Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mistake ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. I also don’t own Treasure Island and Lips of an Angel.




Okay well I guess I have to set this straight. A friend told me that she thought everyone was around the age of sixteen, so I am going to put some of the characters ages in this chapter:

Also I am going by the legal age being 18.



Neji, Tenten, Lee, : 18 and they are in grade 12


Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru, Sasuke, Naruto: 17 and they are in grade 12


Itachi: 28






Chapter 4



A shot rang through the night. It has started. The first of the many people to be killed that night, had just taken their last breath. They were in sets of twenty-five, with four groups. Then there was Sasuke. He had the most important part in the mission. To seek and kill their leader. All Sasuke knew was that their leader was compiling evidence against Itachi, and was going to take it to the International Courts.

After ten minute intervals each group was to go into the building and storm another level. The third group was finally let in and Sasuke was getting impatient.

“This is taking too long.” Sasuke announced to Kabuto over his headset.

“Patience Sasuke, we have time.” was the reply he received. “Group D begin. Sasuke, I know how hard it is for you to wait. The target is cornered on the fifth level. The access route you will take is simply the elevator. We believe he is alone and unarmed. It will be simple enough. You may begin now.” That was all he had to hear before he was off.

Entering the building, Sasuke noticed in passing that there were at least thirty people dead. Finally stopping at the elevator door, he pushed the button to go up. Once the doors opened he went to the control panel, Level 5. He had time to check his weaponry, to be prepared for an onslaught if need be. Absent mindedly he thought ‘At least there is no annoying elevator music’.

Level Four….

Level Five…. ‘Ding!’

As the doors opened Sasuke was prepared, but it seemed useless now, seeing as there was only one other person in the room.

With his back to Sasuke, the man said, “So this is it, I’m going to die.” Acceptance was clearly written in his voice. Putting his hands above his head, in sign the he didn’t have any weapons, the man stood up and started to turn around. “So who has he sent to kill me? Sasuke took off the black mask that covered the bottom half of his face. “Ah, Sasuke Uchiha. You know, I thought he would have been smarter; being a prodigy and all... Sending his little brother to kill off one of the very few people who know what really happened to your parents.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Why don’t you ask your dear-” There was a bang of a gun shot and he fell to the floor, dead. ‘Where the fuck did that shot come from?’

“Sasuke, I heard a shot up there. Is he dead?” Kabuto’s voice came over the head set. After a long pause, “Sasuke?”

“He’s dead. Let’s set this place a blaze and get out of here.”



At Sasuke’s Apartment



Sasuke walked over to his closet. Moving aside his clothes, he uncovered a small chest covered in dust. Once he had grabbed it, he walked over to his mattress and sat down. Wiping the dust off carefully, he then pulled off the key he had hidden on the long chain he keeps with him at all times. Very slowly he unlocked and then carefully opened the lid, revealing the contents it held.

The first item Sasuke picked up was a small, light pink, hanker chief.

‘There, there, honey. Everything will be alright, you’ll see.’

He rubbed the soft material to his cheek; closing his eyes, he smelt the ever so faint smell of his mother’s favourite perfume. Placing it back in the chest, he then pulled out a well read copy of the book “Treasure Island”.

‘Remember son, as long as you have your dreams, you’ll live a rich life. Lose your dreams and you’ll have nothing to live for.’

Sasuke moved his fingers over the title, as if he were running his fingers over a delicate piece of rice paper. Setting the book down, he pulled out the only two pictures he had left of his childhood.

One had been taken when he was five years old. It was a family portrait. Itachi and he are sitting on a bench, side by side, while their parents are standing right behind them. He remembered it had been a very hot day and he was wearing an uncomfortable tuxedo; this explained the irritated look to his face.

The next picture was one of just Sasuke and his parents. It had been the last picture ever taken of his parents, while they were still alive. Showing Sasuke’s seventh birthday and the smoke from the recently blown out candles on his birthday cake. His parents were hugging him, with his mom to the right and his dad to the left. There he was right in the middle; with the absolute happiest smile on his face and a twinkle of light in his eyes. Sasuke kissed the picture before setting them both back in the chest; slowly closing the lid and locking it.

As he put the key back around his neck, a solitary tear ran down his cheek and landed on the closed chest. Sasuke then put the chest and his clothes back into place and grabbed his jacket.

‘I need to clear my head.’ He thought bitterly.



With Sakura



“See ya tomorrow, Sakura” Ino yelled out her door.

“See ya.” Sakura yelled back as she walked down the driveway; sending a short wave behind her.

‘’don’t you hear my voice, say it sounds so real. Coming from the lips of an angel’’


“Sakura Haruno, where are you?” The angry voice of her mother coming through the ear piece caused Sakura to move the cell phone away from her ear.

“I’m just coming back from Ino’s. I’ll be home soon.”

“Young lady, if you are not home in fifteen minutes, you will not be allowed to stay out until midnight anymore.”

