Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Iruka ❯ Forgotten Lunch ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: For a change..Just kidding.

Editing music for the night: Another Night, Paris to Berlin, Poison Yes again... I told you OBSESSIVE! because my best friend is just as obsessive as me.

IMPORTANT: OWE MAJOR HUGE THANK YOU to my bestest most lovable best friend ever! Tellkalia/Natalanisha wrote the smut. I had a vague sorta 2 or 3 paragraph notes on what I was going to finish today but it was barely a rough draft and she finished it for me. She also edits for me.

Wait, wait! I did promise. Yes, Kakashi is on top. c.c

Mission Iruka
Chapter 14: Forgotten Lunch

Two bodies moved easily against the other in the hazy light of the room. Pale skinned hands slid over soft skin, caressing everything in their path. Strong muscles shifted against Irukaís thighs as Kakashi moved over him. Iruka thrust his hips up helplessly to meet Kakashi's as the silver haired manís hips rolled again.

How long theyíd been moving together Iruka couldnít remember. It felt to his pleasure muddled mind that theyíd always been touching.

"Cum for me, 'Ruka." The words sent a shiver up his back. He could feel Kakashi tense as he once again moved away; only to nearly violently come back to Irukaís body.

"'Kashi!" he knew he was becoming incoherent, and so settled for calling the man's name over and over with each thrust. He stroked the erection bobbing over his stomach, swirling his thumb over the tip. He increased the pace to match the speed at which Kakashiís body met his own.

"You're so hard I know you must be close." The words were breathed out, the need the other felt clinging to every syllable.

"My 'Ruka, my sexy, sexy 'Ruka."

Kakashi came then spilling his seed across Iruka's chest tightening over Iruka and sending him over the edge.

"Kakashi!" Iruka screamed and the sound of his own voice jolted him from his sleep. He sat up panting and blinking into the dark. His heart was racing in post-coital bliss.

He shoved the damp, sticky blankets off and tried to slow his breathing. When he thought he could stand again, he made his way to the shower and turned it on. He pulled out a clean towel and threw the bath mat across the floor before stepping in to clean himself up.

"It was a dream. It's just because I spend so much time with him. It happens. It's perfectly normal. It doesn't mean I want to jump my best friend. Or be jumped by him for that matter," he voiced the rationalization out loud. Hoping as he did so that it would make the dream seem less real.

Bwahahaha, yes, curse the literalist in myself and Natalanisha.

Kakashi was on his way to drop off a scroll the Hokage had requested when he noticed it. Iruka walking to the academy chatting amicably to one of his fellow instructors although Kakashi couldn't put a name to the face. He studied the other man, technically he was no longer on the mission but... Kakashi shrugged.

They were friends now so he was just being a considerate friend. Right. He wasn't keeping tabs on Iruka. Really. He studied the scene in front of him, something was off and it took him a minute to realize what it was. Iruka didn't appear to have his bento box with him. 'He really shouldn't eat out so much,' he thought to himself. He leapt away contemplating whether or not, as a 'considerate friend' he should fix the situation.


Iruka was mid rant, trying to explain to Konohamaru the difference between appropriate and inappropriate uses of the henge technique; when Kakashi suddenly appeared in front of him. Kakashi gently took one of his hands and put it in front of him palm up. Then he took the other hand and did the same. Iruka was too busy staring at him to protest. Then the silver haired man set something in his hands and disappeared in a puff of smoke. Iruka stared at the object in his hands finally realizing it was a bento box wrapped in a grey-blue napkin.

Iruka examined the box in his hands. He wondered for a moment how Kakashi had known he'd forgotten his lunch. He could feel himself starting to blush as he remembered /why/ he'd forgotten, but he noticed his class was staring at him silently and shoved the thought aside. He set the box down and looked at the class. A slow blush spread across his cheeks as he realized he couldn't remember what he'd been saying.

