Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mistake ❯ Day 1 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 6




“SASUKE!!!” Sasuke lifted the phone away from his ear as he heard his name yelled. “Why do you think you have a disguise on?… You are wearing the disguise, right?”

“Of course I am. What do you think, I’m an idiot?” Sasuke was pacing back and forth. Kicking rocks that were in his way and was trying his best not to throw the cell phone.

“Yes, but that is not the point. Look, we knew that the only person that would be able to handle Miss. Haruno is you.-”


“So tie her up or something. We put you on this mission because you know her. You can somehow find a way to get her to trust you enough, so that she cooperates sooner or later. Anyways little brother, you already accepted the mission. If you back out now, you had better hope we never find you, because when we do, we’ll kill you.” The line went dead.

Giving off a loud groan, Sasuke glared at the phone. After reasoning with himself that it would not be a good idea to smash the phone, he got into the back of the van.

He glared down at the pink haired girl, laying on the bed. Contemplating weither or not to tie her up. ‘If I tie her up I’ll have no hope of her calming down, and the trip will go smoothly. But, if I don’t tie her up, she might attack me when she wakes up again. And this time I might not be so lucky and she’ll wake up when were in a city. I knew having a woman along would make problems for me.” Deciding not to tie her up, Sasuke left the rope on top of her, went into the front and started driving.



Sakura’s House



“I loved Ziggy. He was so funny. I can’t believe he went the whole time on the island thinking that he was on Survivor. They did a wonderful job with the dinner theatre this year.” Mr. Haruno opened the front door for his wife. Following her in they put their coats in the closet and started for their room.

Once they were upstairs, “I’m going to go see where the girls are and alert our driver for when they want to leave.”

Mr. Haruno nodded and gave his wife a quick kiss on the lips. They separated. Mrs. Haruno was half way down the hall when she heard some quiet music coming from the living room. ‘They must be watching a movie. Although it’s awfully quiet in there, usually those girls are so loud you can hear them half way through the entire house.’ Grinning to herself she opened the door and screamed.

Mr. Haruno had just finished dressing for bed when he heard his wife’s chilling scream. He broke out into an all out run. “Where are you?” he yelled. Hearing a response he went to the living room and was greeted with the sight on his wife kneeling next to an unconscious Tenten. The room was thoroughly thrashed about. There were pizza boxes and a pop bottle on the ground as well. Shattered glass from glasses littered the floor around him.

“Where’s Sakura?” It was a rhetorical question, he already knew she wasn’t here. His wife obviously hadn’t heard him. Now she was over by Ino. Looking up he noticed there was a piece of paper taped to the television. He swiftly walked over there and grabbed the note into his hands.

‘Dear Mr. and Mrs. Haruno,

We have your daughter, Sakura. As you have probably already figured out she isn’t there. I will not harm her, as long as you follow my rules.

1. You are not to under an circumstances to get the police involved. I will know if and when they are alerted. The minute this happens is the minute your daughter is dead.

2. You are not to tell anyone at all. As they would alert someone to what has happened.

3. The other two girls are fine, just knocked out. You will not take them to a doctor.

4. You are to pay me a sum of five million dollars, cash. In one hundred dollar bills only. These bills are to be unmarked and there is to be nothing tracking the money. You will meet one of my men at the West Hills Warehouse in two weeks, on the 23.

I’m certain that you will do every one of these things, but if you don’t, your daughter is as good as dead.

You should have never messed with me.’

He couldn’t make out the signature on the bottom. It had been written on one of the pads of stationary in his office. He could send it off to get it analyzed, but that would be a waste of time, not to mention if he found out Sakura would be dead. Itachi Uchiha had been in his house, in his office, and had taken his daughter. He scrunched up the note, and held it firmly in his fist. So angry, the man then punched that same hand through the wall.

“We can’t let anyone know about what happened.”






