Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Iruka Christmas ❯ Mittens ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Mission Iruka Christmas
Chapter Rating: Teeth decaying fluff PG
Theme: Mittens
Authors: Kiss and Tell
Music: Forgot to write down what I was listening to and I don't know what Tell was listening to so uh... don't know.


Kakashi dug through the stacks of boxes. He knew they were in a box somewhere in here. Iruka's remark about frostbite had caught his attention, but he'd shoved it aside. It had to be a coincidence. It couldn't have been him.

"Winter age 15... no." He shoved the box aside along with the fall, summer, and spring boxes from the same year.

"Ah ha! I knew it was still here." He pulled the box from the stack and set it on top of another stack so it stood about waist high.

There was a thick layer of dust on the top, but he didn't bother blowing it off before he ripped the top open to dig through the contents.


"Iruka! Come here so we can go see the lights." Iruka looked up from where he'd been playing in his room.

"Coming mother!" He smiled and ran out the door to see her. She was waiting by the door, holding his coat out for him. He slipped his arms in and stood still as she zipped it. He would have, but she seemed to like doing it. Iruka liked making her happy so he put up with it. Plus it made up for when he pulled pranks. A scarf got wrapped around his neck, all that was visible after was his eyes. And too large mittens were slipped onto his hands.

"There, we're ready. Come on honey." He nodded and followed his mom and dad out into the cold.

When they reached the training grounds, Iruka hung back. He watched his parents walk forward into the small crowd. There were small lanterns everywhere, scrolls attached to each one with a name showing who it was dedicated to.

While they went and talked quietly to other people who were setting up lanterns, he looked about. There was an older boy with spiky silver hair sitting on the stone, apparently listening to all the stories people told.

Iruka took in his appearance, he looked kind of familiar. (Maybe I've seen him around somewhere. But isn't he cold in that outfit? And those half glove things can't be keeping his hands warm.) He thought about it for a few moments, looking from the other boy to his own hands.

Making a quick decision he ran over towards the stone. When the boy didn't pay attention to him immediatly he reached out and tapped on his knee. When he looked down and met Iruka's eyes he arched an eyebrow.


"Here." Iruka shoved his mittens at him. They were too big for him anyway. They were a solid black with a tiny dolphin on the cuff to identify them as his.

The silver hair blew a bit in the breeze as they observed eachother.

"I don't need mittens." He tried to hand them back but Iruka shoved his hands in his pockets and stepped back.

"You keep them. You need to keep your hands warm. How are you going to do jutsus if your fingers fall off from frostbite?" He insisted stubbornly before running off to his parents. He could feel someone watching him all the way over. He glanced back once, and smiled when the other waved a be-mittened hand at him.

"Ah, there you are, Iruka. Where have you been?" His mom smiled as she looked down at him.

"I was talking to someone. Do you know who he is?" Iruka pointed off at the stone, then pouted slightly.

"He's gone. I hope he has a good Christmas."


Kakashi caught Iruka at the academy during his lunch break. He closed the shades and lowered his mask like he usually did when he came to visit his boyfriend at work. He held the bag behind his back as he walked over to the desk.

"Hey 'Ruka. I found something and I thought maybe one of the kids could use them," he said, smiling and leaning over Iruka's desk while the man sorted through papers and poked at his lunch.

Iruka looked up at him as he popped another piece of chicken in his mouth. "Oh?" He raised an eyebrow.

Kakashi pulled the bag from behind his back. "Here."

Iruka took the bag and glanced inside. The confusion on his face growing as he discovered the contents. Kakashi watched as his lover reached in and pulled the mittens out of the bag. He smiled as the other man's eyes lit with recognition. "I... how... where..." Iruka stuttered turning his confused brown eyes at him.

"So they are yours?" Kakashi asked, now certain his chunin had been the same boy who'd given him the mittens so many years ago. He'd forgotten the incident until he'd been reminded the day before.

"Mmmhmm... my mom made them for me the winter before she died. Why do you have them?" Iruka asked, obviously not remembering.

"A boy gave them to me while I was sitting at the memorial after I'd set up the lights with Sensei one year."

Iruka's eyes grew wide as the memory flooded back to him and the realization hit him. Iruka blushed and Kakashi reveled in it. He loved that it was one more moment they'd shared even if neither of them had realized it at the time.


Iruka slid his hand in one of the mittens, surprised that it fit. They'd been huge back then and his mother had said he'd grow into them. "Thank you, Kashi," he said still studying the gloves.

"I'm just returning them. I didn't know whose they were, or I'd have given them back to you sooner."

Iruka pulled the mitten off and put them both back in the bag. "You should have them, I gave them to you." He held the bag out to Kakashi.

Kakashi shook his head, "They wouldn't fit me."

Iruka set the bag down before standing and walking around his desk. "Then thank you for keeping them safe for me," he said as he wrapped his hands around Kakashi's neck and pulled him in for kiss.