Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ mercinary of the gods ❯ Enter Kyuubi 2.0 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Well here we are chapter twelve three years and I'm only at twelve… to any of you that figured out that the weapon Naruto was trying to make with the Mizubuki yobidasu in chapter ten was an Emei piercer then I am happy to know that I am not the only Deadliest Warrior Otaku and on a side note concerning Deadliest Warrior THE VIKING SHOULD HAVE WON I LIKE SAMURAI BUT THERE IS NO WAY A SAMURAI COULD KILL A VIKING ESPECIALLY A BERSERKER *ehem* sorry I have been begging to scream that at someone ever since I saw the episode and I just did it to the God knows how many people that read this fic MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA anywho on to the carnage and death YAY BLOOD AND MEANINGLESS VIOLENCE…before we begin I wanna say something about last chapter...The whole resurectin Kyuubi thing…look I don't care if you think it shouldn't have happened or whatever but it's hard enough when a girl leaves much less dies…I don't think I could ever kill off the love interest…
“When I was just a small boy I saw a man that claimed to be my uncle do this thing with a garden hose that still haunts me to this day”
Kyuubi's den exactly one day after her rebirth
“I love you Naru-Kun” Kyuubi whispered softly into Naruto's ear. “He's so cute when he's asleep” She thought as she stroked his hair softly “I think I'll just watch him sleep for a while after all he had a late night”
These thoughts brought a lecherous grin to Kyuubi's face as she remembered all of the fun things they had done to each other last night. Naruto muttered something in his sleep that sounded like perverted fox lady to Kyuubi which brought a small chuckled to her lips. Naruto rolled over and Kyuubi found that he had his face in her breasts and his hand on her ass.
“I bet he's dreaming about me” Kyuubi thought as her grin grew even wider “I think I'll join him in dreamland” She thought before drifting off to sleep
Five hours later
“Killer Bee you old pervert leave them alone” Fu screamed as she used Iruka's patented big head no jutsu
“Don't bother him Fu you'll wake Naru-Kun” Kyuubi said sleepily
“KYUUBI” the eight Jinchuriki yelled in question simultaneously
“Mmhh Mornin Kyu-hime” Naruto said sleepily as he kissed Kyuubi softly
“You just had to wake Naru-Kun didn't you” Kyuubi asked accusingly
“Who woke what” Naruto asked as he slowly woke up
“Damn kid so young and already getting some you deserve some Sake” Roshi said
“HOLY SHIT” Naruto screamed in surprise as he saw the other eight Jinchuriki staring at his naked form entangled with Kyuubi's
“Seems he hasn't lost his modesty either” Utakata stated simply as Naruto henged some clothes onto himself and Kyuubi
“Jinchuriki are pervs Naru-kun” Kyuubi told him with a slight giggle
“Damn straight” Roshi proclaimed before chugging a sake bottle
“And Roshi likes sake a little too much” Yugito said with disgust
“We're like one big dysfunctional family bro” Roshi said through his drunken stupor
Naruto silently went through his life and wondered what he did to deserve shit like this
Meanwhile Kami sneezed and felt an odd urge to smack Naruto the next time she saw him
“Allright you lazy asses we gotta make this kid presentable to the masses” Killer Bee chanted before moonwalking next to Naruto
“Bee's right guys” Yugito said with a sigh
“Wait what now” Naruto asked in bewilderment
“We need to train you dumbfuck” Garra said in a condescending voice
“It's not really training though” Kyuubi put in
“Damnit Kyuubi do you have to ruin our fun” Roshi asked one of the columns in the hall “Why no officer I was not staring at your breasts”
“Drunks are funny” Naruto said with a chuckle
“You'd think Yonbi would filter the damn stuff outa his system” Kyuubi said
“Yonbi always was a trickster at heart” Yugito said with a shrug
“ANYWAY, what was it that was so important that ya'll had to wake me up” Naruto asked with exasperation
“The seal” Garra said as he muttered “dumbasses” under his breath
“Oh yeah the seal” Fu exclaimed as she face palmed
“Wait WHAT SEAL” Naruto asked
“The forty-five tailed restraint seal placed upon each tailed beast upon their induction into the role of afore mentioned tailed beast. The new beast is always chosen by the former one before their death. The seal contains the memories and abilities of not only the beast that chose the beast to be but all previous beasts as well. In this case the beast to be, that's you Naruto, will become a nine tailed beast meaning all previous nine tailed beasts will have their knowledge imprinted upon you thus ensuring the beast to be doesn't kill all in sight by accident. No this does not mean you will automatically gain their jutsu and or Kekkei Genkai's, however you will have the knowledge of how to attain said abilities.” Yagura said quietly
“Before you ask Naru-kun Yagura and Han usually don't talk much, kinda like Shino, Yagura is our unofficial historian and Han thinks that your actions should speak for you” Kyuubi explained
“Useful seal” Naruto said as he whistled in appreciation
“Ain't it” Yugito said before she and the other eight Jinchuriki each did a palm strike to a different part of Naruto's body
Garra struck his eyes
Yugito struck his ears
Yagura struck his mouth
Roshi struck his stomach
Han struck his left leg
Utakata struck his right leg
Fu struck his left arm
Killer Bee struck his right arm
The area under each of their respective palms began to glow. As they lifted their hands away kanji for seal could be seen briefly before it disappeared into Naruto's skin.