Emerald eyes flashed open. ‘It wasn’t a dream.’ Moving her head to the left, she saw the back of the man’s head. He was up there driving, and better yet, he didn’t notice that she had woken up. Just now realizing there was a slight weight on her stomach. Sitting up slowly, Sakura grabbed the rope off her stomach before it fell to her lap. ‘He didn’t tie me up. Why wouldn’t he? Maybe he’s not such a bad guy as I thought, but that doesn’t explain why he is doing all of this. Why go to all the trouble of kidnapping me, taking me somewhere, and then taking me right back? It doesn’t make sense.’

Sakura silently got to her feet. Looking out the window, she spotted a sign saying, ‘Clifton 10 miles’.

‘Were in Colorado. Already? Wow, I wonder how long I’ve been out. It’s dark out, so I know it’s been at least a day. Speaking of which I really have to go to the washroom.’ Her stomach gave out a growl. ‘And I guess I’m hungry too.’

“You awake?” Sasuke asked quietly. Not loud enough that if she was asleep it would wake her, but loud enough that if she were awake she would here it.

“Yeah” she grunted out.

“Are you going to hit me with a shoe again?”

She thought about it for a moment. “Not at the moment, but no promises about later.”

“Fair enough.” Her stomach growled louder this time. “There is some food in the front here. There’s not much because I haven’t stopped to restock yet, but you can have it if you want.”

Sakura was reminded of the pressure in her lower abdomen again. “Uh…umm…. Would we be able to stop. I really have to go to the washroom.”

“Will you run away?”

“There’s nowhere to run to, even if I did run, I wouldn’t know where to go. Look I promise I won’t run. I just really have to go.”

Sasuke chuckled at her, which in turn caused Sakura to get angry. Just as she was about to say something, he started pulling over. Once he stopped she hopped over and into the passenger seat, and opening the door as quickly as she could. Getting out, Sakura made sure no one could see her and did her business.

As she got out Sasuke pulled out a cigarette, lighting it, he took in a deep breath. He rolled down the window and breathed out. Calming his nerves, ‘This is going to be a very interesting trip.’

Once finished she paused. Maybe I should make a run for it. No he’d catch me in an instant and then he would never let me out of the van again.’ Sighing, she shook her head and back into the vehicle she went.

As soon as she closed the door, she looked at the man. “Smart choice.” He smirked, threw his cigarette butt on the ground, and started driving again.

Stomach growling again, Sakura tried to find the food he had talked about earlier. Seeing this, Sasuke grabbed the bag that held the food and handed it to her. He noticed the disgusted face she held as she looked at what he had brought.

“Look if you don’t try anything and stay with me at all times, I’ll let you come in with me to the next store. Then, you can choose something you like, but remember to keep in mind that we have to fridge or microwave. We are about twenty minutes away from a town called Clifton if you want to wait.”

“I’ll behave, thank you.” Pausing for a moment, “My name’s Sakura. What’s yours?”

Smirking, Sasuke kept his eyes on the road. “Haru.”

She looked back to the road. There were a million questions in her mind. All waiting to be asked. “Mind if I ask you something?”

“Go ahead, but it doesn’t mean that I’ll answer.”

“If you just wanted to take me, why didn’t you take me when I was downstairs, rather then knocking out my friends?”

“Damn it.” Sasuke slammed his hand down on the steering wheel. “Look I wasn’t the one that actually kidnapped you. I’m just the one driving the van, taking you on this trip and back. I didn’t know about them.”

“Oh, so there’s more of you.” Sakura was relieved to find that he wasn’t the one to hurt Ino and Tenten. ‘Maybe I’m lucky and he doesn’t have it in him to hurt me. Well at least I can be a little more sure that he’s not going to hurt me.’ “Where are we going?”


“How long are we going to be gone?

