was your first lesson, never get overconfident, and always distract your opponent make him watch the hand defending while the other slits his throat”
“Allways so serious” Kyuuketsuki said with a grin as he walked up, a bottle holding some sort of liquid in one hand
“Whats with the new clothes Kyuuketsuki-Sensei” Naruto asked
“Got tired of that Kimono Muramasa gave me, how you like my new threads” Kyuuketsuki asked in reply gesturing to the black muscle shirt with matching black leather pants and black biker boots he was wearing
“They're um black” Naruto half asked half stated
“Good job captain obvious” Kyuuketsuki replied with a sigh
“Oh give the kid a break suck head” A fourth voice said
“Ookami-Sensei” Naruto said with a grin as said werewolf appeared in his hardleather armor with matching blood red cape.
“Least I'm not a furry” Kyuuketsuki replied with a devious grin
“What's a furry” Naruto asked innocently
“Moving on” Ookami replied with an embarrassed look
“You will train with us till you drop and will master each and every task we give to you” Muramasa began “and if you don't” Muramasa let the threat hang in the air as he began sharpening his Dai-Katana “Based upon your prior display you need much work in the realm of tactics, and while your overall strength and form is ok you still have a long way to go”
“Was that a complement or an insult” Naruto asked seriously
“Training starts now” Ookami stated simply as he tossed a broadsword in Naruto's direction
Later that night or whatever passes for night in hell
“You did well today” Ookami said as he led Naruto to his room
A pained groan was all the reply he received
“Maybe some incentive is needed for you to work harder” Ookami mused aloud
Naruto perked up a little at the mention of incentive
“Impress me and I shall tell you of your parents” Ookami said nonchalantly as they neared the door to Naruto's room “and with that I bid you adieu”
Four months later
“You have impressed me young one” Ookami said solemnly to Naruto “And for that I will tell you of your parents”
Naruto looked expectantly at Ookami waiting for details that Kyuubi never told him
“Your father was a member of my clan the Urufukishin (wolf god) and a werewolf, your mother a dragon from the Ryuujin(dragon king) clan this makes you a dragon/werewolf hybrid. It also has…darker connotations. Have you ever heard of the Brother” Ookami questions
Naruto's eyes got big and he nodded slowly at the mention of the greatest assassin to ever exist
“The Brother was not his name, merely his title he was a Dracian-Bolg hybrid and due to this he could sense the heartbeats of all Dracians and all Bolgs. It is the same with the first of every species they all have this trait”
“Whats a Dracian and a Bolg” Naruto questioned, a confused look on his face
“The Dracian and Bolg races are both of the supernatural races much like the Urufukinshin and Banpai clans. The Dracians look like humans but have four skin flaps on their necks like fish, they can use these flaps to direct the air around them to trap any being, the drawback to this being that when they use this ritual they themselves cannot move. The Bolg are a race of beings that again look similar to humans but stand anywhere from seven to fifteen feet in height and are renowned for their fighting prowess and abilities.” Ookami began “Your father was my cousin and dear friend…he was killed alongside the Brother trying to overthrow Shinigami for his cruel treatment of the Supernatural clans that reside in hell. Your Father's name was Soshikiba (elemental fang) and your mother's Kushina”
“So does that mean I can turn into a werewolf” Naruto asked innocently
“Eventual yes cub” Ookami chuckled “But first you must attain a place in the kinsmen, an elite group of warriors seeking to protect all from harm, and then journey to the ancient clan grounds of the urufukinshin.
“you have left me with much to think of” Naruto said, a thoughtful look upon his face
“Then I will leave you to it” Ookami said as he got up and left Naruto's room
a dragon” Kyuubi mused silently “ this could prove interesting…and dangerous…”