"Uh... what were we discussing? I seem to have lost my train of thought."

"You were discussing chakra control and the henge technique Iruka-sensei," Konohamaru said smiling.

"Oh... yes." It seemed right anyway.


Iruka sat down across from Rieka in the teacher's lounge.

"I thought you forgot your lunch, Iruka-san?"

"Er well..." Iruka started.

"From what I heard a certain silver-haired nin brought our little Iruka-sensei lunch." Genma winked and sat down while Iruka felt his face start to burn.

"You don't mean..."

"Mmhmm, you always see him reading a certain book of rather questionable content."

"No!" Rieka stared dumbfounded at Iruka. "Hatake-sama brought you lunch?"

"I bet he even made it himself," Genma said peering at the food in Iruka's now open box lunch.

"Really? Is it good Iruka-san?" The young brown haired woman sounded more than a little surprised and maybe a tad jealous.

Iruka picked up the chopsticks noticing the gray wolves etched on them. He'd have to remember to return them. Picking up a piece of pickled ginger and placing it on the sushi he smiled, "I'm sure it is, Kakashi-san is an excellent cook." He took a bite, it really was quite good.

"Wow! I didn't realize you and Hatake-sama were friends. What's he like?"

"He's um... quiet and very smart... uh he's well he's very private." Iruka wished he could stop blushing. Rieka and Genma had him picturing Kakashi as he was last night without his mask on or his shirt for that matter and he was suddenly feeling very uncomfortable.

"He's so amazing! You're so lucky Iruka!" Rieka was practically gushing.

"So what's he look like under that mask?" Miko asked coming up behind him.

Iruka felt suddenly offended on Kakashi's behalf.

"If he wanted you to know he would show you," He huffed. The room grew very quiet.

"Geez, I was just asking," she said walking away. Sitting down beside several other teachers at another table. And promptly started chatting and occasionally shooting him curious glances.

Rieka smiled at him though.

"It's so nice of you to respect Hatake-sama's privacy like that Iruka-san." She seemed genuinely pleased. "I'm sorry if I let my curiosity get the best of me."

"It's fine. I really shouldn't have snapped at Miko. I'm sure she meant no harm," he said it loud enough he knew she heard him and sent an apologetic smile her way. She frowned slightly but gave a slight nod.


He stared at the little white envelope with the dolphin on it for a moment then took it down and opened it.

-In the kitchen, just come in.-

Iruka grinned and opened the door, something smelled really good. He removed his shoes, leaving them outside, before heading towards the kitchen.

"Hey 'Kashi what smells so good?"

Kakashi looked over and smiled. "Miso soup with eggplant and boiled saury."

"Mmm!" Iruka walked over and leaned on the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room, setting the bento box and chopsticks on it.

"Thank you for lunch by the way. You really didn't have to. I could have just eaten out."

Kakashi shrugged stirring the soup, "I don't mind and besides you shouldn't eat out so much. Even without Naruto it can get expensive. I had to fix myself something anyway so it wasn't a big deal to fix a little extra." Kakashi lifted the spoon and held it out towards Iruka. "Taste."

Iruka leaned forward and blew on the soup before sipping it. "You know if you ever get tired of this whole super ninja thing you could always get a job as a chef." He winked at the jounin.

"I think they expect you to open on time. I guess I'm stuck with the super ninja thing." Iruka laughed. Kakashi pulled the fish out of the oven and set a tea pot on to boil. "So how was your lunch?"

"Yondaime would be proud. And it appears you have a bit of a fan club."

Kakashi sighed. "At least they don't stalk me the way Ino and Sakura used to do to..." Kakashi pulled a couple of cups out of the cupboard. "I'll have to remember to ask Jiraiya for some tips on how to make the women run away," Kakashi chuckled.

"You would probably just have to get caught peeping at them once or twice... unless of course they turned out to be part of your fan club. In that case it would probably backfire."

"As Shikamaru would say, too troublesome."