“Ok all done” Fu exclaimed happily
“Is she always hyper like that” Naruto asked in fear?
“YES” All the other Jinchuriki yelled in annoyance simultaneously
“Well gosh you didn't have to yell” Naruto said softly as he rubbed his ears in pain “So what now”
“You go on your merry way and get the fuck outa our lifes” Garra said
“GARRA IT'S NOT NICE TO SWEAR” Fu yelled at him before producing a frying pan and smacking him on the head with it
“And so the show begins” Utakata sighed as he face palmed
“Do they do this every time they see each other” Naruto asked
“Don't even go there man, they fight fiercer than bears” Killer Bee exclaimed
“Ooooookkkkkkkk” Naruto said as Roshi whispered “Dysfunctional family” into Naruto's ear
“Back to your earlier question, take this scroll it shows you how to contact us and otherwise will give you all the information you need about your new spirithood” Yagura said as he tossed a scroll at Naruto's head “Also your Sunshin will now envelop you in flames or some other elemental presence instead of leaves, side effect of the spirithood”
“While that's all well and good…WOULD YOU KINDLY LET ME GO BACK TO SLEEP” Naruto yelled “I was having such a good dream too”
“Finally” Garra said as sand covered his body when it receded he was no longer there
“Damnit whose gonna clean that up, you know what fuck it” Naruto said before using a fire jutsu to obliterate it
“Look I'm not tryin to be rude but could yall leave I'm tired” Naruto asked sleepily as he rubbed his eyes
“Bone er good and git er done” Roshi told him before he disappeared in a flash of lightning
Han gave him an encouraging look and disappeared in a fog
“ I am OUT without a doubt” Killer Bee chanted as he disappeared into the floor
Utakata and Yagura nodded to each other before melting
“WHAT THE FUCK” Naruto yelled as the two blobs of flesh colored water disappeared
“They have water affinities that's what happens” Kyuubi sighed before flashing Fu and Yugito a conspiratorial grin
“See ya Fox man” Fu said as she latched onto Naruto in a bear hug
“Damnit Fu come on already” Yugito said with an exasperated sigh as she grabbed Fu and cause them both to disappear into the floor
“Now where were we” Kyuubi asked seductively as Naruto dropped the henge revealing his bulging “little bro”
“I believe we were about to make animal noises” Naruto replied as he kissed her
“Oh that's right” Kyuubi replied as she stroked Naruto softly
“GIT ` ER DONE SON” Roshi screamed as he ran into the hall and disappeared totally ruining the mood
“I get to kill him the next time I see him right” Kyuubi asked hopefully
“Get in line Kyu-hime” Naruto replied before he drew a spare set of clothes for him and Kyuubi out of a seal
“I'll see you later Naru-kun” Kyuubi said as she too disappeared “And before you freak out I'm in here easier to travel”
“I was seriously about to kill these seals to find you” Naruto thought “come on let's go
“Where are we going” Kyuubi asked
Ookami and Zabuza, I left them on the beach before I ran here” Naruto replied “I promised them I would be back plus…Hinata, Anko, and Haku…”
“I understand Naru-kun…and I approve…oh don't give me that look I am over a thousand years old don'tcha think I've had one or two female lovers” Kyuubi replied coyly
Naruto was just dumbfounded at Kyuubi's ability to seemingly read his mind
“And yes that probably means hot steamy gangbangs filled with lesbian interactions” Kyuubi added which didn't help Naruto's train of thought at all
“Before you send me any images don't you think we should leave” Naruto asked
“You never let me have any fun Naru-kun” Kyuubi said playfully
“That's not what you said last night” Naruto shot back in a playful tone
“Before we degrade into animal noises and sweat I suggest you look at your ass and touch the top of your head” Kyuubi said
“What fo-HOLY SHIT” Naruto screamed as he saw nine golden tails with white tips. He then drew one of his knives and looked at his reflection e saw two golden fox ears instead of normal ears.
