Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mistake ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I own nothing, but this story line.



Chapter 5



Slowly Sakura opened her heavy eyelids. Blurry soon came into focus as she realized she was staring at a shadowed, white, ceiling. Sakura slowly sat up wincing slightly at the pain of her head as well as many other parts of her body, and took in her surroundings. Two doors, a sheet covered window, a simple clock, and the mattress under her.

‘Where? Wha’ Emerald green eyes widened suddenly as she recollected her last moments of consciousness. ‘Oh SHIT! Those men… They… And… Was I? No…. But where?”

Sakura then took notice to the clothing she was wearing. She was still in her pants from the night prior, but she was now wearing a navy blue hoodie that zips up in the front.

She remembered the man slashing her stomach and she quickly unzipped the hoodie to check. Sakura sighed in relief to at least see that it was treated. She brushed her fingers over the bandages that wrapped around her stomach and winced slightly. ‘That’s right… they hit me there too…’

Slowly making her way to her feet Sakura started her way over to one of the two doors. Limping slightly from a pain coming from her right foot, probably a sprain. It was a closet. There was nothing more in there but a few sets of clothes and a chest that was fairly hidden from sight. Her hand was making it’s way to the chest when her ears picked up the slightest sound of footsteps coming towards the room. Sakura closed the closet door as quietly as she could before hurrying back to the mattress to grab the clock. Holding it, ready to attack with it, if she needs to. Sakura waited, tensely, as the door opened.

“Sasuke” Came a hushed whisper followed by a deep sigh of relief.

“I see you are awake. I’ve gotten something for you to eat.”

“Do you have anything for a headache?”

“No…” Sasuke held up an apple and once getting a nod from Sakura, he tossed it to her.

“Where are we?”

“At my apartment.” Sasuke proceeded to take the sheet off of the window allowing the bright sunshine to flow into the room.

Groaning as the sunlight hit her eyes, “Oh great, what time is it?”.

“A little past noon.”

Groaning once more, “I’ve got to get home. My parents are probably worried sick.”

“I’ll take you after you finish breakfast.”



At Sakura’s house



‘I’m sorry Sir, but as I have said, we can’t legally do anything until twenty-four hours have past. Does she have a ce--’ Came the very tired voice over the phone.

“We’ve been over this already. Yes and we’ve tried her cell phone. IT KEEPS TELLING US THAT SHE CAN NOT BE REACHED! STOP GIVING ME THIS BULLSHIT ABOUT NOT BEING ABOUT TO DO ANYTHING! SAKURA COULD BE LAYING IN A DITCH SOMEWHERE, DIEING AND YOU GIVE ME THIS CRAP ABOUT NOT--” The phone was ripped away for Mr. Haruno’s hands. The man was getting red in the face, from his yelling and anger.

“I’m sorry for my husband’s yelling, but are you certain there isn’t anything you could do?”

‘Nothing, unless there is tangible evidence that she is in some sort of trouble…’

Ding Dong. Mr. Haruno heard no more of the conversation, with the hope that the next person at the door would be his daughter. He raced to the entrance, different items falling as he brushed up against them, beating the maid, and swung open the door. Only to be greeted with the face of one of Sakura’s friends; Ino.

“Hello Mr. Haruno, is Sakura home. She forgot one of her books at my house last night.” It was then that Ino noticed the solemn look on his face. “Is everything alright? If I came at a bad time I could come back later.”

“No, no, stay. Sakura didn’t come home last night, no one knows where she is… Do you have any idea where she might be?”

For a couple of moments Ino was speechless. Her mind bringing up different thoughts about what could have happened. Sakura walking towards Silver Stone Way….. Past curfew….. Would’ve taken the shortest path…… the fastest way home is through the park….. the park…. Without so much as a word Ino broke into a break-neck pace.

“Wait!” a grief stricken Mr. Haruno yelled.

Down the steps, across the lawn, and onto the street, where a screeching sound could be heard less then a second later.



Five Hours Later


The door closed as the last policeman left. An awkward pause fell over the room. Everyone except Mr. Haruno was sitting on the furniture. A, thankfully, uninjured Ino was sitting on the arm chair, and Mrs. Haruno, Sakura, and Sasuke were on the couch. Mr. Haruno walked until he stopped at the couch, suddenly grabbing Sasuke off of the couch and bringing him into a hug.

