Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Almost Impossible ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here’s chapter three. Enjoy it!

Warnings: This contains yaoi, meaning boy/boy love. Also, some of the people might be OOC, but I don’t care. xD

Main Couple: Sasuke/Naruto.
Other Couplings: Kakashi/Iruka, and little bits of Shikamaru/Ino and a few others. :)

Disclaimer: I don't own it. I wish I did though. hehe

Mission: Almost Impossible
Chapter Two
Chapter Written: August 25, 2006

“M…Me?” a blonde boy stuttered. ‘This is a joke, right? He couldn’t possibly like someone like me.’ the boy laughed. “You’re really funny, Sasuke. I’ll see you around!”

The shorter of the two boys ran away as fast as he could; he was scared. Was Sasuke really kidding? He had to have been; why would Sasuke even consider someone like him as a lover? What was that excitement that he felt when Sasuke said that? And, why? These questions were filling his mind as he fled to his apartment, and tears were welling up in his blue eyes.

When he got to his apartment, he swung the door open (it had already been unlocked; he didn’t have to worry about people going into his house because they wouldn’t want to since they all hated him) and slammed the door behind him. He leaned against he, sliding down the smooth wood. ‘What the hell is wrong with me? Why couldn’t I have just listened to what he had to say and take the rejection like a man. I vowed to myself that I would never run away again, and here I am. I’m a baka.’

A tear ran down his tanned cheek, and he quickly wiped it away. ‘Why am I acting like this? I can’t possibly like Sasuke! And, well, what if he wasn’t kidding? Then I look like an even bigger baka right now, don’t I? But, if he was just joking, then it’s better that I ran, right?’ he shook his head. ‘No! Running away is cowardly! I, Uzumaki Naruto, promised myself that I wouldn’t run, and here I am crying like big baby! It’s only Sasuke, and I am not afraid of him!’

It was true that Naruto was not afraid of the Uchiha. But, then, what was it that he was afraid of?

Rejection…I don’t want that. That’s why I’m afraid, isn’t it? Well, I’m not going to stand for it!’ With that, Naruto leapt up, and once again, headed out of his apartment.


Uchiha Sasuke was left, well, flabbergasted. He had just confessed that he wanted to go with Naruto to the festival, and, just like that, he ran off! Worse then that, the blonde shinobi thought that it was all a joke.

The Uchiha growled. Naruto was such a baka!

But, there had to be someway to get Naruto to understand, right? ‘Eh. Probably not, knowing that dobe. Why did I have to fall for someone so thick-headed?’

Walking back to his house, Sasuke tried to come up with something to make Naruto get it. Nothing was coming to mind though; he thought that previous confession would be enough, but of course, it hadn’t been. Only Naruto could ruin his perfectly good mood.

Even though he was the reason Sasuke was in a good mood today.

You see, this morning, as team seven was waiting for their sensei, Sasuke was having the most wonderful daydream of the boy who was laying in front of him. He and Naruto had been doing, well, things that Sasuke probably wouldn’t want to admit to daydreaming. But when Naruto had yawned his loud lawn, the dream was broken, but Sasuke wasn’t too mad because it was Naruto himself who had interrupted it. If it had been Sakura or Kakashi, he would’ve been mad, but since it was the blonde boy who haunted his good dreams, he didn’t care too much. If only the dream could come real right then and there (who cares if Sakura was there? Sasuke didn’t).

Sasuke had arrived home without even realizing it. That was normal, though; he was usually so lost in thoughts (mostly about a certain blonde ninja) that he didn’t notice where he was going. He almost ran into Shikamaru one time, that’s how bad it had be getting. Honestly, it bothered Sasuke to think that he couldn’t even concentrate on walking home because of this boy? It was sad.

In short, Sasuke was becoming obsessed.


Knock. Knock. Knock!

“Where the hell is he?” Naruto asked himself. It seemed that his Iruka-sensei wasn’t home. Where could he be at a time like this? It was already nearing seven o’clock….

Naruto looked everywhere, but his sensei was nowhere to be found. Finally, feeling famished, he stopped at Ichiraku to get some miso ramen. Of course, Iruka was sitting there (the only place Naruto hadn’t looked, go figure), but who was that sitting with him?

“Iruka-sensei! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” Naruto exclaimed, walking up to the man. And sitting next to him was his newest sensei, Kakashi. “What’re you doing here, Kakashi-sensei?”

“I’m on a date. What do you need, Naruto?” Kakashi answered honestly. Naruto wouldn’t have figured out by himself anyways, might as well tell him.