You know kit you give the funniest reactions” Kyuubi managed to gasp out in between laughs
“You're the new nine tailed spirit Naru-kun don'tcha think you need the crown and scepter for the role” Kyuubi asked as she began to calm down
“Great just fuckin great how am I supposed to hide these” Naruto whined
“Oi earth to whiney Kitsune you have all of my Genjutsu and transformation jutsu use one of them” Kyuubi told him
Oh yeah” Naruto said as he preformed one of the transformation jutsu that returned him to his human form. Kyuubi just face palmed due to his actions
“Didn't you have three hot women waiting on you kit” Kyuubi asked slyly
“Shit” Naruto said before he disappeared in a pillar of fire
Tsunami's house
“All right Ookami enough's enough you've been dodging my questions for a week now so tell me WHERE IS NARUTO” Anko demanded
“Well you see it's a funny story actually” Ookami began before he was cut off
“No no more excuses Ookami we need the truth” Anko demanded as she gestured to the team sitting in the living room
Ookami looked to Zabuza who just shrugged nonchalantly
“You are aware of the circumstances of Naruto's birth correct” Ookami asked in a quite yet serious tone
Anko and Kurenai's eye's got rather large at this question and nodded dumbfoundly
“With your permission I would like to tell your students” Ookami asked again and received another nod in return. With a sigh Ookami continued “Allright then what do you five know of the Kyuubi”
“Kyuubi nine tailed Bijuu leader of and most powerful of the nine Bijuu attacked Konoha fourteen years ago” Haku replied almost instinctually before blushing a little and saying “I like history”
“Haku is correct, however…there is a common misconception about the defeat of Kyuubi” Ookami said noticing the interested look Shino had when he said “defeat” instead of “death” “Yes Shino Kyuubi did not die she was sealed inside Naruto”
“Wait, wait back up SHE” Anko asked the others were to dumbfounded to even think of formulating such questions
“Yes Anko-san she, and she became Naruto's first friend for reasons I still don't understand and given what Naruto told me…she died sometime yesterday” Ookami replied sorrowfully “Without a doubt he is most likely in mourning and before you ask apparently there was a quirk in the seal placed on Naruto that has caused her to slowly die since she was sealed within him”
Due to Naruto's odd sense of timing he picked this instance to walk into the living room “So why does it feel like I just stepped into a morgue”
“Cub forgive me…I was coerced to uuhhh divulge the reason as to why you took a sudden leave of absence” Ookami said while scratching the back of his head
“Nice” Naruto said as he glanced quickly at Haku and his teammates to see their reactions
He saw concern in Hinata and Haku's eyes though he couldn't tell if it was for him or for their lives
Shino seemed to take it all in stride which wasn't too bad
Kiba flashed him a glance of understanding equating the loss of Kyuubi to his potential loss of Akimaru
Anko gave him a comforting glance as she remembered her first friend that had died when they were still with Orochimaru
Kurenai smiled and showed him her left palm which had the Ryuujin clan mark on it. Naruto got wide eyed and gave her a look that said “we'll talk later”
Zabuza broke the uncomfortable silence by saying “Young one you have slacked in your training this is unforgivable you must make up for this”
Naruto glanced at Zabuza and wondered why that statement reminded him of Gabriel
Tsunami chose this instant to walk into the room with a plate of dango which prompted Anko to glomp her and vacuum up all the dango which made everyone laugh lightening the mood considerably
Naruto sighed before asking “So I guess that means no one wants to chase me with pitchforks and torches huh”
“Brat you think we're stupid enough to think your Kyuubi” Anko asked him
“You would think with his love of Go and Shogi he would be smart enough to figure that out on his own” Shino added as he pulled a cup of miso soup out of nowhere and began to sip on it (if you've never had miso soup try it cause it is AWESOME)
“Guys I need to talk to you about something important” Naruto sighed after Tsunami left to go make more food
“First off” Naruto began as he placed sound seals on the room and a seal that made it so that no one could enter or exit the room “Kyuubi isn't dead”
“wait WHAT” Ookami exclaimed “you said she was”
“Here just give me a minute and this will be a lot easier” Naruto replied before he did some hand seals that caused Kyuubi to poof into the room wearing a red kimono with a dark purple obi “This is Kyuubi”