Sasuke was surprised to say the least, and before he could do anything, he was brought to arms length.

“How can we ever thank you? You saved our baby girl. You name it. Anything you want. I’ll make it happen.”

Sasuke was about to say something when Sakura interrupted. “Daddy, Sasuke lives in one of the apartments in the run down part of the city. Could-”

“That’s an excellent idea. Sasuke we would be honoured if you stayed here. We can have your things moved here in the morning. We have plenty of rooms you could pick from, customize it how ever you want. And you can-”

“Ah thank you, but I don’t really need to move. You don’t need to go to any trouble-”

“Nonsense. We will have none of that. You will stay here tonight and we’ll bring your things tomorrow. Now I’m going to make preparations.” Mr. Haruno then left the room in a hurry, muttering to himself about all the things he needed to do.

Sasuke had a dazed look on his face, when a hand was placed on his shoulder.

“He means well. It would be an honour to have you stay with us. How about you stay here tonight, and you can tell us what you have decided in the morning. You saved our daughter’s life, and we want to repay you in however way we can. We’ll have one of the maids show you to the rooms that you can pick from. Now I’m going to go catch up with my husband before he buys you everything he can think of.” Mrs. Haruno said and then left the room.

Sasuke just stood there; a look of shock slowly disappearing from his face. “What the hell just happened?”

Ino was the next to go up to Sasuke. “Just because Mr. and Mrs. Haruno are so grateful that you saved Sakura, doesn’t mean that I have to be. I still don’t like you, nor am I going to trust you. I mean you almost ran me over today, and all those things you did to us, and Sakura. This doesn’t change anything.” Ino went up and hugged, a now standing, Sakura. “I’m glad your safe.” Whispering to her, “Be careful you never know what he’s going to do next.” And she left.

Sasuke and Sakura stood like that for several minutes. Neither knowing quite what to say to each other.

“Sir, if you would, I will escort you to the rooms you are to choose from.” A maid was standing in the doorway.

Sasuke left without a word, only pausing when he heard a faint ‘thank you’.



Sakura’s room (middle of the night)



Sakura just laid in her bed, staring at her ceiling. She couldn’t fall asleep, and it didn’t seem like she was going to; she was wide-awake.

Sakura couldn’t get the images out of her head. The prior night had been the most frightening one in her life. ‘I don’t even want to think about what would have happened if Sasuke didn’t walk by when he did. Speaking of Sasuke, I wonder what happened to him. I didn’t see him at supper, and I haven’t seem him since. AHHH… I’m never going to fall asleep am I?… Hmmmm…. Well, I might as well get up. Maybe I’ll fall asleep if I have some hot chocolate.’ Sakura got up from her bed, headed down stairs, and into the kitchen.

Turning on the light, Sakura almost screamed. Sitting at the island was Sasuke, eating out of a carton of chocolate ice cream. He looked up at her briefly.

“You couldn’t sleep either huh?” She asked him.


Sakura proceeded to make her hot chocolate. Not a word was said between them. She sat in the seat next to him.

“I….. ah….uhm….. I never got to thank you. So, thanks. Uhh….. Yeah…..For everything.” Sakura’s eyes never left her hot chocolate the whole time she spoke.

“Your welcome.”

Taking a sip before she spoke again. “Have you thought about weither you were going to stay here or not?”


“Is that a yes or a no?”


“Hn, is not a real answer you know.”


She rolled her eyes at him. “You know, you should stay. You would at least be a lot safer here, then back at your apartment. It’s the least we can do.” She paused for a minute. “Sasuke, why are you living by yourself? I mean, it’s none of my business but, it looked like you barely have enough money for rent and food. Truly, it couldn‘t hurt taking the offer, could it?”

He stayed silent.

Sakura finished off her hot chocolate, and put the mug in the sink.

“I’m going to try to get some sleep now. I’ll see you in the morning.”

‘Sakura’s right. It definitely couldn’t make anything worse.’ He put the ice cream carton back into the freezer, and the spoon in the sink.

‘Sleep could be just the thing I need.’



Itachi’s Office



“Are you certain?”

“Yes Sir, we had a couple of guys track him. He is indeed staying at the Haruno’s mansion.”

“Very well, you may leave now.” Itachi paged Orochimaru. “Orochimaru, I need you to set up a little trip for Sasuke.”

