Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ mercinary of the gods ❯ A Meeting, A Judgment, And A Cruel Game ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

In a Dark Room somewhere in the Elemental Nations
“HE MUST BE TAUGHT” a figure shrouded in darkness screamed at his companion
“Taught what might I ask, taught about your precious Night Angel, taught that he can never be happy, taught that he must always sacrifice his needs for the world” A second figure asked in a feminine voice “You already tried that and look at what it did to his grand sire”
“You needn't remind me sister” The first figure said quietly “What happened to Northblade was beyond my control…I would have saved him if I could…you should know that better than any”
“My brother” the woman said in a consoling tone “I understand what you did and why you thought it necessary, and for that matter why I deemed it necessary Northblade needed a last push for his final deader we both knew that…I just fear what would happen if the Newcomer turned out like his grandsire did…I just don't know if I could live with myself if we made two people act that way”
“My sister we know not what will occur” The man replied in an equally consoling tone as he hugged her as much to comfort her as himself “For now let us agree to keep the Night Angel away and see how he progresses…if…if the Red Clouds reappear we will send the Night Angel to him”
“Agreed” The woman sighed in half defeat at the compromise
With Naruto and pals
“Ookami” Naruto asked in a guarded tone “What do we do”
“The council must decide this for I am more than a little biased” He replied with a tired sigh as he stared at his father's head
“I meant with them” Naruto replied jerking a thumb Ookami's long lost brothers
“The council will decide in due time” Ookami replied in a tired tone revealing a side of him Naruto didn't recognize “Will the two of you submit yourselves to the inspection of the council” Ookami asked in that same tired tone
The two people in question looked at each other for a few seconds, finally bandages nodded to trench coat who said “Aye”
“This'll be a bitch to explain to Anko” Ookami sighed again as he wiped a hand down his face “Then by the power of the Moon Mother and the Star Father I hereby declare the rite of the black council”
As Ookami finished this short speech He howled in a decibel that hurt Naruto's ears to the point that he knew only werewolves could hear. Ookami then took four pikes made of a silver material that gleamed like the moon out of a scroll and placed one at each compass point, encompassing the whole grove.
“Now we wait” Trench coat said with a wink towards Naruto who was trying to make sense of all of it
The waiting period was less than ten minutes before the air in various places in the clearing began to shimmer and pulse, much like the ripples that occur when a rock is dropped into a still pond.
“It saddens me” Kuromaru said from behind Naruto making him jump in surprise “that there are only twelve of us still living to witness this, when once a legion strong howled out judgment”
“Aye” Kibune said solemnly from behind his uncle
“Kuromaru” Ookami said with a sigh “Please bring Okiji here…it is about what happened to eight-claws”
“Then those are” Kuromaru began as he looked at trench coat and bandages
“Aye” Ookami replied
“Son of a Bitch” Kuromaru sighed as he disappeared in another ripple of the air
Naruto looked around at those gathered, recognized six from the UrufuKage compound from hell but one was a new face a female too one of only three gathered there
“150 Kamidamned motherfucking years its been since I left that thrice damned mountain you nippleheads “ Okiji growled obviously angry for being forced to attend as he and Kuromaru appeared in another ripple of air “So this HAD BETTER BE MOTHERFUCKING IMPORTANT”
“Our father taught us enough of your ways and of you uncle to be thankful for your attendance” Trench coat said “I am white snake (hhhhmmmm could my slight obsession with metal gear solid be influencing this character…..naaaeeeehhhhhh) this is my brother bone blades we seek entrance to your clan as full members”
“On what grounds should we acknowledge your acceptance much less your existence” The new face asked before spitting on the ground in obvious distaste
“This” Ookami stated flatly as he tossed the burlap bag to Okiji who opened it with wide eyes before showing it to Kuromaru
“Fuck me sideways” Kuromaru sighed in exasperation before tossing the bag to the next in line who opened it and mutter another curse. This process went on till the bag had returned to Ookami
“We know of our fathers faults and the laws he broke” bandages now known as bone blades said in his slow grating voice “But we wish not to be persecuted for them our mother lies dead at the hands of the beast that begot us as does the band we road with in the hot sands we have no one left save the stories our father told us of you twelve and each other”