Kyuubi gave a small wave as everyone scooted back without realizing it “Hi” Kyuubi said in a small voice
“Kami thought she deserved a second chance” Naruto explained
“And before you try to kill me or the kit here let me clear some stuff up for you I didn't blindly attack Konoha Shinigami PISSED ME OFF when he killed my family disguised as Orochimaru” Kyuubi said with a touch of regret
So that was the big master plan he was ranting about before I escaped” Anko thought “Wait doesn't that mean that the snake bastard has ties to Shinigami…damn this could be a little more complicated than I thought”
“Makes sense” Shino said “Why else would a seemingly omnipotent being lower themselves to interact with humans”
Seeing the logic in Shino's statement the looks of fear slowly left the faces of Naruto's teammates
“S-so you're n-not going to kill us” Hinata asked
“No Hinata I have no grudge against you nor your village however Shinigami will know what it means to piss me off” Kyuubi replied pure unbridled fury entering her voice as she mentioned Shinigami
“I assume she isn't trying to harm you either” Zabuza asked
“Nope in fact sensei she has helped me quite a bit all she wanted was a little more freedom and some creature comforts” Naruto replied
“Any other questions” Kurenai asked the people gathered in the room “No ok then Naruto you may dismiss her and kill these seals before Tsunami tries to come back in the room”
“Hai sensei” Naruto replied as he did as he as Kurenai asked
“Well then back to business” Zabuza said in a formal tone “You must be trained to control the Berzerkergang lest you harm an ally by mistake second I believe a trip to your clan grounds as well as the berserker satellite facility are in order”
“I must concur” Ookami said in a similar tone “However Zabuza I wish you would take Kiba here to the berserker facility as well as the basics of berserker tactics”
“Why Ookami-sama” Kiba asked
“Kuromaru and I had a discussion with your mother and well…we uh kinda think you have the capacity to become a berserker” Ookami replied
“Kick ass” was all Kiba said in reply
“We are getting behind in our training and we don't need to be back at the village for another few weeks why not catch up on training and play tourist for a while” Anko asked as she and the four genin gave puppy dog looks to Kurenai
“Oh fine” Kurenai said as she wilted underneath the cuteness
“YATTA” the four Gennin screamed
“What in the heck is all that noise for” Tazuna asked in an annoyed tone as he came down the stairs. When he caught sight of Naruto he rushed over and gave him a bear hug. “You my boy deserve the title of your clan, you killed Gato and saved our country I must thank you from the bottom of my heart”
Inari popped his head in from the kitchen wondering why his grandfather was so happy until he saw Naruto then he too hugged Naruto. “Thanks big bro” Inari whispered “Guess you were strong enough after all”
“Hey wait a minute where's Hamaru and Niramumaru” Naruto asked in a concerned voice
“I sent them out to scout the perimeter they should be coming in anytime now” Zabuza replied
As if on cue the two dog/wolf hybrids in question jumped in through the open window and tackled Naruto.
“Guys, guys cut it out you're licking me to death” Naruto gasped out as he shoved their muzzles away from him
“Naruto if you ever leave us like that again without telling us where you are going I will hunt you down and rip your throat out before pissing on your remains” Hamaru told him coldly before licking him on the nose and nuzzling his shoulder “I missed you, you damn bloodthirsty brat”
“O O Naruto Naruto guess what, come on guess. Please please please please please” Niramumaru asked him faster than he could catch
“Allright who in the hell gave her sugar” Naruto demanded as everyone glanced at Anko who just grinned sheepishly
“She said it was ok” Anko said in apology
“Kami help me” Naruto said quietly as he pinched the bridge of his nose
In Heaven
Said celestial being woke from her slumber “For some reason I have a strong urge to seriously harm Naruto AGAIN”
Back with Naruto and crew
I felt a disturbance in the force” Naruto thought
“Allright You guys get the next few days off before we start our training” Anko said with a sadistic grin “all the more time for me to think of new ways to train you in painful ways…I have been looking for an excuse to use those wrenches”
“Well then in that case I think I'll go for a walk” Naruto said “Hamaru Niramumaru you guys comin”
The dogs obediently plodded along behind Naruto making a v formation enjoying being with their master again.