“Yes Sir.” Pausing for a moment. “Have you thought about what you’re going to do? Sasuke’s eighteenth birthday is in a couple of weeks and-”

“I’ve got it all planned out. Just set up a trip and call The Three.”



Sunday Morning (Sasuke’s room at Haruno’s)



Ring….. Ring……

“Hello.” A groggy voice answered the phone.

A phoney broadcasters voice came over the phone. “Sir, you have just won a trip to Egypt. You will have fun driving long hours, taking a boat, and riding a camel in blazing heat, all to deliver a package. Now doesn’t that sound nice.”

“Fuck off, Orochimaru.” Sitting up Sasuke got out of the bed and started to get dressed.

“One minute I’ll give the phone to Itachi and he’ll go over the finer details with you.”

“Sasuke, Sasuke, Sas-”

“Say my name as much as you want, but it’s not going to change.” Sasuke was irritated.

“Sasuke, it’s a class A job. You leave tonight. We expect you to be at the West Hill Warehouses at nine tonight. You will be gone for about two weeks.”Itachi told him sternly.

“I’m not going.”

“Oh I think you’ll want to go on this one. Considering what’s in it for you…… I am willing to wipe away half of what’s left of your debt if you succeed, and you‘ll get five grand pocket money.”


“Remember, be at the warehouse at nine. Be ready to leave. Oh, and one last thing, you do realize what will happen if you fail right. Death comes to those who fail Class A jobs.” and he hung up.

Sasuke finished getting ready and went downstairs. Seeing that no one was up he went into the kitchen and grabbed enough food to last him until tomorrow. He then found a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a note to the Haruno family.

‘Thank you, but I have to go to my sick Aunt’s house for at least two weeks. I am fine living where I am.



Lighting up a cigarette Sasuke left to get everything ready for his leave, and possibly get some sleep.


Later that day (Sakura’s room)

“-see I told you he couldn’t be trusted. He’s probably not even going to his ‘sick Aunt’s house’. He’s probably just saying that to get sympathy or something. I tell you, he’s probably thinking he can get something out of it. I know he gets points for saving Sakura and all but,” It was then, that Ino finally stopped her rant and noticed that Sakura wasn’t listening at all. “Sakura…. Sakura…. Earth to Sakura.” Grinning maniacally, “Sakura say absolutely nothing if you agree to letting us put loser in permanent ink on your forehead….” Ino went over to Sakura‘s desk and grabbed a sharpie. Walking over to Sakura, she waved the open marker under her nose. When that didn’t work she finally got her out of her trance by waving her hand in front of her face.


Seeing Ino‘s expectant face, Sakura blinked. “What? Oh sorry, I’ve been spacing out a bit lately.”

“What’s wrong with you? You’ve barely even spoken a word since you told us what happened.” Taking an opportune moment to tease Sakura she said, “It’s because your in love with Sasuke, right?” Tenten looked up from the book she was reading to glance at Sakura and Ino. “Aww! You guys would make the cutest couple.” Ino said. Tenten went right back to reading.

“WHAT!!! NO!!! I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH SASUKE!!!! How could you even think that?” Sakura was as red as a tomato right now.

“Well, well, don’t be so touchy. I was kidding, but it did the job. You aren’t day dreaming anymore. Probably was about Sasuke anyways. Am I right?”

Tenten could see one of their fights was starting, so as to try and prevent it, “How about we just have a girls night.” She probably said it a little louder then she needed to, but it did the trick.

“Tenten’s right. So, how about we order pizza, watch movies, play video games and do what ever.” Ino said.

“Sounds good to me. I’ll go order the pizza.” After taking everyone’s preference, Sakura went to the phone and ordered.



(Seven O’clock)



The three girls were sitting in darkness as the movie showed John Smith moving into his weapon area in the shed and then he saw that all his weapons were gone.

Ding Dong

Sakura stood up, “That’s probably the pizza, I’ll be back in a couple minutes. Just keep playing the movie.”

She ran to the door, dismissing the maid on her way. Once opened Sakura saw none other then Lee, in a Pizza World uniform. With a whole suit in the pattern of pizzas in many different ways, and a hat shaped as a pizza, it was a hilarious sight.

“Lee I didn’t know that you worked at Pizza World.”