“Two weeks”

Glad to see he was going to keep answering her questions, she continued. “Why kidnap me? I mean, I haven’t done anything. If it’s money you want, then I could just ask daddy and he’ll give it to you. Why even bother taking me all the way to Egypt? What are you planning on doing with me?-”

“How about I just talk and we’ll see if I answer your questions.” Looking at her, he received a nod, and he started. “Your dad owes my leader money. That’s why you are with me. You are what we call an insurance policy. Basically we take you in order to hurry along the payments. Your dad must have borrowed money or bought something from the gang, and he still hasn’t paid up. Usually we stay in the same town when this happens, and the ‘insurance policy’ stays at one of the apartments we own. I don’t know why they are making me take you with me. Originally, I had a mission to go to Egypt and deliver a package, but when I got to the place to get this van, they told me about you and my having to take you with me. I am on what’s called a Class A job. Which, by the way, is the reason I need you to cooperate. With Class A jobs, should the person fail, they are found and killed. So if you wouldn’t mind, I would like to live, and I can’t do that if you run away. How about we make a deal? You stay with me this whole trip, and I’ll return you home safely, no matter what.” He looked over to he briefly. Sakura was lost in thought.

“What do you mean by you’ll return me home safely, no matter what?”

Sasuke sighed deeply, “Insurance policies are there for a threat of, if you don’t do this, I’m going to kill them. Usually the person pays up and follows the rules, but if your dad doesn’t pay, or fails to follow the rules we set out for him, and I get a call to kill you, I‘d actually have to kill you.” He looked over at her. She now wore a fear stricken expression. “But, I’m saying that if you cooperate, that even if I get a call to kill you, that I won’t.”

“Why?” One wonders why that simple question is so hard to answer.

“Because.” He took a deep pause. “Because, you remind me of someone I know. It’s a hell of a lot easier to kill someone you don’t know.”

Sakura hung her head. ‘So, he has killed people before, but I don’t think he would be able to kill me. Either way, I should cooperate. It would help us both out if I do. Then, at least the days that I’m kidnapped, won’t be hell.’ Looking up at him, “Deal, but answer me one more thing. Why are you working in the gang?” Sasuke didn’t answer. Sakura looked back up at him. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.”

“No it’s okay. My parents were killed when I was really young. Someone in the gang saw me and they took me in. They trained me so I could go on missions once I turned thirteen. The mistakes I’ve made these past years are the reason I have to continue. I’ve cost them a lot of money, so I have to pay them all back by going on missions until they have back all the money I’ve cost them. That was the reason I agreed to going after they told me about you. They are going to wipe away all of my debt, if and when I finish this mission.”

Sakura looked at him with sympathy in her eyes. “What are you going to do after this mission?”

“Continue with what I’m doing. Once I’m done with this mission, I get the full cut I’m supposed to, and once I have enough money, I’m going to hire a Private Investigator to take a better look at my parents’ case. It was never solved.”

“If you would like, if I get home safely, I could ask my dad, he’s done some private investigating before, and I can see if he can help out a ‘friend’.”


She didn’t say anything after that. Content to sit there in silence and watch the scenery. Sakura didn’t see Sasuke’s smirk.

‘She played right into my hands. I knew a sob story would get to her. Women are so predictable. Although I have to make sure that I’m gone long before we even get close to her dad. She doesn’t recognize me, but he might. Anyways, they would find out about me, because of the fake identity. It would be a big waste of time, not to mention that they would put me in jail.’


‘Welcome to Clifton’


It was a classic looking, small town. The buildings looked like they were all built decades ago. If there were no lights on anywhere, one would think it were a ghost town. Almost no one was one the streets, and few businesses were open.

Finally finding a gas station open, Sasuke drove into the Exxon lot. Pulling up to a gas pump and stopping the vehicle.

“Okay here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to gas her up, while you stay in here. Once I’m finished, we’ll go inside together. You say even a word about anything that’s going on and you will not be aloud outside this vehicle again. It’s a small store and I don‘t think there is anyone else but the clerk in there, so you can leave my side. Remember, if you run, I will catch you, and trust me that won’t be a pleasant thing either. Buy anything you want, but try to keep it under fifteen dollars. We have an allowance of thirty dollars a day for food. Make sure you have enough to last you until tomorrow night as well. Got it.” Once a nod came from Sakura, Sasuke got out and went to the gas pump.

After the gas tank was full, Sasuke put the hose back on the pump. “Alright we can go now.”