“You should spend this time reading and learning of the berserker” Zabuza said to Kiba as he tossed him a scroll
“Damnit why the hell do I get homework on break” Kiba grumbled as he opened the scroll and began to read
A slight snoring sound could be heard from Shino which caused everyone to raise a brow slightly
I wonder what Ino and Sakura are doing” Hinata thought
Konoha, forest of death
“Damn cat” Sasuke muttered under his breath
“I will catch her to prove that I deserve Sasuke” Ino proclaimed loudly
“No I WILL” Sakura Yelled back
“Maybe if you actually looked like a girl he would notice you forehead” Ino quipped
“My breasts might be small but I have nipples that can cut glass damnit you fashion whore” Sakura shot back (HeHe yes I jut ripped off Larry the cable guy: health inspector that movie is hilarious)
“SHORTY” Ino yelled
“BELIMIC” Sakura yelled back
“Your FOREHEAD is SO BIG it makes up for you SMALL BOOBS”
“They scared away the thrice damned cat” Sasuke fumed
“Why the bloody hell do I get stuck In situations like this” Kakashi asked himself “Did I do something to make the gods of hentai mad”
Konoha hot springs
Jiraiya sneezed which reminded him that Kakashi owed him for the last six books he ordered and never payed for
“Hey did you guys just hear a sneeze from the other side of the wall” One girl asked as another saw Jiraya's eye
“Shit” was all Jiraiya had time to think before the wall was flattened by fifteen women holding lead pipes and baseball bats
With Naruto
“My pervert senses tell me that one strong in the ways of the force has fallen in the line of duty” Naruto thought sadly as he held a momentary vigil for his unknown fallen comrade
Naruto began to walk around the village at random again taking in all the sights and smells. After a few hours of this he found himself back at the pine grove he had slept in earlier that week.
“Hey guys how do you like this place” Naruto asked the dogs as he gestured to the meadow just large enough for a small cottage that was surrounded by pine trees
“It smells nice” Hamaru said contently as he walked up to a tree and marked it as his own
“Smells like sugar” Niramumaru said happily as she began to much on pine needles
“HaHa glad you guys like it cause I know I do” Naruto chuckled “How bout this I send a bushin to tell Anko and Kurenai that we'll be here for the night and then we wrestle”
“Sounds good” Hamaru and Niramumaru said simultaneously
“Good cause yall need to train just as much as I do” Naruto said as he made a kage bushin with instructions to expel itself after it had gotten his sensei's permission. “Now let's fight”
“I'm takin you down Naruto” Hamaru exclaimed as he jumped and rammed his shoulder into Naruto's gut, knocking him down
This went on until sundown with the three of them wrestling playfully and in general catching up in their absence from each other. As the sun began to set the three tired friends made a large pile of dried pine needles and lay down upon It (Btw if any of yall happen to find yourself in a situation where you need to sleep in a forest with no shelter dried pine needles are pretty watertight and very comfortable)
Now I just gotta figure out how to get rid of these mutts long enough to get Naru-kun and the three others in bed” Kyuubi though with a perverse grin “Ah that's right those three with Hana will do nicely”
So when are you gonna mention that small tidbit of information about you being the new Kyuubi Naru-kun” Kyuubi asked
I don't know when it's relevant I guess” Naruto replied before he drifted off to sleep
The Next Morning
“Cub wake up NOW” Ookami yelled at Naruto
“Ookami-sensei you better have a damned good reason for wakin me up” Naruto said as he drew his fighting knives
“Look over there, it's all the reason you need” Ookami said as he pointed across the clearing where two men were standing.