“Can they be trusted” one of the six Naruto recognized asked after a time of silence
“Can we afford not to trust them” another asked in reply
“eight-claws did terrible things that is agreed upon” Kibune began “But by that same token he always was a sadist and enjoyed the pain he inflicted on others can we blame them for seeking us out”
“What do you think brother” Kuromaru asked Okiji softly
“I think they saved me from doin it myself to be completely honest with you I never much liked eight- claws specially after what he tried to do with my mate” Okiji replied
Kuromaru was deep in thought for the next few minutes while the others debated the fate of bone blades and white snake he eventually called for silence in the small group before nodding to Okiji
“I have one question for the two of you” Okiji stated “Why now, why not come to one of us or even an intermediary for help against eight- claws before this point in time”
“We each had a mate in the hot sands” White Snake began cutting off his brother “A chance at hope at a better life, one can live among the sands living off of what lives there if one knows where to look . Our mates were heavy with child and we wanted a better life for them, peaceful and far from the monster that begot us …that thing that claimed to be our father killed both our mates, our mother, and our band we returned to our camp to the sight of their defiled forms throats cut and knives protruding from their pregnant stomachs”
Bone Blades took up the story when he saw the mist beginning to form in his brothers eye “Our first impulse was that a rival band had killed them, it is not unheard of in the hot sands, but then the beast that claimed to be our father came over a dune covered in gore and smelling of our mates and our mother…he trained us to fight as one unit, one blocks as the other attacks, one covers the others blind spot so that there isn't one…that was the bastards downfall…we have nothing left kill us if you wish for we have nothing to live for save each other we thought that maybe we could find a new life in our fathers clan”
With a deep sigh Okiji considered there words as well as the dampness that could be seen on the bandages around Bone Blades' eyes and on White Snakes jaw set in silent defiance of the memory “When my mate was killed” he began “I hid for a hundred and fifty years till my grandson here found me I can't tell you the pain will go away…but time helps…I say let em join they can stay at my den if need be there a few other caves on that damn mountain”
“Aye” Kuromaro said
In the end all the werewolves acknowledged that the two half breeds could join
“We humbly thank you” White Snake began “And would be grateful to be allowed to stay near your lodgings old one” He finished as he gave a full bow to Okiji
“Then I declare this council ended” Ookami said before howling again in that strange decibel at which most of the were wolves disappeared save Okiji, Ookami, and Naruto
“Come on you two” Okiji sighed as White Snake and Bone Blades walked toward him he then grabbed both by the shoulder and disappeared in another ripple of the air with them
“Ookami who is eight-claws” Naruto asked with genuine curiosity, trying to figure out what had just happened
“For such a tactical genius you sure are stupid cub” Ookami muttered with a sad look before sighing “Eight- claws was my father, cub I need to go do a few things I'll be back in a few days to take you and Kiba to the clan grounds”
And before Naruto could even mouth his protest Ookami was gone in another ripple of the air leaving nothing but a small clump of fur and the four pikes
“Might as well keep these safe for him” Naruto muttered as he stored the pikes in a sealing scroll
“So what now” Hamaru asked
“I-uh that is to say…no idea” Naruto managed to garble out
“ssssssssuuuuuuuuugggggggaaaaaarrrrrrr” Niramumaru said in a creepy voice
“I know what we are not going to do and that is let your sister get anywhere near sugar again” Naruto muttered as he patted Hamaru's head absentmindedly
“How about we go play tourist” Hamaru suggested
“Guess we have nothing better to do” Naruto said as he began walking towards the village
Near said village
Shino sat calmly in the forest where Anko and Kurenai had taught the team tree climbing exercises. It could be noted that he was staring intently at a small fern or more accurately a small group of bugs on said fern. One looked akin to a miniature praying mantis while the rest were reminiscent of the lovechild of a tarantula and a cockroach, the praying mantis stood off against the four opposers waving its scythe like claws menacingly as one of the cockroach things tried to flank him and another to get behind him. Quick as lightning the mantis lashed out and crushed the head of the one trying to flank him before shooting out the other way and taking a chunk out of its head with the pincers he had in lieu of teeth.