Sakura got out and walked beside Sasuke. He opened the door for her, following her inside. They separated, but Sasuke made sure to always have an eye on Sakura.


With Sakura


‘Hmph, he’s just going to keep watching we isn’t he. Oh well, if I were him, I wouldn’t trust me not to leave either.’ Seeing ‘Haru a couple isles over, Sakura decided to just try ignoring him, and to get the shopping over and done with.

‘Hmmm lets see... Oh bread… hmmm… case of water… peanut butter… and a ham sandwich for now… I think I’m going to have to ask Haru to go to an actual grocery store tomorrow. I don’t think we can live on things from gas stations alone.-’

“Are you finished?” Sakura jumped a little. She hadn’t noticed him there, from being deep in thought.

“Yeah, let’s go pay.”

Sakura was slightly ahead of Sasuke on the way to the counter.

“Hello, did you find everything you needed?” The clerk was a elderly woman. She seemed sweet and was smiling.

“Yes, thank you. We also have $120.00 worth of gas.” Sakura put her things on the counter, followed by Sasuke.

“It’s a lovely night isn’t it?”

“Yes it is.”

“Are you two going somewhere? I haven’t seen you around here before.”

Sakura looked at Haru. He was staring out the window, with his hands stuffed in his pocket. “Ah yes, were just taking a little road trip. We haven’t figured out where we are going yet.”

“Ah young love. It’s so refreshing to see. You know, my husband and I took a trip, just like to one you are, right after we got engaged. It was so romantic. Right about now is the best time to do it as, all the children are still in school.”

Sakura just stood there gawking at the elderly woman. ‘wow it she really knew what was going on, she would not be saying that. Unless her husband had kidnapped her…’ “Ah… we… umm…. Were not-”. Sasuke had been listening the whole time. The smirk had risen on his face.

“Were not lovers. How much do we owe you?” His eyes finally made it to the clerks face. Pulling out his wallet.

“Oh sorry I just assumed. That will be $156.35.” He handed her $160.00 in twenty dollar bills. “$3.65 is your change. You have a great night.” She gave the two their bags and watched the two head out.


With Sasuke and Sakura


Trying to stifle her giggles, “Wow I can’t believe that she thought we were lovers.”

“Hn.” Sasuke yawned.

“Hey have you even gotten any sleep since you kidnapped me.” Sakura looked at Haru only to receive a glare. “What?”

“What if someone had heard you? Huh? Just don’t mention it at all.” He yawned.

“What if someone heard me? Haru there is absolutely no one around. Anyways you didn’t answer my question.”

“No” They had gotten to the van now. Sakura put her hand on Haru’s wrist, stalling him from going to the driver’s side.

“Maybe I should drive, while you get some sleep.”

“No, I’ll be fine. I can drive.” Sasuke yawned once more.

“Oh yes and then we’ll just get into an accident because you fall asleep at the wheel. I don’t think so.”

“That would be better then letting my hostage drive us back to California, while I sleep.” He said in hushed tones.

“I thought we weren’t supposed to mention that. Anyways, you don’t have to fall asleep, you know. You could just sit in the passenger’s seat while I drive. Then we don’t have to get into an accident, and I won’t have to annoy you because I have nothing to do.” ‘Cha like he’s not going to fall asleep anyways.’

“Hn.” He made his way to the passenger’s seat instead. Opening the door, leant over and the put the key into the ignition starting the van up.

Sakura once settled in the driver’s seat, opened her bag and got out her sandwich. Breaking the water case plastic, she put one bottle in the cup holders. She unwrapped her sandwich and took a big bite out of it. “Haru if you would like-” She looked over to him and saw him sleeping. ‘I knew you were tired. Now where was that map I saw earlier.’ Looking on the dash board she saw it right away. Opening it Sakura thought, ‘Well we should probably try to miss as many big cities as we can. But, then again, I do need to go shopping. The goons that took me, probably didn’t even think about packing me anything, and I am not wearing the same thing for two weeks, let alone not brushing my teeth. Gross. I’ll have to talk to Haru tomorrow.’


Pulling out of the lot, Sakura headed out of town.