The first was wrapped in bandages from head to toe, even his eyes. The only part of his body not covered in bandages were what should have been fingers but instead were what looked like protrusions of bone that looked sharper than Ageless Fury. The second man was leaning against a tree holding a Kris ( a type of southeast asian knife think a foot long version of the swords the Magi used in the second mummy movie) in one hand with the other hand holding the wrist of the hand with the shiv. He was at least seven feet tall wearing black combat boots, black fingerless gloves, and a hooded black trench coat that shadowed his face making it impossible to see.
“Be ye friend or foe” Naruto asked cautiously as he slowly dropped into a defensive stance
“No need to be hostile spawn-of-Kushina” The bandaged man said in a guttural voice
“We have come to test you” The man in the trench coat said
“Test me for what” Naruto asked
“We came to see if the spawn of Soshikiba is all he is said to be” The bandaged man replied before he started to run straight at Naruto at a speed a kage would be hard pressed to spot
“Fools” Ookami muttered as he drew a buster sword and smacked the bandaged man with the flat of it square in the face which flung him across the meadow and into the woods
“Woah where did you get the buster sword Ookami-sensei CAN I HAVE ONE” Naruto asked in awe of the huge weapon
“Gabriel thought I might like it, He was right” Ookami chuckled
“We have come to fight Soshikiba's son not Soshikiba's lapdog” Trench coat said with a hint of anger
“Who sent you” Ookami asked
The man in the trench coat started chuckling, and in a moment busted out laughing before he threw off his hood, revealing a red head with a mullet and a neatly trimmed beard with piercing ice blue eyes.(think a red headed solid snake) “You would call us wanderers”
“What business do those-that-wander have with Soshikiba's son” Ookami asked in a guarded tone
“We came to make amends, with he brother and nephew we never knew” Trench Coat replied
“Ookami what are they talking about who are those-that- wander” Naruto asked quizzically
“All who are banished from the supernatural clans” Ookami replied “Clans like ours and the Banpai”
“You know exactly who we are why not tell the boy the truth” The bandaged man said as he walked back into the clearing
“Ookami we wish to know as well” Hamaru said as he and Niramumaru flanked Naruto
“They are my brothers, your uncles my father was banished after he killed my mother and took a new wife from the Hokkyokuguma (polar bear)clan” Ookami stated flatly
“You would blame us for the mistakes of our father” Trench coat asked
“Perhaps this would lighten your mood” The bandaged man said as he gestured to trench coat who tossed him a burlap sack which bandages tossed to Ookami.
“What is it Ookami-sensei” Naruto asked as Ookami opened the sack and looked dumbfounded at the two men
“My fathers head” Ookami said as he dropped the sack and said head rolled out
A/N: so what do you guys think about the whole Ookami has some long lost brothers thing I personally thought it was rather good considering how bad writers block was getting to me oh also I will not be updating this story for a while because I want to rewrite the first seven chapters or so…I was rereadin the other day…and frankly they suck so yyyeeaaaahhhh… I will be editing/adding/lengthening those chapters again don't ask me for lemons unless you write them and send them to me via comment and or pm cause I suck at writin em (refer to chapter six for example of my suckish lemon writing abilities) oh here is the updated harem list
Temari (possibly still trying to figure out how I will work her in if yall have any good ideas pm me)
Yugito (Maybe again not sure how I would work her in)
Fu (see the two above this one)
Kin (possibly idk don't like this character that much)
Again if you wish for anyone else in the harem simply say who in a comment or pm however NO YAOI this is all I ask also someone I forgot who and am to lazy to look at this instant asked how Kurenai could be lusting over Naruto in one chapter and then Ookami in the next my answer is simple, I can't see Kurenai going with one so young and I wrote that Kurenai thought Naruto was cute not that she was lusting over him
Any questions comments or concerns are welcome, yes even flames (I will tolerate them because I am desperate for comments) simply pm and or comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible here is the playlist for the chapter
Killswitch Engage
Three days grace
The All-American Rejects
Taylor Swift
Dierks Bentley
Sky Eats Airplane
Papa Roach
Taking back Sunday
Scary Kids Scaring Kids
We the Kings
To My Boy
Relient K
Thousand foot krutch
The Airborne Toxic Event
Sanctus Real
The Maine
Less Than Jake
Hawk Nelson
See Ya Folks
Ookami no Getsuei
Son of the Celts, Vikings, and Cherokee