Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mondays Suck ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Wait! Kakashi-san is here?” Raidou asked pointedly.
“Hai.” Genma responded almost frightened.
“And Iruka is going out there?”
“Hai.” Genma said backing up a bit more.
“Oh my…” Raidou smiled fiendishly.
“I am deeply confused.” Poor Genma was very in the dark.
“What do you think you're doing here?!?!” Iruka yelled from the base of a tree. Kakashi jumped down and greeted the chuunin with a happily curved eye.
“Oi, did you read my report?” Kakashi asked in an oddly cheerful tone.
“I didn't exactly have time. I was busy making sure you didn't die, feel free to thank me at any point by the way. Genma read it.”
Kakashi's eye seemed to be able to infer almost any facial expression because Iruka could tell he was pouting. “No!” Kakashi whined. “That's not right at all. That report was written for you. Genma is stupid. Don't you think he has a stupid face? I do.” Kakashi stuck his tongue out at this and proceeded to cross his arms firmly across his chest as if to emphasize his point.
Iruka stared at the genius in utter disbelieve. He felt like he was dealing with a six year old. He had been fairly certain Kakashi hadn't even acted like this when he was a six year old… what the hell? He was behaving like a pouty school girl. What exactly had that poison done to him?
“Were you supposed to leave the hospital Kakashi-san?” Iruka asked, finally addressing the hospital garb that had gotten him in such a foul mood to begin with. You try worrying about some idiot all night only to find them stalking you, rather blatantly, the next day after having escaped from the hospital. Kakashi was going to die, and it was going to be all Iruka's fault, and he would inevitably get kicked out of the village for it since that kind of thing never happens… wow he needed sleep.
“No.” Kakashi answered. “But I wanted to know what you thought of my missions report. I worked very hard on it.”
“Well, I'll have to read it later I guess, but for now, let's get you to see Tsunade-sama.”
Kakashi actually shuddered at the mention of the Hokage's name. “Ew. Girls have cooties.”
Iruka grabbed the psycho by the arm and carted him off to see the Hokage.
Once inside her office, Iruka tried to let go of Kakashi, but realized somewhere along the way they had ended up holding hands and Kakashi didn't seem to keen on letting go. Weird.
“What do you want?” The busty blonde inquired, not even bothering to look up from her mound of paperwork.
“Well, Kakashi-san escaped from the hospital, and he's acting… strangely.”
“He's been poisoned. Can't you fix him?” Iruka asked angrily.
“No. It's too late. The poison will have to run its course. He'll be fine.”
“He's acting like a child. What kind of poison makes a grown man act like…” Iruka looked at Kakashi, leaning into him and… smelling him? “… Like that?”
Tsunade grinned to herself, but said nothing.
“This isn't funny! It's awkward. He's being weird, and he thinks girls have cooties…”
“Because they do.” Kakashi explained. “And it's not like I'm stupid or deaf. I can hear you and I understand what you're saying.”
Iruka blushed sheepishly and Tsunade's grin grew a bit wicked. Iruka didn't even want to know what she was thinking.
“Whatever.” Kakashi sighed and rested his head on the shorter man's shoulder looking quite content to stay there. This earned him a confused stare, but Tsunade only grew more amused with the situation and Iruka's reaction to it.
“Kakashi-san is simply having trouble with his psyche. It has to do with a chemical imbalance in is frontal lobe and a lot of big words and boring details. He'll be perfectly fine in about an hour.” Tsunade reassured the chuunin, yet she continued to grin in a way that did anything but reassure the brunette.
“How exactly would a poison do this much damage to his psyche?” Iruka asked, a bit skeptical.
“I don't really know. I could explain to you the biology of it, but like I said, it's a lot of big words and boring details that would mean almost nothing to you. I really don't understand psychology so if that's what you're asking about, you're going to have to talk to Ibiki. All I know is that he was poisoned, but it's nothing serious so stop worrying, you're making me feel nervous. I'm gonna need a drink soon if you don't calm down.”
