Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Money ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Authors Note: yah… this is the first fic I've done I a while, so sorry if its really crappy. I tried it a while ago, but it didn't work out. I've been to busy to write these things lately… tons of homework, and I just went to sakura con. It was really fun, I got to see tons of awesome cosplays, and I cosplayed as Anna from shaman king. Anyhow, this fic was inspired when rereading the 4th naruto for the 12th time or so… and was written at 11:30 at night when I ate far too much ice cream, so I dun know where I'm going with it. Ohh well.
Disclaimer: I own a naruto pillow, headband, and 1-6 of the manga, but not the manga, anime, the characters themselves, or the rights to them. If I did own it I wouldn't let Haku die. He's to cool to die!! *sits in a corner sobbing after thinking of the part where Haku dies*
Haku sighed, staring blankly into the darkness. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Over the past few days, he had not been able to do anything at all, seeing that Zabuza was gone. The utter boredom was steadily driving him insane.
Zabuza had left 4 days before, going to the land of the mist to check out an assassination job of some bridge builder. And so Haku was left to keep watch over their *temporary home (they were always running from the shinobi hunters, so they moved quite often). Zabuza had, unfortunately, left no direct instructions, other than to keep away from places that shinobi hunters may be searching, and to wait for his return. The only pass time Haku had was to take care of his assorted plants, which, being small, quiet, and almost unnoticeable, provided little relief.
Haku slowly got up from the chair he had been sitting on, beginning to pace about, searching for something, anything to do. Wandering about, he decided to get something to eat, a midnight snack. Walking into the kitchen, Haku headed straight towards the refrigerator. He peered inside, searching what rations they had left. What food they had was surprisingly scarce, only a few assorted dishes where left. First was some curry, but it was the spicy kind, far to hot for his pallet. Quickly pushing that aside, Haku continued his search. Next, Haku came upon some soba noodles, which he decided was probably the best they had, and set aside, though he had decided to see what else they had left, and had decided to also, finally find where the rancid stench that had lingered in the refrigerator for as long as he could remember was coming from.
They had about 2 meals worth of food left, Haku finally decided. They had a small amount of miso left, the curry which, though he hated it, Haku knew he would end up eating, some rice, and a small amount of fish. He had also, as he had hoped, found the thing making the intence smell that filled the kitchen every time either he or Zabuza opened up the door. The package had said that it was some tofu, expiration date about 7 years gone, though Haku sincerely believed that it had been alive at some time or another. Plugging his nose, he picked up the package in disgust, his face cringing at the multicolored sight, and threw it out the window, the stench too rancid to bear any longer.
Anyhow, Haku knew that 2 meals, was far to few. He could fast until Zabuza got back, but what then? He would undoubtedly be hungry and tired from his trip. Haku would have to take a trip to the market, though he hated to do it. He went to the cupboard to get a pair of chopsticks, and sat down. The marketplace was under constant watch by the shinobi hunters for renegade nin, and it would be difficult to pull off. Haku cringed at the thought of how close he had been to capture last time he had gone shopping, almost able to hear his blood splatter over the walls of a dark alleyway, as dark memories of running down long alley ways flashed through his mind. No, he had to stop thinking about that, it only made him more worried. This time, he would have to take time to plan carefully, and make sure to conceal himself with the strongest ninjutsu he could manage. It was time to go shopping.
A N: Yah, tell me if ya have any suggestions or anything… I'm gonna add new chapters whenever I get the time and muse, so be patient. I'm also gonna try some FMA ficcs soon probably, so sorry if I dun update to often.
* I put `temporary home' down, because I didn't really know what to call where they lived. HQ or home just didn't sound quite right, anyone got any ideas?