The other two cockroach beasts backed away slowly while hissing; after they left the mantis thing calmly began to eat the remains of the two dead enemies. Shino quickly noted that the head was the same as a praying mantis as well as the rear half he noticed that the creature had a second set of claws on its back that looked like they could double as wings. He sent a small ladybug out of his swarm to approach the creature and see if it would join him, his answer came when it glided from its perch to his pants leg.
“Finally” Shino thought “soon it will multiply and I will have a multitude of insects bearing it's traits”
Shino's slight smirk was the only outward signal of his approval knowing that as the bug bred within his swarm all traits within it that were deemed useful would be passed on to its offspring the claw-wings looked especially useful.
“I've got him” Kiba thought as he snuck up on Shino bringing up a kunai menacingly
But before he could it was knocked out of his hands by a shuriken, Shino covered himself in a protective shield of his bugs as he jumped in surprise at the sound. Both boys looked up to see a smirking Hinata twirling another shuriken absent mindedly.
“Well boys looks like this round is a draw” Hinata said in a tone that couldn't hide her joy at making it a draw
“Fine lets go back over the rules” Haku sighed as she stepped out of the bushes opposite Hinata
“If you can put a blade to any of your teammates without them knowing until they feel the cold steel you win first to five wins a day off of Anko's sadist farm *cough* *cough* I mean training” Kiba stated with a sigh knowing how close he had been
“agreed” the four said in unison before jumping off and racing in different directions
“Ok so far the standings are Shino in first with three successful “kills” Haku in second with two Hinata with one and me dead last with zero” Kiba reminded himself as he mentally chastised himself he stopped abruptly and almost ran flat into a tree as he caught sight of a beautiful naked lady bearing a come hither look and just begging him to come in the way she covered herself with her arms and legs
Kiba being a male and therefore thinking with his second head first walked towards her as if in a trance. She giggled when she saw how tight she had made his pants which made him blush slightly. As he came close enough to touch her he knew he was fucked when he felt a Kunai press into the small of his back.
“Sorry” Hinata said “But I wanna prove how strong I am” she finished by dispelling the Genjutsu and shot a small flame jutsu high into the air which drew the other two ninja
“I got killed” Kiba said sheepishly
“By the look of your pants I'm guessing the Kuinichi's ultimate weapon, seduction, played a fair role in your `death'” Haku stated with amusement
Hinata just poked her fingers together awkwardly, realizing how bold she had been
“Goin on round eight guys” Kiba sighed
“Begin” Hinata yelled as the ninja again jumped off in different directions
Two Hours Later
“So should I be wondering why you guys are trying to stalk each other” Naruto asked calmly from behind Hinata
Her only reply being a rather loud eep of surprise which made Naruto chuckle
“Damnit I was so close” Kiba said as he stepped out from behind a nearby tree
“Were not” Haku said as she dropped down from a branch above Kiba's head
“Was too” He said, sticking his tongue out for added effect
“And people call me childish” Naruto said with an amused tone
“we're playing a `game' that Anko invented” Hinata told him
“Winner gets a day off from training” Kiba told him
“Oh really” Naruto asked
Kiba went on to explain the rules
“Oh it's so ON NOW” Naruto exclaimed before jumping off to the west
“What have I done” Kiba asked himself with fear as he saw all his hopes of winning go down the drain
A/N: yeah yeah so what if it's a pseudo-filler get over it R&R as you deem fit