“You just want to use that as an excuse for drinking.” Iruka sighed.
“See, girls are dumb. I never liked them.” Kakashi commented and sounded quite content nuzzling the crook of Iruka's neck.
“Iruka, you read his report. He's vulnerable right now. Kami knows he wouldn't have been able to write it in any other situation, we've all been waiting for…” Tsunade cleared her throat and sighed. “Just, don't be stupid, okay?”
Iruka looked puzzled. “Genma read the report.”
“Yeah, and I sent him to give it to you.” Tsunade said sounding quite agitated.
“Well, he didn't.” Iruka said matter of factly.
“That's because he's an idiot who sucks at life.” Raidou informed them as he barged in, handing Iruka the report. Genma followed not too far behind. “Read it.” Raidou ordered as if he were talking to Genma. Iruka gave Raidou a warning glance before looking at the report.
“I thought he knew.” Genma tried to explain, but no one was listening. “Everyone else in the village knew even without the report,” he muttered to himself.
Iruka looked at Kakashi who had taken to blushing shyly. The mask hid it for the most part, but Iruka could feel the heat rising in the other man's face due to their intimate position.
Why was Kakashi blushing? And what the hell was in that report?
Iruka looked up from the paper.
“I do not understand.” He stated darkly, his face was stained red.
“But I drew pictures.” Kakashi noted, pointing out an example on the page.
“First of all, I don't think it's physically possible to bend that way and second, huh?”
Kakashi was growing impatient. “I like you Umino Iruka-san. I wish to be your boyfriend forever and always. I want to buy you flowers, and surprise you by showing up on time. I want to take you out for dinner and coffee and movies. I want to make you smile and laugh and blush and scream my name while I have you bent over the—“
“That's quite enough!” Raidou shouted, saving the wide-eyed, red-faced Iruka from further embarrassment.
“Oh come on! It was just getting good.” Genma whined.
“Out.” Raidou ordered and Genma obeyed. Raidou strode out of the room after the senbon-sucker and something about the way they left told Iruka that Genma would be walking funny in the morning. Ifuka shook the mental image from his head and focused on the situation at hand.
“How long will the poison be in his system?” Iruka asked in a wary tone.
“How many times are you going to ask that?” The chuunin glared at her. “About an hour, but he seems to be over that regression phase.”
“Well, what phases are left then?”
“The one he's in now, lack of inhibitions which shouldn't be all that different from his usual self, and then there should be a short span in which his frontal lobe basically shuts down to sort of reboot and then he'll be fine.”
“A short period?”
“Five minutes at the most.”
Iruka sighed heavily. This certainly would be interesting.
“Don't look so glum Iruka-san. He said he wanted to show up on time. I didn't even think that was possible.”
Iruka groaned and walked out of Tsunade's office, unsurprisingly, Kakashi followed.
“Are you just going to stalk me all day?” Iruka asked sounding quite tired of everything. He needed a break.
“You never gave me an answer.” Kakashi stated blandly. At least he was done acting like a six year old.
“No, I don't suppose I did. But if you're going to follow me around all day, you'd better get some clothes on.”
“Okay.” Kakashi shrugged and jutsu-ed them both to his apartment without another word.
“I didn't mean I wanted to come with you.” Iruka said annoyed yet again.
“No, but now you're here. I'll only be a moment.” And with that Kakashi went to change. Before Iruka had any kind of chance to look around or run horrified out the door, the scarecrow was back. He was wearing his dark blue mask and headband along with a pair of uniform pants that sat dangerously low on his hips, revealing a teasing bit of skin. His shirt was navy blue and clung to him just enough to hint at the well sculpted muscles underneath, but not enough to really be considered tight. Iruka had to fight the urge to nosebleed and settled on blushing instead.
Oh Kami! This is a cruel joke. I don't need this. Genma probably put him up to this. He's always trying to get me laid. But then again Raidou is more perceptive, I wouldn't be surprised if he's bicked up on the fact that I'm hot for Kakashi… he always seems to notice when I like someone… Who am I kidding? Those two do everything together, they're both in on it! Iruka sighed to himself. That doesn't even make sense…
“So, Iruka-san, what were your plans for today?” Kakashi drawled out, making every word sound like sex without really changing his tone at all.