“Ya well, it’s a job and it pays well so…. Anyways here’s your pizza.” Lee obviously seemed embarrassed about his uniform.

“Oh right. How much do I owe you?” Sakura reached into her pocket.


She handed him two twenties. “Keep the change. I’ll see you at school.”


“Bye” Sakura closed the door, went to the kitchen, and set the pizzas on top of the table. She gathered up plates, cups, and pop. Hearing things crashing upstairs, Sakura could tell that it was coming up to one of her favourite parts, so she hurried to the living room.

Walking into the living room, she dropped everything. Ino, Tenten and just about everything else in the room were thrown about. Various items were broken. There was a sound from behind her, a small creaking of the door. She didn’t even get a chance to move as she was hit at the base of her neck, blacking out.



West Hills Warehouse



Sasuke arrived on time for once. Going inside the warehouse, he was greeted by Orochimaru. Leading Sasuke to the vehicle he is to take, they were then greeted by Itachi.

“Hello, little brother. The plans have changed-”

“What? Your changing plans this late into it-” Sasuke was beyond irritated when he was cut off.

“Silence. You are still going to Egypt, but you are now taking a hostage-”

“Forget it. I’m not babysitting anyone.” Sasuke started to leave.

“Oh, I think you’ll tolerate it this time, considering what’s in it for you…. I am willing to wipe away all of your debt if you succeed, along with the five grand I promised you.”

“Fine” Sasuke wasn’t willing to let this deal go, so he answered quickly as if Itachi would change his mind.

Smiling at Sasuke, Itachi added, “Everything is set for you. Maps are on the dashboard. Your package and hostage are already in the vehicle. At no point are you to look inside the suit case. I advise you to leave the hostage sleeping. Enough sedative was given to make ’em sleep until tomorrow. Oh and one last thing, your escort is an insurance of payment; we had to make sure she was out of the picture for a while. You may get a call at anytime to either kill her or let her loose. We have promised no harm to come to her for two weeks, but if her father hasn’t paid up by then, well, you know what to do with her. Oh and it would be best if she doesn’t know it’s you. Then we don’t have to find a way to shut her up about it. You are, Haru Musaki. All the papers are there for you and a new I.D. I suggest you get familiar with your story and try to look like the picture before she wakes up. There is a wig and colour contacts in the passenger seat. Now leave and don‘t stop any sooner then you have to. I don‘t want her caught before you even leave California.”

Sasuke scowled and jumped into the vehicle. Driving off with not even a second look back.





Sasuke had driven all night, only making pit stops here and there and to get his disguise on. He was getting pretty tired. He had made it all the way into Utah with out any trouble and was currently on a pretty deserted highway. Hopefully the rest of the trip would be as uneventful. Sasuke sighed. ‘Of course I’m going to have trouble. Get women involved in anything and you have trouble.’

Hearing a groaning and movement from the back, Sasuke said, “Finally awake huh.” Then there was a lot of screaming. “HEY! Quiet down back there!!” and surprisingly it did.

Then he was hit over the head repeatedly with a shoe. With the girl yelling, “LET ME GO! STOP THIS VEHICLE! TAKE ME BACK! TAKE THAT YOU… you….. YOU JERK”

“HEY! LET GO. SIT IN THE BACK AND CALM DOWN. HEY!” Sakura grabbed for the steering wheel, and as she did he finally got a look at who it was.

‘Sakura. Oh shit.’

He slammed on the breaks, causing her to fall and land into his lap. Sakura was just about to start hitting him again when he grabbed both her arms.

“Look. I’m not going to harm you in anyway, but I need you to take a little trip with me. I promise that I will bring you home, safe and sound, as long as you cooperate. If you would prefer it I won’t even touch you unless it is necessary-”



“YOU DON’T SCARE ME! DO YOU KNOW WHO MY DAD IS? HE’S-” and she was out like a light. Removing his fingers from the junction of her neck, he undid his seat belt, and took her into the back to the van. He laid her down on top of a make shift bed.

He took the keys out of the van and got out. Jamming his hand into his pocket, he pulled out a cell phone, and he called his brother.

“Hello, Itachi here.”

“SAKURA HARUNO!” Sasuke screamed into the phone, outraged.




AN: Sorry for not getting this out earlier…You know how life gets in the way of things... But to make up for it I made the chapter extra long… Hope you enjoyed!!