Iruka blushed heavily and laughed. “Yeah, um, what’s up, Naruto?”

Naruto didn’t even looked shocked. “This is perfect!” He yelled. “Old man, I want some miso ramen, please!”

“What’s perfect, Naruto?” Iruka asked, confused.

“Uh, well,” Naruto looked around to see if anyone else was there, but it was only his two teachers and the old cook. “How do you know if you’re gay or not? I mean, my friend wants to know, cause, well, he‘s sorta confused and stuff.”

Kakashi and Iruka looked at each other grinning, both thinking the same thing: ‘Finally!’

“Well, you just do, Naruto. If you feel affectionate towards someone, then you just do. Gender doesn’t matter; love is love,” Iruka smiled at him. “Who’s the lucky boy?”

“It’s my friend, sensei. He wouldn’t say, he just needs advice,” Naruto blushed.

“Is it Sasuke?” Kakashi asked, not even bothering to go along with the ‘friend’ crap.

Naruto’s blush deepened to a dark red. When Iruka asked why, he blamed it on the heat, even though it wasn’t very hot out. He said the steam of his ramen made him hot. How lame.

When Naruto finished, (the two older men let him eat in silence, minus the sounds of him slurping up his noodles) he stood up and was about to leave. “Oh, here’s my coupon!”

“I’ll pay, Naruto,” Kakashi offered. Naruto grinned his thank you, and turned to leave. But a blush painted his cheeks once again when he heard Kakashi call, “Good luck!” behind him.


“Aw, please, Shikamaru-chan! I want us to match when we go!” Ino said from behind the counter of the flower shop. Shikamaru had stopped over to confirm a meeting time for the festival.

“I am not wearing purple, Ino. I don’t care how much you want me to, okay?” Shikamaru sighed. “You are so troublesome sometimes.”

“But not all the time,” she winked. “Just this once? Please?

“No. And that’s that,” he crossed his arms over his chest, making Ino sigh. She wasn’t going to win this one.

“Fine, then can you wear light blue? It’ll match my sash.”

“That sounds more reasonable. I’ll look into that,” he winked at her, which made the blonde girl blush. “I’ll see you.”

“Bye, Shikamaru!” Ino sighed. Why did boys have to be so difficult? It was only the color purple! At least he would consider, which probably meant he would, wear the blue so that they’d match somewhat. Besides, Shikamaru would look good in blue, so it was okay.

Hm. I wonder how Sakura is holding up.’ Ino grabbed the phone. ‘It’s not like we get customers around this time anyways. I’ll call her.’

“Sakura? It’s Ino!” Ino said when Sakura picked up the phone. “What’s going on?”

“I’m going with Lee-san. We agreed to match too. Are you and Shikamaru going to?” Sakura replied, a smile clear in her tone.

“He wouldn’t wear the purple, do you believe that?” Sakura giggled. “But he said he might wear the blue at least. And you know that means he will!”

Sakura laughed again. “Lee and I are going to wear green. Surprise, surprise,” she said sarcastically. “I’m glad that I get to go with him, though. He’s very nice.”

“See! I told you! Better then Sasuke!”

“I still want to know who he’s going with…”


Uzumaki Naruto was tired, so he was now in his pajama’s and laying in his bed. Eight o’clock was a bit early for sleep, so he stared at the ceiling in thought. Well, more like a daydream, but still.

The dream was rather nice, really. Naruto was laying in this same bed, the same setting and everything, except two things were different: he didn’t have any clothes on and there was someone else with him.

Uchiha Sasuke.

Wow! The daydream made Naruto’s breathing speed up and his eyes clothes without him even realizing that it was just a fantasy. With every kiss Sasuke would give him, Naruto would moan softly out loud. When Sasuke started placing sloppy kisses down Naruto’s chest, blue eyes popped open widely.

Man. I’ve got it bad, don’t I? I mean, that was just so nice. Damn it,’ Naruto thought, wiping the sweat off his forehead. ‘Well, if Sasuke wants to confront me, then he can. Otherwise, I’ll just forget about it. Sounds good.’

But Naruto knew that it wasn’t happening.

-----To be continued-----

Heh. I don’t feel like writing anymore. Sorry for you readers. xD

It seems Naruto isn’t as stupid anymore (hehe); he’s finally realized that he wants Sasuke! Ha, that sounded a bit sexual, but, oh well.

I think that this is going to be more then just four chapters. Hopefully only six at the most. I don’t think it will get higher than that, and if it does, it won’t be by much.

Thanks and please review!