Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mistake ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


*Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto …. I don’t anything but the plot.

Chapter 2


At the mall after school


“I can’t believe he did that to you. We need to get him back, but the question is what to do? It has to be really big and totally get him back. He basically called you a whore. You know what we should do….”

‘We all know where this is going, the girls are going to talk for a long time. Then they are going to ask us guys what we think of their ideas, and then when we tell them their ideas won’t work. Then us guys will think up a really good idea on the spot, and then we‘ll have to do all the work.’ “Troublesome.” muttered Shikamaru. Of course Ino sitting on his lap heard this.

“What’s ‘troublesome’” Doing her best impression of Shikamaru.

Sending Ino a look the just dared her to try imitating him again. “You girls do this each time you try to come up with a plan. You just end up going with the idea that us guys come up with. Face it, you girls just aren’t good with revenge.”

“What’s wrong with dyeing his hair.” Ino was fuming by now.

Coming back from getting his food at Taco Bell, Neji decided to help rescue his friend. “Well, for one when would you get a chance to dye his hair? Anyways, hair dye smells too much, he would notice it. The payback should have something to do with a whore. It’s only been a day but I’m already sure that he is the type of person that sleeps around a lot.”

In the mean time Neji had given Shikamaru enough time to come up with a flawless plan. “Running off of that idea. Why not phone him up and tell him he has a son or daughter. Either you can tell him you don’t want the kid anymore, and your going to drop it off on him, or you can tell him that you want child support. Either way it would work, just make sure to phone from a recyclable cell phone, a payphone, or block your number. As for his phone number that’s something your going to have to find out for yourselves.” ‘Finally the perfect plan and it will involve no work what so ever from me.’

“That’s perfect and I already know how to get his number. You know those forms that we have to fill out at the beginning of the year with all our information on it about our phone number, address, and everything else. Well, he obviously had to fill one out too, so all we have to do is get Shikamaru to hack into the school’s computer system to get the online copy.” Sakura could see it all now. How he would totally freak out that he has a child, somehow trying to pitifully talk his way out of it. Oh how he will regret ever suggesting that she is a slut.

“I never said that I would do any of the work.”

“But Shika-hunny if you don’t I’ll just have to tell everyone about….” That was all everyone but Shikamaru could heard. But, apparently something that she was saying to him was making him change his mind. With eyes wide and jaw open, Shikamaru nodded his head.

Hardly fazed at all by the questioning eyes Ino sprung up and out of Shikamaru’s lap and said with a victorious look to her face “Now let’s go shopping.”



Some dark alley


Sasuke was leaning against one of the walls of the alley. It was late and he was tired, so he hoped that his contact would arrive soon. Lighting up a cigarette, there was a sudden gust of wind. The streets were empty until a black sedan drove up, and a man stepped out and into the dim light of the alleyway.

“It’s about fuckin’ time.” Sasuke wasn’t in one of the greatest moods right now. To make it worse the guy smelt like urine and alcohol, and looked like he hasn’t had a bath in years.

“Where is it?” The man pulled out a roll of twenty dollar bills. “It’s all there, but you can count it if you want.”

“Hn. I know you aren’t stupid enough to try to cross Itachi.” Handing the man a package in return for the money, Sasuke quickly started up his black and blue motorcycle and rode away.


At Sasuke’s apartment


Slowly opening his eyes, Sasuke looked at the clock laying beside him on the floor. It was 4:38 in the morning. Sitting up he wrapped his blanket around his waist. He looked around his bare room for his cell phone and once it was found he dialled a number.

“Hello” A calm and fully awake voice said from the other line.

“Hey Orochimaru, let me speak to my brother.” He then heard a click and then another person picking up.

“Did you get the job done.” Itachi was Sasuke’s only living relative, but as such he was also the only person willing to give a delinquent a job. Mind you the job was only one a delinquent could do anyways. He basically had this whole city wired, owning many major clubs, and having influence in many businesses gave him a lot of control and cover. Itachi was the biggest crime lords in the world, and he also was the one with the least amount of people caught. See Itachi wasn’t an idiot, he knew how to work the system, he had many of his own employees working in police forces in every city his other employees worked in.

“Look, I just want to get another assignment.”

Hearing some groaning in the background Itachi said, “It seems you have some company.”

“Never mind her, I brought in fifty grand for your little drug deal tonight, but you know that’s not exactly my thing. I’d rather have at least a little action.”

“Fine, your next job will be a bit more exciting. A man named Hiroomi borrowed five thousand dollars from me and has yet to pay up. I want you to make sure he gets a little reminder that I want that money back. He lives at the Shadow Crest apartments in suite 101.” Not even waiting for an answer Itachi hung up.

Sasuke rolled his eyes, soon after womanly arms wrapped around his neck from behind.

“Come back to bed” She said as she started rubbing his chest.

Sasuke got up and went to his closet, “No your getting out. I have to go to work.” After finding clothes to wear he threw her the clothes she had been wearing last night. “Get dressed” They both got dressed and as soon as Sasuke was finished he walked over to the door of his apartment and opened it, “Karin, get out now.”

She rolled her eyes and walked out the door. Sasuke closed the door behind her, immediately went over to pick up the books he needed for school, and shoved them in his bag.

Sasuke left the very run down apartment in which he lived, and started to ride to the apartment building. He couldn’t wait to start actually getting the money cut he’s supposed to without any of the deductions. His brother takes off because of his costly past mistakes. Such as the thirteen times he has been arrested, or the building he blew up on one of his missions…. Damn he really needed to stop messing up, but until he pays off all the damage he has done he gets just enough money to survive.