“But mom I can’t-”

“No buts” and she hung up, leaving a frustrated Sakura.

‘Think Sakura, how can I make it home in fifteen minutes. Oh! I know, the park. But, do I really want to go through the park this late at night. Well I’m going to have to.’ Crossing the road, she ran half a block back towards Ino’s house. Once coming to the gate, she ran on the path. After about five minutes she was more then half way exit and was about half way to her house. Sakura slowed down and decided to walk for a bit.

There was no light, except the moon to guide Sakura. Hearing something behind her, she looked, and saw nothing but a shadow of a tree, the leave moving in the slight breeze. Sakura sped up a bit. A bird chirped beside her, causing her to jump. She put a hand over her racing heart, in an attempt to slow it.

‘Oh, I’m just being silly.’ She thought.

She felt the chill of the wind surround her as it made a eerie whistle. She turned her head as she heard a snapping of a twig. She picked up her pace as her heart sped up. Sakura looked behind her to see if anyone was following her and she bumped into something hard. Falling down to the ground Sakura looked up into the eyes of a grinning man. He was messy and unkempt and looked to be in his forties. Sakura could smell the stench of stale sake as he laughed dryly at her.

“What’s a pretty girl like you doing out here all by herself? Maybe you would like some company. Don’t ‘cha think boys.”

Sakura got to her feet and did the first thing that came to mind. She ran as fast as her body allowed. Getting past the man, she already knew it was pointless. She was still tired from running before. He laughed at her, so taking a glace back at him, Sakura saw the man smirking at her. Confusion crossing her face, Sakura suddenly ran into a second man. This one grabbed her before she could fall, and turned her to face the man from before.

“Hold her against the tree.”

“Right boss.” Came two voices behind her; one from the man that was currently holding her, and the other from a man fairly near to him. She was then roughly shoved against the nearest tree and held to it by the two that were behind her. Sakura tried to struggle, but it was to no use. So she tried something else.

“HE-” Was all she was able to get out before a force was driven into her stomach causing her to lose her breath.

“Yell again and you will be in more pain then you can imagine.” Sakura tried to regulate her breathing when suddenly the man in front of her roughly brought his mouth to hers and started the bruising kiss. He pinched her hard, so that she opened her mouth in pain. Immediately shoving his tongue into her mouth. She could taste the sake in his mouth and nearly gagged. Sakura bite hard down and heard a yelp from the man in front of her. She then spat in his face and looked at the man defiantly. She could see his face clearly now; his eyes looked cold and bloodshot. They were staring at her menacingly as he wiped the spit off his face and growled in his throat.

Bringing out a knife, the man brought it to her throat, “Try that again bitch and you’ll die sooner.” Looking to the man on her right, he added, “Make sure she can’t scream.”

The man to her right then covered her mouth with his hand; effectively muffling any sound she would make. Lowering the knife, he cut the front of her shirt open, then ripping it off of her body. Sakura whimpered and started to cry. The man now held a fierce look of lust in his eyes as he eyed her body and breasts. He unbuttoned his pants and Sakura started struggling hard; attempting to scream, but having it muffled by the hand over her mouth. This earned herself a searing pain on her stomach where he had dragged the knife. She closed her eyes tightly and screamed. She could feel her warm blood slowly make it's way down her skin. By this time she had tears streaming down her face.

They all heard loud and clear the echoing footsteps of someone slowly walking on the path in their direction. “Quite!” Came a hushed whisper from one of the men around her. Seeing her chance, Sakura bit hard down onto the hand covering her mouth.

“HEEELLLP” Came the blood curling scream before she was effectively knocked unconscious.



With Sasuke



“HEEELLLP” Sasuke immediately turned his head towards the sound of the girls‘ cry for help. He was off in a flash. Sasuke came to a scene of two men holding a woman to a tree and another man covering said woman’s body with his own.

“Let her go.” Came the firm voice of Sasuke. A look in his eyes daring them to defy him.

“What are you going to do about it pretty boy? Drop the girl. Let’s get him boys.”

Rage filled the Uchiha’s eyes as the men came forward. Skilfully dodging a punch from one, he sent a right hook at his head; effectively knocking him down. The others came at the same time. Sasuke ducked the oncoming attack; tripping one and kicking the other. The supposed leader stood up, grunting in annoyance and wiping the mud off of his face, before charging once more. This time Sasuke grabbed his arm and twisted it behind the man’s back before grabbing the knife out of his pocket.

“Leave now or I’ll kill him.” Sasuke threatened as he drew a little blood.

The look in his eyes told the men that he wasn’t joking. They just looked at each other and ran like the devil himself was chasing them. Sasuke let the fearful man go and looked over to the girl they had unceremoniously dropped. He shook his head and started to walk away, contempt that he had saved her while working out some frustration.

‘Wait…. Pink hair… There’s only one girl I know with pink hair.’ He turned around and hurried over to the girl and proceeded to roll her onto her back. ‘Sakura’.