Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mistake ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


*Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto and gang, nor do I own the book the Bird in the House.

Chapter 1

Wooden doors swung open, revealing the striking Sakura Haruno and beside her, Ino Yamanaka. The most popular girls in the school.

Sakura Haruno had very unusual, natural pink hair. It was matched with emerald green eyes. She has a look that all the girls envy. She has it all; an amazing body that just comes natural to her, the intelligence to pass any test, and she has a personality that draws people in.

Ino Yamanaka is the blonde haired, and blue eyed girl always at Sakura’s side. She has a mighty temper. Watch if you ever get on her bad side, because if you mess with her she will mess with you.

Her boyfriend Shikamaru tagging along behind her. He is a genius. Unlike Sakura, who has to work at it, Shikamaru has the ability to laze through everything and still be smarter then the typical person. Basically, Shikamaru greatly lacks the motivation to do anything he doesn’t have to.

The three drew attention to them like flies to honey.


English/Period 1


“Sorry I’m late, I was helping an old lady with her groceries. Anyways, we have a new student with us. This is Sasuke Uchiha. Would you like to tell the class a little about yourself?” Kakashi Hatachi was the teacher for English 30. This is the slack class everyone wants to take. The teacher is always late, so late that sometimes he doesn’t get to class until the period is almost over. No one knows what he does, but he is never in class for more then a few minutes at a time. He usually leaves to his office once he explains what he wants the class to do for the period. No one ever does it though. Why do your work when you can just talk all class.

“Hn” This anti-social man is Sasuke Uchiha. He has black matching hair and eyes. The way he walked, stood there and well, just about everything he did, screamed don’t mess with me.

“Okay, well why don’t you have a seat over beside Naruto. Naruto please put up your hand, and then well get class started.” A blonde guy in the front row, shot his hand up. You know the one, the typical student’s pet. Always sits in the front row, doing whatever the teacher says right away with no questions asked. Complimenting the teacher constantly, and basically gets on everyone’s nerves.

Sasuke walked over to the desk beside a guy with blonde hair, who apparently was called Naruto.

“Today, I want you to read as much as you can for the novel you chose for your book report. Sasuke the only book left on the shelf is “The Bird In The House”, so that is the book you will be doing for your report.” Mr. Hatake walked over to the dark oak shelving and grabbed the book. Walking over to Sasuke he put the book and the table and called out to the rest of the class. “If anyone needs me I’ll be in my office… umm… reading.”

With that the silver haired man walked into the connecting room. As soon as the door shut, the class roared with excitement.

“Hello, I’m Naruto and I’m going to be the next president. You must be the new student everyone is talking about. You know the one that has been kicked out of almost every school in California. So are you?… Huh?…… Hey are you ignoring me?” Naruto was now getting frustrated. No one was going to ignore him because he was Naruto Uzumaki. “Are you going to answer me or not?……… Hey I’m talki”

“Be quite and leave me alone dobe” Sasuke was not at all interested in becoming friends with Naruto, well with anyone…

Sasuke’s ignoring Naruto made the Uzumaki even more determined to befriend this stern teen. But Naruto couldn’t seem to get Sasuke to respond for the rest of the period.


Gym/Period 2


“Alright class let’s get pumped to run, now let’s all get together and put your hands in the middle…. GNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnn……..gnnn?…… That means everyone…… you too Sasuke…..” Gai was one of the more eccentric teachers at the high school. He has black bowl cut hair, bushy eyebrows, and always wears a forest green spandex suit and sweater. He believes in something called the Power of Youth. Always pushing people to their limits and wanting the to constantly improve. Being better then themselves from the day prior.

“I’d rather die” Sasuke stared into Gai’s eyes, daring him to make his do anything, that he didn’t want to.

“Sasuke just needs to get used to using the power of youth Gai, allow me to help him reach his full youth potential” Lee was like a younger version of Mr. Gai. Another teacher’s pet, but this one took the whole teacher’s pet thing to a whole new level. You know they are trying to hard when they are dressing and acting like the teacher… and crying with the teacher…

“Thank you Lee” and with tears rolling down both of their faces, “You make me so happy, always looking out for your fellow students…… Now, everyone run with the full power of youth. Run! Run! Run! Run! And one more run!!! Now start 10 laps around the gym.”




Sakura sat down at one of the outside tables today, she was followed by Ino and Shikamaru. Immediately after they had sat down, people started crowding around. Everyone who was anyone would always rush over to the area around the table at even the chance to sit with these three. ‘Except him. Hnm. He must be the new kid’ Sakura thought as she looked at the wall of the school. He was listening to music and smoking. His eyes were closed and he looked as if he were just wasting his life away, without a care.

“Hot isn’t he?” Ino had noticed Sakura staring at Sasuke and decided to bug her about it. Sakura blushed but said nothing. “You should go over there and ask him out”

“What? No, Ino. I mean yes he’s hot, but no I can’t go over there. Have you heard about him. He’s that one that they are saying got kicked out of all the other schools in California.”

“Don’t tell me you aren’t into the bad boy types, Sakura” Ino jokingly said.

“No she’d rather have a hard working, rich man were she will never have to so much as lift a finger.” Hinted Lee as he possessively draped an arm around Sakura’s shoulders as he shot Sasuke a glare.”

Shrugging Lee’s arm off her shoulders, “I don’t see how you would have any idea what my types are, and you know what, I will go over there.” She got up and started over to Sasuke, feeling everyone’s eyes on her all the while.

“Hello, excuse me.” Sakura said, but considering how loud his music was, he probably couldn’t hear her. She tapped his shoulder, “Excuse me, hi.”

Sasuke opened his eyes, glaring at the girl who dared to interrupt him. “Know what I can’t stand.” He paused for a moment, continuing when her smile faded a little. “Girls who walk up to me trying to get my attention when they know I can’t hear them. So, what do you want?”

Plastering the ‘to cheery to be real‘ smile on her face once more. “Um, My name is Sakura Haruno, pleasure meeting you.” She stuck out her hand to have him shake it.

Sasuke looked down at her hand, before scoffing at it. “Sasuke, what do you want?”

“Oh nothing just wanted to meet the new person in the school.”

“Hn.” Was all Sasuke said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a loony and gave it to Sakura. “Maybe we can play some other time, but I’m busy right now.” He put out his smoke, and started to walk away.

“Excuse me, what are you talking about?” She was holding the loony in the palm of her hand, not really knowing what to do with it.

He paused to briefly turn around. “You know for trying to get me to sleep with you. I’ve got to go.” With that he opened the door to the school and walked out of sight.

“He… but… I… What just happened?” Sakura was as confused as ever when Ino walked over.

“So how did it go?”

“He gave me a dollar because he thought I was trying to sleep with him.”

The bell rang.