"Just a warning but you may want to steer clear of Miko and Reika in the future. Miko especially."

"Thanks for the warning." Kakashi set cups down and opened a tin of tea placing a small amount in each cup.

"Ignoring them is likely the best solution. Admittedly I probably wouldn't have noticed anyway." The water started boiling so he took it off and poured some into each cup handing one of the small cups to Iruka. Their fingers brushed, startling Iruka and he let go a bit too soon causing the cup to slosh and almost fall. Kakashi caught it and set it down then took the chunin's wrist looking the fingers over.
"Hmm... come here." He tugged on Iruka's wrist in a motion for him to come around to the other side. Iruka blushed but did as was requested. Kakashi turned on the cold water and pulled Iruka's fingers under it.

"I can take care of myself you know after all I do take care of pre-genin all day. They hurt themselves a lot." Kakashi let go of his wrist and took a step back. Iruka felt slightly disappointed. 'Why did I have to open my mouth. He was just being nice.' He watched as Kakashi picked up a rag from the counter and cleaned up the tea then fixed him a new cup before turning back to stir the soup.

"I'm sorry," he murmured opening a cupboard.

"I.. no.. it wasn't your fault I burned my hand." Iruka offered not sure what else to say. He pulled his hand out from under the water as Kakashi pulled down some plates and set them on the counter.

"So you think it'll scar?" Iruka asked jokingly holding his poor abused fingers up for the jounin to inspect.

Kakashi smiled and glanced at them briefly then grinned up at him, "I don't know... want me to kiss it and make it better?" Iruka blushed and pulled his hand away. 'Why does my stomach do that when he says those kinds of things?' Iruka wondered. Kakashi raised his visible eyebrow and turned to take the food off the stove and over to the table.

Iruka sat and studied his food. "So...' He pushed at a piece of fish with his chopsticks before picking it up and studying it. "Uh... why'd you decide to fix this tonight?"

"Simple. It's my favorite." Kakashi grinned at him and they fell into their usual chatter.


He watched as the brown haired man stooped to look a little girl in the eye. The chunin slowly pulled one fist down from the girl's face, tears streaked down her cheeks. Then he pulled the other down and smiled. He said something to her that Kakashi couldn't make out but it seemed to soothe the girl and the crying stopped as a tiny smile spread across her lips. She pulled her hands out of his and then promptly wrapped her arms around her sensei's neck for a brief moment before running off. Kakashi turned a page and smiled. The man was so gentle it was almost feminine.

The kids continued throwing shuriken at a target one at a time. Asuma's nephew tried to throw two at one time and one went flying in the wrong direction. That seemed to set the young sensei off and he yelled the boy about needing to learn to follow instructions if he ever wanted to be a shinobi. Suddenly the man didn't seem so feminine. Though he still seemed gentle. Kakashi chuckled and turned the page again. He was really good at dealing with kids. The strictness was backed up with logic and it reminded Kakashi of his own sensei.

It was while the kids were playing during a break that the chunin walked up to the tree Kakashi was sitting in.

"Hello Kakashi-san, what are doing here?"

Kakashi smiled, "Oh well I just wanted to make sure I returned this, Iruka-sensei." And at that he held out a bento box by the knot in the handkerchief.

"It's not really returning it if it belongs to you and not me."

"Hmm... oh. Well then consider it a gift albeit a gift I expect you to bring back tonight."

The other man blushed slightly but accepted the gift. "And what should I do with the lunch I brought?"

"I'm sure there must be a student in one of the classes who's forgotten their lunch, Iruka-sensei. Of course it would probably be more effective as a punishment."

"Thank you Kakashi-san." Iruka smiled and it really was a rather nice smile. "I'll see you tonight then." And with that he turned and walked back towards his class. Kakashi turned his page and decided he'd stay and watch for a few more minutes before heading off to read Icha Icha somewhere he wouldn't be distracted.