“Um, nothing really. Work mostly I guess.” Iruka said trying desperately not to imagine the copy-nin naked doing ungodly things to his person.
“I think I can come up with something a bit more interesting.” Kakashi said, sounding like sex in a way Iruka would marvel at for the rest of forever, and this time he was walking toward the dolphin, allowing his hips to sway slightly.
“I, um, I have work to do.” Iruka stuttered out. This was not going well at all… oh dear. Kakahi was only inches away from him now and Iruka realized quite frantically that he was standing against a wall.
“Tsk, tsk sensei.” Kakashi whispered in a husky voice while his nimble fingers made quick work removing the younger man's headband, and began working on the hair tie. “All work and no play, you should know better.”
“Kakashi-san, I have class in the morning.” Iruka pleaded.
“Yes, but for now you're free and you deserve a little fun.” His statement was punctuated by Iruka's hair falling about his face, framing it perfectly.
“Kakashi-san, please stop.” Iruka begged trying to squirm away, but the way he said it seemed to beg for Kakashi to continue. He was out of breath and blushing shyly, and he was leaning into Kakashi's touches against his own will.
“Stop what?” Kakashi asked innocently. “I haven't even done anything…yet.” And with that Kakashi took one final step forward and closed the distance between them.
Kakashi's movement pressed their groins together. Iruka gasped in a mixture of shock and pleasure and clung to Kakashi in an effort to stay upright. The jounin took this as encouragement and began rocking his hips. Iruka was panting heavily, lips parted slightly and blushing like mad.
“Nnnhnn, Kakashi-san please.” Iruka moaned out, and neither man knew exactly what he meant by that.
Kakashi pulled his mask off along with is headband. There was a brief moment in which Iruka took in the sharp, striking features of the other man before their lips met and he lost all coherent thought. Kakashi's lips were soft against his own and Iruka could feel his ragged breathing as Kakashi's hips continued to rock wantonly.
They continued that way for a long moment before Kakashi's movements became more harsh. Iruka parted his lips to let out a moan, and Kakashi took the opportunity to slip his tongue into Iruka's mouth. The jounin lifted Iruka and braced him against the wall. Iruka wrapped his legs around the older man's waist and noticed for the first time that his own hips had taken to moving in time with Kakashi's.
I really shouldn't be doing this. He can't control himself. I'm—OH KAMI!!!!—I'm taking advantage. Iruka managed to think.
Their groins rubbed together in a particularly slow motion, and their new position only heightened Iruka's pleasure. Kakashi knew exactly what he was doing, and it left Iruka shaking with pleasure and clinging to the silver haired man. Kakashi buried his face in Iruka's neck and let out a strained moan.
“Kakahi, stop. You don't—nnghnn—you don't know what you're doing.” Iruka managed between pants.
“No -san sensei?” Kakashi smirked. “You'd think we were intimate or something.” The scarecrow slid Iruka's vest off and began pulling off the brunette's shirt.
“Please, just stop.” Iruka moaned out as the shirt was pulled over his head.
“No more talking.” Kakashi grunted out and took a dusky nipple into his mouth. Iruka practically screamed in pleasure and ran tan fingers through strands of silver hair, silently begging for more. The jounin continued his ministrations as he undid Iruka's pants and began stroking him as he gently bit one of the chuunin's nipples before switching his attention to the other. Iruka's hips bucked as Kakashi's movements became more animalistic. The dolphin was reduced to a rather loud, mewling sack of pleasure. Kakashi's hand pulled at his member roughly and his finger tips gently massaged the tip. Iruka was in heaven.
Just as Iruka began to totter off the edge, Kakashi stopped. He seemed almost frozen in place.
“Fuck.” Kakashi muttered after a moment and began backing away. “I'm sorry Iruka-san.”